It is at the end of the Edo period and preceded the Meiji era. These largely unsuccessful attempts continued until July 8, 1853, when Commodore Matthew Perry of the U.S. Navy with four warships: Mississippi, Plymouth, Saratoga, and Susquehanna steamed into the Bay of Edo (Tokyo) and displayed the threatening power of his ships' Paixhans guns. The direct trigger which is said to have spurred the imposition of sakoku was the Shimabara Rebellion of 163738, an uprising of 40,000 mostly Christian peasants. They were responsible for the finances of the shogunate. [25] Instead, each han provided feudal duties, such as maintaining roads and official currier stations, building canals and harbors, providing troops, and relieving famines. The end for the Bakumatsu was the Boshin War, notably the Battle of TobaFushimi, when pro-shogunate forces were defeated.[38]. [24], In the mid-19th century, an alliance of several of the more powerful daimy, along with the titular Emperor of Japan, succeeded in overthrowing the shogunate, which came to an official end in 1868 with the resignation of the 15th Tokugawa shogun, Tokugawa Yoshinobu, leading to the "restoration" (, sei fukko) of imperial rule. [3], Tashiro Kazui has shown that trade between Japan and these entities was divided into two kinds: Group A in which he places China and the Dutch, "whose relations fell under the direct jurisdiction of the Bakufu at Nagasaki" and Group B, represented by the Korean Kingdom and the Ryky Kingdom, "who dealt with Tsushima (the S clan) and Satsuma (the Shimazu clan) domains respectively". c) A manager wants to know if the mean productivity of two workers is the same. Matthew Perry arrived in Edo Bay with four warships requesting better treatment for shipwrecked sailors and better foreign relations with Japan. [26] However, there were exceptions to both criteria. China under the Ming and Qing dynasties as well as Joseon had implemented isolationist policies before Japan did, starting with the Ming implementing Haijin from 1371. The metsuke and metsuke were officials who reported to the rj and wakadoshiyori. Assuming the title shogun, he exercised firm control over the remaining daimyo at this time. It's made up of multiple islands, the main and biggest one being Honsh, which holds Japans/Tokugawa's capital: Edo. Treaty of Kanagwa- provided the return of shipwrecked American sailors, the opening of 2 ports to western traders, and establishment of a US consulate in Japan. The largest was the private Chinese trade at Nagasaki (who also traded with the Ryky Kingdom), where the Dutch East India Company was also permitted to operate. The Harris Treaty was signed with the United States on July 29, 1858. [31], Though Christianity was allowed to grow until the 1610s, Tokugawa Ieyasu soon began to see it as a growing threat to the stability of the shogunate. Western scientific, technical and medical innovations flowed into Japan through Rangaku ("Dutch learning"). The strict regulations and controls extended beyond just the shogun's forests. Western pressure for open trade with Japan was connected with the Meiji Restoration; cultural exchange went both ways, Guided Reading Activity / The west Between th, ENG 2310 Lochman Terminoloy for Quiz/Exam 1, United States Government: Principles in Practice, Magruder's American Government, California Edition, Lesson and class employees wages and benefits. The board plans to purchase about $50,000 of new equipment each year and wants to begin a fund to purchase a$600,000 piece of property for club expansion. How did the Meiji reform education in Japan? Some of the most famous soba ynin were Yanagisawa Yoshiyasu and Tanuma Okitsugu. The number of Christians in Japan had been steadily rising due to the efforts of missionaries, such as Francis Xavier and daimy converts. B. Men from the, The Tokugawa attempted to counter this movement by opening their government to participation from some of the tozama houses, but it was too late. [7], No Japanese ship nor any native of Japan, shall presume to go out of the country; whoever acts contrary to this, shall die, and the ship with the crew and goods aboard shall be sequestered until further orders. Towards the end of the shogunate, however, after centuries of the Emperor having very little say in state affairs and being secluded in his Kyoto palace, and in the wake of the reigning shgun, Tokugawa Iemochi, marrying the sister of Emperor Kmei (r. 18461867), in 1862, the Imperial Court in Kyoto began to enjoy increased political influence. Determine if the function models exponential growth or exponential decay. Shogunate Japan is a period of time during the years 1185 (officially recognized as 1192) to 1867 in which the leading military general, the shoguns, ruled the lands. Oda Nobunaga embraced Christianity and the Western technology that was imported with it, such as the musket. [6], Trade prospered during the sakoku period, and though relations and trade were restricted to certain ports, the country was far from closed. Japanese samurai are depicted training inside the castle grounds along with other government officials and citizens. [26] They supervised the metsuke (who checked on the daimyos), machi-bugy (commissioners of administrative and judicial functions in major cities, especially Edo), ongoku bugy[ja] (, the commissioners of other major cities and shogunate domains) and other officials, oversaw relations with the Imperial Court in Kyoto, kuge (members of the nobility), daimy, Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines, and attended to matters like divisions of fiefs. This was a big moveagain, literallybecause the provincial military lords already had large residences back home in the provinces. Some recent scholarship has shown that peasants may even have forced daimy to lower taxes. It is conventionally regarded that the shogunate imposed and enforced the sakoku policy in order to remove the colonial and religious influence of primarily Spain and Portugal, which were perceived as posing a threat to the stability of the shogunate and to peace in the archipelago. [6] Beginning from Ieyasu's appointment as shogun in 1603, but especially after the Tokugawa victory in Osaka in 1615, various policies were implemented to assert the shogunate's control, which severely curtailed the daimyos' independence. They had to direct resources, including taxes, from their provinces to the capital. [28] The shogunate secured a nominal grant of administration (, taisei) by the Imperial Court in Kyoto to the Tokugawa family. [2] Apart from these direct commercial contacts in peripheral provinces, trading countries sent regular missions to the shgun in Edo and at Osaka Castle. Tokugawa shogunate was the period between 1853 and 1867, during which Japan ended its isolationist foreign policy called sakoku and modernized from a feudal shogunate to the Meiji government. In the 1861 Tsushima Incident, a Russian fleet tried to force open a harbour not officially opened to foreign trade with foreign countries, but it was repelled with the help of the British. This time is also called the Edo period because the government was located in Edo (modern Tokyo ). The Edicts of the Tokugawa Shogunate: Excerpts from The Edict of 1635 Ordering the Closing of Japan: Addressed to the Joint Bugy of Nagasaki 1. 1. Restrictions on movement were not enforced consistently. Who is credited for being the first person to distinguish between psychological disorders? Farmers were valued more than artisans because food was essential. The rj () were normally the most senior members of the shogunate. A. Membership rose 3 percent during year 9, approximately the same annual rate of increase the club has experienced since it opened and that is expected to continue in the future. Although his participation in the restoration made him a legendary hero, it also, to his mortification, relegated his samurai class to impotence. What was the foreign policy of the Tokugawa shogunate? Citing a higher incidence of deaths due to binge drinking among first-year students, the college president claims that banning drinking in student housing will save lives. [11] The focus on the removal of Western and Christian influence from the Japanese archipelago as the main driver of the kaikin could be argued to be a somewhat eurocentric reading of Japanese history, although it is a common perception.[12]. Equipment depreciation and supplies, utilities, and miscellaneous expenses are expected to increase 25 percent. [26] The other 23 million koku were held by other daimyos. The term sakoku originates from the manuscript work Sakoku-ron () written by Japanese astronomer and translator Shizuki Tadao in 1801. [citation needed], The kanj-bugy were next in status. There were also many people who didn't fit into any group. The Tokugawa period was the last historical period in Japan in which a shogunate (military dictatorship) ruled the country. [25] The shogunate issued the Laws for the Imperial and Court Officials (kinchu narabini kuge shohatto ) to set out its relationship with the Imperial family and the kuge (imperial court officials), and specified that the Emperor should dedicate to scholarship and poetry. Thanks to this policy, both the trading at Nagasaki and the government's system for managing and controlling foreign relations functioned smoothly until the final years of the Tokugawa shogunate. During the sakoku period, Japan traded with five entities, through four "gateways". [25] The shgun did not interfere in a han's governance unless major incompetence (such as large rebellions) is shown, nor were central taxes issued. Taxes on the peasantry were set at fixed amounts that did not account for inflation or other changes in monetary value. Followers of Christianity first began appearing in Japan during the 16th century. Other missions, distinct from those of the Shogunate, were also sent to Europe, such as the Chsh Five, and missions by the fief of Satsuma. The bakufu, already weakened by an eroding economic base and ossified political structure, now found itself challenged by Western powers intent on opening Japan to trade and foreign intercourse. Treaty of Kanagwa- provided the return of shipwrecked American sailors, the opening of 2 ports to western traders, and establishment of a US consulate in Japan. Although rigid in principle, the social hierarchy didn't always work in practice. They would remain a sticking point in Japan's relations with the West up to the turn of the 20th century. Whoever presumes to bring a letter from abroad, or to return after he hath been banished, shall die with his family; also whoever presumes to intercede for him, shall be put to death. Men of all classes were generally freer than women to have relationships outside of marriage. The shoguns also cemented their power by taking charge of the country's production and distribution. It lasted from 1603 to 1867. He issued edicts that essentially closed Japan to all foreigners and prevented Japanese from leaving. The author of this article is Eman M. Elshaikh. the central authority of the Tokugawa shogunate lasted for more than 250 years. Additional data follows the financial statements. The first action, taken in 1868 while the country was still unsettled, was to relocate the imperial capital from Kyto to the shogunal capital of Edo, which was renamed Tokyo ("Eastern Capital"). In 1868 discontented daimyo, led by men from the two large anti-Tokugawa fiefs of Satsuma and Chsh, overthrew the regime and established. Brill. Keep in mind that when you read the article, it is a good idea to write down any vocab you see in the article that is unfamiliar to you. Chie Nakane and Shinzaburou Oishi (1990). Among other measures, they gave the Western nations unequivocal control of tariffs on imports and the right of extraterritoriality to all their visiting nationals. [citation needed] Government administration would be formally returned from the shogun to the Emperor during the Meiji Restoration in 1868. Individual han had their own metsuke who similarly policed their samurai. For example, the Tokugawa shoguns regularly sent ambassadors to meet with Korea's Joseon dynasty rulers, and Korea reciprocated on some occasions. Soon, however, it fell to hatamoto with rankings of 5,000 koku or more. The four holders of this office reported to the rj. The minimum number for a daimy was ten thousand koku;[27] the largest, apart from the shgun, was more than a million koku.[26]. Before the Tokugawa, Toyotomi Hideyoshi had previously begun to turn against the European missionaries after the Spanish conquest of the Philippines began, and the gradual progress of the Spanish there led to increasing hostility from the Tokugawa as well.[9][10]. A History of Japan, 15821941. [5], Commerce with Chinese and Dutch traders in Nagasaki took place on an island called Dejima, separated from the city by a narrow strait; foreigners could not enter Nagasaki from Dejima, nor could Japanese civilians enter Dejima without special permission or authorization. In the end, however, it was still the great tozama of Satsuma, Chsh and Tosa, and to a lesser extent Hizen, that brought down the shogunate. Tokugawa Ieyasu, original name Matsudaira Takechiyo, also called Matsudaira Motoyasu, (born Jan. 31, 1543, Okazaki, Japandied June 1, 1616, Sumpu), the founder of the last shogunate in Japanthe Tokugawa, or Edo, shogunate (1603-1867). Why or why not? But just because Japan restricted trade with Europe doesn't mean it was closed. They called it Edo, but you're probably more familiar with its other name: Tokyo. \end{array} attempted coup dtat against the Tokugawa shogunate led to increased efforts by the government to redirect the military ethos of the samurai (warrior) class toward administrative matters. They were in charge of discovering any threat of rebellion. Sakoku was a system in which strict regulations were placed on commerce and foreign relations by the shogunate and certain feudal domains (han). Different classes tended to live in different parts of the cities and villages, and the warrior class did not mix much with the other classes. Foreign trade was also permitted to the Satsuma and the Tsushima domains. Describe briefly. Notwithstanding its eventual overthrow in favour of the more modernized, less feudal form of governance of the Meiji Restoration, the Tokugawa shogunate oversaw the longest period of peace and stability in Japan's history, lasting well over 260 years. The Second Japanese Embassy to Europe (Japanese: 2, also ), also called the Ikeda Mission, was sent on February 6, 1864 by the Tokugawa shogunate.The head of the mission was Ikeda Nagaoki, governor of small villages of Ibara, Bitch Province (Okayama Prefecture).The assistant head of the mission was Kawazu Sukekuni. Lesson and class employees wages and benefi ts will increase to$604,650. She teaches writing at the University of Chicago, where she also completed her masters in social sciences and is currently pursuing her PhD. If paired, describe what the pairing involves. Emperor Mutshuhito= Meiji Restoration; they stripped the Daimyo of their lands. When agitation against the Tokugawa family began in the mid-19th century, the head of the Yamanouchi family, Yamanouchi Toyoshige (182772), tried to negotiate a favourable settlement for the. Required [23] Indeed, daimyos who sided with Ieyasu were rewarded, and some of Ieyasu's former vassals were made daimyos and were located strategically throughout the country. [27] They were ranked by size, which was measured as the number of koku of rice that the domain produced each year. This period was also noted for a large number of foreign traders and pirates who were resident in Japan and active in Japanese waters. The motivations for the gradual strengthening of the maritime prohibitions during the early 17th century should be considered within the context of the Tokugawa bakufu's domestic agenda. Hayashi also reinterpreted Shint, the Japanese national religion, from the point of view of Chu Hsis philosophy, laying the foundation for the Confucianized Shint that developed in later. The san-bugy ( "three administrators") were the jisha, kanj, and machi-bugy, which respectively oversaw temples and shrines, accounting, and the cities. Japan's isolation policy was fully implemented by Tokugawa Iemitsu, the grandson of Ievasu and shogun from 1623 to 1641. This government, called the Tokugawa Shogunate (1600-1868). Foreign affairs and trade were monopolized by the shogunate, yielding a huge profit. One club member has agreed to help prepare the following fi nancial statements and help the manager ascertain whether the plans are realistic. The _________ are involved in personality, intelligence, and the control of voluntary muscles. Tashiro, Kazui. Learning Objectives Characterize the Edo Period in Japan Key Takeaways Key Points Soon after the introduction of Catholicism, large groups of Japanese converted to the new, The first Tokugawa shogun, Ieyasu, took possession of Edo in 1590 and in 1603 made it the seat of his government, which effectively controlled the country and left only ceremonial functions with the imperial court and Kyto. Even if the tax would raise no revenue, why might Senator Moynihan have proposed it? In principle, the requirements for appointment to the office of rj were to be a fudai daimy and to have a fief assessed at 50000 koku or more. Merchants were seen as parasites because they produced nothing, and money dealings were immoral according to Confucian thought. What was the foreign policy of the Tokugawa shogunate? The whole race of the Portuguese with their mothers, nurses and whatever belongs to them, shall be banished to Macao. Do you have any more primary sources about the Japanese's trade with the dutch through this period? . The Tokugawa shogunate had created an isolation policy, but allowing only Dutch and Chinese merchants at its port at Nagasaki. Through the S clan daimy of Tsushima, there were relations with Joseon-dynasty Korea. In Feudal Japan, the Shogun was the absolute leader in terms of the military. 3. The Dutch and English were generally seen by the Japanese to be able to separate religion and trade, while their Iberian counterparts were looked upon with much suspicion. What was Japan's foreign policy in the To-kugawa Era? For the island's inhabitants, conditions on Dejima were humiliating; the police of Nagasaki could harass them at will, and at all times a strong Japanese guard was stationed on the narrow bridge to the mainland in order to prevent them from leaving the island. Tokugawa period, also called Edo period, (1603-1867), the final period of traditional Japan, a time of internal peace, political stability, and economic growth under the shogunate (military dictatorship) founded by Tokugawa Ieyasu. [23], In return for the centralization, peace among the daimyos was maintained; unlike in the Sengoku period, daimyos no longer worried about conflicts with one another. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Daniel Patrick Moynihan, the late senator from New York, once introduced a bill that would levy a 10,000 percent tax on certain hollow-tipped bullets. [19][20][17] The Tokugawa shogunate organized Japanese society under the strict Tokugawa class system and banned most foreigners under the isolationist policies of Sakoku to promote political stability. Based on work conducted by Japanese historians in the 1970s, some scholars have challenged this view, believing it to be only a partial explanation of political reality. [4], Thus, it has become increasingly common in scholarship in recent decades to refer to the foreign relations policy of the period not as sakoku, implying a totally secluded, isolated, and "closed" country, but by the term kaikin (, "maritime prohibitions") used in documents at the time, and derived from the similar Chinese concept haijin. An Embassy to Europe was sent in 1862, and a Second Embassy to Europe in 1863. In this new power structure, the emperor though technically the top official, and the one who appointed the shogun had pretty limited power. The political structure was stronger than in centuries before because the Tokugawa shoguns tended to pass power down dynastically from father to son. The Japanese economy gradually transformed in response to global forces. The daimy (lords) were at the top, followed by the warrior-caste of samurai, with the farmers, artisans, and traders ranking below. Though the shoguns sought to manage these exchanges, restrictions loosened over time. The Tokugawa government (16031867) of Japan instituted a censorial system (metsuke) in the 17th century for the surveillance of affairs in every one of the feudal fiefs (han) into which the country was divided. This was in some ways influenced by the Confucian idea that society was made up of four social classes. The Tokugawa shogunate had kept an isolationist policy, allowing only Dutch and Chinese merchants at its port at Nagasaki. b. foreign presence in Japan known as the sakoku foreign policy, which essentially . Women's lives and the family structure were also influenced by Confucian ideals. Beginning with the first shogun, Tokugawa Ieyasu, in 1603 and lasting until 1867, this system of . Eventually, this way of running Japan collapsed . The shogun directly held lands in various parts of Japan. They oversaw the administration of Buddhist temples (ji) and Shinto shrines (sha), many of which held fiefs. Artists and intellectuals didn't fit into any class, and there were people on the margins of society who were seen as even lower than merchants. Before the shoguns made it their political seat, it was just a small coastal fishing village. [23], The bakuhan system split feudal power between the shogunate in Edo and the daimys with domains throughout Japan. Answer the question to help you recall what you have read. Japanese pursued imperialist policies because they lacked space and resources to grow. Liberalizing challenges to sakoku came from within Japan's elite in the 18th century, but they came to nothing. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Merchants were outsiders to the social hierarchy of Japan and were thought to be greedy. The jisha-bugy had the highest status of the three. In its purest form, isolationism opposes all commitments to foreign countries including treaties . The Tokugawa shogunate was founded about 250 years earlier, in 1603, when Tokugawa leyasu (his surname is Tokugawa) and his allies defeated an opposing coalition of feudal lords to establish dominance over the many . for the overthrow of the Tokugawa. Tokugawa shogunate of Japan that ruled from 1600 until the Meiji Restoration in 1868. Japan may just appear as a series of islands off the east coast of the Eurasian landmass, but these islands are really big and have been thickly populated for many centuries. Japanese authors presented social condition and the realities of war. This Sakoku Edict (Sakoku-rei, ) of 1635 was a Japanese decree intended to eliminate foreign influence, enforced by strict government rules and regulations to impose these ideas.It was the third of a series issued by Tokugawa Iemitsu [citation needed], shgun of Japan from 1623 to 1651. 19. Traveling back and forth and keeping up two residences cost the daimy a lot and kept them busy, making it harder for them to challenge imperial power. [23], The Tokugawa clan further ensured loyalty by maintaining a dogmatic insistence on loyalty to the shgun. Ieyasu was the first of a long line of Tokugawa shoguns. The main policies of the shogunate on the daimyos included: Although the shogun issued certain laws, such as the buke shohatto on the daimys and the rest of the samurai class, each han administered its autonomous system of laws and taxation. Thus, isolationism fundamentally advocates neutrality and opposes entanglement in military alliances and mutual defense pacts. Tokugawa Ieyasus shogunate (see Tokugawa period) proved the most durable, but the Japanese penchant for titular rulers prevailed, and in time a council of elders from the main branches of the Tokugawa clan ruled from behind the scenes. How did the United States pressure Japan, and what was the result? [26] Under the wakadoshiyori were the metsuke. Other bugy (commissioners) in charge of finances, monasteries and shrines also reported to the rj. The gaikoku bugy were administrators appointed between 1858 and 1868. In October Year 5, it purchased its current property (land and building) for $1,200,000, paying$240,000 down and agreeing to pay $60,000 plus 6 percent interest annually on the previously unpaid loan balance each November 1, starting November 1, Year 6. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003. p. 39, K. Jack Bauer, A Maritime History of the United States: The Role of America's Seas and Waterways, University of South Carolina Press, 1988., p. 57, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Jean-Franois de Galaup, comte de Laprouse, successfully mutinied against their masters, List of Westerners who visited Japan before 1868, "S. Korea president faces protests from Buddhists", "Sakishimashotohibammui Cultural Heritage Online",, Foreign relations of the Tokugawa shogunate, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing additional references from July 2018, All articles needing additional references, All Wikipedia articles written in American English, Articles containing Japanese-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, In 1647 Portuguese warships attempted to enter, In 1738, a three-ship Russian naval squadron led by, In 1791, two American ships commanded by the American explorer, From 1797 to 1809, several American ships traded in, In 1803, William Robert Stewart returned on board a ship named "The Emperor of Japan" (the captured and renamed "Eliza of New York"), entered Nagasaki harbor, and tried in vain to trade through the Dutch enclave of, In 1804, the Russian expedition around the world led by captain, In 1842, following the news of the defeat of China in the, In 1844, a French naval expedition under Captain Fornier-Duplan visited, On July 24, 1846, the French Admiral Ccille arrived in, This page was last edited on 24 February 2023, at 09:55. And it worked, because under the Tokugawa, agriculture and commerce thrived. What was the Tokugawa Shogunate? In line with this, the Tokugawa shogunate restricted diplomatic contact by prohibiting any Europeans except the Dutch from coming to Japan after 1639; this was the policy of national seclusion (sakoku). Tokugawa Ieyasu's dynasty of shoguns presided over 250 years of. In the administrative reforms of 1867 (Kei Reforms), the office was eliminated in favor of a bureaucratic system with ministers for the interior, finance, foreign relations, army, and navy. \textbf{CORTEZ BEACH YACHT CLUB}\\ Tokugawa period. Early in the Edo period, daimys such as Yagy Munefuyu held the office. Japan was able to acquire the imported goods it required through intermediary trade with the Dutch and through the Ryukyu Islands. Justify your conclusion. Foreign trade was maintained only with the Dutch and the Chinese and was conducted exclusively at Nagasaki under a strict government monopoly. A shogunate, or bakufu, refers to the rule by the . How did the Meiji reformers change Japan's political system? [26], The number of han (roughly 270) fluctuated throughout the Edo period. Japanese mariners and merchants traveled Asia, sometimes forming Nihonmachi communities in certain cities, while official embassies and envoys visited Asian states, New Spain (known as Mexico since the early 19th century), and Europe. In June 1853, he brought to Nagasaki Bay a letter from the Foreign Minister Karl Nesselrode and demonstrated to Tanaka Hisashige a steam engine, probably the first ever seen in Japan. The soba ynin increased in importance during the time of the fifth shgun Tokugawa Tsunayoshi, when a wakadoshiyori, Inaba Masayasu, assassinated Hotta Masatoshi, the tair. Portuguese traders (who introduced Roman Catholicism and guns to Japan) first arrived there in the mid-16th century. The Tokugawa shoguns enforced these rules across Japan, forbidding the daimyo from destroying their forests. The Edo shogunate was the most powerful central government Japan had yet seen: it controlled the emperor, the daimyo, and the religious establishments, administered Tokugawa lands, and handled Japanese foreign affairs. How did the Shoguns keep order in this situation? If They refused to take part in the tributary system and themselves issued trade permits (counterparts of the Chinese tributary tallies) to Chinese merchants coming to Nagasaki Read More role in Battle of Sekigahara If you cannot answer a question, read the related section again. Protestant English and Dutch traders reinforced this perception by accusing the Spanish and Portuguese missionaries of spreading the religion systematically, as part of a claimed policy of culturally dominating and colonizing Asian countries. The Protestant Dutch, who did not want to send missionaries like the Catholic Spanish and Portuguese, were allowed to trade from a specific port in Nagasaki Harbor under strict Japanese supervision. [citation needed], The bakuhan system (bakuhan taisei ) was the feudal political system in the Edo period of Japan. Major cities as Nagasaki and Osaka, and mines, including the Sado gold mine, also fell into this category. To log in and use all the features of Khan Academy, please enable JavaScript in your browser. In the rural areas, they put improved farming techniques into place. How did Western culture influence traditional Japanese culture? This arrangement served a few purposes.
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