For comparison, in Sweden (the home of Spotify ), global paid music streaming penetration is 52%. by Colin November 12, 2020. ]; #musicinsider #raydaniels #atlanta #motivation #fyp #shorts #podcast #muiscindu. This symbolism is deep, esoteric and even pseudo-spiritual and whilst millions of young people imitate Gagas gestures, her act is part of a much bigger picture that includes many other stars displaying and promoting the same overt symbolism. But in any case we should also then ask the question as to why drug overdose and suicide (murder?) Popular music especially and its highly-paid exponents are merely pawns of the Elite and are there in order to further manipulate our minds especially those of impressionable youth and now even young children. Major artists work with dozens of partners as they tour around the world, release singles, videos and albums, make appearances, sell merch and promote their music and shows. Seller has the most incredible beat I have ever heard. List of famous people killed by the Illuminati, with information about of each death and sacrifice. It sacrifices peoples lives and their essences at the drop of a dime I had a manager once say to me, You know youre worth more money dead than alive. Chaka Khan. } Thats how we learn. The OTT platforms don't lay too much emphasis on musical shows. Great songs and great lyrics writing becomes challenging because of the tough competition. The industry is quite competitive, and it is one of the most difficult industries to break into. Make sure to curate the artists within you, Try to reach out to new people who have connections in the industry. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'gemtracks_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_20',188,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-gemtracks_com-mobile-leaderboard-2-0');Here is another article on 10 Steps to Make a Music Video Storyboard + Free Template as well. As analyzed in modern scholarship (Vernant et al. Music together has no longer the cultural significance that it once had. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); "Whatever The Question, Love Is The Answer". the much vaunted entertainment industry itself. Throughout the twentieth century and now into the twenty-first, music has been manipulated from its initial state of innocence, goodness and wholesomeness to become in many cases, downright vile and nasty. Dont rock that boat because we might not fit in anywhere. This to me is truly the music industry exposed. Her whole persona, whether it is an act or not, is a tribute to mind control, freemasonry and the occult where being vacuous, compliant, incoherent and simply absent-minded is manipulated into being a fashionable, desirable state. Many well-known rock artists are well-versed in the occult and are aware that spiritual entities and multidimensional demons can manifest themself through music of a lower vibrational nature. function browserSupportsNewWindows(userAgent) { The subconscious absorbs the rest, subliminally and indiscriminately. The Music Industry in an Age of Digital Distribution. Throughout the course of time, the concept of Satan has become less of an effigy of religious torment and more of a trendy reference point in pop culture. Most musicians have a long-term goal in mind. It is now illegal in television commercials and regarded as subliminal advertising, which, as most people know is an extremely powerful conditioning tool. Less money in band means that bands have less money to invest in new talent. Very easy to browse! Some of the things described below were pre-planned, while others were possibly just odd coincidences. I wanted to thank Whitney, because when I wrote Born this Way, I imagined she was singing it because I wasnt secure enough in myself to imagine I was a superstar. The entertainment industry's dark side extends well beyond wrecked lives and compromised careers. The lack of push in the industry is another big reason that people are finding it difficult to enter the world of music. During a TV interview shortly after the event, she blamed the bad influence of the industry and even stated the need to be afraid of it and its over-reaching influence. The music industry =1224. as you acquire the skills necessary to become aware of the plan the music industry has to instill occultist Aleister Crowley's ushering of the . However, most live musical performances incorporate video screens with their music at 30 frames per second at the standard American television resolution but they colour eight of the 30 frames differently. The mixing engineer will apply autotune, special effects and all the industry-secret formulas to make your song sound like a major hit. For people who have a goal to have a successful music career, it is important to have knowledge about the artistic ability as well as the commercial benefits of music. "SONG NAME" what a wonderful name for a(n) GENRE song! Thats why Im not part of show business. Again, certainly food for thought. During the 1950s and 60s, occult practices were slowly but surely absorbed into popular music and today the industry literally thrives by using an outward spectacle of occult and satanic rituals and symbolism. Regarding Whitney Houstons sad demise (11thFebruary 2012) and as with any other recently deceased megastar, it is a fact that the record company stood to gain massively in terms of vastly increased sales, albeit short-term. Judging by the symbolism at the Grammy awards and the strangeness surrounding Whitney Houstons death and that of many others down the years, it would certainly appear so. TLDM reported on January 5, 2018: By David Martin. Music careers today are trounced by the technology industry when it comes to the job choice and the availability. Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington, Kurt Cobain, Paul Walker just to name a few. Gemtracks houses award-winning melody composers for you to work with. Get your FREE eBook on how to skyrocket your music career. Now, I don't usually do too many articles on the Illuminati and their connections with the music industry, because there are thousands of researchers that investigate this sort of thing, but when I looked into this one I figured it was worth sharing my opinions . This works in the same vein as film and television programmes that seem to have now evolved into excessively depressing and/or violent experiences for the viewer, even for very young children who are being increasingly exposed to overt sex and violence and when those few who still actually care about such things complain or point it out they are often labelled as a prude or old-fashioned. No excuse for his actions over the past years, I'm just wishing another human well. It would not surprise me in the least, given the track record of these people. Less people are willing to sacrifice their life for an art like music. With your demo track ready, it's time to hit the recording studio. These gatekeepers have a lot of power and influence over what gets put out into the world, and they often use that power to push their own agenda. 10. No-one really seems to know who he is for sure, but he is often seen and pictured around celebrities. Those at the top rake in millions while artists often struggle to get by. Music industry revenue in the U.S. 2009-2021. 12. So as it turned-out then, there was a party in full-swing going on three floors below Whitneys body whilst it just lay there for hours on end. Mozart was simply a manufactured focal point in effect, upon which the money-interests of the music business of the time could focus and from whom it could derive its profits, as was Beethoven. 10. Could it also be significant that Whitney Houstons room number the day that she died, was 434 which in numerology equates to 4+3+4 =11. Find a melody composer to make your song memorable. Sitting in the car thinking bout how imma take over the music industry this year | Dreem! . It is a fact that the human brain thinks at a rate of approximately eight thoughts per second and that the eyes see 20 to 30 separate actions per second, but the brain only uses eight of these to send to the conscious mind. The next time you see an article in a music magazine, think of how few black women in the industry have the power to make executive creative decisions. Ive always said you have to have fun and do music and you can never be part of show business because you dont know what its going to get you into. In this she is not alone, by far the vast majority of the mainstream music industry is also under their deceptive spell. The presence of occult, satanic and Illuminati/freemasonic symbolism throughout the whole entertainment industry is rife, to say the very least. 12, 2017 6:11PM ET / Published Jan. 02, 2016 1:00AM ET Beyonce's alter ego hints that she is controlled by the Illuminati (par. Compared to 1999, the average music consumer was under 30 and spent $28 a year. " Thus a layman has numerous options available to get access to free music. 2023 is the year to enter the music industry. Her body was not moved out until shortly before the party ended around midnight. @*/false; if (!IE) { return; } if (document.compatMode && document.compatMode == 'BackCompat') { if (document.getElementById("af-form-430377240")) { document.getElementById("af-form-430377240").className = 'af-form af-quirksMode'; } if (document.getElementById("af-body-430377240")) { document.getElementById("af-body-430377240").className = "af-body inline af-quirksMode"; } if (document.getElementById("af-header-430377240")) { document.getElementById("af-header-430377240").className = "af-header af-quirksMode"; } if (document.getElementById("af-footer-430377240")) { document.getElementById("af-footer-430377240").className = "af-footer af-quirksMode"; } } })(); -->. Gemtracks gives you priority access to exclusive A-Class recording studios around the world. Large careers need large teams to maintain them. I alread. Why an aspiring rapper in Virginia shot his friend as an "Illuminati sacrifice" hoping it would help him become rich and famous. Born this Way, surprise of surprises was released on the11thFebruary 2011, exactly one year to the day before Whitneys death. Why an aspiring rapper in Virginia shot his friend as an "Illuminati sacrifice" hoping it would help him become rich and famous. Smoke was born 2 years 117 days after The Notorious B.I.G. You must have heard people that you need to be lucky to get success in the music world. Women were more likely to be bullied than men. He wanted to give the sage . If you refer to music as a hobby, you can stop reading here. There are a variety of success stories related to the Music industry. Very strange indeed. If you believe that the music and entertainment industry is there simply to entertain us and make money in the process for its artists, promoters and producers, please think again. 02 Mar 2023 22:18:15\u0026list=PLV9MjJoZATb_GvpR-4xb6AxwIdEOyrt5F Enroll In Our Top Rated Music Marketing Course: Become A Group 82 University Affiliate and Make $1,000 Per Sale (50% Commission) - TubeBuddy: How did I grow my YouTube Channel to 100,000 Subscribers and $70,000 in Revenue in 11 months? if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'gemtracks_com-banner-1','ezslot_13',622,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-gemtracks_com-banner-1-0');In Spite of all these benefits, making a career in the music industry seems challenging. And so the Elite now performs its satanic rituals upon us all, via our favourite musicians and through all the dozens of pop music TV channels that exist today and also their contrived, highly ritualistic awards ceremonies in front of millions of deluded viewers. Its insidious influence on our psyches has no doubt left its mark on us all to a greater or lesser degree and there is no doubt that certain songs, artists and lyrics contribute in some way, however large or small, to the huge increase in suicide among the under 25 age groups, which stands at record levels and is no doubt welcomed enthusiastically by the Elite in line with their stated policy of huge population reduction. "2 Music as the residue of ritual So, don't stop searching once you've found a few and never be afraid to ask for help. People who want to get into the music world have to attend lots of record label shows, MobFest, events, and play in different free events. Most certainly, I would venture to suggest. The news broke in the early hours of December 26, 2016, that singer George Michael had died in his sleep on Christmas Day. However how much better for them to have a short, one-off major boost than a long, lingering virtually profit-less demise to any artists career? The rise of the internet from the late 1990s has played a crucial role in how music is consumed globally, setting up a butterfly effect that inadvertently affects how musicians and artists are . Every move is coordinated with a satanic ritual. No doubt there are stories of artists and talents who rose to fame on their own merit. Thus, people who have the right passion, dedication, and resources can get easy access to the industry. People who want to enter the industry just have to take a leap and not look back. There are a multitude of photos of him on the Internet posing with almost everyone who is anyone. 8. This cannot be said however of a vast majority of post 1950s music, especially from the 1980s onwards. Why was it not simply cancelled out of respect for her death or was there some kind of warped thrill to be had in partying-on below the dead body? These practices often lead to complete loss of control and it was well known to the people at the last Woodstock anniversary concert that a form of bad energy had manifested itself throughout the huge audience following many hours and days of extremely heavy, depressive and violent songs. subscribe to endofnumbers here on youtube!also like endofnumbers on facebook The melody is the tune or pitch of your lyrics when you sing. The truth is, the music industry has gatekeepers in the form of labels, A&R, streaming services, and radio that control what music is promoted and pushed to the masses. Israeli parliament passes death penalty bill: The law would apply to Fingerprints of Unvaccinated NYC Teachers Flagged to FBI. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'gemtracks_com-leader-2','ezslot_16',194,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-gemtracks_com-leader-2-0');Less money in the industry means that very few people can make a viable career in the music industry. The teams of developing acts are usually much, much smaller, but someone . Musical history does not wish us to be aware of this fact; it just wishes to continue to promote the popular icons of the day, focussing on an artificially generated, elite group of composers who with the passage of time have been placed on pedestals and thus made immortal, just as many famous rock stars have been made the saints of the new religion that is music, today. TubeBuddy. It is devolution of society and the art of music for the purpose of lowering the vibration of the consciousness in order to manipulate the youth of today into fulfilling the purposes of the Elite. Obviously, there are some genuine cases of accidental drug overdoses, but I am equally sure that some of these are murders and some suicides. These days many stories come up where you may find singers have to hold a day job so that they can keep their lives together and they can work on their music. Two different sacrifices in music industry: human sacrifice and solstice sacrifice. Most people are making music solely because of the easy access to technology, Thus, very less people join the band. You have responsibilities of a mother and then something happens and it destroys everything. Many people feel that in revenue terms, the music industry is flourishing, but in the artistic term, it is going down the hill. }
To make this site work properly, we sometimes place small data files called cookies on your device. 'Twitter for iPhone', By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm. ), sacrifice connects but also divides. 276 Likes, TikTok video from EXPOSINGSOULS (@exposingsouls): "KAT WILLIAMS EXPOSES MUSIC LABELS #fyp #trending #celebrities #illuminati #freemasons #satanicritual #evilindustry #hollywood #fame #musicindustry #hollyweird #takeoff #mediaexposed #staywoke #sacrifice #music #katwilliams". At the beginning of your career, your team may solely consist of the people who perform with you. For a deeper look at this subject, be sure to inspect closely our article on 10+ BEST Websites to Make Beats Online. Large careers need large teams to maintain them. According to this man, it was the bathtub that was overflowing but he noticed that a large-screen television had also been smashed. SONG NAME" what a wonderful name for a(n) GENRE song! This means, they accept and reject everything pretty quickly. As the old tradition would have it, the show went on nevertheless, but not without an abundance of strange symbolism and ritualism that made it extremely clear that there is a definite dark side to the entertainment business. return !pattern.test(userAgent); People now don't pay attention to the music and lyrics they are listening to. My interest in music was well established at the age of 5 when I won a National Composition Competition to compose a song for the Rainbow Guides. Advertising: Tailor information and advertising to your interests based on e.g. Mastering these tools is no doubt a different story. As with the recent cases of Michael Jackson, Amy Winehouse, Heath Ledger, Brittany Murphy and many others too numerous to mention, going back through the years, bizarre events both preceded and followed the death of Whitney Houston and after even a cursory examination of those events, it is impossible not to ponder as to whether her death (and the others) was truly an accident or a deliberate sacrifice planned and undertaken by hidden hands? Kanye West and Jay Z, both prominent members of the Illuminati, collaborated on the song "Otis," which is a nod to Redding being an Illuminati sacrifice. It took over her dreams. To many observers, the occult and Satanism began to expand its influence through such bands as Led Zeppelin and even the Eagles a band which is generally regarded as being soft rock oriented. On Tuesday, the major labels protested police brutality with a "blackout." Executives and artists say industry . At the Grammy awards ceremony in 2011, Lady Gaga said,I need to thank Whitney Houston. Thus, it takes investment of time, energy, and effort to get into the world of music. Anyone with a computer and a music gear and record music from their bedroom. There is so much information on this topic that could be included, that to do it justice would really justify a book in its own right. The premature end to musical careers can and does occur for several reasons. But, since music does not offer as much commercial benefits as it used to a few years back, it becomes difficult for people to make a mark in the industry.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'gemtracks_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_15',192,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-gemtracks_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); Because of technological advancement, it is highly essential for people to know about the technology used in music creation. In 1999 the global recorded music industry had experienced a period of growth that had lasted for almost a quarter of a century. Its just really unfortunate that drugs, bad people or bad influence took over. It is actually an essential aspect of the latter-day degeneration of music and the lowering of consciousness. The rock music of today is several magnitudes darker and more depressing than Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath and other well-known devil-rockers of past decades and at the time these bands were considered the very epitome of evil by the deeply religious. Those who think he's exposing Pizzagate. The entire music and entertainment industry is an important indoctrination tool used by and for the Elite and many musicians are introduced to Satanism and occultism. Ships from and sold by Thus, the lack of people's interest in the music is one of the biggest reasons people find it hard to make their mark. - sacrifice Song is called sacrifice link n bio - Dreem!. 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The market is flooded with people who can sing. 'FBIOS', The 2030 estimate was an increase on its original . BLISS sat down and wrote you a few tips to help you succeed in the music industry. While most of todays music does lower ones consciousness and vibration, it is not the responsibility of the music industry, or any other industry, to change. Decide which cookies you want to allow.You can change these settings at any time. Mastering is important because it makes your song sound perfect on all devices in the car, your phone speaker and even on Spotify. At the end of the day, people get lured to good quality lyrics. Heavy metal music has now become almost completely demonic per se and many performers revel in this fact, openly flaunting it. What really goes in Hollywood and the Music Industry. // It has become very difficult for new and unknown artists to make a name for themselves // The vast majority of musical artists are completely unknown and have a . When people are sad/upset/confused they want/have to express it. A third of the US population are paying $120 a year on music streaming. Music has always been associated with the occult and can be effectively used as a tool for programming minds. When you think about Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe and Michael Jackson and Amy Winehouse, to get into drugs like that, for whatever reason, is it because of the stress and bad influence? 8. I'm excited to announce my 2nd book entitled SACRIFICE: MAGIC BEHIND THE MIC. The music industry is not starving for talent. Music is not what it used to be because of the influence of Satanism in the music industry. Work with an award-winning songwriter from Gemtracks to brew up something poetic and meaningful. But, if you ask a musician or a singer, they will let you know the true hassles of having a career in the music industry. Its a very predictable pattern that happens with all famous artists. Take this body to the project for a sacrifice. (@_1dreem_): "But your so fucking toxic #foryou #fyp #fyo #artist #hiphop #pop #juicewrld #999 #justintimberlake #thekidlaroi". No one talks about these things, so Im glad T-Pain opened up and I was able to give you my experiences being on the Z-List.I wanna knowComment In The CommentsFiguring out how to promote your music can be a daunting task.When I was starting off in my music marketing journey, I just wanted to find a music marketing channel on YouTube that focused digital music marketing strategies.Once I charted #1 on iTunes, I knew I cracked the code for how to market my music online.I wanted to share this Music Biz 101 information thought my platform, Group 82.The DIY music biz has exploded since the streaming era took off and everyone makes it seem like the music business is made easy.Its not, but this channel gives you real music promotion strategies that work. Click Here and Subscribe to the #1 music marketing channel on YouTube: My Course and Ill Pay You $500 Click link: on notifications for my posts.Comment first and get pinned.CLICK LIKECLICK SAVECLICK SHARE#musicbiz101 #musicmarketing #marketmymusiconline #doriangroup82 #musicmarketingchannel #howtopromoteyourmusic #musicbusinessmadeeasy #diymusicbiz #group82 #digitalmusicmarketingstrategies200K THE HARD WAY CLICK SUBSCRIBE - Do You Want More Music Business and Music Marketing Tips? Rock and Roll in turn gave birth to rock music in general and over the last fifty years the individual musical genres have expanded greatly, presumably in order to cater for everyones individual tastes and ensure that no-one escapes the net. In May 2020, Goldman Sachs estimated the entire music industry's revenue (live, recorded, and publishing) to increase from $62 billion in 2017 to $131 billion in 2030, representing a 6% CAGR. The teams of developing acts are usually much, much smaller, but someone . I dont. Thus, it becomes difficult for artists with capability to make a mark. (dont be scared now..) I have you sweatin so hard you need 3 or 4 towels. Was she becoming out of control or losing her programming perhaps? At the Beverley Hilton where Whitney Houston died, in the ballroom several floors below her suite of rooms at the time of her death, there was a pre-Grammys party in full-swing. And this is not just in heavy metal (the previous chief culprit) any longer but has now been expanded to all forms of modern music even the middle of the road ballads aimed at the younger, more impressionable generation. Even if you get to the right place at the right time, you may not get the perfect opportunity because so many talented people are already available to take the jump.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'gemtracks_com-netboard-1','ezslot_24',195,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-gemtracks_com-netboard-1-0'); To be a professional musician, people have to work a late night and they need to be consistent and steady in the music. Professionally known as Pop Smoke =1271. In charge of music for the 5 pm mass, retreats, and nights of worship. This is an around-the-clock operation that involves several God-fearing servants and much technological expertise and costs. Disharmonic, discordant and cacophonic music engenders a number of negative behaviours, although those affected are often unaware of the extreme effect it is having upon them. But today, music is seldom featured in most people's daily lives. Lady Gaga, who was selected to perform at the 2017 Super Bowl halftime show, has admitted to being possessed by a spirit entity that influences her music . Music has lost the cool factor. Todays music industry is rife with such characters, people who have been chosen and indeed created to be focal points and the personalities, celebrities if you will, who carry the burden of providing profits for an intensely money-focussed industry, ultimately regardless of the degree of talent they may or may not possess. Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast, philip seymour hoffman illuminati sacrifice, How the Illuminati manipulates the black culture through an, Dr. Dres Illuminati power move to become raps first, The crossover into the Age of Aquarius with pop stars like. Also, at 2.30am during the night immediately preceding Whitneys death, a man in a 3rdfloor room immediately beneath her suite complained that water was cascading into his room from above. Disturbing scenes from Astroworld have seen claims emerge the concert was a "blood sacrifice" as the rapper's promotional material features demonic imagery. Despite all the negativity and controversy surrounding the self-proclaimed antichrist superstar, the musician has tons of fans around the globe. Your beat will set the vibe and structure of your song. However, all of that changed in the following decade - the 1970s. This producer/DJ is a freaking BEAST! Let us now examine the most significant events that happened during the fateful weekend of Houstons death. Now, the industry people rarely influence fashion and style. Photo credit: As stated above, Michael Jackson would fall neatly into that particular category, as would Whitney Houston who died shortly before my writing of this article in early 2012 and as the most recent incidents tend to be the ones that are freshest in the mind, let us concentrate on that particular one. From the heavy metal thrash groups there were some bands from Scandinavia that were really into Satanic worship and music. Indeed the occult influence in music has always been a factor and today is absolutely rife throughout the whole of the music industry. a few years ago on the history of rock and heavy metal.
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