Most JFK researchers have seen Zapruder frame 313 where it shows a headshot to JFK's right temple area from an Assassin. Ref: Conspiracy of Silence, Dr. Charles A. Crenshaw, High Treason, Robert J. Groden and Harrison E. Livingstone, and Murder from Within, Fred Newcomb and Perry Adams. Roy Herman Kellerman's hair was short, close to his head, not "greasy" and NOT reflective of sunlight as government gatekeepers and disinfo artists contend. Topics Zapruder, Film, Frames, JFK, Kennedy, Oswald. Later, Zapruder donated $25,000 to the widow of J.D. Letter from David Naro to Dr. Cyril Wecht, In Dallas the wound at the back of Kennedys head was an exit wound. To protect their lives, their identities were protected. Zapruder said that he had a nightmare about Presidents head exploding. Now, how come we can see this chrome through Greers body? As image enhancement technology becomes more sophisticated, well probably see even more detailed views of this macabre film in the years to come but for now, this stabilized and enhanced panoramic view is horrific enough. Cropped high-resolution digital Zapruder Film Frames 313-316 showing initial "backward lurch" of President Kennedy along with the distribution of ejected material in the wake of the projectile . note - The timing of this broadcast would sugguest that it replaces a Hard Copy telecast that was to show "Dallas Revisited" and the story of William Cooper who lectures on the Kennedy assassination, alleging that he saw Office of Naval Intelligence briefing papers that confirm that JFK was shot by the limousine driver, William Greer. Greer turns his head to take aim at Kennedy. William Cooper accused Robert Groden of being a government disinfo agent and gatekeeper. This video is private When the presidential limousine emerges into view from the sign on the lower left, Kennedy has already been shot once. When Kellerman was asked why there was no bullet ijn the back wound he said "it probably worked its' way out when we were giving him cardiac massage. A motorcycle. Abraham Zapruder [Frame 313 of 8mm home movie of assassination of John F. Kennedy, Dallas] Copyright Zapruder Film 1967 (Renewed 1995) The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza Credit line The LIFE Magazine Collection, 2005 Feedback Accession No. As one can see from this diagram, when Greer fired, Governor Connelys suit coat was close to the muzzle blast. He was standing on one of the pedestals of the pergola shown below. The Zapruder Film. My conclusion is that this assassination was always going to be an inside job, the only sure way to ensure the presidents death. The killing took place in bright sunshine in full public view at Elm Street, Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas. By looping the head shot sequence, we are forced to see, along with heavy narration of Lars, the terrible moment when William Greer turns to the rear, not once but twice. Since posting this article on August 8, 2007, I've since discovered that the Zapruder film had been doctored to a far greater extent than I had originally thought. Of course, Bill Cooper saw the ONI report likely in the early 1970's, so he was privy to the info for a long time before Larry I'm sure, but publication is what counts, so I don't want to take anything away from Larry's efforts either. There was no "magic bullet!" These frames also show that Zapruder was moving his camera in a downward "vertical pan" to keep JFK in the middle of the frame. taken: In Zapruder film has been substantially altered, if not completely forged. Senator Spector just went on to the next question, never asking Miller any specifics. To view it, confirm your age. Two days later when Oswald was being shifted to a county jail he was murder by a local night club owner named Jack Ruby. He took the black-and-white copies of the Zapruder film the doctors and nurses at Dallass Parkland Hospital, where the President was Cooper says in his book, "Behold a Pale Horse," that an NBC executive ordered that the original episode not be aired and that the producer who arranged it, Bubs Hopper, was fired by Hard Copy. In analyzing the Zapruder film, there is a jiggle right after Z-frame 313 and Zframe 330, confirming that a shot was taken after Z-frame 313. He told her: "Sis, if people really knew what happened, theyd be rioting in the streets.". Richard Feynman. New! by the same amount as Frame 313, and then the two frames were compared. The bullet did not exit out the left side. When a handgun is fired at close range, powder burns are left on anything in the vicinity. right. engineering physics. I've posted some still frames at the bottom of the page from the Zapruder clip showing Greer a moment before the head shot, the head shot itself with its attendant explosion of blood and brain tissue, and the milliseconds following the fatal shot as Greer withdraws the gun from his right shoulder and down to his left side. A publisher from Germany even called me long distance for 45 minutes to pursuade me to have Fred submit the manuscript to him; at least it would have a printing in German. The bullet entered the back of his head (there are photos and x-rays of the entry hole, and it is absolutely characteristic: a . From this re-enactment, Secret Service investigators concluded that the three shots were fired within frames 210 - 313 of the Zapruder film, a time period of 5.6 seconds. For those unfamiliar with the Torbitt Document, William Torbitt is a trial lawyer in the Southwestern part of the United States with twenty years trial experience. Abraham Zapruder was the only person in the world who filmed JFKs final moment. Your email address will not be published. He said the shots came from behind him, "up on the mall," or "up on the knoll." In 2006 I improved the processing steps and reissued the full set of frames. Ken But the other, the doctor reported, entered the President's throat from the front and then lodged in his body. Find advice and guidance you can count on from how to negotiate, how to save and everything in between. Find out more about the latest developments in science and technology as TIMEs access brings you to the ideas and people changing our world. Let TIME show you everything you need to know about drones, autonomous cars, smart devices and the latest inventions which are shaping industries and our way of living Stay up to date on breaking news from around the world through TIMEs trusted reporting, insight and access WITH TIMEWeb: Google+: TIMETIME brings unparalleled insight, access and authority to the news. This is a frame of the Orville Nix film taken across the street from Zapruder showing him filming (standing on the pedestal). Jenkins, found at this link: By the evening of that day, Zapruder developed three copies of the film. He is located on the right side among some bushes. [Photo enlargements and commentary from Ken Adachi]. In fact it was his first order as President. Zapruder was a democrat and an admirer of JFK. Austin P. Miller - Texas Louisiana Freight Bureau, who stood on the railway overpass overlooking Elm Street was asked by Arlen Spector where the shots came from: His reply was "from right there in the car." His reply: "From right there in the car" Senator Spector just went on to the next question, never asking Miller any specifics. that, for more than two decades, was so incredible that it was not given much The Zapruder Film. In 2001, scientists used What's more, it was on the driver's side of the windshield" (this clearly shows in the Betzner photograph,) What does this possibly mean ? I have one local researcher who maintains that the alterations took place at Walter Reed Army Hospital. We know from the Zapruder film that this bullet hole occurs at frame 333, twenty frames after the fatal shot was fired which could not have been fired from the sides or above. Bill Cooper | Depleted Uranium| Dowsing |Police & Tasers | British Israel | Born Again Brainwashing | Amy Goodman Gatekeeper|Rethinking Noam Chomsky Re:R. Andrew Kiel-you are " Spot On ". If we look at frame 312, the last frame before the head shot, we see that his head is tilted slightly to his left and slightly forward toward Jacqueline. the skeptics had to agree that either the Zapruder film or the autopsy photos As you can see from the following photo taken moments after the fatal shooting, the initial impression of the witnesses was that the head shot had come from up on the mall. Further evidence comes from the Wiegman film: It would be natural to turn the camera in the direction from which the cameraman thought the shot(s) originated. The case was so strong that Newcomb distributed copies to law enforcement authorities and to members of the Senate and Congress at that time because he felt he would be guilty of obstruction of justice if he didn't. What do you think of this photograph and the story behind it? before and just after the impact of the shot: (These are modern copies of She said she saw Greer shooting back but thought he was shooting back at the assassin. That location is consistent with the trajectory of the fatal head shot. Home; I will publish on this web page a detailed narrative of much little-known information that will make the case for Greer shooting JFK in a way that as not been previously accomplished. A former radio station owner who I had shown "Dallas Revisited" to, called me long distance from San Diego to tell me that the TV tabloid program known as "The Reporters" had shown the same "Dallas Revisted" video that I had shown him. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Timeline - JFK Assassination, Nov 22, 1963. There is only one problem with this: everyone who saw the [Editor's Note: I read William Cooper's 1991 book, Behold a Pale Horse, in 1995. He fired three shots at Kennedy of which the last one hit his head. William Greer, the driver of JFK's limousine, and Roy Kellerman, the Secret Service agent who was in the front passenger seat, controlled everything that happened at Parkland Hospital in Dallas while the presidents body was there. while Kennedy's limo pulls forward -without them -for the final leg into the killing zone. Zapruder Frame 313: The JFK Assassination | 100 Photos | TIME The video I received on DVD was an avi file in which the frame by frame quality of the video varies tremendously. The Zapruder video shows a wound (exit or entrance) between Kennedy's right eye and his right ear, on the right temple this wound is below the bullet exit location depicted by wikipedia. His hundred-page Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 12:29 p.m. - Geneva Hine, the only employee in the TSBD second floor notices electrical power and phones go dead. More stability and new processing result in a boost in clarity for this clip from the Zapruder film. The names of the Secret Service agents who were following JFK's limo are listed below in a statement made by the Secret Service Agent in Charge, Emory P. Roberts on Nov. 29., Gatekeeper Jim Marrs Uses Jeff Rense to Maintain Cover-Up of Secret Service Role in JFK Assassination (July 14, 2009) We? (are they trying to drop some hints about the upcoming release of CIA documents? When I sent a dub of "Dallas Revisted" to The Weekly World News via Certified Mail, I never got the little green postcard back. Israeli Soldier's Story |Home |Fukushima Psyops| Agenda 21 | Treat Parasites | Swine Flu Hoax/Vaccine | Links |Jane Tripp Time Travel|Discussion Crossfire was provided both to ensure the death of the president and to confuse future researchers. Seymour is a known Oswald look alike. This is a special photo of JFK and Jaqueline from happy days in their life. those frames.) 12:31:07 - William Greer - The limousine driver, brakes the car, turns and sees he still has a live passenger, and then takes the already drawn .45 Cal. Connally was blocking Greer's line of fire to shoot JFK again, so he had to shoot Connally to get him out of the way]. handle reflection between the, The laws of physics then {ED note: At least the FBI thought of trying!}. President Kennedy does not enter the stage for the first third of the picture, and it is there were we encounter a serious problem. Mr. Newcomb felt his book made the case for the limousine driver shooting JFK so well that he sent copies of the book to the 1975 Congress and Senate because he felt he would be guilty of "obstruction of justtice" if he did not do so. We know from public lectures by David Lifton, author of "Best Evidence," that when Jackie arrives at the front of Bethesda Naval Hospital with the bronze ceremonial casket that a X-Ray technician also arrives at the front desk with a already completed X-Ray of the presidents head in his hand. and the exit area blasted out the top of his head. This statement was a part of he official story line to frame Oswald, the fall guy, and make it look like JFK was shot from the rear. Here's the clearest view yet, a new motion-stabilized and panoramic version of the Zapruder film. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Writely Expressed Theme is copyrighted to Samyak Lalit. It is unclear at this point where the wound alterations took place that resulted in the reversing of the direction of the bullets from front entrance to rear entrance (by enlarging the entrance wound) which then allowed that X-Ray technician to have a completed X-ray of Kennedy's head when Jackie arrives with the ceremonial coffin at Bethesda. Soon after Mr. Bannister arrived to interview me, I played my copy of "Dallas Revisited" for him and showed him some 8 x 10 stills I had made of frames 312 and 313 of the Zapruder film that help show the driver's actions even clearer. virveli. Nix was an air conditioning engineer who apparently left school after the fourth grade. Kellerman is lying through his teeth to save his butt!, We would talk and she would give me eventually all 154 pages of the Torbitt Document that her daughter was copying for me on a office copy machine. Mr. Kenneth O'Donnell, Appointment Secretary to the President, left jump seat. The head shot to Kennedy's right forehead caused a massive expulsion of blood, brain matter, and skull fragments from the right rear of his cranium to spew onto the trunk of the limo, onto the hood and windshield of the black Secret Service Cadillac follow car (that was only 3-5 feet behind the limo), and onto the motorcycle and person of Dallas motorcycle police officer James M. Chaney who was riding his motorcycle just 3-5 feet away from the limo's right rear quarter and flanking the right front fender of the Secret Service black Cadillac. to be blasted forwards. Want to Contact the Editor? The Windshield Switcheroo! Frame 313: The JFK Assassination Theories: With Tom Kane, John F. Kennedy, Jacqueline Kennedy, Walter Cronkite. When Zapruder sold the film to Life he asked that frame 313 not be shown because that's the one that gave him nightmares and he didn't want to be responsible for giving the world nightmares and Life went along with that for years. Seven different Dallas doctors all reported that the right rear of Kennedy's head was missing and yet Life magazine photographs taken from the Zapruder film show hair in the same place. All he did is go to work at the Texas Book Depository where he had been set up as the fall guy. muscles have gone into spasm because of the brain damage? You can also see something But . Skip to primary content. Johnson gave his orders because the muzzle blast from Greer's gun went past Connally and his clothes and would have had powder burns. Costella Combined Edit Frames (updated 2006) Click on a frame number below to view the corresponding frame of the film, or click here to download all 486 frames in a single ZIP file (119 MB). And it was Kellerman who placed the pristine bullet on the stretcher that matches the Manlicher Carcano rifle planted in the snipers nest on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depostitory. Another phone call I got as a result of my letter to the editor was from a woman in her 80's who lived in Cayucos who I met on a number of occasions for coffee. Letters| Sodom-LGBT Exp'd | 21 Illuminati Goals|Strawman Explained | Daily Blog | | Hydrogen Peroxide | Protocols of Zion | Eric Jon Phelps Exposed, Part 1, New 3.5 Hour Documentary, JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick, While Flawed, Presents Valuable Historic Insights into NWO Elite Machinations (Jan. 14, 2015) This was simultaneous with the March 17, 1992 Globe article. Lifton was dismayed when After the Globe editorial staff called me to verify that Greer was dead (he died of colon cancer in the Haywood County Hospital, Waynesville, N.C. on February 23, 1985 at the age of 75), they published the cover story with the headline "JFK Murdered By His Own Limo Driver" on March 17, 1992. His statement was that President said "'my God, I'm hit,' and then reaches around and grabs his back." It was likely Kellerman who placed the magical "pristine" bullet on the corridor stretcher at Parkland which "proved " that Oswald's rifle was used in the assassination. (2) A Secret Service agent was also asking where the rear entrance to the hospital was. 0. I tried to capture the sharpest looking individual frames so you could see the moment to moment action of Greer. Could this be the second cover-up? In the Zapruder film, JFK grabs his throat and slumps forward and to his left onto his wife's shoulder. JFK Assassination. Dallas businessman Abraham Zapruder used this Bell & Howell 8 mm home movie camera to film President John F. Kennedy's motorcade on Nov. 22, 1963. The Zapruder film is telling us that the whole front-top of JFK's head gets blasted away! The 1963 Zapruder film, taken by Abraham Zapruder, is derived from the six-foot strip of celluloid contained in the U.S. National Archives, scientifically processed. When developed, it was a 16 mm wide, 25-foot-long u201Cdouble 8u201D film, with sprocket holes running along both outside edges, and was unslit. remarkable in this comparison: the red spray of blood in Frame 313 is clearly in front of JFKs head. 1963 ( His brother, Charles Cabell, was fired by JFK for his failure in the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba. With the motorcade route changed in such a way that it had a zig-zag which would violate Secret Service protocols and place the President in a small park area surrounded by tall buildings on one side and shrubs and trees on the other side, and a fall guy employed in one of the buldings, the stage was set for an assassination that was carried out with precise timing. The pattern of the tissue around the hole above Kennedy's right ear matches the pattern of the tissue of the apple around the entry point of the bullet in the high-speed photo below.. This evidence taken together suggests the fatal head shot came from behind and to the left of where Zapruder was standing. These are the witnesses whose statement to Mr. Newcomb and sometimes the Warren commission included the words "in the car.". So, the region in red is the location from where the fatal head shot was fired, not from the Book Depository nor from behind the picket fence of the grassy knoll. Feynman ignored all of the frames except the ones that show the President just My personal mail problems! yet another method: Frame 312 was blurred Lifton was a graduate in A man crouched beside her. The backwards movement of the Presidents head after Frame 313 then JPG scan of personal note from Charles Crenshaw dated 1-26-94. Two shots miss. Eventually it was found that a former US marine named Lee Harvey Oswald killed the President. This video shows a bit of additional footage seen in the space between the sprocket holes of the Zapruder film and gives you a better view of the motorcycle cops and the Secret Service car (and agents) immediately behind JFK's limo. CPS/DCF Tyranny | Adrenal Burnout | The Women Warriors | Orgone Adventures |Dr. John Coleman | Railroading Dr. Jeffrey MacDonald | Henry Makow update [November 2003] SA John D. Ready, right running board, front. files and the article was written. He then withdrew the automatic to his left side, leaned forward a bit and sped off. Again, a attempt at damage control. Main menu. James Casbolt | Phil Schneider | Al Bielek | Trevor Constable | Mind Control | Brice Taylor | Ted Gunderson | | Free Energy | Tim Hicks & Phil Ledoux Even Senator Ralph Yarborough, riding in the 3rd car back "smelled gunpowder in the car" in a statement made to the press, but not to the Warren Commission. Magic is performed with smoke and mirrors and the distraction of "Badgeman," (whose actual location in Oliver Stones "JFK" was shifted to agree with a frontal head shot from the fence area) is a good example of that. A reinforced light weight steel frame which makes it easy for kids to handle, We pride ourselves in being leaders of sleek. First posted on August 8, 2007, [Be sure to review the cropped and enlarged Zapruder still fames at the bottom of this article to confirm the phtographic evidence that Secret Service limo driver William Greer -alone- killed JFK at 12:30PM on November 22, 1963 in Dealey Plaza.Ken Adachi]. You see, the first time I had it done, the feds hacked my web tv scrapbook and removed this and a scan of a OP-ED piece that I had published 4-18-92 in the same Telegram-Tribune with the headline "Many People Believe JFKs Killer Was In The Car.". Roy Kellerman & William Greer (with bare hands on the wheel) at the beginning of the motorcase through Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963. show the front of JFKs head being blasted open by a shot: Researchers like Stewart According to Fred Newcomb (and I agree), there were NO shot fired from the 6th floor of the Texas School Book Depository. Please comment and give your feedback as it helps me in writing better content for my readers. Gary Mack, Curator of The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza stated, "Newman appeared on WFAA-TV in Dallas about 15-20 minutes after the shooting. When the 2nd broadcast went out at midnight, only viewers in San Luis Obispo county got to see it. DU considers the following characteristics in the credit report to assess the creditworthiness of borrowers who have traditional credit histories: credit history, delinquent accounts, installment accounts, revolving credit utilization, public records, foreclosures, collection accounts, and inquiries. New kinda chrome? Do HEADS really contain this much blood? 2:32. ], Additional confirmations that JFK was shot by Greer, A retired Arroyo Grande police officer, Darrell Puckett, asked his firing range instructor if it was true that the limousine driver shot JFK. Frame 133 is the first. That person was a 58-year old Dallas dress manufacturer, Abraham Zapruder, who died in 1970. Senator Ralph Yarborough - 3rd car back "Smelled gunpowder in the car." There is only one problem Oswald did not fire a single shot that day. The blood burst "halo" effect seen for only 1/18 of a second on ONE frame of Zapruder was added artificially by government film retouching artists (as was the phony looking "skin flap") to give the impression that the bullet entered the BACK of Kennedy's head and exited out the FRONT. What really matters in understanding all of this is that the president's body was a roadmap to what really happened and that the wound alteration DID TAKE PLACE, to create a body with rear entrance wounds that agrees with a Warren Commission report not even written yet. Dont kid yourself! Again, assasinations are 'allowed' to happen. [Update Jan. 14, 2013. And Newcomb has in his book, a photo of medical personnel wheeling a plain looking coffin on a gurnery out the back entrance of Parkland Hospital. I remember experiencing the aftermath of the assassination as a seven-year-old boy, spending that weekend watching the tragedy unfold on live television. According to Larry Jamison, it was Greer and Kellerman who arranged to hide Kennedy's body inside a military coffin that was taken out the back of Parkland Hospital. There were suspicions about the untimely death of her uncle as well. Chief Dallas homicide investigator Will Fritz got 3 calls from President Johnson telling hime to "back off the investigation because National Security is involved. Although there was no sound, the Zapruder film allowed investigators and researchers to establish the interval between gunshots. ", Cover of the Globe, issue of March 17, 1992. So we have Oswald passing out "Fair Play for Cuba" leaflets to make him look like a Communist sympathizer and getting married to a Russian wife, a process that John Judge said the CIA refers to as "sheep-dipping." In the same way, when the I think I described it in my report as thought someone was shooting a revolver into a hard objectit seemed to have some type of echo. Videographed by Abraham Zapruder. The second time he turns, he appears to bring his left hand accross his right shoulder and fire the fatal shot that we see on frame 313 of the Zapruder film. I knew that Cooper was making the video available, but I never actually saw the footage myself until a couple of days ago when I viewed a DVD sent to me by someone who asked me if I wanted to see the Zapruder clip. that, for more than two decades, was so incredible that it was not given much I got under the "radar" of the Feds by sending the ad copy and a new check using the return address of a friend in Morro Bay but with my correct P.O. wife. Among many startling revelations in the book, Bill Cooper said that the Secret Service agent driving JFK's limo, William Greer, could be seen in the unedited Zapruder film placing a light colored (silvery or light grey) .45 caliber-looking automatic on his right shoulder, turning his head around, and shooting JFK in the right forehead area which blew a huge gaping hole out the right rear of Kennedy's head. Consequently the third copy was sent to the LIFE magazines production facilities in Chicago. Mr. Newcomb was able to locate witnesses including a journalist and a Dallas Policeman who all stated emphatically that the limousine windshield had a bullet hole in it "that you could stick a pencil through." Zapruder was the only eyewitness to capture the entire assassination on film. Charles Baxter, 3. The WC could write their "report" as it was originally scripted out. However, Lifton would confusing information about where the shot came from, but actually makes no
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