A general in the army, Othello holds a distinguished place in the Duke's court due to his victories in battle, but not an equal one. In The Tragedy of Othello, Shakespeare details the story of a celebrated military hero who falls victim to the machinations of a conniving villain who goes by the name of Iago. (2.1.191-93) Setting the scene. The men of the play manipulate her image of a naive lover to being a strumpet! (V.ii.94). Despite naively playing into Iago's hands earlier by giving him the handkerchief, Emilia shows her earnest loyalty to Desdemona. This does not stop her, though, from continuing to care for Othello. Peopleshow more content An outburst that othello has in a crowd of his peers causes people to start to question their noble leader. Othello Zootopia Act 1 The wall Othello is referring to are the Walls of Nicosia which surround the capital city Nicosia in Cyprus. O, farewell! (5. However, Othello's words give a deeper insight into how he still misunderstands the situation. Othello is a man of high rank in Venice. Archetypal criticism is a type of literary criticismexamining the presence of archetypal characters within a piece of literature. Abstract. he asks, which gives pause to a theory of pure nobility. But Jos van Meurss critically annotated 1988 bibliography, Jungian Literary Criticism, 1920-1980, effectively challenges this claim. The Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism. Here are some examples of archetype in Shakespearean works: Lover: Romeo ("Romeo and Juliet"), Juliet ("Romeo and Juliet"), Antony ("Antony and Cleopatra") Hero: Othello ("Othello"), Hamlet . Farewell / Commend me to my kind lord. In his major work, The Anatomy of Criticism, he states: 'I mean by an archetype a symbol which connects one poem with another and thereby helps to unify and integrate our . Frye, then, first misinterprets Jungian theory by insisting on a Lamarckian view of genetic transmission of archetypes, which Jung explicitly rejected, and later settles on a concept of archetype as a literary occurrence per se, an exclusively intertextual recurring phenomenon resembling a convention (99). But heres my husband; Each literary theory will examine the text through different lenses, resulting in different interpretations. Analysis. Kibin. Literary Archetypes The Legend of Sleepy Hollow The Loved One The Magus The Making of Americans The Man in the High Castle The Mayor of Casterbridge The Member of the Wedding The Metamorphosis The Natural The Plague The Plot Against America The Portrait of a Lady The Power of Sympathy The Red Badge of Courage The Road The Road from Coorain For Frye, as William K. Wimsatt and Cleanth Brooks put it, archetype, borrowed from Jung, means a primordial image, a part of the collective unconscious, the psychic residue of numberless experiences of the same kind, and thus part of the inherited response-pattern of the race (Literary Criticism 709). Aristotles theory is not the final word on tragedy, however it can support in pinpointing the pivotal traits in. Bibliography Their discourse is conducted in poetic language; that is, their notions of soul-making come from the Romantics, especially William Blake and John Keats. Ignoring her appeals for mercy and avowals of innocence, Othello smothers her moments before Emilia arrives with the proof of Desdemonas innocence and Iagos villainy. Carl Jungs Contribution to Psychoanalytic Theory. An equal case can be made that Iago here completes his role as Vice, borrowed from the medieval morality plays, sealing the Faustian bargain for Othellos soul in this mock or black marriage scene. : Feminist: Ex. His demise was of his own doing. The scene crowns love triumphant. First Cassio lands to deliver the news of Othellos marriage and, like the best man, supplies glowing praise for the groom and his bride; next Desdemona, accompanied by Iago and his wife, Emilia, enters but must await news of the fate of Othellos ship. Archetypal criticism focuses on such things in a work. Categories: Drama Criticism, ELIZABEHAN POETRY AND PROSE, Literary Criticism, Literature, Tags: Analysis Of William Shakespeares Othello, Bibliography Of William Shakespeares Othello, Character Study Of William Shakespeares Othello, Criticism Of William Shakespeares Othello, Drama Criticism, Essays Of William Shakespeares Othello, Notes Of William Shakespeares Othello, Othello, Othello Analysis, Othello Criticism, Othello Essay, Othello Feminism, Othello Notes, Othello Play, Othello PSychoanalysis, Othello Summary, Plot Of William Shakespeares Othello, Simple Analysis Of William Shakespeares Othello, Study Guides Of William Shakespeares Othello, Summary Of William Shakespeares Othello, Synopsis Of William Shakespeares Othello, Themes Of William Shakespeares Othello, William Shakespeare, William Shakespeares Othello, Analysis of William Shakespeares Macbeth, Analysis of William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet, Analysis Of William Shakespeares Othello, Bibliography Of William Shakespeares Othello, Character Study Of William Shakespeares Othello, Criticism Of William Shakespeares Othello, Simple Analysis Of William Shakespeares Othello, Study Guides Of William Shakespeares Othello, Synopsis Of William Shakespeares Othello, Analysis of Stuart Halls Encoding/Decoding, Jacques Derrida's Structure, Sign and Play. Northrop Frye has been the most influential of those critics who have argued that archetypal patterns underlie the modes, plots and genres of literary works. This article, then, treats the only form of literary theory and criticism consistent with and derived directly from the psychological principles advanced by Jung. Richer than all his tribe. To furnish me with some swift means of death 2. The romantic climax comes in the trial scene of act 1, in which Othello success-fully defends himself before the Venetian senate against Brabantios charge that Othello has beguiled his daughter, stoln from me, and corrupted / By spells and medicines bought of mountebanks. Calmly and courteously Othello recounts how, despite the differences of age, race, and background, he won Desdemonas heart by recounting the stories of his exotic life and adventures: She loved me for the dangers I had passed, / And I loved her that she did pity them. Wonder at Othellos heroic adventures and compassion for her sympathy have brought the two opposites togetherthe young, inexperienced Venetian woman and the brave, experienced outsider. Earnest Cassirer, a social anthropologist was an important influence on myth criticism. Othello also matches Aristotle's ideas of tragic hero because our Othello realizes the error of his ways, causing us to feel sympathy for him. Shakespeare often focuses his plays on human nature as well as fate, which Othellos fate ended in the tragic ending due to his reversal of fortune once the claims against Desdemona begin. Within these three days let me hear thee say . Even when Desdemona was found after Othello strangles her, she still believed that her death was not the fault of Othello. 1. And will upon the instant put thee tot. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994. He carries out his own execution for a violation that threatens social and psychic order. Texts and Contexts: Writing About Literature with Critical Theory. Othello sends Emilia outside to guard the door. According to Aristotle, a tragic protagonist is a nobleman or person from high status, who contributes to his own demise and illustrates a flaw or weakness in judgment. Shakespeare shifts the action from Venice to Cyprus. The tragedy of Othello, written by William Shakespeare, presents the main character Othello, as a respectable, honorable, and dignified man, but because of his insecurities and good nature, he is easily taken advantage of and manipulated by his peers and alleged friends. Not with vain thanks, but with acceptance bounteous, I pray you, in your letters, Desdemona is shown as the most pure and proper of the women in Othello and is put into the center of all the drama. ("Literary Criticism.") What is striking about Shakespeares alteration of Cinthios grisly tale of murder and villainy is the shift of emphasis to the provocation for the murder, the ennobling of Othello as a figure of great stature and dignity to underscore his self-destruction, and the complication of motive for the ensigns actions. Othello, a play that was written in 1604 by William Shakespeare, is an example of a type of story called a tragedy. Throughout the course of the work, Othello proves himself to be very easily misled, despite his heroic status. As the pair kneels together, they exchange vows: Iago: Witness you ever-burning lights above, This allows our team to focus on improving the library and adding new essays. Issues of genre, period, and language were ignored or subjected to gross generalization as Jung searched for universals in texts as disparate as the fourth-century Shepherd of Hermas, the Divine Comedy, Francesco Colonnas Hypnerotomachia Poliphili (1499), E. T. A. Hoffmans tales, Pierre Benoits LAtlantide (1919-20), and Henry Wadsworth Longfellows Hiawatha, as well as works by Carl Spitteler and William Blake. It is in Act 3 Scene 3 where Othello takes on a new persona, where his confidence and happiness is tragically replaced with jealousy and rage. Othello was crafted at the dawn of the 17th century, shaped by complex social and geopolitical issues that new historicist critics, who seek to place literary works within a historical framework, have recently sought to unravel. Othello must now face the realization of what he has done. Othello falls in love with Desdemona and they secretly marry; later, he leaves to Cyprus to stop the Turks. As he attempts to carry out his execution of Desdemona, she for the first time realizes his charges against her and his utter delusion. Othello is the most painfully exciting and the most terrible. And let the labouring barque climb hills of seas The movie Zootopia uses animals to portray racism and sexism; predators do not like prey and vice versa. BASIC PREMISES OF ARCHETYPAL THEORY: 1. "An Archetype Criticism of Othello, a Play by William Shakespeare." May the wind blow till they have wakened death, The traits of the tragic hero lead the audience to feel compassion for the helpless victim. Active Themes Emilia returns with Desdemona. Twere now to be most happy, for I fear Jung most frequently used myth (or mythologem) for the narrative expression, on the ethnological level (Collected 9, pt. Such characters can be found in works of fiction, long or short, and in more poetic works. In the beginning of the play, Othello is seen as content with his new bride: For know, Iago, But that I love the gentle Desdemona (1.2.24-25). Archetypal analysis is an appropriate model for customer heterogeneity whenever the underlying structure is best defined by the extremes. Spring: A Journal of Archetype and Culture, Spring: An Annual of Archetypal Psychology and Jungian Thought, The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion, Analysis of Stuart Halls Encoding/Decoding, Jacques Derrida's Structure, Sign and Play. James Hillman, Archetypal Psychology: A Brief Account (1983), Re-Visioning Psychology (1975); C. G. Jung, Collected Works (ed. : In this quote, Othello is stating that his wife's supposed infidelity has ruined his name and turned it "black" and dirty like his own face, showing that a woman's fidelity was linked to a man's honor. The play moves relentlessly from here to catastrophe as Othello delivers justice to those he is convinced have wronged him. Where a malignant and a turband Turk James Baird, Jungian Psychology in Criticism: Theoretical Problems, Literary Criticism and Psychology (ed. In-text citation: The next significant development in archetypal theory that affected literary studies grew out of the effort made by U.S.-born, Zurich-trained analyst James Hillman (b. Archetypal criticism is a product of both cultural anthropology and psychoanalysis which are academic fields that might seem to be far from the concept of archetypal criticism. . In her final moments, Desdemona chooses not to blame Othello for her death because she saw that the honor of their love was more important than honesty. The execution of his wit, hands, heart Feminist archetypal theory, proceeding inductively, restored Jungs original emphasis on the fluid, dynamic nature of the archetype, drawing on earlier feminist theory as well as the work of Jungian Erich Neumann to reject absolutist, ahistorical, essentialist, and transcendentalist misinterpretations. Northrop Frye, however, further developed this theory in his book Anatomy of Criticism and later in his essay 'The Archetypes in Literature . While adding to the tone of the story it also adds to the characters overall personality from the reader's perspective. This burgeoning theoretical movement and the generally unsatisfying nature of so much early Jungian literary criticism are both linked to the problematic nature of Jungs own writing on literature, which comprises a handful of essays: The Type Problem in Poetry, On the Relation of Analytical Psychology to Poetry, Psychology and Literature, Ulysses: A Monologue, and Is There a Freudian Type of Poetry? These essays reveal Jungs lack of awareness as a reader despite his sense that they may show how ideas that play a considerable role in my work can be applied to literary material (Collected 15:109^. Essays and criticism on William Shakespeare's Othello - Criticism . Archetypal criticism ensures the efforts of all these concerned faculties to analyse of a text hence archetypal criticism is of immense significance. Placing responsibility in the stars - he calls Desdemona an "ill-starred wench" - is hardly a gallant course of action. My life and education both do learn me Archetypal Criticism Volume I. But Jung's theory of the archetypes of the collective unconscious differs . Further, the text offered confirmation (and poetic representation) of the only direct contribution Jung made to literary theory: a distinction between psychological and visionary texts (Collected 15:89-90). If after every tempest come such calms, FREE Archetype Essay Essay - Example Essays This recurring idea of an evil witch is extremely common and archetypal. Following his anatomizing of the painfully introspective intellectual Hamlet, Shakespeare, at the height of his ability to probe human nature and to dramatize it in action and language, treats Hamlets temperamental oppositethe man of action. An archetype is the original pattern or . "Othello is essentially an noble character, flawed by insecurity and a nature that is naive and unsophisticated". I am hitherto your daughter. By speaking of soul as a primary metaphor, rather than defining soul substantively and attempting to derive its ontological status from empirical demonstration or theological (metaphysical) argument, archetypal psychology recognizes that psychic reality is inextricably involved with rhetoric (Hillman, Archetypal 19). Othello, though, decides to kill her. In addition, Othello is far from being a perfect character - another quality that meets Aristotle's requirements. Unlike the other Shakespeare tragedies, which follow the common ideas for Shakespearean tragedy, Othello includes some of the ideas from classical tragedies. Van Meurss bibliography conveys the great variety of Jungian writings on literature even within one language, the increasingly recognized potential for further development and use of Jungs ideas, and the growth in numbers of literary scholars falling under the influence of Jung. And new theories increasingly give credence to the requirement, historically asserted by Jungian readers, that each text elicit a personal, affective, and not merely intellectual response. Of one that loved not wisely but too well, As scholar Edward Pechter has argued, During the past twenty-five years or so, Othello has become the Shakespearean tragedy of choice, replacing King Lear in the way Lear had earlier replaced Hamlet as the play that speaks most directly and powerfully to current interests.. 125-126). Let us know! The archetypal characteris a simple character template recognizable to all readers. The contrast is most pronounced from the beginning of the play to its conclusion, switching from being calm and peaceful to acts of uncontrolled venomous rage. Using an archetypal literary criticism, Harry Potter can be analyzed by focusing on different archetypes, such as, symbols, images, and character types in the text. This last text explicitly named the movement and demonstrated its appropriation of archetypal theory for feminist ends in aesthetics, analysis, art, and religion, as well as in literature. Jung was also more preoccupied with dreams and fantasies, because he saw them as exclusively (purely) products of the unconscious, in contrast to literature, which he oddly believed, citing Joyces Ulysses as an example, was created in the full light of consciousness (15:123). So much I challenge that I may profess reflects the archetypal villain" (Sen, ). Kibin, 2023. http://www.kibin.com/essay-examples/an-archetype-criticism-of-othello-a-play-by-william-shakespeare-yJF4zltX. Van Meurs also does a service by resurrecting successful but neglected early studies, such as Elizabeth Drews of T. S. Eliot (1949), and discovering value even in reductionist and impressionistic studies, such as June Singers of Blake. To you, preferring you before her father, The Shakespearean tragedy Othello contains a number of themes; their relative importance and priority is debated by literary critics. And concomitantly, on which of these levels was the reader affected? In the essay Frye critically analyses literature against the backdrop of rituals and myths. An archetype criticism of othello, a play by william shakespeare. That Cassios not alive. Archetypal Criticism of Othello Othello, one of Shakespeare's most popular tragedies, is full of symbols, motifs, and themes that make it relatable to people all over the world. Desdemonas true morals is her absolute devotion to her husband. While the beautiful. Othello is generally regarded as Shakespeares greatest stage play, the closest he would ever come to conforming to the constrained rules of Aristotelian tragedy. . Citations As the play progresses, and Iagos plan culminates, Othellos good fortune begins to turn. An archetype is universal; it is generated by man's psyche regardless of time of place. Othello is first shown as a hero of war and a man of, The extent of which Othello is a tragic hero has been open to much debate; the basis on which he is judged falls to Aristotles established view of the crucial elements that distinguish whether a person is truly tragic. Comparing the amount written about the two plays, people find Hamlet more interesting to discuss. That not another comfort like to this His works range from ingenious poems, such as Fear No More, to plays, such as The Tragedy of Othello. However, as the play progresses, jealousy clamps down his mind, and his decisions are colored with jealousy that Desdemona is betraying him, leading him to kill her and take his own life. After the. Due to the Moor, my lord. In Shakespeare's Othello, Iago is one of the most compelling villains in English literature. Essays may be lightly modified for readability or to protect the anonymity of contributors, but we do not edit essay examples prior to publication. Jungs Psychology of the Unconscious (1916, B. M. Hinkles translation of the 1911-12 Wandlungen und Symbole der Libido) appeared in English one year after publication of the concluding volume with bibliography of the third edition of J. G. Frazers The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion (2 vols., 1890,3d ed., 12 vols., 1911-15). Feminist Critique of the Character Desdemona in Othello Introduction Women during Elizabethan age are assumed to have spent their lives in the service of men - prearranged marriages, child rearing, and their role as sexual objects. "An Archetype Criticism of Othello, a Play by William Shakespeare." This preview is partially blurred. Mythological critics compare one work to others with similar story . Othello is decisive, confident, and secure in his identity, duty, and place in the world. A few names form a core of writers in English (including many Canadians)Martin Bickman, Albert Gelpi, Elliott Gose, Evelyn Hinz, Henry Murray, Barton L. St. Armand, Harold Schechter, and William Stein though no single figure has attracted the attention of academic literary specialists, and no persistent commonalities fuse into a recognizable school critics who draw on Jungs theories. You know how looking at a math problem similar to the one you're stuck on can help you get unstuck? Othello assumes that Emilia is helping Desdemona in her infidelity. He suffers barbs and preconceived notions, yet Othello is esteemed and wins the love of the daughter of a nobleman. Historical is basically know the background story before you making assumptions off the text, and to better understand text lookup time period close to the time like 1600's .
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