believers at salvation, but the practical results of that righteousness in chapters In fact, we may say, all nations will be desolated by judgments of one kind or another; but for all this the world proceeding for a thousand years with every outward blessing, and the most admirable government administered by the blessed Lord Himself, will issue in the teeming and prosperous races of mankind. "And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast." It is not his own blood, but the blood of his enemies that he tramples as he tramples out the rebellious. ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? The picture is not of an "iron rod" he uses to "club" or beat his sheep! It is the "Word of God" that will conquor nations, not physical armies using force. (John 12:48). That is not at all the way in which the guests are spoken of. It is a question here of distinctive character, apart from that of time, for which we must search other scriptures. In Daniel's time it was not at hand. On that account it was altogether out of place to pay homage to him instead of to the God who had sent him to serve. The answer: because it's the final book of the Bible. If that is so of human words, how much truer it is of the divine word. "For the glory of God enlightened it, and the Lamb is the lamp thereof." | In Daniel's time, and even to Daniel himself, the book was sealed. Revelation 19 ( Rev 19:1) - 1 After these things I heard as it were a great voice of a great multitude in heaven, saying, Hallelujah; Salvation, and glory, and power, belong to our God: This heavenly celebration (verses 1-6), which connects the events of chapter 18, reveal more than the celebration of the defeat of a certain city or belief system. When Christ came personally to judge and govern the quick (Revelation 20:4), there were thrones; for the risen saints reign with Him. These twenty-four elders, I believe, as I said before, are two groups of twelve, He is very powerful! The battle joined. The iron rod is showing his ability to protect them. These remain as yet in the condition of separate spirits. Past history therefore in no way suits the prophecy. Otherwise, it is called in the scriptures, Gehenna, which is the final abode for the unrighteous dead. They had cried to the Sovereign ruler to avenge their blood on their foes, but they were told they must wait a little for some others, their fellow-servants and their brethren, to die as they had. * Even the Complutensian editors give the right text here; and it would seem that Erasmus failed to use his MS. aright. to say enough about what Jesus has purchased for us all. There are thrones filled with certain persons, who reign along with Him. And thus it was but a little glimpse they had of prophecy. It will be understood when one says "spiritual" that none is meant save of a wicked kind. No sooner was the marriage solemnized between Christ and his church by the conversion of the Jews than the glorious head and husband of the church is called out to a new expedition, which seems to be the great battle that was to be fought at Armageddon, foretold Revelation 16:16; Revelation 16:16. ceremony); (3) I do not doubt that there was a corrupt form in connection with Israel in times past. Still God does not forget His ways with His people; and the angels here are only in the quality of porters, if we may so speak; they are at the gates. We will in that day when He returns and all of the vast military might of the world gathered and assembled together to destroy Him at His coming and He just speaks the Word and it is all over. We find, accordingly, the four and twenty elders and four living creatures here brought before us for the last time. V. An invitation given to the fowls of heaven, that they should come and see the battle, and share in the spoil and pillage of the field (Revelation 19:17; Revelation 19:18), intimating that this great decisive engagement should leave the enemies of the church a feast for the birds of prey, and that all the world should have cause to rejoice in the issue of it. Babylon symbolized by its capital city of Babylon. T. S. Kepler comments: "The moral law can no more be broken than the law of gravity; it can only be illustrated." [Note: E.g., M. Eugene Boring, Revelation, p. 195; and Wall, pp. When John here called the warrior Christ "The Word of God", he means that here in action is all the power of God's word; everything that God has said, and threatened, and promised is embodied in Christ. The scene now shifts from the earth where it has been (since chapter 6), to "And the nations shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour unto it. In the Revelation two kinds of people are specially called the servants of God; the prophets ( Revelation 10:7; Revelation 11:18; Revelation 22:6), and the martyrs ( Revelation 7:3; Revelation 19:2). The word is pistos ( G4103) ; it means absolutely to be trusted. Then the prophet falls down to pay homage to the angel; and this gives rise to a weighty admonition. Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.". For that which comes distinctly before us in this one verse is the twofold fact, that the ten horns here contemplated receive their kingly power for the same hour or time as the beast, and not subsequently, when his rule was extinguished. It is not now lightnings and thunders and voices. See note at Revelation 1:16 and note; Revelation 2:12, Revelation 2:16. goes . It is remarkable, that all along this book, idolatry and And their voice on this Once again John finds his model in the words of the Old Testament, for that is a quotation from Psalms 135:1; Psalms 135:20. He has with him the armies of heaven. It is an evident contrast with the state supposed in the wheat-and-tare field of Christendom which is found at the end of the age. They lived, and were put therefore into a place and condition suitable for reigning with Christ, no less than the Old Testament saints and the church itself. [Note: Ladd, pp. Here it would seem we have just what answers to that: this name none knew but He Himself. . There never has been a like experience. . Who are the persons thus invested with judicial authority of so glorious a nature and to reign, as we see later, with Christ? see that it is in connection with the foregoing not merely His coming for us who will keep the sayings of it, but for those whom He will find here below "to give to each as his work is.". So He sent this revelation by the angel to John. Just as I said, these robes have been made white by the blood of the Lamb. What does Revelation 19:3 mean? We do not mend matters by hasty conclusions, we only complicate the truth. "And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the birds that fly in the midst of heaven, Come, gather yourselves together unto the great supper of God; that ye may eat flesh of kings, and flesh of chiliarchs, and flesh of strong [men], and flesh of horses, and of those that sit on them, and flesh of all, both free and bond, both small and great." It will be remembered that it was said to them that they must wait. understand the testimony of Jesus, then you must preach and prophesy so that I. And of course, this proselytizing law was prompted by the Greek Orthodox Church, and he has been sentenced to spend three and a half years in jail in Greece. there is rejoicing and giving of honor. He came to the world, and avenged His people on the beast and the false prophet with the kings and their armies; and after that the risen saints reign with Him over it a thousand years. The actual picture comes from Isaiah: "The streams of Edom shall be turned into pitch, and her soil into brimstone; her land shall become burning pitch. The reason is given at the close; not only "by thy sorcery were all the nations deceived," but above all "in her was found [the] blood of prophets and saints, and of all the slain upon the earth.". took on His righteousness. (3) again. Then there was a time of preparation as the And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years." Worship God." "Faithful" is what belongs to a man. The son is doubly guilty, because he saw his father's nakedness and felt it enough to hide. So the marriage feast of the Lamb will take place here on the earth. These are the martyrs of Revelation 6:1-17, those long since seen under the altar, poured out like burnt-offerings to God. the church. We look at the vast universe in which we live, the material universe, and we realize that He created it. This is not unrighteous, but, on the contrary, the highest justice from a divine point of view. by His sacrificial blood. To the Christian this book is not sealed. The twenty-four elders were prominent in the early visions ( Revelation 4:4; Revelation 4:10; Revelation 5:6; Revelation 5:11; Revelation 5:14; Revelation 7:11; Revelation 11:16; Revelation 14:3) as were the four living creatures ( Revelation 4:6-9; Revelation 5:6-14; Revelation 6:1-7; Revelation 7:11; Revelation 14:3; Revelation 15:7). He saw their condition: it was part of the vision. Wars were matters of ambition and tyranny and oppression rather than of justice. 16:12-16). They received their power as kings when the beast ceased to exist. There was judicial discernment with the distinct possession of all titles to sovereignty. You have to accomplish certain works in order to be accepted by God. This remains true also in its own place, as we shall find; and when it is a question of reward, this is precisely the grand point; but when it is a question of the bride above, that is the way in which it is presented here, as we may see clearly from verse 8. (i) In certain circles of Judaism the angels had a very large place. Such was her influence stretching out far beyond the beast. The horns have constantly opposed each other, and even sometimes the pope. Who were they? Thus there is no question that some of the actors in the final scenes of the great drama were already there, as the reigning city, and the Roman empire. The absence of a temple is therefore no loss but a gain for this city. The description of the warrior Christ is further filled in. We may surely say her cup was not yet full. And then we come to a most cheering disclosure: "And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and [I saw] the souls of those beheaded on account of the witness of Jesus, and on account of the word of God: and those who had not worshipped the beast, nor his image, and had not received his mark upon their forehead, and on their hand; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years." And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as a voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth ( Revelation 19:6 ). Who was it; Marx, that said, "Religion is the opium of the people?" Even so, come, Lord Jesus." Commentary on Revelation 19:11-21. There are always those that say, "What about the people that haven't heard? The word of God, Hebrews 4:12, Ephesians 6:17 Indicates the power of Gods words, cf. "And he that sat upon him called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war." Go To Previous Section | Over and over we will find this repeated as we approach the end of the book, these are the true sayings of God. His armour; and that is a vesture dipped in blood, either his own blood, by which he purchased this mediatorial power, or the blood of his enemies, over whom he has always prevailed. Lord our God:". "God is a spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth" ( John 4:24 ). God said, "Light be," and light was. The relationship of the Christian and Christ must be the closest in all life. She is, the mother of the harlots, but also (and with still deeper guilt) of the abominations of the earth. There are times when John sees the Lord himself. Yet to this heavenly city, after Christ comes, the kings of the earth bring their offerings and their homage; but there is no excitement of the nations, no filthiness of fornication, no abominations, no blood-guiltiness. But here there is neither; and this again is an evidence of gain, not of loss. All this gives us a true and just view of the various parties that have a share in the resurrection. For according to unquestionable testimony the Reuchlinian copy has like some half-dozen cursives, which was probably a mistake for . Thank God. Yet one allows freely a partial application already. This appears to mean the word of the Gospel, by which his enemies are confounded, and his friends supported and comforted. The very name indeed shows something similar; not of course that the church can ever be earthly. they said, "because the Lord our God, the Almighty, has entered into his kingdom. But far from that he has, on the contrary, persevered in the same evil course, as badly or worse than his father.
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