Efrideet softly said that it was hardly even a village, but Saladin retorted that they lived a noble life. Upon their deaths, he hoped to that he would never have to revisit his past but continued to honor their legacy with the Iron Banner tournament and with the threat of the Devil Splicers, he realized that the danger was greater than keeping the full story of the Iron Lords and SIVA a secret. Both Lightbearers began channeling Arc energy, and as Saladin warned her not to miss she grabbed him by the collar of his armor and hoisted him over her head and their Arc energies combined into a swirling storm. Lakshmi-2 of the Future War Cult, led the other factions in an attempted coup to oust the Vanguard and forcefully expel the House of Light using Vex portal technology. "Saladin," his Ghost had said, sounding like it spoke from the end of a very long, very wide tunnel. The former Warlock indicated that might be the case and asked if Saladin would have such a plan contingency plan prepared. Astonished by how much currency the bar owner had and wondering where he got it, Wu Ming noted that if she stuck with him she would get rich, but asked where Felwinter was. Saladin ordered the Young Wolf to stop this plot and prevent the Cabal from creating an army of Exo-Legionaries. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. She meet with four representatives from the village, including the last known Speaker, and told them that they would be provided with an armed escort to the City if they decided to join. There goes that theory For what it's worth, I enjoyed speculating on this while we still could. (cinematic director) Film Editing by Bungie Casting By Timothy Cubbison Art Department Sound Department Visual Effects by Stunts Dominic Kinnaird . Maybe when the other iron lords fell he survived but his ghost did not? [3], The Walker was annihilated in the Arc blast, but a few Fallen survived and continued to advance on Patch Run. The fourth was the poor Ghost having a borderline mental breakdown because of all the psychic fuckery. Saladin recently also displays distaste for Osiris due to his infamous exile of the Last City, and also further explains that it was Ikora Rey who reformed the Warlock order, not Osiris. [19] After Rasputin was awakened on Mars and declared itself the guardian of humanity and the solar system, Saladin expressed deep concern for the situation. Felwinter announced that Shaxx had accepted his challenge to one-on-one combat, but Efrideet was skeptical of his plan due as no Iron Lord or Warlord had ever bested the Titan. . He was revived by his Ghost as Efrideet arrived at the field and mocked him for thinking she might miss. It's just a title. Saladin realized that he had made the wrong choice and started killing Fera's men. Saladin sent a message to his former pupil in the aftermath berating him for allowing the Cabal to continue living so that they could carry out attacks like that within their wall, warning him that the Cabal were like the Warlords and could be given no quarter. Niiiice lost an iron lord in exchange of an emo who is having an identity crisis All my homies hate crow. When an alliance of the Fallen Houses threatened the safety of the Last City, Saladin was selected to lead the City's defence during the upcoming battle alongside his students Lord Shaxx and Commander Zavala. After sitting out of the Red War due to lacking his Light, Saladin watched for several years as the Vanguard struggled against new threats and the Arrival of the Black Fleet. A replica of Saladin's battle axe was created by the blacksmith company Sword and the Stone. It doesn't have to do with having a Ghost. In his early decades, he had seen a world at war with itself, spent his days hiding in the dust that was still settling after the Collapse. The Guardian managed to located Osiris in the Reef but found to their horror that the Osiris that had aided the Vanguard in the Cabal armistice and in the Endless Night was actually Savathn herself, having taken the warlock's form not long after he lost his Light against the High Celebrant of Xivu Arath. Their combined Arc Light caused the mountain to begin rumbling as she charged forward and launched Saladin through the air, and he tore across the sky and through the clouds as an Arc missile. Saladin would win all the rites, including against a bodyguard to another member of the council, leading an impressed Empress Caiatl to promote Saladin as a Valus. After many months of hard fighting, the Guardians succeeded in holding the line against Xivu Arath's Horde and saving Mara Sov's Techeun Coven from the Ascendant Realm, allowing the Awoken Queen to conduct the ritual to excise the Witch Queen's worm. Felwinter attempted to convince Shaxx to join, but the Warlord questioned if he had given Citan the same speech before killing him. He ordered them to hit the Cabal hard to ensure they never attempted to steal from the Vex again. Saladin believes in the code the Iron Lords stood for in using their Traveler-given abilities to protect and serve, not to conquer as the Warlords did. Saladin and the other commanders hoped that by putting additional pressure on the Empress they would force her to accept the challenge. He ordered the Young Wolf back to battlefields to prove that true honor rested with the Vanguard. [31], A captured Psion was soon brought to the Last City for interrogation, which Saladin was asked to take over once Osiris's more subtle approaches failed. So, he had a Ghost, and he existed as a Risen. With the Guardian, he at first saw them as a promising student that needed training but of course he makes sure that they stay humble and focused. After assisting in the liberation of the The Last City, Efrideet once more departed Earth and rejoined her secret group. does lord saladin have a ghost. As the Guardians make progress in undoing the Endless Night, learning that the event was orchestrated by Savathn, the Witch Queen, the Consensus Factions, growing increasingly paranoid towards the House of Light and disagreeing with the Vanguard's leadership, approached Saladin. He compared Caiatl and her commanders to the Warlords of old, using honour as nothing more than currency for fear, and that they could not trust or negotiate with anyone with such a mindset. His duties was taken over by Lady Efrideet, and the Iron Banner was at the Iron Temple on Felwinter Peak. As the battle turned against the Vanguard, Saladin ordered all fireteams to retreat to the Ridgeback District and to halt all advances, believing that the City was lost. She quickly shot that Risen in the head without looking and then dodged as the third opened fire, but quickly ended his threat by throwing a Solar knife into their head. The one Felwinter kept losing. Efrideet then threw Saladin like a javelin towards the advancing Walker. So, he had a Ghost, and he existed as a Risen. He turned towards the town and informed her that it had forty-three inhabitants, only half of whom were capable of fighting. `#${standardizeBungieGlobalCode(userDetail.user.cachedBungieGlobalDisplayNameCode)}` : ""}`}}. Or can Ghosts give Light to people who are already alive and make them Guardians? As they fought the beast, Efrideet kept her distance by shooting it with a rifle while Saladin charged it with an Iron Battle Axe, and she questioned if he did not want to use another weapon. A few weeks ago, we witnessed an argument between Crow and Lord Saladin that outlined the ethical dilemma. Maybe in time he learned the ways of the light and became a guardian Do you think the new campaign cutscenes in ROI will show what fate befell his Ghost? Failing to persuade Shaxx to join the Iron Lords or the growing Last City, they proceeded outside where Efrideet and Saladin watched as Shaxx defeated Felwinter in seconds. [5], At some point during Warlord Conflict, Efrideet and Saladin encountered an Ahamkara. He was heavily against the armistice with the Cabal, wishing to eradicate the enemies of humanity, and now calling against the Vanguard allying with the House of Light, made other Guardians to view him as a warmonger. Intel pulled from it's mind leads to the Cosmodrome, where Light drained from Guardians was being stored and refined for a ritual. Saladin confronts Fera about the massacre and is disgusted to discover that she has become the area's warlord and has bled the village dry. He declared only a fool would continue to rebuild a tower that kept being destroyed. I don't think all Guardians were dead. Saladin, Efrideet and? Keith Ferguson (born February 26, 1972) is an American voice actor. [14], Efrideet's departure prompted Lord Saladin Forge to take over her Iron Banner responsibilities. He was forced to cooperate with Shaxx at the behest of the Consensus to coordinate these events because his former pupil had become the head of the Crucible in the aftermath of the Twilight Gap. Just watched the latest fireteam chat episode and Bungie confirmed that Saladin does have a Ghost. However, she did wish to discuss a previous conversation they had about the Speaker's search for a potential successor. Saladin angrily demanded that Shaxx fall back with the rest of the fireteams and told him that the battlefield was not his stage to win glory upon, but his student cut off their comms feed. Also where would a non-light filled human acquire the ability to wield light without one? `${userDetail.user.displayName}${userDetail.user.cachedBungieGlobalDisplayNameCode ? They found a dozen minor local Warlords had arrived to side with Shaxx against the Iron Lords, but as the two sides entered a tense standoff Shaxx dismissed his reinforcements, having agreed to allow his people to be evacuated but still refusing to join the Iron Lords. As they finished off a band of Fallen on a cliffside near the town, Efrideet declared she was out of ammo and Saladin stated that she could leave the rest to him. The Guardians search extensively on how Savathn stole the Light but after managing to delve into the Witch Queen's memories, they learn not only of her plan to seal away the Traveler within her Throne World and of an entity called The Witness that commands the Black Fleet but that Savathn never stole the Light. Saladin argues for the greater good; the Vanguard has a responsibility to protect Earth and her . She told him about finishing off the Fallen stragglers, and in response, Saladin admitted that the Iron Lords might need someone of her skill and morals to join them. Lady Efrideet is a female Hunter, and the youngest of the Iron Lords. Can confirm he has one, one of the last cut scenes it highlights stone carvings within the Iron Temple. Players learn about enemies and why they are doing certain missions from the voice-over of whoever has sent them on that mission. [18], After the Red War, Lord Saladin would return to the new Tower to once again host the Iron Banner tournament, having previously tasked Efrideet to do so during the SIVA Crisis. Saladin eventually began to host Iron Banner events in the Last City's Crucible as a memorial to the sacrifices of the Iron Lords and to remind Guardians of their legacy. Former Iron Banner handler One of the last members of the Iron Lords. She then listened to her old friend's concerns about the Guardians being blinded by the awakening of the Traveler and forgetting the lessons they learned from the loss of their Light.[16]. Then it hit me that we never see his Ghost with him at the tower. The other Iron Lord declared that they were knights and asked if she did not want to be a dragon slayer before charging the beast once more. He insisted that the Light and the Traveler were the only allies they needed. However, Shaxx did not acknowledge the fallback order and instead advanced with his fireteams. Thus, as Crow struggled with reconciling with Uldren Sov's experiences with only a few years of his own, Saladin stated that it wasn't his time for a final death. Zavala was unsure that all of Caiatl's followers would accept such a challenge, but Saladin warned that they might also lose and warned that he did not believe Caiatl would thank them for their diplomacy while holding a knife to their throat. Much like his own students, Saladin has a prideful, stubborn streak, as he normally doesn't back down from a fight and doesn't apologize easily. Lady Efrideet and Lord Saladin [1] Lady Efrideet is a female Hunter, and the youngest of the Iron Lords. Without ammo, Saladin was at a loss of what to do, with the Walker being out of range of his Light powers and the time it would take to climb down surely dooming the village. For more information, please see our As the Ghosts fled, she told them to tell the other Warlords to stay away from Felwinter Peak. [22] After Basilius's elimination, Saladin sent a message to the Young Wolf complimenting them on their efforts, but expressed frustration at Zavala's determination not to enter into total war against the Cabal. Parafia pw. [5], Sometime after Saladin recruited Efrideet into the Iron Lords, they encountered an Ahamkara, which were able to grant wishes. However, since becoming a Bracus, many of the Cabal would disagree to Saladin's addition to the War Council, being challenged six times in a Rite of Proving. [32], In the aftermath of the failed assassination, the brutality between the Vanguard and Cabal increased on the battlefields as the Cabal's supply lines stretched thin and the remaining officers vying for Caiatl's favour began to lose faith in her leadership. Together, they declared themselves the Iron Lords and vowed to bring an end to the rule of the Warlords. Saladin was found and raised by his Ghost Isirah in Old Russia during the Dark Age, at which point most of humanity was scattered and lived under the ruthless rule of other Lightbearers who had become Warlords. Although he nodded in polite greeting to Osiris, Saladin began berating Zavala the moment the Commander transmatted into the room, demanding to know why they were not engaging in a full-scale war with the Cabal after everything that had happened. As Segoth revived, one of his bullets struck Radegast in the head, and Saladin provided covering fire for Perun to help his Ghost revive the Iron Lords leader. Dejected, Saladin hung his head in anger before casting one last look at Osiris and transmatting out of the H.E.L.M. Efrideet noted that the local Warlords would respect that, although they were all needed to join a concentrated strike against the House of Devils in the Cosmodrome. It's possible that he doesn't have one at all, hence why there are only 3 Iron Lords left. [3], Saladin agreed to Efrideet's plan and began to warn her not to miss as he gathered Arc energy around himself. [4] Efrideet's aim proved true and Saladin destroyed the Walker, saving Patch Run. [7], As the patrons returned to their drinks, Efrideet asked Wu Ming if that was why he had asked her to meet him, and he confirmed her theory and offered a large payment of Glimmer for her aid. . The Iron Lords probably fit in a similar situation. To be a Guardian you have to have a ghost. As the task force continued mop-up operations against Cabal dissidents, Saladin questioned Osiris about his true goals for proposing the armistice, suggesting that perhaps he only did so to placate Zavala while other more decisive options were explored behind the Vanguard's back. He angrily declared that they must channel their Light into burning the Cabal Empire to ashes and that Zavala's hopes for a peaceful resolution would not come to fruition. GHOST: I have Saladin's notes on where the last components could be. He was using a torch in the trailer instead of his ghost and never has a ghost next to him when he is on the tower, where as all the vanguard guys/gal and Shaxx (crucible) have their ghosts next to them. By comparison, Zavala's resolve and purpose, while emblematic of any Titan, are tempered by a somewhat more forgiving view of humanity and the other denizens of the Sol system. As it was recently discovered that Rasputin began as a submind planted into an Exo Frame before being made a Lightbearer, Ana believes that Felspring may contain not only Felwinter's memories but also Rasputin's code and linguistics that they could use to repair the Warmind faster. Directed by Jason Jones Writing Credits Cast (in credits order) Produced by Music by Cinematography by Matthew A. Efrideet questioned if he had any ammo remaining, but Saladin stated he had only the Light but the Fallen were out of range and they would have to climb down. Before she could reply, two Fallen Skiffs appeared and deployed a Walker to assault the Patch Run. Nodding in respect, Saladin threw the Psion over the cliff edge, but as they began to fall Saladin saw his reflection in the eye of the Psion and felt their last thoughts of terror but also their ancestors reaching out to welcome them and a mixture of emotions he could not feel as a human. Loading, please wait. Enough that it forces him to reconsider his views. Well Bungie added a nice little tid bit, saying that he might have since become a Guardian. Most of the lore that makes Destiny as deep of a game as it . to discuss their next steps. [7] When she arrived, Efrideet discovered Warlord Citan and two other Risen attempting to rob the bar and threatening Wu Ming. Admitting he had never seen her miss a shot before as he wondered what had taken her so long to reach him, Efrideet revealed a few Fallen had survived the Arc strike. [4], Having joined the Iron Lords, Efrideet participated in their campaign against the Warlords. Unable to defeat the mutant Devils on his own, Saladin began seeking out Guardians to help him form a new generation of the Iron Lords to end the threat of SIVA once and for all. She ordered him to turn around and show the rest of the gathered Iron Lords, shocking them, and Efrideet walked back to her comrades and informed him that he would not be allowed to continue using the Ghost in such a manner and would need to put it out of its misery. Crow was working to discover the Psion's plans for the Vex prediction engines but needed help to remain undetected, so Saladin ordered the Young Wolf to serve as a distraction by disrupting more rites conducted by the Cabal to ensure Crow remained undiscovered. Saladin befriended three other Risen who did not follow the Warlord's path; Radegast, Jolder, and Perun. Crow remorsefully states he was wrong about him and expresses how he is sorry but Saladin leaves stating that while he respects him for sticking to his convictions, let this event be a lesson: doing what one believe is right doesn't absolve them of consequences of those actions. [10], Several weeks later Efrideet and Saladin led an army of Iron Lords to Shaxx's mountain stronghold, having put down the Devil activity in the Cosmodrome. Privacy Policy. That someone must always pay the price. He wounded the creature several times while dodging its flames, but his axe soon began to melt from the heat, although he judged it still had enough edge to cut the beast. Silimar rejected that term, deciding fated fit better, but Saladin suggested indefensible also worked. Or can Ghosts give Light to people who are already alive and make them Guardians? Osiris cut in and noted that he of all people should recognize stubbornness, causing Saladin to relent and begin to admire the Psion for their bravery and refusal to betray their people. He encouraged him to respond in kind and show the Cabal there were consequences for such acts and to remind their people why they should have faith in the Guardians. The fifth was him . Efrideet left Earth and joined a group of Lightbearers at an undisclosed location to explore new ways to use the Light without violence. He was cut off when she suddenly hoisted him over her head, gathering her Light for the throw. Post, Download on the AppStore Unable to destroy the techno-virus, the Iron Lords sealed it beneath the earth. Saladin himself would return to take charge of the event after the Red War. In time, he established the Iron Banner to keep the memory of the fallen Iron Lords alive and train the new Guardians in the ways of old. Saladin ultimately has one more conversation with Crow, who deeply regrets that Saladin now has to pay the price for his actions, stating it should have been himself, that he could have died for something he had believed in. [22], Contacting the Young Wolf at the H.E.L.M., Saladin briefed them on their first mission. Her enclave then contacted her, as they felt the return of the Light as well. The Iron War Beasts held the Fallen at bay long enough for the Guardian to arrive and fight alongside them, leading to the death of their leader Rilliks, Instrument of Xivu Arath and Ana to safely access Felspring's remains. The bartender refused but asked if she wished to dance before leaving, which she refused. 3 4 4 comments Best Add a Comment [9], After decades of conflict, Efrideet joined Saladin Forge and Felwinter within a Warlock meditation chamber within Felwinter Peak to plan how to deal with the legendary Warlord Shaxx's mountain fortress. As she and Saladin left their comrade to his work, Efrideet expressed surprise that Saladin did not know that Felwinter was an oathbreaker and that was why Radegast hated him. He disparaged the Psion race as cowards for their continued servitude to the Cabal and Empress Caiatl, noting that while he understood their initial subservience to the Cabal, the deposing of Calus and death of Ghaul should have been their opportunity to rise and free themselves. Cancel He first sends reinforcements to Guardians in the EDZ that were ambushed by Lucent Hive, leading to a general being captured. Despite this, Efrideet did understand that the Devil Splicers had to be fought, knowing the threat they posed to the Last City. Felwinter explained it was a Warlord's Ghost and had proven useful, but Efrideet was backed up by Saladin. It doesn't have to do with having a Ghost. He warned the Young Wolf to stay on guard, as he was sure the Psions would hit them soon with whatever they stole. Later, following the reckless actions of the Crow during Season of the Risen, Saladin offered his life in Crow's place, becoming a Bracus in the Imperial Cabal ranks. https://www.destinypedia.com/index.php?title=Efrideet&oldid=227254. Her enclave cut off communication during the crisis, so Efrideet joined the resistance against the Red Legion in the guise of a refugee and participated in the assault to reclaim the Last City and kill Ghaul. After reaching an accord with the Cabal Empire, the Last City became plagued by a Vex simulated Endless Night that was draining the cities power, leading to fear and paranoia to spread amongst it's citizens. Efrideet questioned who had won their duels, and Felwinter freely admitted that Shaxx had as the two then began making preparations for the evacuation. Or is it that we can become Iron Lords through heroic Deeds like they did. He was unexpectedly joined by Efrideet, a Lightbearer whom he did not entirely trust. Amused, Efrideet dodged and tripped him as he approached before departing. Saladin however, while about as unnerved with keeping the Hive in such a state, the Iron Lord believes the Hive don't deserve their sympathy. [13], After the Red Legion captured the Last City and imprisoned the Traveler, Efrideet and the other Guardians were stripped of their Light. Segoth derided them as "Iron Wolves", causing Saladin to shout at him to cease his insults, although Perun admitted she liked the moniker. Throughout the operation, Saladin is tasked by Zavala with offering guidance to Crow, who is still grappling with the truth of his past self's crimes. Individuals who were raised by the ghosts before the city existed were known as the Risen, Lord Saladin and the other Iron Lords/Iron Wolves were Risen who decided to follow the knights code of chivalry and protect the innocent. In the wake of the Six Fronts and the chaos of the Faction Wars, Efrideet visited the Speaker in his city apartment following his ascension to leadership of the Consensus. [30] Saladin spoke with the Young Wolf about the failed assault, bemoaning how an assassin had infiltrated so easily and that luck would not be on their side next time. It's suicide to fight without a Ghost to revive you. [16] Despite the City being saved, Saladin remained furious with Shaxx for disobeying his orders during the middle of battle. As Shaxx announced he would march to reinforce the southern walls, Saladin informed them that he had broken the Fallen's assault and that the City was saved. Saladin advocated eliminating Caiatl so that they could simply mop up the remaining Cabal in the resulting chaos, but Zavala believed that would lower them to their foe's level while Osiris doubted the Empress would fall so easily. However, the decision aggravates the members of the Consensus, Saladin Forge included. They informed her that the whole cosmos was now ablaze with Light, and Efrideet responded to them she would be coming home. However, he asked her to repeat what she thought he said. Saladin however states that is where the similarities end, as he has seen Caiatl lead her people with purpose and conviction, traits he has not seen in the former emperor, but Calus retaliates with the knowledge of how eager Saladin used to be in slaughtering her troops when Caiatl first arrived and wondered what that says about his own convictions which leaves the Iron Lord unable to respond. However, though Savathn had been defeated, her Lucent Brood remained a threat. After the Iron Banner event concludes, players may still be able to launch into a Tower that still shows Iron Banner decorations, but Lord Saladin . Saladin would even get into a heated conversation with Caiatl's father, Calus, who commends his daughter forging an alliance with the Guardians, recognizing their kinds potential, just as he did. Confronting the Young Wolf, Saladin criticized them for being among those using Stasis and Zavala for not punishing those who did. Being a Guardian means being a servant to the Vanguard/Tower/City. Does Lord Saladin Have a Ghost? Saladin gave Fera a wolf talisman and asked her to protect the villagers and others she found. As thousands of survivors and Lightbearers flocked to the growing city, it became a target for the Fallen. Joining him on this task force was Vanguard Advisor Osiris, now Lightless since the loss of his Ghost Sagira, a new Hunter known as The Crow for reconnaissance, and Amanda Holliday to fly mission support. He told her no, so she refused to join, causing Saladin to concede that they may run out of ammo again. Saladin admitted he did not and questioned why Felwinter was still tolerated. The Rezyl Azzir card "Before These Walls" touches on that when it points out that Rezyl was what would eventually become known as Titan. By clicking 'Accept', you agree to the updated policies documented at, Our policies have recently changed. While watching the ROI trailer it occurred to me that Lord Saladin was using a torch to light his patrol of the Cosmodrome wall, not a Ghost. [2], As the Iron Lords began to recruit, Saladin left to defend the village of Patch Run from a Fallen House that frequently assaulted it. The young Hunter is against keeping Hive prisoners, arguing repeatedly with Saladin over the ethics of their actions. [28] Thanks to Crow's investigation and the Young Wolf's fieldwork, the task force discovered the Cabal had crafted miniature devices based on the Traveler Cage used by the Red Legion to cut off the Light from the Guardians that could be attached to Ghosts, allowing them to easily kill the Lightless Guardian. Some even suggested he was a part of the assassination plot against Zavala, which hits the Iron Lord hard. Saladin entered the building and found Fera, now a grown woman and a packmaster. Ultimately, the Guardians succeeded in destroying the source of the Endless Night, Quria, Blade Transform, which allowed daylight to slowly return, but the political situation within the Last City came to a head. With the Light returned to her, Efrideet began to cry with joy at the sight of the Traveler awakened. more importantly, where did you see the trailer? Stoic, serious and experienced yet somber and grim are the best words to describe Lord Saladin. He remembers staring out the window at flurries of snow for what felt like a very long time but could only have been a few minutes. Others in the Tower tried to get Saladin, Shaxx, and Zavala to sit down and talk about the events of Twilight Gap to repair their friendship, but none of those efforts worked due to their stubbornness. When Efrideet did, he stated that he would love to dance with her. Lord Saladin not appearing in the Tower: If during the Iron Banner event, Lord Saladin does not appear in the Tower, players should return to Orbit and try relaunching into the Tower activity again.
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