We met another soldier who had Hodgkins from serving in Vietnam with agent orange. You submit a claim, Harmon said. He had filed an Agent Orange claim several times. Fortunately, I finally learned that the best way to deal with PTSD was to have a vigorous workout every day! What about the thousands who served in Thailand and were exposed to agent orange, have the same medical issues as those who served in Vietnam, but are continually denied any benefits. Thanks for helping the lady above. i get the burn pits for these folks 100% 2/9th Marines were station at Pohang Korea training with the ROK Marines August 1975 for 30 days we had burn pits also we stood guard no more than 20 away with black smoke in the air debris burning and going on your utilities plastics/human waste/metal/unspent rds u guarded for hrs our hooches were only 100 away and u got the smoke as u slept also why are these not considered burn pits is it to let the older Marines die off so u go with the younger Marines first and these younger Marines sure deserve all they get but like agent orange with the 3 new aliments all these years later let the folks die first then include us why is the va not including all of us big black billows of smoke u sniff in when u stood guard/slept but for some odd ass reason we are not included peace. Thank you. Thats what we do; we get creative, Mineer said. was a really horrible person who even after hearing of the resolution of the multi year court case by USN Veterans who had previously been denied because of only being offshore and not in the country of Vietnam called The Bluewater Sailors Act he Wilke said I am Not Going To Do It as It Will Cost Too Much Money The V.A. Our government truly does not care. Why try? I was selected to be on the team that modified one F111A from a fighter into a high tech wicked cool jamming device the EF-111-A. March 3 (UPI) -- In a cost-saving move, retail giant Amazon announced Friday that it will delay construction on a planned second corporate headquarters dubbed "HQ2" in Arlington, Va. President Joe Biden thanks German chancellor for his nation's help in Ukraine. Its a shame how they treated him once he got sick. Make sure you go to these appointments and provide as much evidence to support your claim as possible. 100 percent service connected. Log on to VA.GOV. I served in Viet Nam Nov 70 -Nov 71, at Anloc VN and was diagnosed in 2010 with hypothyroidism. I have filed claims but constantly get denied. I sent in my biopsy showing prostate cancer and my Bronze Star commendation for service in country. The science now confirms the link. I was exposes to the toxic water, ( when I say exposed, I mean drinking, cooking and bathing in it) and developed hypothyroidism in my mid 40s. have hearing loss. Form or find a support group to work together in filing claims. I was in Nam 18 months, 29 April 68 to 7 Dec 69, I have Diabetes 2, receiving 30 % compensation for AO induced Diabetes 2. as a fully developed claim if you can do that, they process those first. Is someone here have the truth? We lived on McClellan from about April to August 1969, so not too long, but he served there after Vietnam. Veterans been contaminated by TCE and Benzene for decades, and add agent orange and whatever in combat areas and you have mess that has been created in USA. Im his daughter I was born in 1964 and I have Parkinsons and dystonia and other nurogical problems, and a brain DBS implant, all because of Dystonia, these diseases do not run in either side of my familys. I served aboard an aircraft carrier in Southeast Asia from 1972-1973. While we were trying to eat in a overhead tarp, the smoke from the burn pits went right through where we were eating!! What do I do now? He died at the young age of 47 due to cancer in his leg. But we all must go through gauntlets of crap from poorly trained workers, most who have no idea what TCE and Benzene is, and who used it. If you want to deal with burn pit issues the VA shouldnt limit their investigations to only SW Asia. He loved his job. I FILED AND ALL THE RECORDS ARE LOSTED SO I WAS DENIED. They have requested information for my diseases but I have never heard back from them. Please help us! McHenry worked for years to correct what he argued was an error in that memo, which held there was no evidence of tactical herbicides having been used at American bases in Thailand. THANK YOU- Christopher Cross (Even though he had rectal cancer and now has a colostomy.) I was also told that because I was able to raise my extremely arthritic arms over my head that I should be fortunate that the VA doesnt take away my disability benefits altogether. Also, Lung cancer has been a recognized Agent Orange presumptive disease for more than 20 years. Im a diabetic, I have high blood pressure. VA will conduct broad outreach efforts to reach impacted Veterans and it encourages them to participate in the rulemaking process. I looked up, followed and had much respect for older folks, especially veterans and the advice they have given me. What about soldiers that were made to take the PB pill to inoculate us from nerve agents during Desert Shield/Desert Storm. Hello Jerry Dropping in the iodine tablets. Id contact the VA and find out where to file to start receiving widow benefits. What about the men who served aboard ships with asbestos He (McHenry) was a walking encyclopedia of information, Skinner said. 45 years to get in the VA! (PROGRESSIVE Supranucler PALSY). It only affects less than 1% of the population. What about all of us who were stationed at Fort McClellan, Alabama ? So, hes a pulmonary patient at that time, but only AFTER he is diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung cancer that was also in his liver and other areas did he get 100% disability rating. quadruple bypass Parkinsons like syndrome Interior Department announces new initiative to restore bison population. Please switch auto forms mode to off. Harmon said his sense is that once attorneys are involved, claims from veterans who served in Thailand can be settled in as quickly as six months. My husband was diagnosed with bladder cancer 3 years ago. They want to punish us all. You also have to Will every case be reopened? Have you filed everything yourself. I have no idea. Too bad this wont help my father or my family. Sinus surgery in 1999, again she said no go. There is plenty of evidence but no admission from our government. have hearing loss, VA plans, budget, finances, and performance. They took away my health and my youth and replaced it with an endless routine of jumping through hoops to get basic healthcare needs, and now, as my body rapidly deteriorates, I will be forced to keep working until I die, which wont be soon enough. I already lost my prostate over this. Agent Orange while serving in Thailand during the Vietnam Era. Welcome to the Ultimate Agent Orange Guide for VA Disability Benefits. Never seems to end. He said he worked in areas close to base fencelines and perimeters, sometimes chaining down jets to run the engines, which would actually kick up dust and dirt everywhere around the aircraft.. We get no information about others who have, or had, this incurable disease. I served in Desert Storm and continued serving in SWA on and off for another14 years with my last mission in 2004. An official website of the United States government. The wheels of the VA grind extremely slow dont they. What about Camp Lejeune NC and the continued toxic water that continues today? VA presumes (assumes) exposure to Agent Orange for Veterans who served on any U.S. or Royal Thai military base in Thailandfrom January 9, 1962, throughJune 30, 1976. Each disease is rated from 5% to 100%, then I was a Flight Deck director on the USS Kearsarge Aircraft Carrier. I know what my brother did for our men and women on the ground and I am proud of him for it, but I ashamed of those who sent him to do his job and then threw him away when he was unable to fly anymore. What about veterans who served on Johnston Island/Atoll? Not sure why youre responding to this woman so rudely. I am angered that a vary large number of us who have suffered from hypertension were left out, even though there is more than ample evidence to support presumption of agent orange linkage. My father was in Korea and Vietnam and was diagnosed with colon cancer and lymphoma and died shortly after in 1972. My husband served in Vietnam in 1967-1968 and was diagnosed with AML leukemia in September 2020 and died in February 2021. Hi, sorry to hear about everyone having issues getting benefits for thier loved ones. March 3 (UPI) -- The Treasury Department Friday sanctioned three Russian individuals for human rights abuses against a prominent Russian opposition leader. The chemicals, grease removers, cleaners, foam retardants sprayed often we used without question. Before that I was in 2\12th in the infantry and walked through areas where AO was used. If a service person was in Vietnam, or exposed to chemicals the VA shouldnt play God. V.A. We thought it was fire but no burn marks? Due to the operations being Politically Incorrect today all information about where we were at and did is still classified today. I later found that they were reimbursed by my private medical insurance. They should know and be able to assist. Does the theater include Guam and other stockpile locations in the South Pacific? SO I ALSO WAS AT THE FORT CHAFFEE POST GAVE THEM THOES RECORDS AND STILL HAVE NOT HEARD FROM THEM. I tried to respond to you twice, but they wont accept my posts for some reason. I was stationed in Korat Thailand 72-73 and lived outside the west gate which is in the red zone ( cleared by AO ). Lets be real, this was 60 years ago, Trone said. Some Veterans pay all at once while others pay over a lifetime. Typically, veterans need to prove -- usually through medical exams and service records -- that their injuries and illnesses are directly connected to time spent in the military, Military Times noted. They deserve quick adjudication for their claim and we cannot put the burden on the veterans who served their country.. This AO affected my circulatory system (heart), lungs (everything hits my lungs first), and other issues starting in my early 30s. USMC 67-71. To enter and activate the submenu links, hit the down arrow. Is there any advantage to further filings?? Monetary as well as medical and other benefits. For the past several years, the VA has acknowledged that veterans who served in the Republic of Vietnam (including "brown water" veterans who served on the country's inland waterways) were exposed to tactical herbicides such as Agent Orange and that such . PRESUMPTIONS OF SERVICE CONNECTION FOR DIS-2 EASES ASSOCIATED WITH EXPOSURE TO CER- 3 TAIN HERBICIDE AGENTS FOR VETERANS 4 WHO SERVED IN CLOSE PROXIMITY TO THE 5 REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM. File, ASAP; they only go from initial claim date. Currently, Skinner hopes to make a case before a VA judge in perhaps a year, maybe longer. Apply 5 times. Its easy. So, good luck to any of you still living and fighting. A Guide to Strengthening Your Thailand Agent Orange Exposure Claim Edward M. Farmer is a U.S. Army veteran and an attorney. This in my opinion is a major problem. How do I find out about agent orange being used in Korea up by the DMZ during 1973 and 1974. The investigation did confirm use or tests in additional sites and dates in other locations. I, at least, now have survivor benefits to help me in retirement. Never heard from VA regarding my case. So it certainly seems like Agent Orange was in his system all those years before Parkinsons. Tactical herbicides such as Agent Orange had limited usage, testing, or storage in several other countries besides Vietnam, such as the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), Thailand, and United States. But somebody reviewed my application almost immediately (a good thing and to be commended) and determined that the request could proceed. My husband who was diagnosed with B cell non Hodgkin lymphoma started his treatment outside the VA then someone told him to go to the VFW or American Legion. Attention A T users. Hard of hearing!! 1. I dont think anyone in VA cares. I have had no status updates since Congressman Doug Lamalfa of California made an inquiry. Roy, go to the nearest Disabled American Veterans office and ask them for assistance. The children of Vietnam are still affected by it. Contact a VSO officer. For more information, visit our website at Airborne Hazards and Burn Pit Exposures Public Health. I have one of the birth defects listed other than spinabifida.Is there no hope for compensation for the children of Male Vietnam Vets? Isnt the esophagus part of the air intake (respiratory) system??????!!!!! New Conditions Added to Agent Orange Presumptive List January 15, 2021 Updated: January 30, 2023 Three new conditions were recently added to the list of presumptive conditions for which the Department of Veterans Affairs grants service connection to Vietnam War veterans affected by exposure to the chemical herbicide Agent Orange. The VAs response to this claim was if it were a female that was serving in Vietnam would be a different story! Go online and look for the name of your state and VA rep and it will pop up with a list. Hi..I was in the army, 1963 thru 1966.was in the Infantry as a weapon squad leader saving many lives an this tinnitus is bad . My late husband was a mess sergeant and somehow field combat training. The bottom line is still that cases are NOT being dealt with in a timely manner, and additional illnesses are not being added to any list without first having one hell of a tough time being added. He has heart problems, diabetes, neuropathy. I thought one of the most iconic scenes in the movie Platoon had in the background mamma sans stirring something in cut in half 55 gallon drums and burning it.
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