This is impossible in the 5e11 IP to eternity stage due to the sheer multipliers to 1st dimensions. Zero Deaths achievement in Antimatter Dimensions. Popular music (Possible at about 1e150 EP w/active path) - At least 1 normal galaxy required, and will be able to get eventually with more EP and TT, just involves management with replicanti galaxies (180 of them to be exact). However, the ones provided in the cell are the ones intended to be imported by the developers. Buy an Antimatter Galaxy without having Sacrificed this Infinity. Once you get to this phase of the game, the IP and EP multipliers from these paths don't really matter because you're getting so many OoM so quickly, so therefore the big difference in the 2 paths is the replicanti production rate, as well as the greater replicanti multiplier due to the synergy between the Active and ID paths. Because of the slowness of IC4 and IC8, you can't get 'Like jumping on a lego' yet, unless you have enough IP and autoclicker/macro strategies to get it. You can get the 1e40 EP Time Dimension upgrade that multiplies TDs by TT, and the 1e50 EP Time Dimension upgrade that multiplies TDs by days played (could be powerful depending on the amount of time you spent on the game) later on. Your main focus here is to grind more EP, as of right now. This will be important for getting to 1e50 EP. Some pages are hidden initially, so this can only be achieved after Dilation is unlocked. You may need to do 2 RG runs as you approach e240 IP. The capacity for the multiplier doesn't require very fast times, you can have around 0.06 seconds or less if you want. First of all, set all the Dimension/Tickspeed (if you decided to do challenge 9) autobuyers to Buy 10/Buy Max. Get to Infinity with up to 10 (web: only a single) 1st Dimensions without any other Dimensions, Dimension Boosts, or Antimatter Galaxies, while in the 2nd Dimension Autobuyer challenge (, Crunch in C2 with 10 (web: 1) 1st ADs, 0 Dimension Boosts, and 0 Galaxies. Each individual achievement obtained will give a x1.03 multiplier, and an additional x1.25 multiplier is given for every completed row. "Potato" is 1e29, the requirement of the original "Faster than a Potato" achievement, so Potato^286,078 = 1e8,296,262. This will produce 7th dimensions at the 8th dimensions maximum production rate. Replicanti also reset when you infinity. Revisit challenges again. Like regular Challenge 9, this requires very careful planning.]]. The chart above is extremely useful but if you want to, feel free to experiment with time study trees yourself without help of the chart. Get 1.8e308 multiplier in a single Sacrifice. However, before attempting EC4 "for real", you should fail it at least once. All times are in seconds. [[/note]], * MemeticMutation: 5 hours until the update, * MemeticMutation: 5 hours until the update [[note]]When someone asks when the next update's going to come out, "5 hours" is the standard response. Otherwise leave them. Start an Infinity Challenge inside an Eternity Challenge. Antimatter Dimensions is an Idle Incremental sport with a number of layers of unlocks, status, and achievements. The basic goal is to reach Infinity and receive an Infinity point, which can be spent on various upgrades to increase your overall production. 1st Antimatter Dimensions are 50% stronger. These 2x boosts can stack. This takes possibly a few minutes to 10-20 minutes, depending on when you started IC6. When will it be enough? After reaching 1e50 IP try to do runs where you get as many galaxies as you can in 1-10 minutes. On Android, select "Time study numbers ON" in Options. The exponent of Dimension/ID/TD and tickspeed multipliers are reduced to ^0.75 of the normal values while you are dilating time. You'll earn something like 200,000 infinitied stat every 5 seconds, so in 40 minutes to an hour you'll have the 100 million infinities you need. When you hit the 1e50 EP mark, you should have already obtained achievements up to "It's Over 9000" (completed achievements up to row 11), with row 12 achievements yet to be claimed (or partially some achievements in row 12). Max Dimension and Tickspeed autobuyer intervals. The Time Studies tab is a skill tree that has the currency of Time Theorems (costing Antimatter, IP or EP) that you can buy time studies, or respec (reallocate TT for other studies) every Eternity. Complete 50 unique Eternity Challenge tiers. Dilated time production is boosted based on best meta-antimatter (log (x)^0.5). Googolmeister/Antimatter Dimensions Playthrough, Bubby3/The History of Antimatter Dimensions, FAULSEGODS/But is antimatter good or evil. Keep going for infinity "speedruns" to get as much IP as possible out of that. These are some that don't occur naturally that you should get. This is because the original requirement was 1e60 Infinity Power, which was raised to the power of 4.3333. Have all equipped Glyphs be Music Glyphs. Row 18 achievements require Doomed Reality to display as achievement goal and name description normally instead of random text. Set the game to landscape mode in options and have the app open for 10 minutes total. At a certain point, you will be able to get your replicanti upgraded enough that it will be much more advantageous to use the Active path. Infinity Point generation based on fastest infinity. Instead, you can Dimension Boost just for the multiplier. ", as the game is coded in a different language (Java/Kotlin) and access to a console is not possible without developer tools. This lag effect is reduced by setting a lower frame rate. There is a base multiplier which comes from all the times you have boosted, purchased 10 dimensions or tickspeed upgrade, or sacrificed: [This is part is still in progress.] This replaces "Stop right there criminal scum! (PC) Removes the downsides from Time Study 131 and 133 in the Active and Idle Time Study paths. Buy 100,000 Antimatter Galaxies while using emoji notation. Additionally, you should have completed the first six eternity challenges 5 times, and you should also have at least 2-4 completions of EC7 and 2 completions of EC8. "Nice." If you had bought eternity challenges and respec your time studies when you eternity, you don't need to get the required resources for the challenge, but you cannot have 2 EC unlocked at the same time, so pick wisely for which challenge you will buy. Before performing your first eternity, you should do all of the following: Once you have possibly done all of the above things, you can Eternity. While you are far into challenge 8 and it is going really fast, disable all your autobuyers if you have any, then sacrifice to reset your dimensions. After some time once you have bought everything costing 1e45 IP or less, do a very long run to get e10500 Antimatter and unlock ID4. The picture for it on the web version shows a donkey ([[VisualPun aka an ass]]), and the picture on the mobile version just has the text "I can't draw this like really what do you expect come on". You did this again just for the achievement right? These infinity runs will be quite long. In the Reality Update, you can import "Galactic", "Work", "Bliss", "Blind", "Stellar" or "Blob". Leave all your autobuyers except for the dimboost one on. Holding M can can still help at this stage, but not so much later on. Antimatter Dimensions is one of the most polished Incremental Games out there. Whatever you use for dilated runs after this is up to you, but idle will have more progress than active in the long run (for getting the maximum tachyon particles possible). Overwritten by TS111. Achievements are mostly designed based on the game progress: Secret achievements are in the same tab as Achievements. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from Before you eternity, get one more achievement: - I brake for nobody: Disable your Dimension Boost autobuyer and set Max Galaxies to as many as you can get in under 20 seconds, and do it close to the very end of this section, with your big crunch autobuyer set to 1e250 IP. Set your crunch autobuyer to an appropriate amount x last crunch. You can also simply set your notation to True Blind and reload the game. ]], ** Likewise, [[spoiler:Infinity Challenge 5 when initially unlocked requires good micromanagement. When you don't have much RAM, games tend to lag more. For the Dimension Boost one, there are 2 fields. Synergism can go above 100% and Momentum increases 10x faster. Hold the 'Shift' key while viewing the Time Studies tab to view the Time Study numbers and path names. Click on the "Buy more" button (web: donate link). "Never again": You need to get a sum of IC times of 0.75 seconds or less. Also remember to buy the infinity point doubling upgrade when possible. Complete all the Eternity Challenges 5 times with less than 1 second (game time) in your current Reality. Make sure to turn every ID autobuyer and replicanti autobuyer on. x4 Infinity Point gain, and increase the multiplier for buying 10 Antimatter Dimensions by +0.1. Play in landscape mode for 10 real-time minutes. You could have done this earlier, right when you were able to get banked infinities, but you can do it at this point as well. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. I recommend closing the game before bed and doing this overnight. This will take a while. Assuming your state is like the image on the right, you should keep getting repeatable upgrades, and after ~2 days you will finally reach e15 DT and e2350 EP. This is also your EC12 build by the way. Then, you will be able to buy 2nd dimensions. Also, turn on the eternity autobuyer at 0 EP and go offline, to allow the 100 eternities milestone to give you several thousand free eternities while you wait. At this point, you should begin to get a lot of Time Theorems. Get all Antimatter Dimension multipliers over 1e308. Now you're thinking with dilation! This achievement's informations are hidden until you Doom your Reality. With the June 2018 update, there is a new feature that will continue your progress after 1e1300 EP, called Time Dilation. For now, this is the end of YT Kerfuffle's Guide. The strategy at this point is to keep buying RGs until you can crunch for 5-10 more orders of magnitude of IP. Sum of Normal Challenge records 5 seconds. (Your Antimatter Galaxies are reset on Infinity.). Note that for infinity challenges you should make sure to enable your dimension boost autobuyer so it can do dimension shifts as the 4th column of infinity upgrades isn't effective in challenges and you should always max out dimboosts while in infinity challenges. These cost infinity points and most of them help a lot during this section to get your infinity times down. How to do it: Go to Options, turn on the news, and wait. Then when you can, get 192, then drop those again for study 201. Importing "Do a barrel roll" will make the game screen do one clockwise revolution. Have 2e9 Banked Infinities after Eternitying. In this section it is extremely helpful to always use the holding M trick (except in challenge 9), until you can max out your autobuyers. Gain 2.5x Time Theorems, and a free coupon to McDonalds. - Galaxy: Set max galaxies to a big number like 1000000. You will hopefully get the "How the antitables have turned" achievement. Challenge 10 is very slow until you get 2 galaxies. Meta-dimension shifts, boosts, and per-ten upgrades are boosted by dilated time. Mobile additionally has Bar, Blind, True Blind, Clock, Dots, Flag, Greek, Hex, Omega, Random, Shi, Standard, YesNo, and Zalgo. Antimatter Dimensions Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. You may want to change your autobuyers for these (Reduce max galaxies to 0, or 1 if you need it, and turn on automatic dimension boosts but with max boosts at 4 and galaxies required to a high number, so that the 8th dimension can be unlocked while in challenges). Gotten by lowering the window size. You will lose all previous progress (except achievements and statistics, that includes challenge times) in exchange for eternity points (1 EP if you eternitied with 1.79e308 IP), which increases with more IP. 3) Restart from last reset. Here is when to use each path: Use the passive (middle) path when farming EP. Get the sum of Normal Challenge times under 5 seconds. In addition to having Challenge 9's restriction, when buying dimensions 1-4, everything with costs smaller or equal increases, and when buying dimensions 5-8, everything with costs bigger or equal increases. All you have to do is farm for infinities until you get enough banked infinities (can take at least 100,000,000,000 infinities), which will take from hours to days. Got about to 30% after about an hour and realized it was going to take awhile. When you can, respec out of the 21 path, get the Normal Dimension path, and get the study you were saving up for. Achievements you should have gotten by this point: This section may take a while (potentially over 1 week), so you should be active often to get more progress. Getting Time Dilation is deemed necessary to continue progress, which without it will cause you to be stuck at around the 1e1300 EP mark. You may do EC11 first in this section (Goal: 1e500 IP) with the EC11 setups (Use 222,231,223,225,233, maybe drop 214 and 201 if you can't afford this), and may take a few hours to complete EC11 entirely (5 completions). Due to dilated time being a currency produced by a constant source, which upgrades you spend your dilated time on first isn't a massive deal, but buy those upgrades whenever you get access to them, and I'd recommend buying the galaxy threshold multiplier decrease last for the sake of speed, so that you do not waste any dilated time and any possible dilated time upgrade. You wanted to do 5 Dimension Boosts to unlock Dimensional Sacrifice. The team has taken time off for a few years to work on a larger update released alongside this . First eternity now takes you to the time dimensions tab. When time in this Infinity is < 5 sec, ADs are multiplied by. Once you have done this, do a LOOOOOOOOONG (up to 5 hours) run where you max out galaxies, dimension boosts, dimensional sacrifice and all to get 1e1900 Antimatter for the 2nd Infinity Dimension. Then, you will be able to buy 2nd dimensions. Effectively, you will cap out at 5e111 EP, thus you will need to try cracking one of the last challenges before continuing. These achievements are for you to intentionally complete. With this time study, you can be able to easily beat challenges and make more progress faster. Getting to 80 8th dimensions takes 2-3 hours. Internally called "Don't you dare to sleep" on the web version. 104 Total Achievements. It allows you to go above 1.80e308 antimatter. However, unfortunately you have now hit the TD5 wall. You can only use the TD path (and since the RGs take longer to get), you have to use the passive path (middle path). Hold 8 until its price maxes out. Buy a first dimension. Previously in the spot of 36. * MemeticMutation: 5 hours until the update [[note]]When someone asks when the next update's going to come out, "5 hours" is the standard response. Are you sure these are the right way around?
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