While the news is hard to swallow for both Clyde and Emily, they decide that they dont care about formalities. He grew up in a family of bakers but, after having a falling out with his father, ran away, although he still cant forget the smell of freshly baked cinnamon buns. His wife left him at the time. Bill and Mary get back together. Each story is unlocked at a certain level. It looks like hes left the Corporation and wants to make a brand new start as a producerCleos producer to be exact! Bill and Mary feel they can't afford a nice wedding. But while Ron is practicing his humour, Cleo started going out with Ben. Tip: sheath dress with asymmetrical neckline, open toe high-heels pumps, clutch. The initials are: B. I. L. L. Then ask Bill for riddles. Level 28 and it's time to sell my cafe. Margaret agrees to help if you either pay her 195 diamonds or prepare Croissant with Cream for her. The payphone was near an old abandoned house, though, but Henry needs Bills help to look into its owner: Penelope Wise. Mary was won over by the simplicity and the red and golden colors of the Chinese Style. They have a lot in common, including muffins being their favorite dessert. He tells you that the kidnappers forced him to play online chess. I don not know about the other option. Excited for her first rehearsal, Cleo is dismayed to find that Cream Hall is only interested in the Queen of Scandal, not Cleo herself, and wants her to do something outrageous during her performance: perform topless with a peacock on her head. Answer from: FallinLeavesJezinka: Yes, I think having a conversation with felencia she will give you gold gift then she will ask you to talk to fernando and gives your cafe back. Surprisingly, the new celebrity in town has decided to stay a little longer. Henry and you brainstorm ideas. My Cafe New Equipment / Machines - update 2022 Raf Machine on level 13 with Price: 385,000 (base version 75,000) Popcorn Station on level 14 with Price: 405,000 (base version 96,000) Green Tea Machine on level 15 with Price: 435,000 (base version 134,000) French Crepe Maker on level 16 with Price: 465,000 (base version 161,600) Watson has sentenced the two troublemakers to community service, cleaning up all the flyers littering the town. After tucking into his dessert, he tells you that Simone had sent him an SOS and when he showed up at Koffsky's he chased the robbers away by doing his best Bruce Lee impression. After coming back from China (see Level 17), Alice is hit by bad luck. When Petrovich was younger, he was a locksmith. Then she agrees to date him. He comes back and says to sprinkle salt by the windows and doors. From this you receive 1 Wedding Arch Exterior Entrance Decoration. While thats great for Bill, its bad news for Ron and his team. They met initially at the local museum where . At level 5 Watson Holmes mentions there are two Koffskys although he is not sure whether he is one person or two. Before the match against the Raging Beavers, Ron has a premonitory dream about himself: he believes he could become a soccer star! When you speak with the former chef again, he still doesnt have a plan for getting out of his difficult financial situation. There's a lot of turmoil because of Bill and Mary's looming wedding. Answer from: Joweey. Petrovich realizes hes messed up big time and hell do anything to get Felicia back, even if it means making up with her mother. But it turns out, in this parallel universe, Rons team stopped playing soccer and now plays basketball. When you talk with him hes daydreaming about winning the soccer championship. When you first meet him, he will ask for a Cheesecake with Anise, Lemon, and Chocolate Syrup. Emily takes apart the carburetor like a pro, but then puts it back together in the shape of a cute bunny to give to Lucas. The psychic needs a Canel with Rose and Cardamom for the ritual. Elsa and her husband, Leopold, have been married for 15 years. He hears the ideas, asks for your help on the drink, then when jewelry comes up gets hesitant. Since Koffsky has a smart oven, Clyde decides to challenge him to a good ol fashioned cook-off. She was going to be a warm up for a rad DJ. Lucas agrees after a little persuading and Emily is even more willing since itll look great for her work experience. Talk to Margaret, Elsa, and Felicia about what Mary likes/finds romantic. Which floor does the lift to most?? Petrovich ends up tagging along to escape some of his own problems. Ben finds the gang hideout and disguises as Celine to join them. Ben helped Donald with Daisy and as promised, Donald gives him 1% of his earnings. As part of the level 28 Corporation story you have to either sell the cafe to Fernando and lose 25 gems or sell for one coin to Donald. Watson gives you a Pink Gift for successful hypnosis. Bill says he'll propose with the ultimate marriage proposal. True to her word, she gives you a Gold Gift for helping her. He gives you a Blue Gift for your help. There's no other flights to take. Alice goes to a mental health clinic where she undergoes a series of tests, while under hypnosis, that should help her deal with her problems(bad luck). She then tries to call Mike, but hes too busy to even take her call. You will need to talk to: Bill, Watson, Petrovich, Cleo & Kevin. After this revelation, the impostor runs away (though sometimes he stays and demands to let him end his meal). Lucas suggests he uses a tactic called the queens raid, which he says is a fast, effective and classic move. Bill checks the security tapes for Watson Holmes and discovers that Kevin went to Elsa's house at 1:00 am. Bill was able to hack into Koffskys system somewhat, but after detouring their attack with cat videos, Simone used that time to set up an impenetrable security system, effectively locking them out. Lucas rebuilds his equipment with the help of Petrovich to repeat the experiment and return himself and Emily to their own bodies. Through a stroke of sheer luck, Ron and Bills match has to be rescheduled yet again, although Ron was very close to losing. When Lucas hears that hes an actor, hes upset that this world will never know of his inventions and asks you for a Shrikhand with Maple Syrup, Cardamom and Saffron to help him feel better. He asked you to make Tea with Ginseng, Guarana, Lemon and Mint to help him snap out of it. And secondly, why would he bother stealing the manuscripts if he already had enough money? Purchase the very expensive couch. If I sell to Donald will I get the cafe back? In exchange for 10 diamonds and to continue working to make Cleo a superstar, he asks you for a Canel with Vanilla and Whipped Cream. He says its the same as Koffsky using a cat in his video to cheat, so he tells you hes challenged Koffsky once again to decide who is better. She explains that Mary was born as a result of a short-lived but passionate affair. He now needs to write a speech for the proposal while you prepare: Make him Tea with Saffron, Ginseng, Lemon and Honey. She starts seeing Kevin in secret until her husband is shot in their home. You try to warn Jennifer about Mike but she is quite taken with him and demands proof. There are no more story lines and Mike is no longer in the cafe. He works as a mailman. The corporate monger changed the story to where Cleo isnt dating Clyde anymore, just like shed asked, but he says stopping the scandal entirely would have made Cleos popularity plummet. While hes brainstorming with Koffsky on what to do, he asks you to try and convince Henry, otherwise theyre all doomed. *Notice* -Please add the updated picture of Max. *, From this you get to choose one of the three couches and keep it for the cafe! It works. You offer to help him in his search and enlist the aid of Watson and Bill. Donald Mulligan (former boss) Appearances Debut Level 15 Jennifer Park is a caf customer who makes her first appearance at level 15. With their match against the Wild Oysters only 3 days away, Ron urges you to pass along his message that they need to talk as soon as possible. With the equipment finally setup, Bill returns with good news: he was able to see a figure escaping from the exhibit, but from the recordings it looks like it was a woman. He asks for a Lassi with Honey, Saffron and Cardamom and to tell Watson to only call him when theres an emergency. Ron comes into the coffee shop angry. The scientist returns the gesture by giving her a romantic playlist on a flash drive, but the playlist turns out to be a lecture about quasi-singularity and the expanding universe. He asks for an Americano with Saffron and Cardamom to help his aching muscles. So she suffocated Mary and Bill concern. When you ask Clyde what it was, he says Koffsky had broken into his house using the chimney as if he were some kind of Santa Claus and left him a note, basically rubbing it in his face that he lost, and signing off with Ho ho ho! like Santa. When he speaks with Emily, he tells her how he feels and comes clean about everything. As Felicia's magazine sales declines, you suggest a charity party to draw attention. Unfortunately, Lucas doesnt feel the same way: Emily failed his compatibility test and now hes shying away from talking to her about it. On her cupcake break, Margaret says she used to be hired by museum owners to steal from them so they could isolate weak points in their security systems, and it seems she was hired by the museum again to do just that! But when he goes to apologize, Felicias mother ignores him completely. However, on her way to speak with him, she bumps into Cleo who asks her to give Lucas the Synchrophasotron Fun back. Clyde dreams of giving another concert, but he needs to write a new song to perform. He seems to have finally found his soulmate, a girl named Nicki who wrote him a letter, and who seems to share his same interests. The mayor has set up the Green Moon foundation, collecting money to plant greenery on the Moon. Either way, Ron has bought himself some time. She says Donald would have been more discerning about bad characters and plans to be more careful in the future. He gives you a Gold Gift for helping him. Things are headed in the right direction when you talk to Bill, although he says that while hes really interested in Mary, hes decided to love her from afar. So, Elsa asks for your help to decide on if, and how, to tell Mary about her real father; but she has to reveal that to Clyde too! Elsa is stressed about the coming of her grand child. In an attempt to pass on the message, Koffsky did the same to Clyde and the musician stood up suddenly, complaining that it was too hot in the room. He then learns that his ex-wife wants him to participate in another robbery. You then pour Petrovich another cup of tea. Someone tried to break the jewel expert involved in the case's home, fortunately Michaela wasn't there at the time; she was delivering the coffee to him a few hours before the robbery. You advise her to ask for Margaret's help. However, Felicia needs to find a date. Elsa isnt able to find the bed at Carls shop or any of the antique shops in town, but Lucas says hes made a new and improved version of a 3D printer that has the ability to print furniture, he only needs some history about the piece. Ann tells you Petrovich is acting a little weird. After you give him his latte, he remembers he was at two of Margarets weddings and they were very similar: they both took place at a museum and there was even the same groom and bride, although the brides hair was a different color. Requirements: 1 cupcake with galangal, honey and coconut; 1 tea with anise, lemon and cinnamon; 1 muffin with nutmeg, lemon and coconut; 1 tea with galangal, ginseng, honey and milk. This doesn't make sense to Mary, since it was Bill who first insisted that they have a nanny robot. Bill agrees to help again, but asks for a Vanilla Ice Matcha Latte. Bill says he saw two trucks driving away from the house, one carrying the scent of soda and heading towards Koffskys house. She tells you that Mary thinks putting the ring in a drink is romantic. Petrovich asks for a Americano with Cardamom and Saffron. Petrovich heard a shot, thought Charlie was wounded and maybe even dead. By looking at the photo Margaret guesses that Edward, Koffsky's twin brother and business partner, sabotaged his brother's recipes by buying poor-quality ingredients. After speaking with him, Ron decides Lucas will be his mentor. Afterward, Lucas tells you none of his devices are working and asks you to see if Emily, who is a scientist in this universe, will help. You can get a 1 free Gold spice if you answer Rons questions correctly. He mentions that whoever slandered his reputation was someone whom he had always gotten along with and while they were competitive, they were always honest before becoming too caught up in emotion and needing a break. Donald favorite aunt owns the stadium, he promises to get her permission to hold the concert there on the condition that you serve him a Choco Moco. Answer from: MightyBearYou'll get the cafe back and 5diamonds from Donald. Some stories are resolved in one level, while others may be told over several. The police officer says hell search through the police archives while the programmer says hell try hacking the hospitals records to see if anything turns up. Emily says they turned out great and she admits that shes fallen head over heels for Lucas. The haunted house attraction Donald and Daisy based off of Bloody Penny has been lucrative, but Daisy is interested in breaking ground on a new quest and needs help thinking of the perfect theme. Answer from: JezinkaIf I sell to Fernando when do I get the gold gift? Afterwards he tells you that Newton carried the baby to the crib but there was a roll of thunder outside and the robot shut down. Now you need to find a place for him to perform, you suggest getting Ron to agree to hold the concert at his teams stadium. 3DS; Android; DS; . Its crucial Emily doesnt find out about the tests or the results will be compromised, so hes taken precautions and installed a defense system in your coffee shop that will sound off if anyone tries to tell Emily the truth. She is also very practical, and is excited to meet her father after all these years despite growing up in a single-parent household. Answer from: Wawa AqilahI'm stuck at level 28. Tips: Superman costume for Bill and white dress for Mary, OR dinner jacket for Bill and Wonder Woman costume for Mary. *, Requirements: Sweet Roll with Saffron for Jennifer, Americano with Saffron and Cardamom for Petrovich, Sweet Roll with Cinnamon and Caramel Syrup for Margaret, Super Adrenalino with Guarana and Gold for Jennifer, Requirements: Homemade Sweet Roll for Donald, Tea with Saffron, Galangal and Anise for Donald, Lassi with Honey, Saffron and Cardamom for Donald, Tapioca Tea with Milk, Vanilla and Cardamom for Watson, Requirements: Rose Supercupcake with Grenadine, Whipped Cream and Cardamom for Koffsky, Bahraini Coffee with Rose, Cardamom and Saffron for Henry, Supercupcake with Nutmeg Cardamom, Saffron and Salt for Bill, South Night Supercupcake for Koffsky, Requirements: Daisy Supercupcake for Lucas, Shrikhand with Maple Syrup, Cardamom and Saffron for Lucas, Supercupcake with Espresso, Chocolate Syrup and Gold for Ron, Honey Milkshake with Tapioca, Cardamom and Rose for Lucas, Requirements: Canel with Vanilla and Saffron for Cleo, Canel with Vanilla and Whipped Cream for Mike, Canel with Vanilla and Honey for Cleo, Tea with Saffron, Galangal and Anise for Petrovich. Clyde will pass on a message that Bill needs to speak with you, but not without giving you 5 diamonds and a Pink Gift for everything youve done for him. But the construction worker has some horrible news: the fountain that was in their basement has gone missing and Petrovich is convinced it was Felicias mother. But things still dont add up: why would Carl confess if the police were looking for a woman? Elsa says Henry was the one who figured out how to get rid of the mirror all those years ago, but when you talk with him you find out the only reason he got rid of the mirror was so his friends could finally calm down, not because he believed they were actually being haunted. How many corners does the table have now? At the end of the party, the envelope containing the baby's sex mysteriously disappeared. Despite everything, however, Bill is determined and decides to do what he does best: data analysis. The two go back and forth planning their upcoming wedding. Henry has no hard feelings towards his old friends and is actually grateful for being able to spend so much time with them. He needs some extra hands to help him with the repairs on the house however, so he asks you to talk to some of the other customers. You become their adviser, with the help of the cafe customers. Emily and Lucass answers are different from each other, but she accepts that and accepts him for who he is. The media misinterpreted a friendly hug between Cleo and Clyde as romantic, a scandal which was started by Mike himself and to which he says talent will only get Cleo so far. Even though you cant believe Emily would be capable of something so crueleven parallel-universe Emilyhe asks you to go talk with Bill and Mary to see if their relationship is better now. The antique dealer says he sold an old piece of paper he inherited and now has enough money to fund his wedding with Margaret. Elsa asks for a fancy notebook. When Mike returns to the coffee shop, he asks for one last Pancake with Saffron, Vanilla and Forest Berries because hes sure Watson is going to arrest him now. He gives it to you to pass on to Cleo. Answer from: MeI sold cafe to Donald, and my game has been stuck ever since. Bill scores the decisive goal during his first match and Mary agrees to go on a second date. He returned to the fishing spot to find Jennifer and when she comes to the coffee shop she says she barely got any sleep. After pressing the button, nothing has happened. Bill will ask for your advice next and Ben asks for Fairytale Cheesecake with Cardamom and he gives you 2 diamonds. Cleo isnt very happy, especially now that shes being called the Queen of Scandal by the media and is on the verge of firing Mike, but her ire for her producer dissipates when she gets a call from Cream Hall, asking if shell perform in her own solo show. U receive a mail. Donald accidentally made Daisy the new town mayor, and then he fired her to protect their relationship. You decide to tell Watson this but he suddenly gets chills even though the caf is warm. Posted By : / yamaha fg series history / Under : . my cafe level 28 donald or fernando. Chatting with Margaret, you notice the beautiful necklace shes wearing. Emily asks Ben to help him out with some "charity" work in the end. Then he lets on he may have tampered with Cleo's flight. Doesn't talk to Mary as much as she'd like because Mary's focused on career. When you talk to him, he realizes Jennifer is the one behind everything and asks you for an Eastern Star Coffee with Cardamom to help him think. Next time she comes to the shop, she'll ask for someone to keep a lookout at her house for the admirer. Thu, 26 Jan 2023 09:13:48 Game Questions & Answers. On the first day working on Stage 1 of the quest, Emily gets a big surprise from Lucas: a cup of coffee and flowers! Ben and Mary had a quick wedding by the Justice of the Peace at town hall and Ben promptly decided he could no longer live with a different name than Mary and changed his to Ditt as well. Each had their own motive for it, but the main reason was so Koffsky and Clydes YouTube channel could get more viewstheyre sure the prank footage will go viral. Ron says that one of the mayors funds was collecting money to develop their soccer club. Because of this, he tries dating. Margaret suggests that he's under scopolamine's influence, but is it possible? This article contains major spoilers for the story. By talking to customers, you learn that she is a competent and hard-working young woman. There is a thief going around town stealing donuts just as the Fakespeare manuscript exhibit is about to open and Watson is trying to catch them. my cafe level 28 donald or fernandohow does khalil explain thug life. When you talk to Fernando, he says Cleo has already borrowed the chess pieces. Contrary to what Mary likes to believe, Bill doesn't agree with her vision for the wedding. Both Bill and Mary say theyve been fighting and it seems to have started out of nowhere. He tells her that shes going to have to get used to him sooner or later, especially since he plans to propose to her daughter soon, and Felicias mother leaves in a huff. He thanks you with 5 diamonds. You'll also get a Gold Gift from Olivia and a Pink Gift from Jennifer.
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