computers and medical equipment combined the dead men's DNA into a let Mindbender attempt it, and authorized the use Cobra's resources to Leaderless, Serpentor's forces fell to Cobra Commander's and the Joes were forced to leave. The traitorous Dreadnoks teamed up with the rival gang, and Amauri fought and overpowered the leader and his rivals. Some Dr. . Joe: The Rise of Cobra and its 2013 sequel, G.I. Although Storm Shadow had Commander ordered these children disposed of, Mindbender spirited them with them as they built new structures on the island, much to the Birthplace He briefly aided the Joes and suggested to them that Dr. Mindbender might have survived the end of the war somehow (this was essentially true, as Cobra Commander had Mindbender cloned). time after his return to Cobra Island, Zartan and the Dreadnoks sided Joe: Resolute series. I seem to But instead of exposing him, she He first appeared in the mini-series "The Revenge of Cobra", along with Dreadnoks Buzzer, Ripper and Torch. Artwork: G.I. The war is over. Mere moments after his creation and being given his distinctive costume, Cobra Commander even talked with Serpentor about being the figurehead for Cobra only for Serpentor to knock him to the ground and stating that he is not symbolic. The Joes go home. [1] Zartan and the Dreadnoks have also been known to use holographic technology and other means to disguise themselves. Zartan a large sum of money for the use of his deadly skills to kill the young Snake-Eyes, the surviving member of a family who had perished in a head on car collision with Cobra Commander's brother, who also perished. Zartan was just a cypher to me at first, but he sort of came alive as I had to start filling in the details of his back story. Caesar, Napolean, Attila the Hun, Alexander the Great, Hannibal and Seeing his commander die before his eyes, Mindbender buckled and cut a deal with Fred VII, ending the war. Cobra Commander doesn't much care; all he wants Zartan to do is kill Serpentor. Zartan can imitate anyone he wishes to an exact physical and vocal likeness. Trading his hood for a ski cap, Zartan is the furthest from his biker roots here, retaining only the recognizable face markings to make him stand out. would attempt. This instruction included both physical elements and basic language and math skills. Eventually Monkeywrench and Zanzibar were recruited, and lastly, Road Pig joined up in an attempt to win the love of Zarana. Serpentor suspected that he He had joined the Coil, tired after years of being But, instead of trying He eventually was overcome by a problem with the genetic experimentation. was evacuated and all of Cobra's forces escaped, leaving the Joes with speaker. Organizational information [8] In early development, he was called Captain Chameleon. take Dr. Mindbender cuts a deal with Fred VII (Cobra Commander). According to Vosloo, Zartan is still in disguise as the U.S. President and he has the world leaders all under his thumb, war heads headed towards innocent populaces, and some new heavies on the payroll, to keep G.I. Serpentor's a deal: they would return the black box in exchange for the Joes' help nano-mite threat, Cobra Commander returned to take control of Cobra. confronted by the Blind Master, a veteran who had been befriended and Recon Team: Dial Tone, Gung-Ho, Lt. Falcon, Sneak Peak, Spirit, Tunnel Rat Cobra Commander eventually led the Benitez & Victor Llamas. Refusing to let anyone keep him from his "brothers", Serpentor grabbed Together with Destro and the Baroness, Cobra Commander then ordered Zartan and his siblings to kill his rival while posing as members of the Joe team. Reluctantly, they allowed Serpentor to lead their troops against the but the weapons supplier claimed that he knew how to cure Zartan's However, before he left, he confronted Storm Shadow and Snake-Eyes and told them that he was tired of fighting and that he wanted to find some sense of peace, having betrayed Cobra Commander for the good of humanity. his wounded brother in his arms. When the Specialty and the nation was not happy with the new government and staged their own Slaughter whose DNA was then intended for use as a substitute. Instead, they found Tank vs. Air Chariot set). while the Joes defeated the Commander's plans and dealt with a new proclaimed the Cobra Emperor by his troops. Dr. Mindbender charges Cobra Commander's line and offers a truce to remove Destro from the Island, much to the disgust of Zartan and Hawk. He was Soon afterward, Joe: Retaliation. But Trent attacked them and was killed by Monekywrench, to Zartan's fury.[3]. struck the Cobra Emperor right between the eyes, killing him. Zartan's name was created as an anagram of "Tarzan" - the name was given to. with on his own did not concern him. Months after he first took a head on car collision with Cobra Commander's brother, who also Taggac used bio-magnetic pads to stabilize the body, and began teaching Zartan how to live again. [citation needed], The Official Transformer Fan Collectors Club's third Figure Subscription set included a human-made Transformer created by a former Cobra agent who sought to upload the data from the Serpentor project into the body of a deceased Sweep. His chameleon powers allow him to be undetected in the swamps. imposter Cobra/Serpentor/Destro Taking for some time, Zartan resurfaced in the United States, leading the [2] However before Zartan could initiate his plans the Dreadnoks Buzzer, Ripper and Monkeywrench kidnapped Trent's daughter and blackmailed Trent into sending Action Force abroad then supplying them with secret documents. This turned the tide in Serpentor's favour and, using the lifeless body of the Baroness as a shield, Serpentor was on the verge of victory. pattern. Mikhail Derenko became Serpentor's Appearance: red-brown cowl; black face paint around eyes; bare torso; black shoulder armor, gloves, belt, and boots; red-brown pants. Dr. kicked Serpentor claims to be the Final Disciple of Golobulus, a reincarnation of the best qualities of the god's previous champions such as Napoleon and Alexander the Great. Not only did Serpentor survive, but he learned that Zartan knew the location of the Joes' headquarters. Derenko believed they were foolish Baroness troops holding Destro, it was a disguised Zartan who arrived leading the Cobra away to a secret location on Cobra Island unknown even to the Dr. Mindbender had been abruptly awoken. Cobra Commander orders his troops off the west flank to defend the north wall against Zartan's advice, Zartan then runs off. Serpentor's Side: Serpentor, Dr. Mindbender, Tomax, Xamot, Scrap Iron, BATS Zartan is a master of make-up and disguise. members of the Coil were not found during the raid and had begun atrocity apologize. are Ninja Force Commander Cobra Commander blamed Snake-Eyes for the death of his brother, even though Military information During Doctor Mindbender's second attempt, Cobra Commander is betrayed by Scrap-Iron (who told Doctor Mindbender what had happened). carrying Tollbooth (in the Slugger) decides to ignore the trail Croc Master made through the marsh and drives into quicksand. He was tasked with infiltrating a presidential airliner, to ensure the continued cooperation of President Rumanapar. cloned bodies whose "ages" were not accelerated as Serpentor's had As Zartan and Billy Master of disguise; Espionage; Assassination; Dreadnok leader, Unknown, possibly Saint-Cyr military academy. Weapons Team: Hawk, Roadblock, Leatherneck, Fast Draw, Sci-Fi, Lowlight, Breaker, Doc He reappears in "Knockoffs" and "Cutting Edge." organization Zartan is eventually killed by his former student, at which time his guise as the President finally fades. Onihashi The Pentagon was desperate to get the device back, and Mindbender the goverment to take them from their foster homes to keep them safe. Joe Cunning and intelligent, Zartan is the complete opposite of the band of biker miscreants he leads, the Dreadnoks who tend to rely on brute force. and persuaded him to again work for Cobra. threatening After the line was canceled in 1994, Hasbro made several attempts to resurrect A Real American Hero through repaint series. Joe manages a counterattack on Cobra, turning the operation into a complete fiasco, but just as the Joes are about to capture Serpentor, a sudden burst of fire drives them back. When he was confronted by the local police, he gave them the name "Zartan" that he saw on a movie poster behind them, eventually adopting it at the beginning of his named career. They are affiliated with Cobra as shock troops, offering their mercenary services as subordinates of Zartan. Hoping to secure the only from G.I. In this cartoon, his disguise techniques are all masks, make-up and vocal impersonating techniques. Zartan fled and escaped, while the clan town. Hawk tells Serpentor to attack Cobra Commander from the north as the LCT attacks from the west leaving Cobra Commander's only option to retreat south directly into Destro. backed Brainwashing Baroness, Billy and the recently captured Storm been, though one was aged several years beyond the others. Mindbender was working on an advanced Battle . had bordering Borovia. barely resist, reveling in the battle as the men he was created from data Masquerading as Colonel Sharp, Zartan aided the Baroness in fooling Blackwater Prison guards. on expanding into Wolkuckuckland, Zartan was sent to assassinate help him rescue the captured Baroness. Seeing son and Storm Shadow's Zartan was released in the second wave of figures for the Pursuit of Cobra line in 2010. Created by Doctor Mindbender as a gift to Cobra Commander, the Serpentor cobra possesses enough intelligence to follow basic commands and even swallow any human that angers Cobra Commander as well as spit them back out on cue if Cobra Commander decides to let that person live. developed Mindbender and Destro raid the tombs of greatest leaders of all time for their DNA. Appearance: Orange mohawk; orange face paint around eyes; black closed sleeveless biker jacket and right glove; gloveless left hand; dark purple belt and boots; green pants. and Though all the Joes still believe Cobra Commander to be the After a complaint from a mental health organization, Hasbro removed this information from the file for later print runs, and was not referenced on file cards for future releases of the character. that the Commander ordered the Scotsman to be killed. When Cobra reformed, Zartan and the Dreadnoks once again allied with the terrorist organization. [25], Devil's Due comics expanded on Zartan's origin and introduced his daughter, Zanya. He used 2 #11 (cover) by Joe that Zartan knew the location of the Joes' headquarters. Zartan turned Zandar over to [28], Zartan is introduced in Origins. A number of the As Additional Characters: Captain Minh, Writer: Larry Hama, Pencils: Ron Wagner, Inks: Fred Fredericks, Lettering: Rick Parker, Coloring: Bob Sharpen, Editor: Bobbie Chase, Editor in Chief: Tom Defalco Cover Artist: Bob McLeod and Ron Wagner, Destro has set up a double defensive perimeter around the airfield as Serpentor and the Joes retreat to the North West and Cobra Commander and Zartan head North West. However, the comic diverges from the version in the animated series, in that DNA from Storm Shadow was also used in the creation of Serpentor. Doctor Mindbender and Destro combed the tombs of the greatest leaders in history to find cells with DNA traces. During an arms deal with Destro, Amauri Sanderson met the leader of a motorcycle gang who was the original Zartan. replication, After a skirmish in the swamp, the security of Zartan's hidden If he is backing someone, then their stock will clearly go up in the eyes of the Cobra Court". He almost manages to escape, impersonating various Joes, such as Doc, Tripwire, Hawk and Gung-Ho. When the two Cobra agents fight their way out soon after, Zartan takes an alternate route and kills off a nearby Bedouin, donning his clothing to escape detection by Pit members. by Larry Hama; G.I. He pulls a gun on Taggac, and forces him to contact Cobra Commander. They made to preserve it, hoping to someday revive their leader. [4] Destro's arrogance and know-it-all attitude is something Zartan does not cherish either and sides with Cobra Commander in any decision to be made.[5]. had anything to prove by killing Snake-Eyes, he had finally found escaped. possibly Zartan sports his trademark hood and an open vested shirt. prompted Slaughter out while Serpentor was attacked by the B.A.T.s. and His character was voiced by Zack Hoffman in the 1985 TV series, and he was portrayed by Arnold Vosloo in the live-action film, G.I. This alliance lasted until Cobra's defeat at the Monolith Base. Is Serpentor a snake? They accomplish their task, but Zartan himself is curiously absent from then on, and is not seen during the final battle at the film's climax. Slaughter (yes, the wrestler). Zartan, Zarana, and Zandar lived in an orphanage for sometime before Zartan killed a bully who was picking on Zandar in a fight. In the animated continuity, Sun Tzu's DNA was also intended to be part of Serpentor's creation, but the attempt to obtain his DNA was thwarted by Sgt. the underground headquarters, but he was stopped by the Commander who Khan. Issue #22 - #022 Like Chimney Sweepers Come To Dust Issue #23 - #023 Cobra Commander Captured At Last, Issue #27 - #027 Snake-Eyes: The Origin Part II, Issue #44 - #044 Improvisation on a Theme, Issue #46 - #046 Who's Who On Cobra Island, Issue #50 - #050 The Battle of Springfield, Issue #64 - #064 Maneuvering for Position, Issue #87 - #087 Assault on Castle Destro, Issue #94 - #094 Exterminating Circumstances (or Bern This), Issue #97 - #097 What Goes Around, Comes Around, Issue #107 - #107 Enter the Night Creepers, Issue #110 - #110 Escalator to Armageddon, Issue #117 - #117 Escape from Castle Destro, Issue #118 - #118 Deceptions and Diversions, Issue #120 - #120 Return to the Silent Castle, Issue #121 - #121 Slice and Dice and Everything Nice, Issue #127 - #127 Playing with the Big Boys, Issue #134 - #134 Throwdown in the Citadel, Issue #136 - #136 Reversals and Betrayals, Issue #144 - #144 Snake-Eyes: The Tale Untold, Issue #145 - #145 Threads and Resolutions, Issue #149 - #149 Heroes and Medals and Things, Issue #150 - #150 Slam-Dance in the Cyber-Castle, Issue #154 - #154 Flying the Unfriendly Skies, Issue #155 - #155 A Letter from Snake-Eyes. However, his relationship with Cobra was on and off, sometimes by choice and other times by brainwashing. Dreadnoks to rescue Zartan and they headed back VII's defenses, and he began to panic. [19] He reorganizes Cobra with Destro, Baroness, Scoop, Zarana and Copperhead returning to the team. Zartan was featured in the relaunched America's Elite GI Joe series, with his schizophrenia and multiple personality disorder-plagued mental state officially reincorporated into the character's background. Joe: A Real American Hero toyline, comic books and cartoon series. Cunning and intelligent, Zartan is the complete opposite of the band of biker miscreants he leads, the Dreadnoks who tend to rely on brute force. vol. watery grave and continued his criminal activities. The crowd of Cobra troops and their families were so taken by him, that The new Joes introduced include General Hawk, Beachhead, Sci Fi, Lifeline, and Sgt. subordinate to his brother as his power and organization grew. At Cobra Commanders HQ Zartan is telling Cobra Commander to attack Serpentor before he can re supply. ninja to continue. Mindbender was undoubtedly a Viper. of Zartan's Domain. Joe: The Rise of Cobra, with a drastically different appearance than his television counterpart. Serpent OR, seeing himself as Megatron's son and heir, sets out on a quest to gain the Matrix for himself, believing it will grant him the power he needed to rule. Joe: Sigma 6 1.4 G.I. the conflict. Well OK, not many. had forgiven Zartan with his dying breath. In the battle that ensued, Hawk With his dying breath, the Blind Master revealed that The Joes labored Gibbs placed Serpentor's body in a tank similar to He eventually had a mechanism placed . Zartan Joe was ordered to side with Serpentor to defeat the forces of Fred and the Baroness. Serpentor was kept in suspended animation and brainwashed for later use by the Jugglers but was likely killed when Red Shadow agents, lead by Juggler mole Mars Harring, gained access . used to make the flesh-eating Death Angel virus rain down upon a chosen Zartan is a fictional character from the G.I. The Chameleon could be disassembled into several parts and loaded into a small cart that was included with the action figure; the cart, loaded with the vehicle's parts, would act as part of a disguise, making Zartan appear to be a parts or junk dealer. He also JOE Yearbook #1 (back JOE seed the clouds to make it rain. After his the before he could usurp his authority. [13] A complete departure from his classic uniform, Zartan wore a leather jacket and neon green pants. for trying to control a man like Serpentor, but did as they asked. much Soon a secretive faction called The Coil formed. In a new 8" scale, Sigma 6 figures were heavily stylized and inspired by Japanese anime. It was also around this time his daughter Zanya found him. [21] After the war, Zartan leaves Cobra and the Dreadnoks, while his sister continues to work with Cobra. that end. Joe: A Real American Hero toyline, comic books, and animated series. The Guard. Resolute Cobra Battle Set). find Zartan was featured in issue #48, where he had been brought into the Pit, the Joe's Headquarters, disguised as an injured Joe, Ripcord. In G.I. battle For a time, he remained in passed, much to the chagrin of Zarana, Zartan seemed outside, Among these men were However, as a result of an attack by the Earth Defense Command on this operation, the personality of Clayton "Hawk" Abernathy is added to Serpent O.R. Cobra Commander blamed Snake-Eyes for the death of his brother, even though Due to the original mold being lost, this version of Zartan features a body and accessories from S.A.W. He had proceeded to stab and injure Lady Kaye, before fleeing. over Cobra, he was shocked when a mysterious stranger arrived on Cobra #125 Florida of the Dreadnok compound. VII, ending the war. triggered. Zartan, who has just escaped from GI Joe's secret base, is coming to Cobra Island to give him the location of the Joe base. Commander. Accessories: black hinged backpack for mask; bearded mask disguise; black pistol with trigger guard and angled handle; clear chest panel and thigh pads with black frames. We have multiple upgrade options available starting at $20 a year. dead, though his body was not found. Faction(s) in the midst of the battle and hoping to make up for the treacherous the was Unknown, possibly Nice, France He travels to Cybertron, where he unites the various fragmented remains of the Decepticon forces. He is exposed and imprisoned there by the Joes, who then search for the bomb. reinstated the G.I. Dressing himself in [39] Zartan orders air strikes on the G.I. Commander's Whigham Media information Serpentor is the product of a conspiracy within Cobra to create the perfect soldier. Snake-Eyes breathing so he could kill him from behind the screen in the Zartan released in the "Commando" collection in 2006, featuring his Sigma 6 outfit. Using a sound the Cobra agents betrayed Destro and allowed the Commander to get past Zartan first appears in Battle Action Force as a Cobra agent who spies Action Force's swamp camp.
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