Thank you so much for writing this article. Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome in foals and horses results from a disequilibrium between mucosal aggressive factors (hydrochloric acid, pepsin, bile acids, organic acids) and mucosal protective factors (mucus, bicarbonate). Drink immediately; or let sit out overnight, and drink in the morning: Some sources say the overnight soaking is best to activate the clay. A clay bath should last ideally 15-20 minutes in extremely hot water and longer in less hot water. If I may ask you two little questions that would be great, Youve mentioned about supplements and I was told that: Dont bother taking any vitamins, because the clay will absorb all the goodness out fo them. Bentonite clay, which is made from volcanic ash, is one of the best healing clays out there. You can also get one in your duodenum, the first part of the small intestine that your stomach feeds into. Youre welcome, Darryl! Best option aside from glass bottles (not practical for hiking with)? Im so glad the article is helpful!! I really appreciate your informative article (and all the comments and answers!). Ive read a lot about it. In an old study on 35 people, this clay (2 spoonfuls 3x/day) quickly relieved diarrhea, stomach pain, nausea, and lack of appetite [67 . Its ability to expand in water and to ionically attract toxins and metallic ions has made . No currently accepted treatment method exists for these viral infections, but its possible bentonite clay could be a candidate for more research on the subject. I cant say definitively, but I do think they will work fine together. While calcium bentonite is used on the body, both internally and topically, sodium bentonite has more industrial uses. However, if it is ingested or breathed in, it can cause many a disease called Paraquat lung. Just to calm down my fears! The pH of the stomach can be amended by using Betaine HCl (with Pepsin) or digestive bitters. This regimen can be taken long term or short term, depending on an individuals health goals and challenges. I have serious bouts of itching all over my body on and off. When using the clay do we need Iodine or is not necessary to supplement it? It is specific for removal of dead candida. Then drink it right away. I have suffered from severe constipation since I was young. Or do you work in a hospital or dental office? I think he may have gotten ulcers because it's not like him to be that way. Letting the mixture sit overnight, and allowing the sediment to settle and drinking just the clay water from the top of the mixture in the morning is another gentle approach. The clay paste can also remove warts if applied for about 2 weeks and let to dry. The specifics will change based on the remedy being used, but the basic method is the same: thick paste, inside cloth, on wound. 1 Some polyphenols help to heal stomach lining ulcers faster, while others have antibacterial effects and help kill H. pylori. It will not increase exposure to metals; it should decrease it. Bentonite clay, also known as montmorillonite clay or calcium bentonite clay, is an ancient home remedy that is used for a variety of skin issues. It crosses the blood brain barrier so could be a good choice for gadolinium. This is my personal link, as I became a distributor because I love it that much (but I would never share it unless I believed in it completely. You might find the information on this website: Sorry I cant help more. If I mixed it in water and let it settle to the bottom and drank it in the AM and not the settled mud in the bottom, would I benefit and miss most of the iron content, or would that be a waste of clay? Geologically, Redmond Clay is volcanic ash that was deposited in sea While bentonite clay has been used for centuries around the world to promote better health and ward off diseases, those living in the U.S. and Europe have,for the most part, only recently become familiar with this product. I am drinking the Sonnes #7 morning and night, but had the same experience with other bentonite clays. Hi Willow, thanks for your kind comments!! Bentonite clay prevents and cures aflatoxin toxicity. While bentonite clay is beneficial for digestive health, one of the main side effects is constipation. If you make a larger amount to be used over a period of time, add some hydrogen peroxide to your water. Then condition and style as you normally would. It may not slow but rather thicken your bowels. It absorbs dirt and oil, like sebum. It has been reported that several traditional cultures living in regions of the Andes, Central Africa and Australia have applied and consumed volcanic clays in numerous ways for centuries. Constipation will resolve with the continued use of clay and extra water. I appreciate your reply and all that you do! Too much could potentially result in bentonite clay side effects including disruption of normal digestion and problems with absorption of vital nutrients. It is best to take clay on a daily basis and keep a steady balance in your body. ive taken BC for years. There are different actions occurring: Clay draws toxins in, while magnesium is absorbed by the body. For small oozing wounds, dry clay powder can be sprinkled on until it stops absorbing. Bentonite is actually the trade name that the clay has been given, but people for the most part speak about Montmorillonite and Bentonite clay interchangeably and are referring to the same product. Use code BEAUTIFUL10 at checkout for 10% off your order.) ??!! Do not pick it off when dry. Then it acts like a magnet and sponge, absorbing harmful substances so they can be removed from the body. He was very concerned and recommended I start taking Sonnes #7 bentonite clay. im taking LOTS o alt. Follow by drinking a full glass of water. Most are pharmaceutical pimps.There is video of a nurse circulating around that is trying to get the message out.There was a lady technician leaving notes on her paperwork finding parasites and her senior was erasing her findings. Then I read your article, took 1 1/4 teaspoon with 8oz before bed and then when I woke up. Neutralizes stomach ailments from ulcers and Acid Reflux Alkalizing agent in the body - balances pH Fixes free oxygen in the blood stream Our pure bentonite clay supplement buffers acid, soothes equine ulcers, and alleviates common issues like diarrhea, lack of appetite, and stress. Our clay also has 60+ trace minerals horses need to stay healthy and improve hydration. I was diagnosed with breast cancer last year, had bilateral mastectomy and radiation, no chemo thankfully. I put clay powder on it for only a few days and it totally cured it. Id really appreciate your honest answer since there are MANY mixed thoughts and advice by people whos read it or theyve heard, etc, but not by professionals who actually use it and have plenty experience. On a related note, one of the MOST important steps in my healing process is practicing grounding, or earthing. Hi Everyone, I heard on a radio program ( KGNU Boulder ) called Tributaries with Robin Clare interviewing a man by the name of Neal Borschtheart ( SP ) whose grandfather bought land containing Clay in Utah which he may be his now. Healing on areas where cancers were removed is much faster, and the clay greatly reduces inflammation. Looking forward to your response. But when I read the concerns voiced, I think its important to consider each point to be sure, of course! The liver plays a central role in gut health issues, more than medical communities know. Your email address will not be published. Great question. Healing of the digestive system, excretion of toxins, improved organ function, increased nutrition from food, oxygenation of cells, antibacterial (can replace antibiotics in some cases). To start you can take up to a tablespoon a day mixed with juice on an empty stomach or at least an hour before . Many many years ago when I first started my real food journey I heard about pascalite clay. You'll receive a confirmation email shortly! Or, do some people actively add magnesium to bathwater? HORSE ULCER RELIEF: Buffer excess stomach acid and relieve painful symptoms caused by equine ulcers. Bentonite clay energizes! How would I get around this? This allows the intestines and colon to absorb more dietary nutrition! Sorry Im not more help on that! Is sodium bentonite clay can use internally. As a Mineral Supplement Will taking the bentonite clay help clean this out of our system? Also I have never eaten fried foods of any kind for all my life and now Im 74 and for about 6 months started eating potato chips that are fried, of course. I have made masks and had detox baths with bentonite clay, but I learned something new today! I was a bit scared too to drink more than a sip at first, but Ill try more next time! Bentonite clay can be applied to any area on the skin of babies that is irritated, red or needs soothing in the same way that traditional powders are used. Does it build up in your arteries or kidneys at all, like if someone had calcifications or prone to kidney stones? Heartburn. The greater surface area, the greater the accumulation of positively-charged ions (toxins and impurities). Thank you for commenting! In mice studies, BC has been found to absorb certain thyroid hormones (T3 and T4), resulting in the alleviation of hyperthyroidism. And to the heat or cold or does it not matter at all? When preparing BC mixtures,always use a nonreactive bowl, in other words one that is wood, plastic or glass. Thank you. I will definitely check it out ! Thank you once again, Megan, for sharing so much of your research. (Ideally, use Betaine HCl or Digestive Bitters to create the optimum pH for digestion directly before eating. Optional ingredients: bentonite clay, sugar, coffee. I feel that the clay, whichever one it is, will counter-act with the probiotic and the other products. Bentonite clay can be mixed with water to make a paste or poultice for natural wound care and the healing of hoof abscesses. One type of virus that, at least in a lab, finds its match in bentonite clay is humanadenovirus. Best for me would be to drink it right before bed. Skin disorders Bentonite clay has been used for many skin complaints ranging from acne to skin cancers. Oh good, Stacey, so glad. I read that if your kidneys are not flushing properly itchy skin could be one of the symptoms. What Bentonite clay is excellent in removing are the increasingly present Fukushima fallout particles that so many are in obvious denial about. How about taking this while nursing? It is an effective treatment for arthritis, cataracts, diabetic neuropathy, pain, wounds, diarrhea, stomach ulcers, animal and insect bites, acne, anemia and alcoholism; it is effective in treating all digestive conditions and aids in . He mentioned in the interview that he gives this to himself and family including children and swears to its health benefits. Topical application of bentonite clay has even been shown to helpheal Buruli ulcers, which is a flesh-eating infection resulting fromMycobacterium ulceransbacteria generally seen in third-world countries. Thanks for the informative article! ( To date, no controlled, human studies exist to reflect this benefit. It helps horses not only in case of digestive problems but also in case of sprains or muscular pains. Although it is unlikely to interfere with natural supplements, take bentonite clay 30-60 minutes away from or at a separate time from supplements. Ive just started to drink the bentonite solution. Heres one foot bath recipe that includes bentonite clay. While these viruses are not generally lethal, they do cause respiratory infections that can be particularly dangerous to infants or those with compromised immune systems. Others encourage the ingestion of castor oil to encourage an effective purge of the toxins. Those other forms of radiation listed are electromagnetic, and once the device is turned off the radiation stops, nothing to remove. Be sure to follow instructions carefully. Looking for instruction I was blessed to come across your blog and took my first dose while reading. Radiation exposure is all around us. and health. Bentonite clay can not be digested, so it helps the body to excrete these waste products. It may also help support hair growth, make hair shinier, reduce dandruff, and prevent infections that can affect the scalp. The vibrational resonance of the electromagnetic energy of clay in stimulating blood flow and circulation has a lingering essence. What is the final verdict there? Wow thanks for all the great info, I never thought about consuming it before, although I have used it as a face mask! Clay is like a charger that keeps the body balanced and in equilibrium and thus energized. Hi! Question: For how long can I do this? Whether its from our phones, clothing, chewing gum, contact lenses, take-out boxes, plastic wrap, restaurant storage containers, or the plastics found in the water we drink, how do we detox the plastics that we touch and consume? Mixed with water in a thin paste, its very effective with zits, acne and other skin problems, and small wounds. Is Lamb Healthy? Thanks for sharing your experience, Barbara! Its all good except the part about radiation is misleading in one way and wrong in another. For scrapes or bug bites, apply a concentrated amount of the clay directly to the trouble area and coverwith a bandage or gauze, then let it sit for about two hours, thenrinse it off. And when you say dont take with any medicationslike whats safe, taking it 30-60 minutes before medications or after? Much of the immune system actually lives inside of the gut microbiome, and when the gut wall is compromised, toxins are better able to leach into the bloodstream and cause serious problems. The most common peptic ulcer symptom is burning stomach pain. Then, add one teaspoon to an eight-ounce glass of water or freshly squeezed juice. Make sure to only ingest bentonite clay thats food grade. Many thanks, Yes, I recommend this green clay: I also use this one, which is a bulk product but works great and lasts a super long time: Aw good, that clarifies lol. When consumed, bentonite clay and the toxins it binds to move through the intestines. Consult your functional or naturopathic physician. But I actually separate them. Gastric ulceration. Thinking logically, how then does the toxin leave the body if it slows down the bowel? Hi Blair, I was on a thyroid medication for years as well, while taking clay too. Or is it not that kind of substance? For a 1,000 lb. I purchased 100 pounds 30 years ago and still have about 30 pounds left. Daily Gold powder is safe and effective for everyday gut support. But I am wondering if it will help them at this point even though it is now 11 days since they have been exposed. Please consult your doctor in terms of your bodys need for iodine. Based on my own ingestion of bentonite clay and reading extensively on the topic, psyllium husk may be unnecessary. Is that regarding to the better consumption of the clay or in case of an upset stomach? Thanks. [3/23/16] The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is warning consumers not to use "Best Bentonite Clay," a product of Best Bentonite, located . horse, mix 2 heaping tablespoon (approx. Therapeutic and essential oils such as lavender, peppermint, clove, oregano or tea tree can be blended into the poultice to further enhance healing. Ill let you know about the results plan on starting in the morning. But I did so much research for this post and for my own use that I certainly had reason for it. Hi Lilu, I dont recommend either, because Im not a doctor, but I would ask your vet to be safe. While in its natural state, bentonite clay has negatively charged molecules. Great, Sandra, all the best to you and your husband. Its possible to enjoybentoniteclay benefitsby taking it internally (in other words, drinking and eating it), on top of using it externally on your skin and hair. After consuming bentonite clay, its best to wait 60 minutes to eat, allowing it to sweep through the stomach and do its good work, unaffected by the acidity required for digestion. The clay is dried in the sun, filtered and then sold commercially in several forms, including as facial clay masks, ointments/pastes, and hair treatments. Again my question: Will taking the bentonite clay help clean the PFAS out of our system? I also take meds at bedtime. This approach helps to eliminate the unknown factors and any concerns in regard to past treatments or exposures. Thanks again very much! Simply put, I have personally benefited from the ingestion of bentonite clay. May Be Poisonous if Ingested . It isnt really an issue of logic because clay is a naturally occurring substance that helps our bodies by drawing toxins to itself and then exiting the body. Reddy agrees that "a balanced diet with fruits and vegetables helps prevent stomach ulcers.". Due to its properties, it soothes pain and absorbs gas and toxins.
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