Someone who took many drugs, uppers, downers,narcotics, yet she always tried to better herself, in acting, in life. He found her like that, turned on the heating, drove home and did his laundry, leaving her in the car. Demri was passionate about many things and excelled in art and theater. She didnt want to be known asLayne Staleys girlfriend, but she started to be known this way. I started to dislike him then. Know that you are loved, and that we all care about you. I hope they are in peace and my prayers are with the family and friends. Anway hope you continue to find this website informative and fun to visit. As a loved one, you have to be alert. She was just honestly sweet and kind to literally everyone around her. I could not have put it better.Recovering addict myself. Lol. He is artistic, plays the drums and guitar, he has natural talent. Just how much sense does that make? Ok, thank you Liz! Do not let it get YOU! He is at rehab all drugs are drugs so I think he was right, besides why not. Makes me scared to have children. Demri died in oct 1996 and Rosheen died in 1997. FULL FILM: in Chains lineup throughout the Layne Staley era consisted of Layne Staley (87 - 98), Jerry Cantre. Jerry would make these stupid, hazily spiteful remarks like were standing by Layne and I love him anyway. Who wants to be loved anyway? And the thing was that Layne was really bouncing back at this time. Sadly, another member of the 27 Club, Press J to jump to the feed. Young, but very sexy. thank you Barbara if you see this for sharing all this information. Ive read this a few places. Nice whataboutism. Like I said, Ill pray for you and hopefully god will lift you up. SomeoneI dont want to say whobrought him some heroin because they couldnt find any coke. Just dropping in to see if there have been any new stories to read , Its awesome designed for me to have a web page, which is valuable designed for my knowledge. Seems like it takes much courage and heart to do so. Apparently she made friends with some of the elderly people and used to make them laugh. Barbara, I found an interview of ALC at the backstage of Lolapalooza in 1993 and the good news is that Demri was caught by the camera . This photo was not uploaded because you have already uploaded 15 photos to this memorial. Mad Season was an American rock super group formed in 1994 as a side project of members of other bands in the Seattle grunge scene (Layne was the lead singer with Pearl Jams guitarist Mike McCready, drummer Barrett Martin of Screaming Trees and bassist John Baker Saunders). I love it! Thanks for your honest opinion when you look at it like that its true im thinking of friends from 16yrs ago and even if someone wrote a book on me that facts are so not lined up with who i really am Hey everyone, im a long time lurker but never have posted not sure why. So thanks for always showing us the best of Demri! Murphy, and Christa Dougherty (step-sister)) Nationality: American The Koa story has her at Laynes place until about 8 days before she passed. Layne Staley believed that the ghost of Demri visited him just days before his April 2002 death. She was the biological daughter of Kathleen Ann ne Austin and Dennis Wayne Dougherty, but at the time of her birth, her 18-year-old mother had been married to Stephen John Parrott, aged 21, for 21 days. The fabric alone I spent thousands on which in the 80s is a lot, considering everyone else in that scene was flat broke. Soon I heard he had passed on. When someone you care about turns blue and stops breathing that will mess with you forever. The photo of Demri on the couch in lingerie is at my apt on Queen Anne, the one Andy died at. So that would be nice. The did accept him but it never worked out. . Poor girl. Sorry I really wasnt trying to make this about me just stating that the daily struggle is so hard and it always helps to have those who have been there talk you through it. By the time he tried to wake her she was in a coma. That would mean everything to me. *Please watch her video called What the Cancer Industry doesnt want YOU to know and her video called Terminal Brain Cancer Cured On Raw Food. Just stop! I feel like some people enter the world with their story written for them already. Im a long time AIC fan and think Layne was the most underrated ARTIST of our time. I hated that no one knew who she was. Just saying that Demri could have done so much more. See at 2:32 here: there are two girls. I guess anyone could do the research and read all the interviews and maybe even talk to the people who knew them but no one is going to get it completely right. His body took a while to die, but his spirit lived on, as did Demris, after her passing. As a three-year-old, Demri was . into dope deep at that point, and one time I saw her on the bus and she pulled up her shirt and showed me her scar from when she was on the hospital table and they had to massage her heart back to life. Depends on the person but most would do anything to be all that their families wanted for and from them but addicts can get so far gone and lost that they cant see the light at the end of the heroin tunnel anymore and heroin has become their everything. Last week she broke down mentally and was calling and texting me non stop saying she wanted to hurt herself and she felt like a piece of shit for doing this to me, she wanted me to come over to help her out with her breakdown so I . The picture depicted Staley enjoying a cigarette outside the venue. And their angel wings. Nope I wanna be up in a loved ones home on the fireplace mantel by the TV.some people really just dont care! He loved Oscar, his sisters baby. I bring it up also because I know her family would prefer it be used that way. Demri was five feet tall and tiny, and Xana was six feet tall and, like, Amazon. And I used to live my life just like layne and demri. Who would your Mom or Dad or best friend mention in your Obit? It was love at first sight. Yes, she died young, of mysterious circumstances, but she made a living for herself. RIP Demri, Layne, Rosheen and Mike. Not sure why but it left me feeling weird. Layne was around more drugs due to his lifestyle. The last public appearance he made was almost four years before his death when he attended his bandmate Jerry Cantrell's solo concert in Seattle on Halloween in 1998. She would be in there for months at a time following serious operations on her heart that left a foot long scar on her chest, and she had a pacemaker installed. I can see where someone would think it was her if they did not know her personally.. you know how you could pick out your best friends from just a shadow or the back of their head well that is how I am as well and that is not her. If thats true then her story is skewed and should be viewed as such (thats a word of caution to the next intrepid armchair detective who gets this far) Its funny how the internet makes it possible for anyone with curiosity and an active imagination to dig up these stories and become fascinated with the lives of people theyve never met who have passed away. The place was supposed to be for both. De Sola writes in Alice in Chains: The Untold Story: People who knew very well Layne and Demri, in general, agreed and told me that Layne never surpassed Demris death. I had read that Jack had her on tape at one of his photo shoots. That was the last public performance that Staley ever did. I visit Demris Facebook page every once in a while and Ive learned that her closest friends dont like to disclose a lot. Shes a vegan and follows raw till four which is like raw veganism but includes a cooked vegan meal at dinner time. Read that on someones Pinterest. Id cook up some favorite foods like my scampi tacos, phad Thai, smoked chix green chili enchiladas, and Layne loved his pot roast meal and Demri Fettuccine. Seattle police reportedly found Staley on his couch, weighing 86 pounds. She was around five feet tallmaybe even shorterand was stunningly beautiful. Then management needs to discuss the contents with the bandlet them know its a brotherhood or sisterhood. You can just tell when you talk to certain people, especially females. ago These are the last photos of Demri taken 8 weeks before her death. i hope all the people who shared their stories here are doing well and i pray for those who have lost their battles and for their families as well. Oh manI wrote all that for nothing. No problem. Just rude and no respect Or those already gone like Demri and Layne.. best thing they can come up with is they have a life to live??? They both wanted to live a normal life, get married, but the drugs stood in the way. That is a horrible excuse some addicts may use to treat people badly, steal from people they know or physically hurt people.. thats all on them still. Drugs can bring you to the highest heights. Every story is different so I cant claim to say this is the best advice for every person with an addict in their lives. I liked Classic rock and blues when I was 11. Why dont you read my other posts? View the latest Demri Parrott photos. He had his cats and a nice place to live and his art and his hobbies. pfft, you didn't even fkn know her. She was really frisky; she was all over everybody. I hate the way he made people feel, so worthless and small. R.I.P. But why? His style was like no other. But, success is no good, if theyre not here. Mrs. Austin, you tell of how Demri suffered, how she had gifts, it was her calling in life to teach and not to learn and to give unconditional love to all, yet you put her grandmother and the headstone that she made for Demri, down. She was perfect just the way she was, Demri could pull of any look and this picture is a great example of her versatility as a model. I respect that. I cannot imagine how you feel I have so much empathy for you. I just wish that they both had survived, Layne marrying her, but it seems that she didnt want to get married. Writing your own book would be such a trip..imagine visiting the old places and mentally putting yourself back there to get into that mind frame to bitterweet. Im sorry, but I just cant stand the man. What a hard an painful situation. They were very discreet about it. Demri, who was the cutest, most beautiful thing in the world, came up to me one night and lifted up her shirt. (I never knew about Demri until I discovered this site and got to know BarbaraI consider her a friend and thank her for putting this wonderful site together.). Andrew Wood. This blog says everything I wanted to say! Everything has already been said here, but I want to thank you personally. at this time of year. Demri Lara Parrott(February 22, 1969 - October 29, 1996) was best known for Demri Parrott her relationship with Layne Staley, the singer of rock band Alice in Chains. Just one of many reasons I want to be cremated so Im not out in a cemetery forgotten about like by some prick like that! I thought here may be a good place. I'm fascinated at how a beautiful young lady like Demri lost control of her life to drugs. They both were on a downward spiral without a safety net. Bless you. It was kept by a friend over the years, who had it in a box and it was in perfect condition. Now for the more positive things: Demri Parrott (which I recently found out was pronounced Puh-Row) was described by everyone who knew her as a bubbly, charismatic and beautiful girl. I guess Im looking at the wrong fb pages. Layne was always really quiet about it. Yes, families fight, a lot, but in death should not peace be made between everyone? She didnt met her biological father and half sister until she was an adult. On top of this, Staley had lost his ability to ingest food and survived off supplements for the last few years of his life. Hopefully others will not make the same mistakes that so many of us have. Just wanted to say hi and that I really love all the site and all the posts about Layne and Demris music, art and lives. Or they try to do 3x what they usually do or something stupid like that. I know this is an old post but why did you put Demris name in quotes? Full name: Demri Lara Parrott Murphy Date of birth: February 22, 1969 Died: October 29, 1996 Age at death: 27 years old Parents: Kathleen Austin (mother) Dennis Wayne Dougherty (father), Stephen John Parrot (stepfather) Siblings: 4 (Devin C. Remme, Derek J.P. Murphy, David J.M. But they just often acted like a married couple. We need to find a way to unite and help our sons, daughters, friends, lovers, entertainers. Layne continued touring, they both continued the drugs. I moved thousands of miles away, he changed his email address and, though we spoke on the phone a few times since then it was only about little things.
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