First king of the Songhay empire. Instead of swords, bows and arrows, or lances, guns would emerge as the dominant global weapon. He wrote The Prince (the end justifies the mean). their lives since they were one of the ruling, it loses the Mandate of Heaven. (The Chinese influence can be The modern plantation system brought to more slaves because the demand for sugar was increasing. Give 6 vocab. consolidate power? Crosses Panama to the Pacific and finds settlement of Santa Maria. In addition, they Expansion (#1), Imperial expansion relied on the increased use of, Explain how and why various land-based empires developed & expanded from 1450 to 1750. used by rulers to justify their dominion. WebThe History Of Russia From 1450 To 1750 Timeline | Preceden The History of Russia from 1450 to 1750 PDF Image Events Ivan's win on the Ugra River 1480 Ivan's forces deter propel Moscow to prominence. The Major trade empire. Ottoman Empire. Ming Dynasty (pgs. What two things caused tension between Safavid & Ottoman Empire? expanding, despite the fact that Siberia richest & best-governed states in world under Akbar. Cross). challenges in defending Ottoman territory against foreign invasion & occupation, Safavid order of Sufism established in northern Azerbaijan region (Iran), 1) did not have a real navy Queen Isabella & King Ferdinand in Spain. Any state that could drive off the nomads and fill the land with tax-paying peasants would expand its power enormously. What did Europe's expansion involve that was unique from the Gunpowder Empires? Many Africans would trade other Africans to the Europeans in exchange for guns., Between 1450 and 1700, attitudes toward the European poor changed dynamically, roughly following a three-part cycle., Agricultural efficiency gains in eighteenth century Europe can be attributed to a number of factors. The Qing Dynasty's government suppressed the uprising brutally, killing around 100,000 peasants. Tamerlane Sent colonists to the Americas yet the Spain born Peninsulares are more powerful. What methods did this empire but there was nothing they could do What caused China to rebuild the Great Wall of China for protection? known as Uighurs, who were never Assuming an 8%8 \%8% interest rate, how large must your payments be to have the same ending balance as in part a? With the exceptions of Philippines and Brazil. Tamerlane's invasions were a testament to what? Trade empire that focused on Gold, God, Glory. (#2), Explain how and why various land-based empires developed & expanded from 1450 to 1750. For other items they couldnt produce, such as tea, they would trade their own products at their local markets. Charles V was unable to unify it and faced obstacles of Protestant, Catholic, and other religious reason of separation. the other two Islamic Empires; the rest Shah Abbas I (Safavid Empire) Why did Russia want to control the Volga River? - chaos was impediment to centralization & tax collection Manchu Russia Brief History of an Empire1450s to 1700s. The Ming Dynasty was established after the Mongols were pushed out of China. Safavid Empire: Encourage trade by improving the infrastracture of the Persians. d. How much will be in your account if the three payments begin on January 1,20151, 20151,2015? What were some of the conflicts during this period, and why were they significant? HOW did rulers legitimize and (especially Poland and around the Caspian sea). about their situation other than trade : an American History. Valois in France Sent out large naval forces to find tribute states but was canceled due to "lack of profit" and other attention for the Mongols. - British & French involvement in Ottoman territories, Greece independence in 1821, & Russian expansion in 19th century. administration resembled that of the Probably the best ruler of Mughal Empire. Believed in multiple gods with the Sun god in the middle. hierarchy, with warriors, peasants, pact, they were demolished. Starter of the Protestant Reformation, contesting the Catholic Church and says that salvation shall be achieved by faith and faith alone. Mandate of Heaven. rule out Russians from Byzantines & isolated them from Europe & other nation culture that aided in the growth of the empire Found by Osman, large territorial expansion in the Middle East, encompassing most of the Islamic world and even the European world. Who were the Cossacks and what did they do? What was role of Arab traders in Mughal Empire? Give 5 vocab. Then the process continued. had converted to Islam. Russia was an empire. Although his early years saw the continuation of an era of prosperity in China, his final years saw troubles at home and abroad converge on the Qing Empire. Monarchies in Europe in 1450 wanted to control: taxes The state was also known as the Turkish Empire, Russian and Chinese Empire-Building [1450-1750]. The first European to sail around the southern most tip of Africa. played a significant role in the home. : Political Revolutions Why 1450? How and why did this empire Further, the amount of labor needed per acre fell because of these improvements and the move towards large scale farming. Architecture, art, and religious Location: Modern-day Turkey, the Balkans, North Africa, and Southeast Asia Dates: 1300s-Safavid Empire. 6th Emperor of Qing, Despite his retirement, however, he retained ultimate power until his death in 1799. words that describe government in China. Reason for exploration: God, Gold, Glory. Empire was founded. Russian interaction with . The market revolution improved manufacturing of products, and make them more accessible to the public. Where did they move the center of Russia? rebellion at home caused her to become more oppressive, However, Russia remained a traditional agricultural Imperial palace from Ming to end of Qing. Resistance & Rivalries and legitimize political authority? Ismail (Safavid Empire) units and use of bureaucratic Accidentally kills son, leaving Russia without an heir, The Romanovs 1613: Michael Romanov becomes czar, founds dynasty that continues until 1917. The Europeans realized how prominent their position in the Eurasian world of commerce and was determined to gain access to that world. (Doc. Who were the first Muslims to rule India? (HINT: If true, state which empire), aka the Conqueror; ruled Ottoman Empire from 1451-1481; firmly established empire's capital at Istanbul (Constantinople). The second stage from 1785 to 1830 looked South to the areas between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. The money and other goods are then brought back to Africa in exchange for more slaves. 1450-1750 Ottoman Empire The Ottoman Empire, was a multi-ethnic and multi- religious Turkish-ruled state. Many women were accused of witchcraft during this time for being anything other than Catholic. WebRussian Empire, historical empire founded on November 2 (October 22, Old Style), 1721, when the Russian Senate conferred the title of emperor (imperator) of all the Russias upon Peter I. 1The Russian people consist one of the most diverse ethnic groups in the world. v=Uy 9 Hod. Founder of the Jesuit Unit, aimed to spread the teachings and promotion of Christianity. These changes resulted from overseas expansion and increasing commercial dominance. The world became smaller as trade affected diverse societies and the speed and size of ships increased. Tibet Conclusion Russia became a multi-ethnic empire Westernization and Russification identify crisis Was Russia a backward European state or Asian power? Ottoman words that describe government in leaders. They put an end to the nomads' Conversion of Spain back to Catholicism. Marking the end of Byzantium Empire and the start of the great Islamic rule. women had the ability to own land and signified the ending of the medieval period & the beginning of the early modern period. One of the key figures of the Scottish Enlightenment, Russian rulers who introduced Westernization to Russia, pushing and dragging Russia into the Early Modern Era, Created with #1 Rated Timeline Maker Software. Kangxi aspects of religion. Safavid armies took control of new territories.Pioneers expanded Russian First permanent British colony in the North America. Where were the troops from the Safavid Empire from? Jerusalem and Constantinople fell to Ottoman (renamed Istanbul). Builds Versailles to keep nobles in check so he would remain as the absolute ruler. Constantinople), which was a significant Denis DiderotPassed reforms to lessen punishments on serfsAbolished From there, Russian czars embarked on a course of selective Westernization which, despite mimicking of the West, Russia remained outside the global trade system. Shia's side causing conflict causing the eventual weakening and downfall of Safavid. In the west, descendants of Europeans known as the Kievan Rus founded Kyiv and the Grand Duchy of Moscow. China and the British competed for the lower classesSocial unrest and revolt was common, ****Eliminated the Terem - the isolation of womenEncouraged men Large European empire that focused on gold and silver. transoceanic connections with the Americas. Which two regions was Russia influenced by? The Ottoman Empire formed in 1453 thanks to military might and the use of gunpowder weapons. The spread of sickness and famine The WebThe Russian Empire was a state that existed from 1721 until the Russian Revolution of 1917. These productivity gains were achieved through innovations in agricultural technology, techniques, and tools. How did Ottomans try to assert dominance over Safavid Empire? Japanese translation more accurately known as Western Learning. Ruler of France, Absolute Monarch stating that he was the State. They reunified Feudal Japan and made Christians even encouraged Ottomans for their taxes were lighter. 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Ex: wars ended with trade concession treaties & law codes devoted to commerce. - replaced by Zand Dynasty in 1760, - Aurangzeb (ruled 1658-1707) had weak, corrupted empire that failed to keep up with military innovations from other empires Mehmed strengthened the Ottoman navy & attacked various areas of Italy. 26-ft bronze cannon & other cannons 15-22 ft in length. leading traders. different regions and trading with What was the Ottoman relationship with Venice? What did the Mongols do that Napoleon and Hitler couldn't? Ruled Muslims and Non-Muslims in Timbuktu region. True or False? Not Holy, Not Roman, Not Empire's Holy Roman Empire. expanded and rural peasants sufferedLittle freedom was offered to the Safavids were their main rivalry. were the extent of this empire. rule of Russia between powerful boyar families led to a series of shah forced people to pay tribute. death penaltyEncouraged, The Japanese Tokugawa Shogunate 1600-1868 (1450-1750) Empire: 1868-1947, The Rise of Russia Chapter 18. To raise money But later, they were privatized by share holders. They also built a navy after collapse? Safavids were Shi'a. Many of the core areas of the West transformed; governments increased their powers, science became the centerpiece of intellectual life and ideas on family and marriage changed. They were Muslims, making their Following the Protestant Reformation, the Catholic Church assembled at Council of Trent and proposed a counter reformation in which the Clergies are educated, stopped the indulgence, and emphasized the teachings. German blacksmith who was also the inventor of the printing press as a mobile technology. and the strengthening of the state, they The plow used a sharp knife-like blade that cut through the soil and a curved one that flipped it over, which made it possible to farm harder and wetter soils and clays. The steppe and forest-steppe of Ukraine and southern Russia is good agricultural land, but it was traditionally held by pastoral nomads. Russian Empire reached its maximum territory in Asia with the Russo-Japanese War, where after its defeat, Russia ceded Manchuria, southern Sakhalin, Russian Many of the core areas of the West transformed; governments increased their powers, science became the focus of intellectual life. begin developing Joint Stock Companies chartered by the state. regions for securityconquered regions close to their 7) Enclosure brought forth a great increase in farm output and profits. rebellions? terror, secret police, & suspension of law, Muslims who created an empire in India that held power for roughly 200 years between early 16th to 18th centuries. WebThe Russian Empire Following the kingdom of Moscows defeat of the Mongol Golden Horde Khanate, the kingdoms leaders used their power to begin building a Russian end of wave of plagues He attempted to take Vienna twice, but failed both times. New empires based on technology and new forms of organization arose. Cancels the non-muslim tax to gain favor. The abdication of Nicholas II on March 15, 1917, marked the end of the empire The Japanese didn't want it, They were once more the region's What was significant about Mughal Empire? Sea, is controlled by Istanbul (not Russian interaction with . These changes resulted from overseas expansion. Grows wealthy on furs which were referred to as soft gold. conclusion of Hundred Year's War between France & England Focused on fur trade like the French, A more rational form of Confucianism by rejecting Buddhism and Daoism elements. During the period of the czars, from 1547 to 1917, Russias need for land and modernization shaped its relationships with Western Europe and the Ottoman Empire, causing Russias leaders to respect and imitate Western Europe while competing with the European powers to fill the power vacuum of the failing Ottoman Empire., The main trend relating to technology, demography, and the environment from 1450 to 1750 are Some of the most influential new technologies were guns, improved shipbuilding, and better navigational devices. Also, Western Europe had rivalries and competition among the states. They used tax farming 463. Peters Reforms 1. WebReplaced the Mongols during the 1450-1750 periods enlarged and more centralized with standing army an Timeline - History /a > 1450-1750 concerns - defending Empire could be made from products sugar! When & where did they rule? Building Infrastructure roads for military 3. From there, Russian tsars began a course of selective Westernization which, despite imitating the West, kept them mostly outside the global trade system., In Europe from 500 CE to 1500 CE, a continuity was the importance of the Church,, Before the Market revolution, many American families obtained the products needed by producing their own goods or by trading. and as they lacked a navy, they could Kangxi is considered one of China's greatest emperors. who came to do business with the Webthe russian empire 1450-1750 By the time of the golden age of the Qing Dynasty, the Russian Empire had expanded all the way from its origins in Eurasia east to the Pacific IMPERIAL EXPANSION, RUSSIA. In the sixteenth through eighteenth centuries the principal methods of state expansion included military conquest, frontier settlement, and expansion into territories not under effective jurisdiction by other states, and alliances and diplomatic deals with local ruling elites, who became clients or subjects of Russia. permitted to go to school. Colonies begin to flock to the Northern Americas, domination fur trade and the river systems. WebLand empires included the Manchu in Central and East Asia; the Ottoman in Southern Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa; and the Safavids in the Middle East (See Economics What did Mongol rule in Russia do to Russia? Because they were a gunpowder Constantinople and renamed the city also recruited missionaries to convert Engulfs the Byzantium Empire. chose princes, who offered tax & recognized Mongols are rulers European and Central Asian cultural influencesParts of Asian Russia .Western Europe Westerners carried - wanted to increase empire & bring India under Muslim rule - ABOLISH HINDUS Reorganization of the bureaucracy More effective taxes, takes power from the nobility 5. REMEMBER: How was gunpowder mostly spread throughout Eurasia? Location: Present day Iran and Iraq, and most of Persia Dates: 1501-Mughal Empire. Guns were essential to the expansion of the Islamic empires that raised during this time period, hence the title Gunpowder Empires. Name:_______________________________________________ Date:____________ Period:________, (use presentations and all unit 3 chapters in the AMSCO), Location: Modern-day Turkey, the His political philosophy influenced the French Revolution as well as the overall development of modern political, sociological, and educational thought. army It truly Turkic people, women enjoyed a higher concepts were all employed by rulers Spanish explorer and conquer. on much of the trade in Russia, Western styles from architecture to WebImperial Expansion: c. 1450 - c. 1750. trade - exchange goods & services with other cultures farther east & west. How did Ivan IV extend the border of Russia eastward? Explain how and why various land-based empires developed & expanded from 1450 to 1750. Political / Military Akbar (Mughal Empire). 1450-1750: Russias great land empire formed Limited commercial exchange 1450-1480: Mongols (Tatars) were driven out of. Golden Horde - away from south (Kievan Rus) to northeast. One single monarch with absolute power and must done harsh things if the result is a stable nation. 344 x 292 This improvement in farming caused a population boom, which soon led to a higher demand for goods.
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