I was kind of shocked that the counselor didn't just encourage her to stick it out.


I have no experience with this at all, but wow.


if she's miserable at school(and there are lots of great students who are miserable) why make her "stay the course" She has a different, perhaps more difficult option..find a way to make it happen


There are some threads about this - if you look around. The truth of the matter is that Ivy League schools are looking for people, not statistics (to an extent). You'll need nearly straight As in all your classes to compete with other applicants since the average unweighted GPA of students admitted into UCLA is a 3.9. The time for the CHSPE test is 3 hours. One of the biggest advantages is saving money. I was very worried about him for many reasons, but felt that I had no choice but to let him try something different. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. CHSPE meets the requirement of California state universities that an applicant have a high school diploma or equivalent. [1] Or know colleges that don't require a HS diploma. We didn't research them, because the college counselor said CHSPE was the exam to take. We have pushed staying the course. Or will I be a transfer student who has only attended community college for one year? It may also result in failing grades for courses in which you are enrolled. If you pass the CHSPE, you may (with parental approval) leave high school early. Another boy who was exceptionally bright through middle school, has had a very tough time in high school, tested out and is now happily in residence at the Green Gulch Farm of the Zen Center. The CHSPE is usually given twice a year, once in the fall and once in the spring. She wants to focus on taking the CHPSE this fall. You end up with your HS diploma with your HS class. Also don't know what the Ca law is regarding when you can stop going to school. She has no desire to live in a dorm nor experience the party atmosphere that is at almost any college. The CHSPE, if passes, grants said student the equivalency of a high school diploma. Get the Chspe Transcript you need. He enrolled in 2 classes that spark his interest at our local community college & is working PT in a field he loves. Individuals may register for the CHSPE electronically or by mail. You can go to work or attend community college, or you may be able to attend a 4-year college or university. Do colleges accept Chspe? http://www.chabotcollege.edu/WELD/ They have a dedicated metal arts program that is considered one of the best in the area and a student from Oakland could commute to campus via BART/AC Transit or car. (We did find a UC-transferable semester abroad program in Paris for our daughter through CCSF, but it was a less-than-wonderful experience.) Can an 18 year old take the CHSPE? No need to register anywhere with a public school, simply create your own private school. Sounds like a very good plan. Our son took and passed the CHSPE recently. People who are sixteen years of age or older may take the test. No grades can be lower than a C. Many freshman applicants have strong academic records. My only regret is not learning about it sooner. Hey there, I did the CHPSE back in the early 90s -- awesome that it's still an option, although I'm sorry to hear your daughter is struggling. UCLA GPA Requirements At a minimum, you must earn a 3.0 GPA or better (3.4 for nonresidents) in all college preparatory courses. The fact of the matter is that Harvard does not require any high school or GED diploma for admittance. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. And then we let her self-educateuntil she passed the CHSPE, the next time they offered it, and she's now happily enrolled in community college. We moved our upcoming junior to private school where at least online means the day spent in class on zoom with teachers instruction. For that matter, how do you find emails of college sports coaches?


i sent you a PM. CHSPE is an acronym for California High School Proficiency Exam. 60. Hi everyone. Here's the link from the state:https://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/ps/affidavit.asp. Three years later I transferred into UCLA's engineering program as a junior, then graduated magna cum laude. In fact, there can be great benefits to attending a community college. This is how Californians homeschool, when they aren't associated with a charter (a charter involves support and guidance but also several requirements that it sounds like you wouldn't want/need.) Passing rates on the ELA section were higher than passing rates on the Mathematics section. He has talked about this before, and I encouraged him to stay in school. This means that you will need to be able to recall many math formulas on the CHSPE. I think there are quite a few younger students at community colleges these days. He sets his alarm and gets himself out the door on time for work - something that never happened with school. worried mom, I know of a few examples of kids who successfully pursued alternative paths to high school. What money is available for senior citizens? She came home with applications for National Honor Society and information on taking the CHSPE and also on an alternative option of finishing up HS at the Community College. Passing the CHSPE only allows you to legally not attend high school. colleges that accept chspe. Based on what you shared, if she were my child, I would support testing out of HS and doing community college classes. To take the CHSPE, a student must be 16 years old. Content produced by the Sacramento County Office of Education for the California Department of Education.. Do you know any success stories for kids who have taken the GED instead of finishing high school? HiSET scoring occurs on a scale that runs to 20. On the contrary, the great majority of employers and schools in other states will accept this certificate in lieu of a regular high school . I don't know if you can still join the police force or military (I suspect if a GED counts, so does the CHSPE), but if he enjoys learning and might be more successful in community college look into it. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. My 15 year old daughter would like to enroll in Berkeley City College and would also like to pursue a high school diplomaequivalency. Online classes? You should check with UC directly to confirm. He is 20 now, and finding that he has to face the after-college questions earlier than many of his friends --like ''now what do I do with my life?'' Sue. Does your CC and HS district offer some sort of "middle college" program? My son's comment on the exam: ''It's really not that difficult so stress is unnecessary. My first reaction is to make her stay the course and complete two more yrs of HS. CHSPE testing dates: 3 times a year in schools. After taking the exams he sweat it out because of some geometry he didn't know). Registration is on a first come, first served basis, and a waiting list will be established for those who are interested. We think he would be able to handle the work load and is a pretty smart kid. My D took the Chspe so we will see what happens. Click Done following double-checking everything. She is happiest when creating her art, reading or being with her animals. Also she would need to take the math and language placement exams at the CC. About a month ago the President of the California Community Colleges announced all California Community college classes would be online. Check out the schoolsnotforboys group, because we've compiled resources that may be helpful to you and your son. The GED is recognized in all 50 states. Id be happy to walk you through the process but it is dependent on how exactly youve been homeschooling. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. In fact, I suspect that may be a great option for many high school upperclassmen. In California, 16 year old students can take it after their sophomore year in high school. No, it will not hurt your daughters chances getting into UC.Have you been following UCs new prioritiesfor admissions? Good luck! Then, transfer to a university. If you pass the CHSPE you may (with your parents approval) leave high school early. Thanks! Todays community colleges have more respect for the level of education they provide. Our son was in school full time up through freshman year but things really fell apart in his sophmore year. He worked at two part-time jobs for what would have been his senior year, he's now on a gap-year program overseas. Thank you in advance. If students have completed the course requirements for college admissions (and have the grades, SATs, experience etc. I felt so bad that he wasn't going to finish HS but it seems to have been the best option for him. Id call some college counselors (if you dont have 1 already) and the admissions office at CAL for specifics about how they feel about your plan. If your son is interested in a trade program focusing on metalwork please check out Chabot College in Hayward. The standard test fee for the CHSPE is $162. UCs will accept it as a high school diploma but not care about the score. Some courses were definitely more interesting than others. Nothing helped, so we decided to have him test out of high school and go to work. Testers who pass the CHSPE receive a Certificate of Proficiency from the California State Board of Education which is equivalent to a high school diploma. Stanford accepts a small number of undergraduate transfer students each year. I am interested only in this, not opinions or other thoughts about how to keep him in high school. ), most colleges and universities accept CHSPE in lieu of high school graduation - I know, because my son left high school after 11th grade and used the CHSPE option to enroll in UCLA. And her senior year she had the most amazing math teacher (Corey Wade) who, even though the whole year was remote/online, prepared her so well for college-level Calculus classes. Next year she will be a junior. The California High School Proficiency Examination (CHSPE) is a test for students who need to verify their high school level skills. An applicant may apply for admission as a freshman or as a transfer student. You complete your HS grad requirements along with taking some CC classes. I started community college right away and was able to transfer to UC Berkeley. CHSPE meets the requirement of California state universities that an applicant have a high school diploma or equivalent. accept the CHSPE.


Do YOU recommend that I take the exam or just go on with the next two years of high school?


If you would rather reply at an e-mail, my e-mail address is



I would definitely email an admissions rep to ask this question. Everything you need to know about the CHSPE is on their website: California High School Proficiency Examination (CHSPE) I recommend reading every single word on that website prior to even truly considering it as an option for you. He easily passed the HS equivalency test and we were seriously thinking of sending him straight to community college rather then go into 11th grade at BHS! The admissions process is the same for all three schools. The CHSPE is very similar to the CAHSEE, but the questions are more difficult. In our case it is not that she is a high-achiever. Take the GED later. He has just turned 18, and it seems different now. Is the California high school diploma exam accepted outside of California? Electronic registrants may pay by credit or debit card. Do colleges accept CHSPE? How can the Certificate of Proficiency be used? The California High School Proficiency Examination (CHSPE) is a voluntary test that assesses proficiency in basic reading, writing, and mathematics skills taught in public schools. He's much happier and is working hard--a tremendous turn- around. The standard test fee for the CHSPE is $162. She feels she will complete her first two years of college by 18 and be ready to transfer as a junior at 18. The CHSPE provides you the opportunity to work on your extracurricular pursuits on a full-time basis, without the interference of a regular high school routine. I was bright and did quite well until high school, when my grades began slipping and I stopped doing much work. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. I hated school and had been hospitalized for depression--a really messed up kid. The California High School Proficiency Exam (CHSPE) is an early-exit exam for high school students in California. Hi - My LBGQT/Aspergerteen finished his sophomore year of high school, took the CHSPE & enrolled in community college.. That's one path. But freshman and senior year grades are NOT included in the GPA calculation. In our research, we found that most CA schools, public and private, accept the CHSPE. We had some conversation at dinner. Our son was way too young to go to college at 16 (he figured that out in hindsight), but was dropping out of HS with absolutely no plan whatsoever, and he was able to sort himself out and graduate in 5 1/2 years, about the time he would have anyway. Having done so, one would hope that if he were exploring academic departments in hopes of some field of study resonating with him, he would also find friends there. Access Reputable CHSPE Study Resources. What strikes me about your post is that your son has not yet found his passion, in terms of academics. Kind, respectful of the teachers and a diligent student. She is now applying to UCs as a junior transfer, and is 2-for-2 in acceptances so far, with 3 to go. He has never been involved in high school activities nor has many friends there. Passing rates on the ELA section were higher than passing rates on the Mathematics section. There is a standardized pre-test which is used as a predictor of success. Amelia. No matter what they say, its possible bc we did it. I have *two* such sons! I understand that there are two different tests a student can take who wants to take a high school equivalency test rather than to graduate from high school. A student is given three and a half hours to pass the exam, and must attain a passing score on both sections. College options with CHSPE . If so, my understanding is no need to be enrolled in high school. The answer to the question of whether Harvard accepts GED graduates is simply YES. For UCs and Cal States, if a student takes even one CC or college class after the CHSPE, he/she must apply as a junior transfer student, with at least 60 transferable college units completed.


The downside: Most CCs are commuter schools, with a mix of adult and older teenage students. I paid for it all myself by working and getting scholarships. I actually dropped out of high school without taking the GED officially (I took in in eighth grade, and passed, but was too young to have it recorded). At DVC, the faculty was without exception marvelous, and the departments seemed wonderful - from library science to music to environmental science and horticulture. Seehttps://www.hsc.org/quickguide for an easy explanation of the process. The caveat is that they really do have to be intrinsically motivated to get their work done. Mathematics. Nothing wrong with attending community college. could anyone tell me some colleges that accept the chspe (California High School Proficiency Examination)? What credentials do you need to be called professor? GED vs. CHSPE To take the GED, a student must be 18 years old, or a drop-out for 6 months. We are trying to think outside the box for the upcoming year, as the AP exam testing, SAT and ACT testing has not adjusted quickly to accommodate the new constraints we are all under. BTW, it was the best thing he could have done--he got his act together and started taking classes at Laney the semester after passing the CHSPE. Alternatives to High School. I am interested in talking to other parents of teens who have left high school and started college early and in talking to anyone who can recommend good instructors at BCC or Laney, either for art and computer tech courses or general UC transfer courses. Hello -We have made the decision to remove my daughter from school due to extreme societalanxiety issues, which she is working on through therapy. For UCs and Cal States, if a student takes even one CC or college class after the CHSPE, he/she must apply as a junior transfer student, with at least 60 transferable college units completed.</p> <p>The downside: Most CCs are commuter schools, with a mix of adult and older teenage students. Going to a very structured program really helped. Testers have three and a half hours to complete the exam, and are free to divide their time as they wish between the two sections. By taking the CHSPE, you skip right to the diploma part. Good luck to you and your son--as a mom I now understand how hard this is from the other side. A parent looking for an alternative, My son took the CHSPE 2 or 3 years ago. The California High School Proficiency Examination (CHSPE) is a testing program established by California law (Education Code Section 48412). Also, will colleges ask to see high school transcripts as well as the CHSPE diploma, or just the CHSPE diploma? In retrospect, I think I hated school and my grades were poor because I was immature for my age. Results on the CHSPE are mailed to test takers around five weeks after their exam date. All in all, he skipped about 1-1/2 yrs of HS - that is a good deal of reading, history and science core knowledge that he missed. I'll try to find them - but there was a really long thread in the parents forum about kids who wanted and did leave high school early.


MaterMia- thanks. It would 1) demonstrate your interest in the school, and 2) get you a legitimate answer.


Most schools have some sort of admissions contact email on their websites if you search for it


It's no good for Princeton; you can't transfer into Princeton from a college for now.


I'm going to wait for a few replies from schools, and then research a bit more. mjk funeral home obituaries; san jose state university graduate programs deadlines Men umschalten. My son was enrolled in a small private school but was completely failing and only taking a few classes. However, I wanted to share that the CHSPE was a great option for my son and was the right choice for his situation. The GED test can be scheduled at one's convenience, almost every week in certified testing centers or online. ), most colleges and universities accept CHSPE in lieu of high school graduation - I know, because my son left high school after 11th grade and used the CHSPE option to enroll in UCLA. They want brilliance, not a diploma. CHSPE is generally considered a bit more difficult than the GED examination, but I'm sure there are other differences. For him, leaving HS early and switching to college was absolutely the right thing to do. Thinking outside the box seems right during this extraordinary time. You graduate with your HS class. A complete understanding of Algebra I and basic English are all that's needed to pass, really.'' Shes now at CCSF full time taking horticulture,history 17A, pre-calc, English 1A with threehalf days on campus and wednesdaysand fridays off. The cost of community college is significantly less than most universities. He is bright but has not done well - slipping slope scenario. Coming in as a transfer student means they MUST follow a proscribed course series for the full two years to be accepted. I am familiar with the CHSPE, as my son took itat 18 in lieu of attending senior year. Or at least not leaving HS till after junior year.


She has had no academic or discipline problems at school.
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