Filing a UCC1 Financing Statement is the filing of a legal document into the public as evidence of you regaining control over your Agent in commerce, your strawman. This is the state of affairs on planet earth. The sole proprietorship is my name and nothing else. Now your first appearance is in a court of record and not in a traffic court, where there is no record. This led me to think of getting a LLC so that I may set up a commercial/pass through account for me to discharge debts. Since the Accounts are really just speculation on our true value, our living being and creative potential, the only TRUE way to access your account is to create abundance that no longer requires the old system. He said, In 1938, all the higher judges, the top attorneys and the U.S. attorneys were called into a secret meeting and this is what we were told: I also am from the U.K. and have recently just filed my UCC1 with the Washington office. Our pleasure to share the knowledge. It had been abandoned on the sea (see) of admiralty where it was salvaged by Government and big corps to use for their own gain and benefit. Q: Can I access my Master Strawman Account online? 03/2023, 20 How To Withdraw Money From Veve Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. You see, a Federal Reserve Note is a colorable 1 dollar, as it has no substance, and in a Common Law Jurisdiction, that contract would be unenforceable. One cannot use a document which notifies the former systems of their lack ofpossession (the OPPT filings), and then ask those same former systems to release the funds. Access Your Master Straw Man Account | A. CI Financial Corp. God will accomplish his heart's desire. Theodore. Unfortunately, we dont advocate the process of redeeming your strawman account in the ways expressed in this post. Well, I asked a lot of questions and boxed the judges into a corner where they had to give me a victory or admit what they didnt want to admit. Im glad you told me that. I have a question about the nature of this action. This is very helpful I need this in my life I have learned so much about UCC1 in so little time thanks. Find more about how we can help each other from our healthcare site. Most of these people who claim they know how to redeem their accounts really dont. It is an agreement that, Into the Storm (Hosted by Justin Deschamps), Media Archive (Shows, Videos, Presentations), Barbara H Whitfield RT and Charles L Whitfield MD, EMF Harmonized (Cell Phone, Wi-Fi, Radiation Protection. I was asked to testify in a tax case as an expert witness. I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove. Howard Freeman You can also check with your bank or financial institution to see if there are any activity on the account. I read the Erie Railroad case. Using capital letters in texts or email is to show that it is to be seen. This is about how to access your Master strawman account. EIN Package 6: EXPRESS 24 HOUR Business Day Delivery - Estate AND Foreign 98 EINs - $329.99 (Espaol), EIN Package 5: EXPRESS 24 HOUR, BUSINESS DAY Delivery - Foreign 98 EIN - $199.99 (Espaol), Banking Tips For Opening Up A Bank Account, Business Credit Cards To Apply with Bad Credit, Bankruptcy Should Not Be Reported On Your Credit Report, 4 Websites To Help You Build an 800 Credit Score,, (UCC 1-308 (old 1-207).7) 3,500 Ton Philippine Gold Bars Unlawfully Shipped Out, But for Whose Benefit? Apply for DTC registration. The clarity afforded the average Joe when it comes to applying the Law to his advantage is about as clear as mud pie; no transparency. Legal but not lawful? Pull down funds from TDA through pass through account. We are a private organization and offer no refunds on any of our services. (The officer reads the signature). How the UCC works to resolve agreements instead of contracts; Born and live in Michigan. These are characteristic it must be based on substance. You can then use your bond number to apply for a CUSIP number from citizen to make sure you know you are no longer dealing with the enslaved strawman or a federal citizen with limited rights, you now have the real common law flesh and blood sovereign citizen in front of you. A master strawman account is a online account that is used to create the illusion of consensus by artificially inflating the number of supporters for an idea. You must ask how we got into this situation where we can be charged with failure to wear seatbelts and be fined for it. Thanks for your comment. Fortunately, I made a friend of a judge. I think it could be answered if I could put the officer on the stand for a moment and ask him a few short questions. By accessing your Master Strawman Account, you can ensure that all of your personal information is accurate and up to date. It is important to understand our society is based mainly on these presumptive offers to contract. Assuming you would like a step-by-step guide on how to create a master strawman account: 1. With our STRAWMAN, STRAW MAN money credit give-back process, you may be able to eliminate all your debts in very little time using government documents against these private corporations that hold you hostage. how do i access my master strawman account. Yes, he is. To these ends, Mr. Freeman offers a simple, hopeful explanation of our plight and a peaceful method of dealing with it. Tacitus Procuration is the legal term for this which means: Your email address will not be published. This Global Financial System is similar to a global IOU system, because no lawful money exists we exchange IOUs and never actually settle the accounts with real money. The district court had decided on the basis of Commercial (Negotiable Instruments) Law: that this man was not under any contract with the Erie Railroad, and therefore he had no standing to sue the company. When you are pulled over and you hand the Police Officer your Corporate Identification documents (your drivers license) there is presumption you are working for the United States, Inc, are an agent of government, knowingly consenting to be subject to ALL Statues and Rules under their Corporate system. Here is what Without Prejudice UCC 1-308 means from the UCC: (a) Apartythat with explicit reservation of rights performs or promises performance or assents to performance in a manner demanded or offered by the other party does not thereby prejudice the rights reserved. If I buy a quart of milk with a silver dollar, that dollar bought the milk, and the milk bought the dollar substance for substance. Please and thank you!! D: Thank you, Your Honor, for telling me that. When we pay a debt, we give substance for substance. I heard that judges in Canada will say that this only applies to the USA. I wish to use it to begin . After that you will have to send you bond into the treasury so your direct account can be activated. Once you have created your account, you will be able to login and access your strawman. You have to set your Treasury account up to get your own routing number set up by the FR bank. The next step is to go the clerk of the traffic court and say: I believe it would be helpful if I talk to you, because I want to save the government some money (this will get their attention). What they would have to do is place the national debt into evidence. But I dont want the Men In Black on my door either if you know what I mean. Once a person files a UCC form, and it is registered by a state's UCC office, the filing of that document becomes a legal document. Bond becomes live again on stock market. I would like to know how to authenticate my UK birth certificate. 3. Hi! They will be the TRANSFER AGENT for the treasury. Behold the Philippines Under U.S. Democracy for 113 Years! The Common Law, the Law Merchants, and even the Uniform Commercial Code all have remedy and recourse, but for a long time we could not find them. The UCC file number is used as the bond number which will reference your birth certificate bond number. Hi I\\\ve been researching this for about 2 yrs now and all false info across the board. My grandfather was Capt John Autrey and Jeremiah Riley we are the original pioneers whom came to America 1613. So here we find the blending of Law with Equity. There is no need to create forms they can be found online. Some sovereign citizens also claim that they can become immune to most or all laws of the United States by renouncing their citizenship, a process they refer to as expatriation, which involves filing or delivering a nonlegal document claiming to renounce citizenship in a federal corporation and declaring only to be . This is civil jurisdiction of Compelled Performance which also has Criminal Penalties for not adhering to the letter of the contract, but this only applies to International Contracts. If you have any questions about our services, please feel free to reach out to us using our contact form here or by emailing us at Lets see how we got under this Statutory Jurisdiction. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Winston Shrout has a powerful grasp of this knowledge. There are presumptions to contract everywhere in society. If you want to understand this fully, go to a law library and photocopy these two sections from the UCC. If you dont understand the law, they cant try you. The Sixth Amendment of the Constitution gives me the right to request the court to explain the nature of any action against me, and upon my request, the court has the duty to answer. Incendently, your quote by Howard Freeman at the top of your page was not made by Howard Freeman. In Equity Jurisdiction, you cannot be tried criminally, but you can be compelled to perform to the letter of a contract. Frequently Asked Questions In any traffic court case or tax case you are called into court and the judge reads the law and then asks, How do u know if u filed the ucc1 correct? So in order to be clear! Can you tell me where you have it in a court case? 1-308 (old 1-207). I was thinking of going out and scream out loud, I hate Washington crooks!, But now that I know, that I can protect myself and my future child and family I feel relieve. Get the perfect website for your sacred work at Modern Masters. Once you find your master strawman account, you can start using it to your advantage. Assuming you are referring to the strawman theory, also known as the legal fiction theory, the answer is fairly simple. Here are the steps you need to follow to access your Master Strawman Account: Now that we have explained how to access your Master Strawman Account, lets take a look at why it is important to do so. There are two criminal jurisdictions mentioned in the Constitution; one is under the Common Law , and the other deals with International Maritime Contracts , under an Admiralty Jurisdiction . 3. If youre ever in town, stop by, and if Im not sitting on a case we will visit. In other words, we must stop trying to seek money (unless we create a new form of exchange like bitcoin which is not a debt instrument) as the only tool for liberation and creation (for this mind set implies our incompetence). The Banking system would have you believe we have nothing and have to earn our living, when in fact we have everything and we have a right to a living. Be aware of who you are and how that BEingness extends outwardly everywhere. It is illegal to use CUSIP numbers from other instruments! 3 #Expairtation, Of 14th #Ammendment- While Being Massa In Due Course Of #100BillionDollars! However, if the judge wont listen to you and just moves ahead with the case, then you will want to read to him that last sentence of 1-103.6 which states: The Code cannot be read to preclude a Common Law action. No court has Admiralty/Maritime Jurisdiction unless there is a valid international maritime contract that has been breached. By following the simple steps outlined in this article, you can gain access to your Master Strawman Account and take control of your personal finances. Obtain Counsel. In order to access your master strawman account, you must first find out who your strawman is. Whenever there is a penalty for failure to perform (such as willful failure to file), that is Admiralty/Maritime Law and there must be a valid international contract in force. The name for the straw man is your name in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. Access Your Master Straw Man Account AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION! No, you could not. For example, one man who used this in regard to a traffic ticket was asked by the judge just what he meant by writing without prejudice UCC 1-308 (old 1-207) on his statement to the court. You can catch any fraudulent transactions before they cause significant damage to your credit score or financial standing. You can never walk into a bank and get cash from this commercial account! Blacks Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition. i would really like to access my account and reclaim my BC but i cannot seem to find out how to do it in Canada. That was a valid contract the dollar was a genuine, silver dollar. According to the Federal Reserve banks . Australia ( Your Strawman in Law ) Birth Certificate Dailymotion Australia ( Your Strawman in Law ) Birth Certificate. Just saying. To access your master strawman account, visit the website and click on the Create an Account button. Wouldnt a BOE or IBOE cover any tax issues that may come out of this? From which I could withdrawal for the use of goods and services. #StayTuned #Grimnasty * This is a Reenactment For Ent. As long as I did not use the funds for business purposes I would not have an issue. Reserve your rights or loose them! Can a sovereign citizen drive without a license? Now we know why so many millionaire people get richer and why they dont answer to the law. I had to go back and file an amendment listing the collateral to make the UCC a true trust and then notified the Treasury. The Situation is So Intense, it Involves the Entire US Government | FBI Insider, The Interview The Global Elite Never Want You To Hear, Julians Debt Contesting Experience OPPT Success Stories, One Peoples Public Trust used to foreclose, the UCC Connection How the Uniform Commercial Code secretly took over the world. Seeing through the Mud Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. You have to set up the TDA once you have DTC questionnaire complete and you will need an advising pass through bank in order to complete this process. I dont believe I have ever been under any International Maritime Contract, so I would deny that one exists. Such words as without prejudice, under protest, or the like are sufficient. The Code recognizes the Common Law. Thank you very much for your time and effort. If the judge insists on proceeding with the case, just act confused and ask this question: Let me see if I understand, Your Honor. The same is true for strawmen. I even called Telecheck to clarify on the phone what their letter was stating. What the sovereigns fail to grasp is they are free to travel, by foot, by bike, even by horse. Unacknowledged American Atrocities in the Philippines. 11/13/18. Modern Masters ethically serves small businesses in metaphysical, paranormal, healing, spirituality, homesteading, acupuncture and other related fields. Please be as detailed as possible as to what youre inquiring about so we can better assist you. even though I am in England?, also do i file it in the name on my birth certificate, J: No, I can assure you this court is not moving under the Common Law. Enter your personal information into the required fields. What Was the U.S. Role in the Slaughter of 44 Filipino Special Ops Police? Lu tn ca ti, email, v trang web trong trnh duyt ny cho ln bnh lun k tip ca ti. Once you file your UCC-1 you will get the file number create your bond with the UCC Trust Account. The Recourse appears in the Uniform Commercial Code at 1-103.6, which says: The Code is complimentary to the Common Law, which remains in force , except where displaced by the code. In order to receive a CUSIP number for your birth certificate bond first you have to file your UCC-1. I believe it is none of these. In essence, a Strawman Account is a dummy account that is created in your name by the government. For starters, you would first get your certificate of live birth authenticated. ALL YOU HAVE TO REALLY DO IS DO IT. How do I access my master strawman account? ? We sent you more information on this by email. Your strawman is usually your full name written in all capital letters. I appreciate all that you and your team are doing. how do i unlock my merrill lynch account, how do i recover my coin master account, can i withdraw money from my father's account, how do i find my merrill lynch account number online . If you forget your login information for your master strawman account, you will not be able to access your account or any of the associated data. The SSN is a "public" number associated with a "public persona," your straw man. Once you receive confirmation (green card) from Treasury bond is activated. But the bankers said it is not expedient at this time to admit that they own everything and could foreclose on every nation of the world. Are you familiar with this legislation? If youre a legal professional looking to gain a better understanding of the legal system, check out this article. Therefore, it doesnt appear to me that this court is moving under the Common Law. The primary account is the account that you establish when initially opening your TreasuryDirect account. If you seek legal advise, find yourself a competent lawyer or attorney. Officer: Oh, no, I was just getting the address I didnt look down there. colorABLE MONEY colorABLE COURTS I have watched many Peter Stone videos and read tons about all this. You ask: D: Well, Your Honor, is this a Civil or Criminal Action?. When you receive your green card you know they have been notified you have claimed your Birth Certificate. Open up Commercial Account and TDA account. 26 How Long Is A Flight From Houston To Austin We are not lawyers or attorneys and do not give any legal advise. Every year, thousands of Americans are duped into believing that the U.S. government has some sort of secret "strawman" account with money they can access simply by filling out some. Your straw man (Strawman) is an artificial person created by law at the of your birth, the inscription of an ALL-CAPITAL LETTERS NAME on your birth certificate/document, which is a document of title and a negotiable instrument. The Banking system would have you believe we have nothing and have to The strawman account is the account which is prepaid by you the creditor. Then you would send the Dept. If I make a presumptive statement with material evidence a bill from your creditor with some numbers on it that suggests a contract exist and you do not rebut this statement, it cures under the UCC given a period of time. Hope these tips were of help and feel free to contact us should you have any further questions. 7. It becomes part of the public record. Methods of Claiming Your Straw Man The CESTUI QUE VIE Trust Freedom From Servitude If You Are Not Willing To Learn, No One Can Help You. It is also used to express exclamatory responses when typed in single words.. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The UCC is designed to be based on statements, which go un-rebutted, and then become enforceable. I would have to demand that such a contract, if it does exist, be placed into evidence, so that I may contest it, but surely, this court is not operating under an Admiralty Jurisdiction. Im very grateful for actual information and STEPS! Under this new law, agreements can be binding, and if you only exercise the benefits of an agreements, it is presumed or implied that you intend to meet the obligations associated with those benefits. Contact Us The strawman account is the account which is prepaid by you the creditor. Remember to stay vigilant about protecting your identity and financial security, and dont hesitate to contact the IRS if you have any concerns or issues with your Master Strawman Account. COURTROOM TECHNIQUES Actually, this just creates an account to discharge your bills; it wont let you buy up a lot of new stuff with it. It is simply insurance to protect members of the public from any accidental or delinquent actions from us as private people. When you were born, your parents volunteered to the government that you were incompetent, and you are not capable of managing your Strawman Account; or your Estate. Always! Access Your Master Straw Man Account - AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION! Also what would come after filing the UCC1? Can i file a UCC-1 in Washington. This account is used to hold funds that are owed to you, such as tax refunds . MasterTrackEarn credit the argument of the hypothesis, then we say youre attacking a straw man. The person that filed the document is the secured party when it comes to the UCC filing. Because of the Bankruptcy of the United States, Inc. in 1933 we have been keeping tabs of all our debts using accounting and negotiable instruments. Please reference the email sent to you for further guidance. (The names on tombstones in cemeteries are in all-caps.). So how do you get to take out money since you have the trust? Could you please talk me through the process of what I would need to do next. We had no knowledge of this process. 3. In essence, a Strawman Account is a dummy account that is created in your name by the government. hello RECOURSE If you go to a law library and ask to see the Uniform Commercial Code, they will show you a shelf of books completely filled with the Uniform Commercial Code. We sometimes share our thoughts and opinions based on FACTS and well-researched topics. The Constitution of the United States mentions three areas of jurisdiction in which the courts may operate: Common Law is based on Gods law. You may only pay bills. As slaves we have no rights. Transparency is your friend.
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