We share your frustration with how long this is taking, and we share your anger with the Postal Services continued efforts to delay justice in this case. According to the USPS' own written policy, "managers and supervisors are responsible for preventing harassment and inappropriate behavior could lead to illegal harassment and must respond. Pursuant to 29 C.F.R. Postal Service who was subjected to a hostile work environment for over three years and then removed. Complainant's request for default judgment granted where Agency began its investigation only after Complainant requested a hearing before an Administrative Judge and provided no explanation for its failure to investigate complaint in a timely manner; because the record did not establish a prima facie case of disparate treatment, a claim of harassment, or a prima facie case of compensation discrimination, Complainant was not entitled to individual relief. 2019003663 (Aug. 22, 2019), https://www.eeoc.gov/sites/default/files/migrated_files/decisions/2019003663.pdf. Irina T. v. United States Postal Service, EEOC Appeal No. The video game publisher Activision Blizzard said Monday that it would pay $18 million in a settlement with a federal employment agency that filed a . 26, 2019), https://www.eeoc.gov/sites/default/files/migrated_files/decisions/0120172637.pdf. An Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) administrative judge may suspend a hearing to allow the parties to settle a case and will accept a settlement to resolve the case at any time before a final decision is reached. This booklet also provides an explanation of the REDRESS program REDRESS, an alternative dispute resolution process, may offer you an opportunity to request mediation in addition to traditional EEO Alonzo N. v. United States Postal Service, EEOC Appeal No. Agency was not joint employer of Complainant where it did not have sufficient control over Software Engineer in laboratories operated by staffing firm on Agency premises; deciding whether to pay for projects that Complainant proposed was not equivalent to assigning and managing his work. 22, 2019), https://www.eeoc.gov/sites/default/files/migrated_files/decisions/0120171405.pdf. Substantial evidence supported the Administrative Judge's determination that the Agency retaliated against Complainant for protected EEO activity when it issued her a Letter of Counseling. Administrative Judge should not have sanctioned Agency for holding a fact-finding conference where legal counsel for Agency and Complainant were allowed to ask follow-up questions after EEO Investigator questioned witnesses; EEO MD-110 language permitting an EEO Investigator to be a "presiding official at a fact-finding conference" anticipates that parties may ask questions, and the fact-finding conference transcript showed that Agency counsel did not direct, control, interfere with, or overrule the investigator. 131 M Street, NE EEOC Summarizes Policies on Monetary Awards. 0120160543 (Jan. 14, 2021), https://www.eeoc.gov/sites/default/files/2021-01/0120160543.pdf. Of the 5,659 complaints filed at USPS, 1,283 contained allegations of race (Black/African American) discrimination, 570 contained allegations of race (White) discrimination, 128 contained allegations of race (Asian) discrimination, 17 contained allegations of race (American Indian/Alaska Native) discrimination, 757 contained allegations of color discrimination and 2,533 contained allegations of disability discrimination. The lawsuit also alleges that workers were fired after being moved to less physically demanding jobs, even if they provided written instructions to human resources from medical professionals restricting the type of work they were able to safely perform with their conditions. I know I use to be a Union Steward for National Association of Letter Carriers for seven years. Alena C. v. Dep't of State, EEOC Appeal No. 0120180568 (Apr. Heidi B. v. Dep't of Health and Human Services, EEOC Appeal No. A lock ( Keri C. v. United States Postal Service, EEOC Appeal No. I really wish there was a law forbidding Union Money being spent on political candidates running for public office. Minda W. v. Dep't of the Navy, EEOC Appeal No. Alesia P. v. Dep't of Justice, EEOC Appeal No. Complainant's request for default judgment granted where Agency did not issue its final decision until 210 days after Administrative Judge's order remanding the complaint to Agency for a final decision and Agency provided no explanation for its significant delay. Sharon S. v. Dep't of Defense, EEOC Appeal No. USPS' average processing time for all complaint closures increased from 238 days in FY 2008 to 243 days in FY 2009. 0120170676 (Oct. 31, 2018), https://www.eeoc.gov/sites/default/files/migrated_files/decisions/0120170676.pdf. Before such hearing was held, plaintiff Case 1:03-cv-01987-EGS Document 25 Filed 09/28/05 Page 1 of 19 The Commission lacks jurisdiction to consider appeals from Peace Corps volunteers and applicants, who have a separate EEO complaint process outside Commission jurisdiction; although Complainant filed her complaint against the State Department, it concerned a Peace Corps volunteer position over which the Commission did not have jurisdiction. This policy reaffirms the Postal Service's commitment to providing a work environment free of harassment and supersedes MOP HR-06-29-2020-2. The Administrative Judge's denial of class certification was appropriate where the putative class agent failed to establish that the class met the commonality, typicality, and adequacy of representation requirements. 0120170582 (Apr. 1-800-669-6820 (TTY) If you are a federal employee or a USPS employee, you can set a consultation via our website at: http://www.theangellawfirm.com You can get a free consultation (15 minutes) or paid consultation for upto a full one hour. 2021001898 (Apr. 0120170218 (Dec. 21, 2017), https://www.eeoc.gov/sites/default/files/migrated_files/decisions/0120170218.txt. The government-wide average was 344 days. Substantial evidence supported Administrative Judge's determination that Complainant did not show that he personally was subjected to conduct sufficiently severe or pervasive to create a hostile work environment based on race where Complainant did not witness most of the racially insensitive incidents alleged, he learned of the conduct second or third hand, he did not work at the office when the offensive conduct occurred, and the offensive behavior was not directed toward him; agreeing with the AJ's finding that the office where the conduct occurred was rife with offensive and racially hostile behavior, and given that substantial evidence established that other African-American employees were subjected to race-based conduct, the decision ordered the Agency to conduct training, to consider disciplining several identified Agency employees, and to post a notice. 0720180014 (May 10, 2019), https://www.eeoc.gov/sites/default/files/migrated_files/decisions/0720180014.pdf. Frequently Asked Questions, Commissioner Charges and Directed Investigations, Office of Civil Rights, Diversity and Inclusion, Management Directives & Federal Sector Guidance, Federal Sector Alternative Dispute Resolution. man who worked for them at the Ionia Post Office. 2020002285 (Apr. The United States Postal Service (USPS) has fired or forced out nearly 44,000 employees who were injured on the job since 2006 through its National Reassessment Process (NRP), according to a class action lawsuit brought before the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Joan S. v. Dep't of Homeland Security, EEOC Appeal No. USPS' average time for completing an investigation was 113 days. 4B-140-0062-06). Neither did the unions make any effort to unite USPS workers with their class brothers and sisters across the border during the 2018 strike of 50,000 Canadian postal workers, who were also fighting against a brutal profit-driven work regimen where real wages had fallen and understaffing led to speedup and heavy workloads that caused an accident rate among postal workers to be five times that of the average rate for federally regulated industries. 0120171406 (Mar. 0120180917 (Oct. 17, 2018), https://www.eeoc.gov/sites/default/files/migrated_files/decisions/0120180917.pdf. After the 1970 postal workers strike against the federal government, the USPS was formed to replace the US Postal Department, which was funded by Congress, with an organization that was run like a business, but which is not a government-owned corporation. Please know that we are fighting for you, just as we have done for over 10 years. First, please know that we will continue fighting to get you the best possible award. As of September 30, 2009, USPS employed 5,372 (0.76%) Individuals with Targeted Disabilities (IWTD). The manager informed the 9-1-1 dispatchers that Mr. Purviance was a disgruntled worker and that they suspected him of filing a . 0120090062 (9/21/10). Margeret M. v. Dep't of Veterans Affairs, EEOC Appeal No. International Committee of the Fourth International. 0720150010 (Sept. 2, 2016), https://www.eeoc.gov/sites/default/files/migrated_files/decisions/0720150010.txt. Former USPS workers in the NRP class action suit allege that they were discriminated against after showing proof that they had been injured at work. 0120162040 (Apr. workers that this case involved. According to the decision, Phase 2 consisted largely of canvassing facilities to identify work necessary for operations and functions, attempting to match the employee with the necessary work, and if none is found, notifying the employee that no work was available. Complainant was entitled to an award of $25,000.00 in nonpecuniary compensatory damages where he demonstrated that, because of the Agency's conduct, he endured emotional distress which affected not only him but his family relationships and that, due to his inability to gain employment, his depression worsened and he was unable to afford healthcare for treatment. USPS workers have had their jobs and living standards under attack since the 1970s as a massive shift of wealth from the working class to the corporate ruling class was underway. It is like living in a country, run by a dictator. 12, 2021), https://www.eeoc.gov/sites/default/files/decisions/2021_06_08/2019005682.pdf. 012082505, Agency Case No. Administrative Judge properly ordered Agency to stop issuing cease-and-desist letters to employees who have reported discrimination, absent clear, documented evidence of some conduct (other than reporting discrimination) that the Agency reasonably concludes would warrant discipline in the absence of the employee's protected activity; issuing Complainant a cease-and-desist letter gave the appearance that Complainant, who complained of ongoing racial and sexual harassment, was just as culpable as her harasser. 0120170064 (Feb. 8, 2019), https://www.eeoc.gov/sites/default/files/migrated_files/decisions/0120170064.pdf. Bernardo C. v. Dep't of Veterans Affairs, EEOC Appeal No. information only on official, secure websites. 520-2008-00053X; Agency Case No. Cathy V. v. Dep't of Health and Human Services, EEOC Appeal No. The complainant, a federal employee at the United States Postal Service, filed an EEO complaint against the USPS. It has come to our attention that a number of people who were Class Members in the Pittman v. USPS class action have been receiving letters from USPS about that settlement process. Malinda F. v. Dep't of the Air Force, EEOC Appeal No. Agency discriminated against Complainant based on disability when it denied her request for leave without pay and charged her with being absent without leave; agencies may need to modify general leave policies when providing reasonable accommodations. USPS Worker Arrested - Retaliation Goes Too Far. Agency denied Complainant a reasonable accommodation in violation of the Rehabilitation Act when it failed to provide him with a sign-language interpreter at the kick-off Combined Federal Campaign meeting intended for all facility employees; a "make-up" meeting, where only the CFC representative and three deaf employees, but no keynote speakers, were present was insufficient to remedy the situation. 0120170362 (Feb. 21, 2019), https://www.eeoc.gov/sites/default/files/migrated_files/decisions/0120170362.pdf. Administrative Judge's remedial order requiring Agency to develop and adopt policies and procedures concerning the recruitment and selection of employees for non-competitive, temporary positions and to ensure equal opportunity and consideration in the selection process was appropriate. Due to the increasing use of email and the internet for correspondence and document delivery, the volume of first-class mail processed by the USPS declined by 43 percent in 2017 from its peak in 2001. The suit alleges that the USPS routinely harassed and discriminated against injured workers and refused to provide reasonable accommodations to workers who had become disabled as a result of their injuries. In the case of Sandra McConnell, et al. 0720180009 (Apr. Calvin D. v. Dep't of the Army, EEOC Petition No. Agency, which conceded that it jointly employed Complainant with his staffing firm, should not have dismissed complaint for failure to state a claim; Agency's contention that it did not know of the alleged harassing behavior of staffing firm employees went to the merits of the complaint, which must be investigated. 2019005682 (Apr. Deandre C. v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, EEOC Appeal No. And the Unions are bed partners with Management. Agency erroneously dismissed complaint for failure to cooperate; the name of the alleged discriminating official and the time frame during which the alleged discrimination occurred constituted sufficient information for the Agency to complete its investigation without an affidavit from Complainant. Agency discriminatorily denied Complainant's religious-accommodation request for an exemption from the requirement that employees carry a cannister of pepper spray where it was undisputed that Complainant, a chaplain, had a bona fide religious belief that prevented him from carrying the spray; Agency did not show that exempting one employee, out of approximately 300 employees, from the requirement would have been an undue hardship; and there was no evidence that Agency explored a lateral transfer to a different facility or any other alternative accommodation. Postal Service who have been subjected to the National Reassessment Process (NRP) from May 5, 2006 to present, allegedly in violation of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. 48-1 40-0062-06, the final agency decision (FAD) issued in connection 2019002760 (Aug. 18, 2020), https://www.eeoc.gov/sites/default/files/decisions/2020_12_07/2019002760.pdf. While the parties may voluntarily settle a claim early in the process or wait until the EEOC completes . Zonia C. v. Dep't of Justice, EEOC Appeal No. 1-844-234-5122 (ASL Video Phone), Call 1-800-669-4000 Lamar M. v. U.S. Agency cannot shift the blame for challenged actions onto an alleged responsible management official and then make no effort to explain why the official did not respond to EEO Investigator's request for an affidavit or to provide other explanations for the official's alleged actions; an agency's legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason(s) must be detailed and supported by the evidence. We are dedicated to achieving the best results for you in this case, and we will not let the USPS game of dragging this process out free them from their legal obligations. Workers in the class action suit claim that this is false and that other workers had to speed up to cover their heavy workloads after they were fired. The plight of USPS workers bears striking similarities to the experience of workers at tech and logistics giant Amazon, owned by ultra-billionaire Jeff Bezos, who are routinely victimized, harassed, spied upon, fired and denied workers compensation for injuries suffered on the job. Official websites use .gov No. Agency violated the Rehabilitation Act when, after Complainant's physician provided a medical report stating that Complainant's borderline Type II Diabetes Mellitus did not require medication and did not impair his ability to do his job as a Court Security Officer, Agency requested at least 11 additional types of medical information and examinations; a mere diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus does not automatically mean that an agency has a job-related, business-necessity-based reason for subjecting CSOs to disability-related inquiries and medical examinations. Brenton W. v. Dep't of Justice, EEOC Appeal No. Cox filed another EEO complaint of discrimination which is still pending. We keep track of our clients contact information, and we can provide that to USPS or the EEOC Administrative Judge when they need it. This was met with backlash from the public, and the following year it announced it would instead keep rural post offices open with reduced retail hours, cutting back on labor costs and limiting essential services provided to the millions of people. According to the Commission, there was evidence of at least five incidents over a one year period where the agency failed to accommodate complainant's hearing impairment. Complainant did nothing more than raise broad, across-the-board allegations of discriminatory policies and practices covering a variety of personnel processes, she was unable to establish that each allegation happened to every class member, and counsels actions raised concerns that the classs interests would not be protected. Irvin M. v. Dep't of Homeland Security, EEOC Appeal No. 19, 2021), https://www.eeoc.gov/sites/default/files/decisions/2021_04_30/2021001898.pdf. Velva B. v. United States Postal Service, EEOC Appeal Nos. The EEOC recognizes this crisis affects all federal employees, complainants, and others involved in the EEO process. Complainant entitled to attorney's fees where relief awarded was based on per se reprisal claims that the Administrative Judge sua sponte raised mid-way through the hearing process; attorney's competent representation of Complainant and development of the evidence led directly to the AJ's sua sponte raising of reprisal as a basis. Merit resolutions refers to charges that are resolved in the agency's administrative process (pre-litigation) in favor of the individual who filed the charge. The AJ took account of several factors that limited Complainants non-pecuniary damages award, found that the Agency was not the sole cause of Complainants emotional and psychological harm, and limited the award of pecuniary damages to the amounts contained in "legitimate receipts.". Watch David Norths remarks commemorating 25 years of the World Socialist Web Site and donate today. LockA locked padlock 0120132186 (Sept. 17, 2019), https://www.eeoc.gov/sites/default/files/migrated_files/decisions/0120132186.pdf. Agency did not establish that its "sit and reach" requirement for a Wildlife Refuge Specialist position was job related and consistent with business necessity where no Agency witness was able to articulate how the ability to reach over one's toes while sitting down with legs outstretched was related to any of the functions of the position. Republican President Donald Trump has unleashed new threats to privatize the USPS in recent years, against which thousands of postal workers in cities across the US protested in 2018. Agency discriminated against Complainant on the basis of disability when his managers did not allow him to take a polygraph examination, which was required for his position, where there was no reason to believe that his multiple sclerosis and medication would affect the validity of the polygraph result. Claimants and their attorneys/representatives may use this site to update contact info, submit correspondence and/or supporting documentation, and view orders entered in the case. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. The Agency did not make a good-faith effort to accommodate Complainant's request not to work on Sundays where supervisor did not explore any type of accommodation and there was no indication whether it would be feasible to ask other employees to volunteer to work on Sundays. Just 47% of initial appeals before the Merit Systems Protection Boardthe quasi-judicial agency tasked with ensuring agencies follow civil service laws in their disciplinary actions and other . 0720150002 (Sept. 25, 2017), https://www.eeoc.gov/sites/default/files/migrated_files/decisions/0720150002.txt. The Agency provided insufficient evidence to support its dismissal of a complaint, on the basis that Complainant was not an Agency employee, where the record that the Agency submitted contained only the EEO Counselor's Report, the Notice of Right to File a Discrimination Complaint, and the formal complaint; the Agency did not provide any contracts or affidavits from management officials regarding the day-to-day responsibilities and management of Complainant's position. In recent decades, the USPS has faced enormous funding cuts. Over the 5-year period USPS had a net decrease of 0.12% in employees with targeted disabilities. 0120151360 (July 28, 2017), https://www.eeoc.gov/sites/default/files/migrated_files/decisions/0120151360.txt. The Postal Service and Postal Inspection Service appropriately addressed all workplace violence cases in the six selected districts reviewed. Darin B. v. Office of Personnel Management, EEOC Appeal No. Within the Office of Workers' Compensation Programs (OWCP), the Division of Federal Employees' Compensation (DFEC) is responsible for processing claims filed by Postal Service employees. We thank you all for your continued patience with this process. The Agency articulated a legitimate reason for disciplining Complainant, but it did not explain why other employees who engaged in similar behavior were not disciplined. 0120160846 (Apr. In 2009, an administrative judge awarded back pay with interest and $100,000 in compensatory damages. Plains and Copperhead Pipeline Companies Reach Settlement with EEOC for $1.75 Million U.S. XOs`4ueYh;Ex=B,Dv4 RhA8eKw/VAFGVg(Iz8u.V:\Ms|(pAGn%A@%xK b8@8\Kx78 Y> &L P dv0H4t0p40Ht00 @` h*D#8&i 4 a`M@, 2021001514 (June 28, 2021), https://www.eeoc.gov/sites/default/files/decisions/2021_08_31/2021001514.pdf. 536 0 obj <>stream Postal Service, EEOC Appeal No. As part of the federal-sector investigative process, an investigator must obtain information about vacancies from an agency and should give a complainant the opportunity to explain whether she or he can perform the essential functions of the vacant positions with or without reasonable accommodation. Last year, when the city of Minneapolis awarded $27 million to the family of George Floyd, their attorney called it the largest pretrial civil rights settlement ever. The government-wide average was 344 days. Compensatory damages are not available in retaliation complaints arising solely out of prior EEO activity related to the ADEA. 2020002082 (Sept. 15, 2020), https://www.eeoc.gov/sites/default/files/decisions/2021_01_19/2020002082.pdf. Agency dismissal of complaint for failure to state a claim, on ground that Commission did not have jurisdiction to review substance of security clearance, reversed where agency made a determination based on suitability, not a security clearance. At the conclusion of the EEO investigation, plaintiff requested a hearing with an Administrative Judge. "In accordance with remedial compliance action item I contained in the November 7, 2018 decision of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's Office of Federal Operations (EEOC) in Sandra M. McConnell et al. Of the agencies completing 25 or more investigations, the Tennessee Valley Authority had the lowest average of 100 days. 0120132211 (Apr. All rights reserved. 2020001035 (May 20, 2021), https://www.eeoc.gov/sites/default/files/decisions/2021_08_31/2020001035.pdf. Sang G. v. Dep't of Homeland Security, EEOC Appeal No. 0120182601 (Nov. 8, 2019), https://www.eeoc.gov/sites/default/files/migrated_files/decisions/0120182601.pdf. Published Sept. 27, 2021 Updated Oct. 28, 2021. However, I will say this the Postal Service is run by some very hateful uncaring people who have no business being in Management. 14, 2021), https://www.eeoc.gov/sites/default/files/decisions/2021_06_08/2020002285.pdf. The Administrative Judge properly awarded Complainant $3,000.00 in nonpecuniary compensatory damages where Complainant offered corroborative testimony from his family, friends, and colleagues; the AJ found that Complainant's testimony was not credible in some respects but was credible with respect to how the discrimination affected his family and work life; and the amount awarded was consistent with amounts awarded under similar circumstances. The USPS now employs around 630,000 workers compared to 900,000 in 1999. Elden R. v. Dep't of the Interior, EEOC Appeal No. NEW YORK (AP) Four New York City ambulance workers who said they were disciplined for speaking to the media during the harrowing, early months of the COVID-19 pandemic have reached a settlement in their free speech lawsuit against the fire department and the city, their union announced Wednesday. Complainant stated a viable claim of harassment based on race and national origin where Complainant alleged that subordinate disparaged Chinese immigrants, mocked Complainant's language and communication skills, insinuated that Complainant was un-American, and interfered with work performance. 0120090062 (9/21/10). The USPS has fought back against the claims brought forward by the lawsuit, contesting each workers claim individually, alleging that injured workers never provided enough proof that they had disabilities or were actually harmed as a result of the NRP. Agency's final decisions on disputed claims for individual relief were premature because an Administrative Judge retains jurisdiction and is responsible for resolving disputed claims for individual relief. She further alleged the USPS retaliated against her for prior EEO action from 2005-2006. However, the judge may still award as much or less as the end result. 2019005929 (June 15, 2021), https://www.eeoc.gov/sites/default/files/decisions/2021_08_31/2019005929.pdf. Under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, Gabriele G. v. Social Security Administration, EEOC Appeal No. We are looking for people who may have been affected by the unlawful discrimination alleged in these suits. [9] These numbers reflect an increase in the percentage of Title VII settlements compared to 2016-2019. A class actioncomplaintfor injured on duty postal employees was certified by an EEOC Administrative Judge (AJ) on May 30,2008. You benefit from having control of the process, since you authorize access to your information. Bertram K. v. Dep't of Justice, EEOC Appeal No. Frances A. v. Dep't of Justice, EEOC Appeal No. Irina T. v. Dep't of Veterans Affairs, EEOC Appeal No. Agency violated the Rehabilitation Act when it did not provide Complainant with adequate equipment and unreasonably delayed the provision of assistive technology, software, and training to support her accommodation of full-time telework; performance counseling memorandum and placement on performance improvement plan for performance issues directly resulted from Agency's failure to provide Complainant with adequate technologies required to telework effectively. Francine M. v. U.S. Find your nearest EEOC office Including the NRP case, the USPS estimates that it may owe up to $178 million in potential liabilities for pending employment claims. Patricia W. v. Dep't of Homeland Security, EEOC Appeal No. However, the EEO refused to award more than $1,000 in attorney fees as the record didnt include an affidavit submitted by Padillas attorney, only his account indicating monthly payments to his attorney for services rendered. Substantial evidence supported the Administrative Judge's finding that the Agency subjected Complainant to a hostile work environment based on age and in reprisal for protected EEO activity when she was issued a lowered performance evaluation, subjected to false allegations, and subjected to unfair terms and conditions of employment. 2020003134 (Oct. 15, 2020), https://www.eeoc.gov/sites/default/files/decisions/2021_01_19/2020003134.pdf. on 8/11/2022 Joint Employers in Permian Basin Retaliated. The appellate decision affirmed an Administrative Judge's award of $200,000.00 in non-pecuniary compensatory damages and $223,116.35 in pecuniary compensatory damages. Letter of Caution's reference to an EEO settlement and Complainant's claim of discrimination constituted per se reprisal; references to Complainant's EEO activity in a disciplinary context could reasonably have a chilling effect on the use of the EEO complaint process.
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