The tripwire cable or wire center cord shall operate readily whether cable or cord is pushed or pulled. 1910.1051 1,3-Butadiene. (3) New Design Certification/Validation. (i) Pulleys shall be kept in proper alignment to prevent belts from running off. Limitation: Rim height, T dimension, is generally equal to or greater than rim thickness, W dimension. (a) As used in 1910.213 and 1910.214 unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the following woodworking machinery terms shall have the meaning prescribed in this paragraph. Workplace Violence. The fourth regulation in OSHA standard 1910.178(g) requires a "conveyor, overhead hoist, or equivalent material handling equipment" to assist workers in moving forklift batteries. The adjustments shall be made before performing the stopping time measurements required by paragraphs (h)(2)(ii), (h)(5)(iii), and (h)(9)(v) of this section. Vertical and inclined belts shall be enclosed by a guard conforming to standards in paragraphs (m) and (o) of this section. 7. Control elements shall be checked for correct status after power on and before the initial PSDI stroke. (vii) Controls for more than one operating station shall be designed to be activated and deactivated in complete sets of two operator's hand controls per operating station by means capable of being supervised by the employer. (5) Electrical power supply variations of 15 percent. (6) Circular saw fences shall be so constructed that they can be firmly secured to the table or table assembly without changing their alignment with the saw. Equip.) When removing material off conveyors, workers should remain alert and safeguard their hands; the moving material can create pinch points. 3. (11) Band type guards - general specifications. This web site is designed for the current versions of (See Figure O-24 for one such type of mounting.). Each manufacturer supplying parts, components, subsystems, and assemblies needs to maintain the quality of the product, and each employer needs to maintain the system in a non-degraded condition. If you work for a Federal agency, use this drafting (ii) Shafting under bench machines shall be enclosed by a stationary casing, or by a trough at sides and top or sides and bottom, as location requires. 1910.23 Ladders. It is expected that the brake monitor adjustment normally could be evaluated on the basis of the effect on the safety system certification/validation documentation retained by the validation organization. The regulations listed in OSHA 1910.145 cover a variety of aspects of signs and tags. Where belts are so located as to make it impracticable to carry the guard to wall or ceiling, construction of guard shall be such as to enclose completely the top and bottom runs of belt and the face of pulleys. (i) Point of operation devices shall protect the operator by: (a) Preventing and/or stopping normal stroking of the press if the operator's hands are inadvertently placed in the point of operation; or, (b) Preventing the operator from inadvertently reaching into the point of operation, or withdrawing his hands if they are inadvertently located in the point of operation, as the dies close; or, (c) Preventing the operator from inadvertently reaching into the point of operation at all times; or, (e) Requiring application of both of the operator's hands to machine operating controls and locating such controls at such a safety distance from the point of operation that the slide completes the downward travel or stops before the operator can reach into the point of operation with his hands; or, (f) Enclosing the point of operation before a press stroke can be initiated, and maintaining this closed condition until the motion of the slide had ceased; or. (39) Inch means an intermittent motion imparted to the slide (on machines using part revolution clutches) by momentary operation of the Inch operating means. (3) For combination or universal woodworking machines each point of operation of any tool shall be guarded as required for such a tool in a separate machine. (36) Adjustable barrier guard means a barrier requiring adjustment for each job or die setup. (52) Stop control means an operator control designed to immediately deactivate the clutch control and activate the brake to stop slide motion. Compliance with 1910.217(h)(2)(iii). The following terms and conditions shall be part of every recognition: a. Cast iron (min. This preliminary decision will be sent to the applicant and subsequently published in the Federal Register. Dimensions of such flanges shall never be less than indicated. 1910.219 Mechanical power-transmission apparatus. (h) Keys, setscrews, and other projections. (24) Ejector means a mechanism for removing work or material from between the dies. The Part 1910 - OSHA General Industry regulations book is designed to assist you in meeting OSHA requirements. These guards shall cover at least the unused part of the periphery of the cutting head. 1910.269 Electric power generation, transmission, and distribution. of this appendix, above, not less than 180 calendar days, nor more than one year, before the expiration date of its current recognition. All applications submitted will be accepted by OSHA, and their receipt acknowledged in writing. The guard shall be constructed of heavy material, preferably metal, and the edge of the guard shall come to within three-eighths inch of the plane formed by the inside face of the feed roll in contact with the stock being cut. 1910.308 Special systems. (3) Each hand-fed circular ripsaw shall be provided with nonkickback fingers or dogs so located as to oppose the thrust or tendency of the saw to pick up the material or to throw it back toward the operator. [39 FR 23502, June 27, 1974, as amended at 43 FR 49750, Oct. 24, 1978; 49 FR 5323, Feb. 10, 1984; 61 FR 9240, Mar. "Employers want to make sure their equipment is safe to operate," says McCullough. Immediately before mounting, all wheels shall be closely inspected and sounded by the user (ring test) to make sure they have not been damaged in transit, storage, or otherwise. If you have questions or comments regarding a published document please (41) Knockout means a mechanism for releasing material from either die. 1910.1043 Cotton dust. Installed at front and back of each mill having a 46-inch roll height or over. 1910.164 Fire detection systems. Where passage is regarded as necessary, there shall be a platform over the lower run guarded on either side by a railing completely filled in with wire mesh or other filler, or by a solid barrier. (i) Presses operated in the PSDI mode shall be equipped with a brake monitor that meets the requirements of paragraphs (b)(13) and (b)(14) of this section. 553. 3. Dp = Penetration depth factor, required to provide for possible penetration through the presence sensing field by fingers or hand before detection occurs. The sides of the trough shall come within at least six (6) inches of the underside of table, or if shafting is located near floor within six (6) inches of floor. Provision shall be made in both the upper and lower shoes for securely mounting the die to the bolster and slide. All abrasive wheels shall be mounted between flanges which shall not be less than one-third the diameter of the wheel. When more than one wheel is mounted between a single set of flanges, wheels may be cemented together or separated by specially designed spacers. (ix) The control design shall preclude any movement of the slide caused by operation of power on, power off, or selector switches, or from checks for proper operations as required by paragraph (h)(6)(xiv) of this section. 3. Collars. Appendix C to Subpart L of Part 1910Fire Protection References For Further Information (iii) Type 27A cutting-off wheels are designed to be mounted by means of flat, not relieved, flanges having matching bearing surfaces and which may be less than one-third but shall not be less than one-fourth the wheel diameter. Lubrication of bearings is considered the single greatest deterrent to their failure. (4) The Assistant Secretary shall review the record, the decision by the administrative law judge, and the exceptions. A separate pushbutton shall be employed to activate the clutch, and the clutch shall be activated only if the driver motor is deenergized. (13) Whenever veneer slicers or rotary veneer-cutting machines have been shutdown for the purpose of inserting logs or to make adjustments, operators shall make sure that machine is clear and other workmen are not in a hazardous position before starting the machine. 1910.107 Spray finishing using flammable and combustible materials. The manufacturer's certification shall be validated by an OSHA-recognized third-party validation organization to meet all applicable requirements of paragraphs (a) through (h) and appendix A of this section. The safety system provision continues the concept of paragraph (b)(13) that the probability of two independent failures in the length of time required to make one press cycle is so remote as to be a negligible risk factor in the total array of equipment and human factors. (63) Authorized person means one to whom the authority and responsibility to perform a specific assignment has been given by the employer. (3) Tail rods or extension piston rods. The certification/validation report shall be signed by the Administrative Director and the Technical Director. (See Figure O-24-A.). (iii) The intensity of illumination conforms to the requirements of ANSI A11.1-1965 (R-1970), which is incorporated by reference as specified in 1910.6. An application may be revised by an applicant at any time prior to the completion of the final staff recommendation. (iv) An interlocked press barrier guard shall be attached to the press frame or bolster and shall be interlocked with the press clutch control so that the clutch cannot be activated unless the guard itself, or the hinged or movable sections of the guard are in position to conform to the requirements of Table O-10. 7, 1996; 69 FR 31882, June 8, 2004; 76 FR 80739, Dec. 27, 2011; 77 FR 46949, Aug. 7, 2012; 78 FR 69550, Nov. 20, 2013]. 1910.218 Forging machines. (3) Bolster plate means the plate attached to the top of the bed of the press having drilled holes or T-slots for attaching the lower die or die shoe. Identification and description of test methods or procedures used. (9) Flanges means collars, discs or plates between which wheels are mounted and are referred to as adaptor, sleeve, or back up type. For full revolution clutch presses with more than one engaging point, Tm shall be calculated as follows: Tm = [ 12 + (1 Number of engaging points per revolution)] time necessary to complete one revolution of the crankshaft (seconds). will bring you directly to the content. The driving flange shall be securely fastened to the spindle and the bearing surface shall run true. 1910.1025 Lead. The use of belt poles as substitutes for mechanical shifters is not recommended. (c) A separate pull-out device shall be provided for each operator if more than one operator is used on a press. 1910.39 Fire prevention plans. 1910.304 Wiring design and protection. (4) Installation shall be in such a manner that the front end of the unit will be slightly higher than the rear, so as to cause the cutting head to return gently to the starting position when released by the operator. (vi) The presence sensing device location shall either be set at each tool change and set-up to provide at least the minimum safety distance, or fixed in location to provide a safety distance greater than or equal to the minimum safety distance for all tooling set-ups which are to be used on that press. [39 FR 23502, June 27, 1974, as amended at 43 FR 49750, Oct. 24, 1978; 43 FR 51760; Nov. 7, 1978; 49 FR 5323, Feb. 10, 1984; 61 FR 9240, Mar. Standard conditions shall be secured by the use of the following materials. (56) Turnover bar means a bar used in die setting to manually turn the crankshaft of the press. (vi) The adjustable barrier guard shall be securely attached to the press bed, bolster plate, or die shoe, and shall be adjusted and operated in conformity with Table O-10 and the requirements of this subparagraph. This section covers all types and shapes of power-transmission belts, except the following when operating at two hundred and fifty (250) feet per minute or less: Flat belts one (1) inch or less in width. (ii) Table O-5, and Table O-7 and Figures O-31, O-33, O-34 show minimum dimensions for straight adaptor flanges for use with wheels having holes larger than the spindle. All power-transmission equipment shall be inspected at intervals not exceeding 60 days and be kept in good working condition at all times. (5) Blotters. Enhanced content is provided to the user to provide additional context. (Ts is defined as the sum of the kinetic energy dissipation time plus the pneumatic/magnetic/hydraulic reaction time of the clutch/brake operating mechanism(s).). D. Similarity analysis may be used in lieu of tests where it can be shown that the article is similar in design, manufacturing process, and quality control to another article that was previously certified/validated in accordance with equivalent or more stringent criteria. 5. (5) Where an exhaust system is used, the guard shall form part or all of the exhaust hood and shall be constructed of metal of a thickness not less than that specified in subparagraph (1) of this paragraph. (iii) The pedal return spring(s) shall be of the compression type, operating on a rod or guided within a hole or tube, or designed to prevent interleaving of spring coils in event of breakage. 4. Comments or questions about document content can not be answered by OFR staff. Both types are reinforced, organic bonded wheels having offset hubs which permit side and peripheral grinding operations without interference with the mounting. 1910.1047 Ethylene oxide. 1910.5 Applicability of standards. (i) Each continuous line of shafting shall be secured in position against excessive endwise movement. Conveyors are safe when used correctly, but they can be dangerous, and even deadly, if workers fail to follow safety procedures when working on or around them. (i) Machines using full revolution clutches shall incorporate a single-stroke mechanism. A safety triprod, cable, or wire center cord shall be provided across each pair of in-running rolls extending the length of the face of the rolls. A recognized validation organization may change a test method of the PSDI safety system certification/validation program by notifying the Assistant Secretary of the change, certifying that the revised method will be at least as effective as the prior method, and providing the supporting data upon which its conclusions are based. Safety guards of the types described in subparagraphs (3) and (4) of this paragraph, where the operator stands in front of the opening, shall be constructed so that the peripheral protecting member can be adjusted to the constantly decreasing diameter of the wheel. For hole sizes smaller than shown in this table, use table 12. Where guard is exposed to contact with moving equipment additional strength may be necessary. When required by paragraph (c)(5) of this section, the brake monitor shall meet the following requirements: (i) Be so constructed as to automatically prevent the activation of a successive stroke if the stopping time or braking distance deteriorates to a point where the safety distance being utilized does not meet the requirements set forth in paragraph (c)(3)(iii)(e) or (c)(3)(vii)(c) of this section. Where belt shifters are not directly located over a machine or bench, the handles shall be cut off six feet six inches (6 ft. 6 in.) (3) Vibration of 45G for one millisecond per stroke when the item is to be mounted on the press frame. The mounting features shall conform with all requirements of this section. 1910.138 Hand protection. The approval of brake monitor adjustments, as required in paragraph (h)(5)(ii), is not considered a recertification, and does not necessarily involve an on-site inspection by a representative of the validation organization. It is necessary to maintain clearance between the wheel side and the guard. (1) General requirements. Tail rods or extension piston rods shall be guarded in accordance with paragraphs (m) and (o) of this section, or by a guardrail on sides and end, with a clearance of not less than fifteen (15) nor more than twenty (20) inches when rod is fully extended. Machinery shall be oiled when not in motion, wherever possible. In overhead silent chain-drive guards where the chain is held from lateral displacement on the sprockets, the side clearances required on drives of twenty (20) inch centers or under shall be not less than one-fourth inch from the nearest moving chain part, and on drives of over twenty (20) inch centers a minimum of one-half inch from the nearest moving chain part. Engine rooms. (2) Foot operated devices. Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari. If the safeguard is not described in this section, give a complete description. All Conveyors - Safety Section Refer to OSHA 1910.132 (Personal Prot. 1. The clearance between the edge of the rear table and the cutter head shall be not more than one-eighth inch. 1910.145 Specifications for accident prevention signs and tags. Bandsaw wheels shall be fully encased. (i) Shafting shall be kept in alignment, free from rust and excess oil or grease. Power-transmission apparatus located in basements. The employer shall evaluate and test the PSDI system installation, shall submit to the OSHA-recognized third-party validation organization the necessary supporting documentation, and shall certify that the requirements of 1910.217(a) through (h) and this appendix A have been met and that the installation is proper. 1 CFR 1.1 1910.305 Wiring methods, components, and equipment for general use. (3) Belt perches. Have unit wired by qualified electrician. 1910.252 General requirements. (5) Power-transmission apparatus located in basements. 1910.17 Effective dates. full text search results (i) Air-lift hammers shall have a safety cylinder head as required in paragraph (d)(1) of this section. (B) Alternatives to photo-electric light curtains may be used for PSDI when the employer can demonstrate, through tests and analysis by the employer or the manufacturer, that the alternative is as safe as the photo-electric light curtain, that the alternative meets the conditions of this section, has the same long term reliability as light curtains and can be integrated into the entire safety system as provided for in this section. 1910.142 Temporary labor camps. (4) Overloading. (4) Electromagnetic interference at the same wavelengths used for the radiation sensing field, at the power line frequency fundamental and harmonics, and also from outogenous radiation due to system switching. This does not apply to constant pressure controls used only for setup purposes. from the floor or platform may be guarded with a disk covering the spokes. This diagram shows the accepted safe openings between the bottom edge of a guard and feed table at various distances from the danger line (point of operation). (B) Guards used as supplemental safeguarding shall conform to the design, construction and application requirements of paragraph (c)(2) of this section, and shall be interlocked with the press control to prevent press PSDI operation if the guard fails, is removed, or is out of position. (iii) Paragraph (e)(1)(ii) of this section does not apply to presses that comply with paragraphs (b)(13) and (14) of this section. (1) Each machine shall be so constructed as to be free from sensible vibration when the largest size tool is mounted and run idle at full speed.
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