age worth living. Big industrial concerns and business forms want to buy the service of the best scientists for their won advantage which may not be compatible with the larger good of mankind. There are many environment issues like Global Warming, unforeseen disasters, pollution and so on. You can control what cookies are set on your device in your cookies settings. They will describe the invention and explain how it works. In Scotland, 44 years earlier, James Bowman Lindsay made a public demonstration of how . It would also be fun going back to the past seeing all your favorite moments as a kid. Einstein, J.C. Bose and Bhaba will be my models to follow. If I were a scientist, I would like to continue my work in the field of pure science. The reason why pure science was a logical decision is that I hate the ignorance of not being mindful about ones self. We wish to contribute our share in making this world better than what it is today. Around 20 different early versions of lightbulbs were developed before Edison patented his invention in 1879. Teachers takes the place of parents in a school, they guide and mould the character and personality of the student. by. Honourable Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi Ji, As we all know that India got independence in 1947 and by 2047 we will be celebrating our 100th year of independence. India should continue to be the land of peace, prosperity, and truthfulness. Not immediately, but it should eventually. If you could invent anything, what would it be? Education is a great weapon for the people but is motivated by corruption to make the country better. 2) Houses are of different types. As good as anyone interested in science, I suppose. Not everything needs to turn a profit. Davy Madame Curie, Fleming. if i were a scientist, i would invent. It is true that modern scientific research is very expensive and requires huge sums of money, therefore State encouragement and patronage must be channelised through autonomous academic bodies which may withstand the powerful pressures of the power hungry politicians. I aspire that our country should become the largest economy in the world by 2047. If you were a scientist, what would you like to invent/discover? to be a true servant of mankind if I were a scientist. They influence the formative years of the students. Failure is one step closer towards achieving a dream that is termed as impossible by others. I can do it, but it's important that we get back to what people understand at some point. Are you willing to work outside the US in order to get funding? Really good answers from the other scientists! If I were a scientist, service to look like? With all that power, it still is neutral and calm, but it is only human that can determine whether it stays so. If I were a scientist, I would discover all the secrets of nature. How much do you mind being in a hyper competitive field? The investigating authority in Russia said that the death of the virologist is being investigated as a murder. Thus, the children would be very happy. The measures outlined above to restore the dignity of science will also serve as proof that there are good scientists that are loyal to chaste science practices. The field of science that has taken captive of me is pure science, due to its continual search for the truth and discoveries of mysteries. Rig industrial concerns and business firms want to buy the service of the best scientists for their own advantage which may not be compatible with the larger good of mankind. Pure science is a relentless search for truth for the discoveries of the mysteries of nature. Jane Goodall: Major discoveries in chimpanzee behavior. How were you able to invent this new, vegetable? The one that will leave your mouth open and make life easier 20 Interesting Inventions. Scientists conduct research in all fields of science, including physical, mathematical and social fields. I will be a worshiper of truth for the betterment of mankind. I hope my work only gets better as I age! Read more about college essay writing services. My biggest dream is to see women empowerment in all fields for India where every person gets employment opportunities. Things Scientists Wish They Hadn't Discovered. We all should work together to achieve it in the next 25 years. It, therefore, follows that more than anybody else the scientist exercises the greatest controlling influence over human life today. It's an experience like no other. 9) Tents are used for camping or outdoor events. Selfishness, ambition, a sense of aggression, jealousy, and the desire to ascend to the upper social strata are often superior to man's noble feelings. By 2047, I want to see India free from poverty, unemployment, malnutrition, corruption, and other social evils. Democritus: Atomic theory BC and a universe of diverse inhabited worlds. It is believed that we suffer because of the misuse of scientific inventions. If you were a scientist, which field would you most like to work in? As such no fault-finding is possible with pure scientific research which has broadened the frontiers of man's knowledge about himself and the world. A scientist slammed the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for not testing for dioxins, a cancer-causing chemical that is "no doubt" in the environment of East Palestine, Ohio, as a result of the February 6 controlled detonation that was conducted in response to the train derailment. Light bulbs and many lighting devices emerged after the invention of electricity. "It's a little like cooking: (I)f you mix salt and water, you kind of know what you're gonna get, but mixing two complex recipes together might give more unpredictable results," said study . The music bubble has the instant ability to assess your thoughts and emotions and select the appropriate tune from your vast library, often times before you even think of it yourself. Samuel Morse: The telegraph and Morse code. Do you mind if a lot of your job is about worrying about major problems? I would try to put an end to human suffering . For those that have been already dispersed and continue wreaking havoc, I would work towards solutions on making them less dangerous or not at all. But I want to be a scientist with a difference. Do you believe science's best use is in saving the world in the here and now? Raman, the Pride of India'. That's the most important part of science. That's OK, if I can take a novel approach to them. C R. $1.06. However, if you are familiar with science and have goals that are headed towards a scientific career, it wont be that hard. Newly discovered galaxies are scrambling our story of the universe. A scientist . Do you think science needs to make money in order to justify its existence? "'Why can't girls be strong and smart?" asked Hannah, innocently. Science is the tip of the spear of everything we see, feel and hear in this modern world. I used to work round the clock for the treatment of deadly diseases like AIDS and cancer. I would endeavour to be an ideal scientist, a dispassionate explorer of truth. On the other hand, there are those who look upon science as the chief can of the sufferings of humanity today. My vision for India is that no child should beg, no child should be forced into bonded labour. About a thousand years later, there's an explosion of horses and . Thus, Hitler, Mussolini and Marshal Tito were able to exploit the best scientific brains . My vision for India is peace, prosperity and truth. So we don't have to apologize for wanting to be scientists. Assuming that they got there in 5minutes, how fast did Amanda and her friend were walking? What would you invent? I would jealously assert and guard my birthright to explore the hidden avenues of knowledge without any let or hindrance form society, state or government. Being inside it you could see, watch, hear everything and . As such no fault-finding is possible with pure scientific research which has broadened the frontiers of mans knowledge about himself and the world. They destroy the growth of students and cannot be role models. Write the Summary of 'C.V. , es covering a length of 6 kilometers.calculate the speed of his car8-10.I rode a jeepney from house to work today for 50 smart watch toldme my speed was3m/ far did I travel?, Amanda was task to buy vegetables in a nearby flea market. I have one but I only wear it as a joke sometimes. It is a bold title that wants your direct opinion and for you to express your innermost feelings. grille salaire convention collective industrie pharmaceutique 2020; qui est la femme de benjamin baroche; Also read: 10 Lines on Evelyn Glennie in English Also read: 10 Lines on Furniture in English Also read: Essay On Our Aim Zero Harm Also read: Essay writing on reading habit Also read: 10 Lines on start-up India for Students and Children in English Also read: 10 Lines on Gram Panchayat in English Also read: 10 Lines on Thor in English Also read: 10 Lines on Memory Card Also read: 10 Benefits of Green Coconut in English Also read: 10 Benefits of Cardamom in English THANK YOU SO MUCH, My vision for India in 2047 postcard "Our pride for our country should not come after our country is great. mankind would be first and foremost duty of life. There should be no gap between the rich and the poor. What is Amanda's speed and velocity?, 2) The force exerted by a dog overcomes the opposing force of a reluctant boy. I know this ideal is not easy to attain, but I would not forsake it for fear of poverty, misery or suffering. What is science? In the research where 39.4 percent of the children answered "I don't know" to the question, 18.8 percent of the children defined science as knowing everything and 7.6 percent defined it as formulas, compounds, potions, technology and inventions. Now trade and industry together are governed by science. It is not a hollow statement to say that modern man lives, breathes, and owes his existence to science. Do you believe humanity's future is dark or bright? PDF. If I Were A Scientist, I believe that we are suffering from the effect of a little science badly applied and the remedy is a lot of science properly applied. If I were a Scientist Handout. Pure science is a relentless search for truth, for the discoveries of the mysteries of nature. Science is the whole of studies based on the systematic research and examination of information that is beneficial to humanity, consisting of problems, hypotheses and laws. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. I would invent this because it would be very cool seeing the future events. 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I would work round the clock Do you think that humans are required to sleep in the bed we have made for ourselves, with science? For this reason, they see what is different and can produce what is needed technically. I can say no more. 8) It protects people from heat, cold, rain, etc. Easy Solution Verified by Toppr If I was a scientist, I would like invent a door that would take people anywhere in the world. 3 Emma Stewart answered on 26 Aug 2013: The ultimate goal is outright independence from any power play, be it selfish company gain, from powerful governmental gain or from extremist organizations. Applied science does not seek to understand the universe and how it works so much as it attempts to harness . Nowadays, fabric manufacturers have produced much sturdier fabrics, pen clips are gentler, and pockets are made with a fold and strong stitches, so protectors are no longer needed. if i were a scientist, i would invent. Also, I would curtly refuse to let my discoveries be exploited for immoral or unjust purposes. Thus Hitler and Mussolini were able to exploit the best scientific brains to their own advantage and to the misery of mankind. Answer: I think the most important event is definitely the invention of electricity. Pasteur, Jenner, Davy Madame Curie, Fleming, Einstein, J.C. Bose and Bhaba will be my models to follow. Stephen Lester, science director at the Center . I would like to make shoes that can be increased in size. It has infinite potentialities for goods and evil. Obviously, you (Continue reading) All related (42) Sort Recommended my people and all of the above for all the living beings residing on earth. Science which isn't useful today may become useful one day. But actual experience shows that man's conduct is not always governed by aggression. It has given us comforts, progress and prosperity . This might sound unconventional, but I'd go with blue-chip art. You look out for a role model a wrong model can put your life in jeopardy. If you were to put gas in it, it would explode. Bose and Bhaba would be role models for me to follow. if i were a scientist, i would invent. It therefore follows that more than anybody else the scientist exercises the greatest controlling influence over human life today. You want to act grown up but you lack the confidence, so many times you act in an immature manner creating problems for our own selves. My vision for India is that everyone should have equal respect, there is no discrimination of caste, gender, colour, religion or economic status, I want India to be scientifically advanced, tec, Essay On My Vision For India In 2047 ( 100- Words) By 2047 India celebrates its 100th year of Independence. We live in a scientific age and scientists are respected everywhere. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. World War-II almost an army of scientists was employed in Germany, Russia, Japan, England and the U.S.A. to invent new machines of death and destruction. 0 0 Similar questions Would you like to be a rebel? khloe kardashian hidden hills house address Danh mc How. I'm patient when I can work, less so when I'm made to wait. How can I be useful to humanity? The history of the Internet has its origin in information theory and the efforts of scientists and engineers to build and interconnect computer networks.The Internet Protocol Suite, the set of rules used to communicate between networks and devices on the Internet, arose from research and development in the United States and involved international collaboration, particularly with researchers in . [1] Consider going to science camp during high school. Thus being a scientist I will try my best to be a true servant of mankind. What the scientist discovers in the seclusion of his laboratory after years of research comes to have far-reaching result in our practical life.If I were a scientist, I would like to be independent of powerful business and industrial magnates who try to exploit scientists for their own selfish ends. If there is such a lighting device, anyone can use it without the need for electricity. How do you feel about how science is portrayed in film? This is seen as the single most important invention in human history. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Hence we need not offer any apologies for wishing to be a scientist. If you were a Scientist what would you Invent-Imagine & Inspire Steam, combustion, and electrical motors had all been attempted by the mid 1800's. By the 1900's, it was uncertain which type of engine would power the automobile. Personally, I would try to stay away from these temptations. I don't accept the question. 1. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser, If you are given a chance to become a scientist what inventions are you going to invent or improved? It is a time for privacy but on the other hand there is a lot of peer pressure. Conseils et Informations pour les travaux chez soi. WRITE AWESOME ESSAY FOR ME. Do you have any rock star scientist role models? If I were a scientist, I would like to carry on my work in the sphere of pure science. But while people talk and argue for and against science goes on taking long strides, blissfully ignorant of praises or abuses. Tell me about the vegetable. Yes, but that doesn't mean what isn't best is therefore bad. The purposes outlined above may seem superficial or unreachable, but I believe I would have the necessary determination and devotion to the cause. Wasn't that when the US nabbed a bunch of Nazi scientists to work at NASA? I will invent medicines that will make old age worth living. Drawing a mind map on points you would like to outline can be very important also in this case. Do you know what Operation Paperclip was? What can I do for my country, my people, and all of the above for all the living beings living on the earth? John Philoponus: 6th century anticipation of Galileo and Newton. View if i invented a new vegeitable 2020.docx from ENGL 2380 at Northeastern University. Was this answer helpful? preservation of earth? Normally, every human being is desirous of peace, progress, plenty and prosperity. Image: Andriy Onufriyenko/Moment/Getty Images. Poor children should get an education. The trilogy "Back to the future" was the beginning of this idea. Required fields are marked *. If I Were a Scientist Essay.
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