Communication with parents is restricted and constantly monitored Ive seen and heard of girls doing things like self-harm and starving themselves just to be able to go to the hospital so they could tell their parents the truth about how they were being treated without fear of repercussions. , I have attended ECA twice. this place is psychotic. i was so brainwashed by the end that i would habitually thank the staff for punishing me because crying is apparently manipulation that had to be beaten out of me. Another friend that left while I was there is suing for child abuse and neglect so there is definitely shit going down with this program and it is just a matter of time but dont believe the fake shit they try and say on their website about the art and the music.its a crock of shit because most of the time you cant even finish your art because of therapy or family therapy and youre always rushing because its anxiety central Just existing in that environment and forget music lessons because if you want those they cost money and they take away from school and you are forced to practice whatever instrument it is every other day and if you actually enjoy playing well then you have to have your fucking privileges I want to start a hate blog on this place so badly because I am about to graduate this amazing program for adults that has changed my life and was in no way similar to Eva Shitshow Academys approach for good reason. I would never send my child here. Some therapists were good but the milieu was profoundly harmful and deeply negative. We are now college students and are working on an article about how platforms like this subreddit and #BreakingCodeSilence are impacting how survivors, their parents, program staff, and the general public understands the TTI. im sure the more classically rebellious teens had it far worse they were the ones who got restrained, and that was horrible enough to witness. The fact that our daughter was not allowed to express herself, robbed us from the opportunity to remove her from this extreme and abusive program. Our bathroom breaks were monitored and you were not allowed to use the restroom until at least one hour after a meal. She currently still works as the Executive Director of Eva Carlston. We were given points every day and the amount of points you could earn from doing positive things were so low in comparison to the severe negative consequences you received (usually -5000). That's the bottom line, whether that manifests as the entire industry being shut down, I don't know. 6 months later I finally talked to my mom about it on a phone call. Based on our familys experience, our educational consultant says she will no longer refer families to this program. Even during unmonitored home visits (later in the year) our daughter did not complain as she was afraid of being punished upon her return to ECA if we had intervened with the program. okay there are so many fucked up things in that equation. My daughter has never done anything that would warrant the depravity of Eva. The school at Eva offered her a lot of support and she was able to experience success in ways that she never had before. If its such an ineffective and emotionally damaging program, why do so many reviewers praise it? This approach is an important component of our lifestyle therapy model. After being very suicidal my parents felt there was no other option but to send me to wildernessyadda yadda I actually enjoyed wilderness believe it or not but then I found out I wasnt going to just go right back home for my senior year of high school(I was on a 3 time national champion varsity cheer squad mind you) but that I was going to an ALL GIRLS RESIDENTIAL TREATMENT FACILITY WOOHOO!! This was supposed to be a safe place, a therapeutic environment. Please sign this petition to investigate and hopefully shut down Eva. I hope therapy with your daughter continues, and I hope her disordered eating gets better-- for a few months, my house was put on measuring cups because we took more than the serving sizes (I still have those half-memorized, and they're really not enough for a normal eater, especially with the work-outs we did) which severely impacted people's eating. I am now almost 22 and still dealing with the after effects of this program. I write this review in hopes of reaching parents who are considering sending their depressed, anxious daughters to this program. okay lets talk about the food situation here. They made us get on our hands and knees to mop their floor when I was only there to figure out my work and why I did the things I did. I would like to say thank you to DeAnna, Alex and Hannah if you ever see this. The description of the petition reads, Girls under 18 and younger are signed away to Eva Carlston Academy, a residential treatment center that supposedly helps girls with addiction, eating disorders, depression, mood disorders and other mental health or behavioral issues. The other girls had to do that as well., Refinery29 emailed a spokesperson for Eva Carlston to ask if theyd like to respond to either of Rayburns claims; they said they were unable to do so, citing the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) and saying that this and analogous principles of confidentiality prevent Eva Carlston from divulging protected health information regarding its patients. Then when the gardener leaves they slowly realize that the flower is a weed and the weeds have spread. Girls are not allowed to speak about anything relating to struggles or injustices ever. (For his part, Lichfield said in an e-mailed statement to the New York Times that he no longer owns any of the schools and that he was unaware of children being harmed.) The only time we can speak up is in a group but if we speak up to much then we would probably get in way more trouble and if we spoke up about a certain staff in a group that was it, you were in serious shit. This is the key to forming an adult identity and to gaining a sustainable sense of belonging. After a few months of being there of course I made some life long friends. This review is based on our daughter's 12 month stay at Eva Carlston Academy in Salt Lake City, Utah. L.M. But youre usually about a week or two from graduating at this point anyway so who gives a shit? I am not against treatment and it is a great tool but ECA drove me further into my mental health issues. I am 25 now and this place still causes me extreme emotional distress. I felt so bad for the girls. Girls are still suffering there and need your help. Them anything but what had happened the past week and if I dared talk about the program in a negative way I would get a hefty 5000 NEGATIVE points which was half of what I needed to make every day to get my privileges. There were no exceptions. We were forced to do everything and it was horrid. My name is . Most of them needed love, affection, and attention (in my opinion). However, the year our daughter spent at Eva Carlston Academy was significantly damaging and profoundly and negatively impactful to her. It is not treatment to be forced to lie about ones experiences because if one says a bad thing about the program one will receive a large consequence for lying. I have certain trauma things and there was a staff that would run behind people, pretend to hit people and tell people to shut up. Another girl who graduated with our daughter dropped from a size 6/8 to 00 pants during her time in the program. You would actually have to have a certification, and anything that's outside the bounds of that will be found as child abuse. The goal for this specific bill and many others is not only for it to pass, but also for other states to be able to replicate it. We ate like fucking rabbits because if you overdid your portion sizes you would get a big fat CONSEQUENCE. An example is when we were taken to a mortuary and there was a cremation happening, I cried since it brought lots of emotion and just was an inappropriate activity to bring a ton of depressed teenagers too but instead of support I got a consequence in negatives on a behavioral point card. Educational consultants are shams. My stomach was constantly grumbling and I lost maybe 15 pounds while I was there. If you are in an urgent situation and need help call 911. Once there, she says she was strip-searched, forcibly showered, and then entered into the program against her will. However if no emotion is shown after therapy you are rewarded with positive points. The High Frontier School was shut down after decades of abuse, neglect and seggsual assault on the minors that were there to be helped. so an example would be (a family teacher gave me this once which triggered me extremely because I am a victim of rape) youre alone with a boy and he tries getting in your pants. I have seen girls ask staff for emotional support and be rejected, being told that there were more important things for the student to do. I once lost the right to free time, hanging out with friends, and talking because my pant zipper was down. It is unfortunate that some do not believe they benefited from the care they received. Provo Canyon School is still operating today, but is now owned by Universal Health Services, a healthcare service provider; the school says it cant comment on what happened before the change of ownership in 2000, but says, "We do not condone or promote any form of abuse. Has anyone tried to sue them for these conditions?? We were referred to this program by a highly-experienced and well-regarded educational consultant. yay!! Eva Carlston Academy W3dwZGF0YXRhYmxlIGlkPTkwMF0= Title Date Link Archive Tags Type; mainhouse.inspection.012616.pdf: 2016-01-26: READ MORE you wouldnt be allowed to speak to anyone, read a book, write in your journal, or do anything except silently work on assignments and ask for more. This place will steal your soul. , Eva Carlston Academys website has been carefully designed to depict their residential treatment center as a caring and nurturing environment where teenage girls can feel physically and emotionally safe enough to process and recover from trauma and mental illness. it seems that ECA only exacerbated, or created those issues for many students. , I find it fitting that all the 5 star ratings are from parents. I pleaded staff to please get me lotion for my eczema and I got in trouble. At her last school, we struggled with even getting her to attend and she was not passing most of her classes. The staff make girls work out every day, yet dont feed us enough food. I was taking a longer time that was normal for me and the girl said let me see and snatched my paper and then our interaction ended in -2,000 points because I was taking too long. . This impression was reinforced during our tour. so i went into Eva on November 22nd which was a Friday. They are caring, nurturing and teach the students to respond to daily routines using the old fashioned style of giving consequences and earning privileges. It's just an overwhelming amount of carelessness when it comes to taking care of kids that you're supposed to take care of. Spokespeople for Spring Ridge and Eva Carlston declined to comment on these specific incidents. I will say that staff there(not including the owner and founder, Kristi Ragsdale) are mainly caring people, but they cant help when the entire program is behavior based. Hannah (Google Reviews), 4//3/2016: (SURVIVOR) I dont even know where to begin with this place. They are silenced as they are abused. You have to make 10,000 points day. Many of our girls have limited or restricted their involvement in activities because of negative life experiences or emotional and social difficulties. I have seen girls ask staff for emotional support and be rejected, being told that there were more important things for the student to do. so yeah if I wouldve stayed there for the rest of my junior year then senior year I would have failed all my classes no doubt about it. I had to quit after only a short time because of the cruelty I witnessed there. We got phone calls with our parents for 15 minutes and if we went over they would grab the phone from our hands wether or not we said goodbye. They didnt allow me to take any pain meds or even Advil! they were ridiculous with their cleaning standards white glove test, cleaning the whole house with bleach every day, even multiple times a day, plus a deep clean once a week. Eva Carlston tells Refinery29 that they are a fully licensed facility that actively cooperates with state licensing and regulatory boards to ensure its compliance with best practices. Spring Ridge Academy did not respond to Refinery29s request for comment about their accreditations, although on their website they say, We address issues through the utilization of a thorough, multi-faceted therapeutic program. 379 Counselor jobs available in Bingham Cyn, UT on The website and brochures are misleading and the program is not as described. But staff wouldnt let me have it. Our daughter experienced heightened anxiety due to the intense scrutiny and struggled with the constant fear of earning negative consequences. Apply to Mental Health Therapist, Clinical Therapist and more! okay. third, this place caused me mental and emotional abuse and many other girls also. A handful of family teachers were abusive and used shame and humiliation in addition to an extreme focus on negative consequences. Ive worked with ed consultants in the past and can agree with these comments. I was on the slimmer side of normal. The NPI Number for Eva Carlston Academy is 1427330968. If a girl is underweight, they dont allow her to eat more food, they force her to drink ensures while shes crying. Her anxiety was exacerbated by the negativity and shaming messages inherent to the ECA program. I could write a book about this place. the whole ass welcome comity was there and made it looked perfect. The level system consists of four levels, the first of which is called Daily. A consequence was -2000 points on the daily level and those consequences were given for things like forgetting your water bottle for morning workout, not opening your blinds in your room in the morning, not making your bed neat enough, having holes in your socks, the list of minute stupid tiny little baby fucking joke bad things you could get a consequence for goes on and on. Well then I realized I was starving so I did the worst thing I had ever done while at ECAI went downstairs without asking to the pantry without asking and got my box of honey graham Ohs I bought with my points at the convenient store run and i took them upstairs without asking and ate them in my bed. I also had my wisdom teeth removed while I was at ECA. As a strengths-based treatment program, we help identify the familys intrinsic strengths and the positive assets that each member can contribute to the health of the family system. These restrictions can very easily cause eating disorders with a child not being able to feed her body properly and ignoring natural hunger signals as it needs nourishment during these developmental years. #troubledteenindustry #breakingcodesilence #fyp". I remember I had terrible eczema while I was there (due to high stress). After researching this facility we had the impression this would be a nurturing and supportive environment for our child to continue her growth and development as she was exhibiting depression and anxiety. Its like you can either get with the program or not. we were not treated like humans, we were treated dogs. Charlotte Rayburn, 19, attended Eva Carlston Academy from 2018 to 2019, and also claims she took part in hot seat sessions. We were required to calculate every serving of food we ate and were very restricted with regards to how much we could have and when. Im an adult now in my mid 20s, doing well in life, and happy, thanks to the years of therapy Ive been through to resolve the trauma and PTSD I gained while at ECA. experienced mental illness since she was a young girl. Kristi Ragsdale did not address the situation at all even the therapists let this slip. That same student, alleges Rayburn, tried to hang herself in her bedroom one night. Our team provides opportunities, challenges, and mentorship to help girls overcome these restrictions so that they can discover their own preferences and passions. They earn their money by selling kids to the highest bidder. These are just a few examples of what happened to me while I was there. I can't even talk about everything that happened there. Eva Carlston Academy is a #finearts based residential treatment program for girls. She previously worked as a Team Lead at Solstice RTC. My skin was ruined and bloody and scarred. Being told every single day that doing your best isnt enough and you will never be enough takes a toll. I often cried myself to sleep at night out of fear. Kay says she was taken to the school in the night through an escort system, similar to the one Hilton experienced. Thank you. Although our program was founded to serve female identified clients, our small and nurturing setting has also been effective with non-binary and questioning students. I think I failed every single test there except maybe three because they wouldnt listen to me about my way of learning. I was kind of experiencing active trauma, so it was hard to do that, I guess. She was at Eva Carlston the same time as Kyra, and remembers Kyra being taken out of the specialty group. The rest of the staff seemed to really enjoy punishing the girls and enjoyed the power. They didn't give me all of them, she says. Classic TTI I'm afraid. Talk about horrific inculcation. okay so in school you could get consequences for getting below a 70% on a quiz / test. The dietary restrictions at ECA are incomprehensible. Our urban location, art therapy, recreation therapy, family meetings, and Lifestyle-Therapy approach, all give girls a living environment that supports progress made in treatment. Eva Carlston Academy is a behavior-modification program that opened in 2011. Girls received consequences for crying or expressing their emotions. i had the program director herself privately shame me into silence when i said my emotional safety was being compromised by staff. u/terra4468 (Reddit), 8/8/2018: (PARENT) This review is based on our daughters 12 month stay at Eva Carlston Academy in Salt Lake City, Utah. They only show five-star reviews on the website, and only positive reviews are highlighted in the blurb you see upon searching Eva Carlston Academy. However, as of 2021, it appears that ECA is no longer a member of this organization. We were stuck in the house every single day expect for maybe a couple hours on saturday and like an hour on friday. If you self harmed they made you sleep on a fucking camping cot in the living room with the full overhead lights on with a staff right next to you. A handful of family teachers were abusive and used shame and humiliation in addition to an extreme focus on "negative consequences". Whether or not the Troubled Teen Industry can be reformed and remodeled to get to a good place, is a different question. But regardless of her struggles, every Eva Carlston student is capable of healing and thriving with the right support. When I was picked up they told me I didnt earn that privilege. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. If you didnt do something right away you got in trouble and once again you couldnt speak up about it or you would get in more trouble. In a response to these claims, Devan Glissmeyer, PhD, the founder and current owner of Second Nature Wilderness Program, tells Refinery29 that we encourage students to confront each other, with honesty and direct feedback. All members will develop their own relapse-prevention strategy. it seems that ECA only exacerbated, or created those issues for many students. Catherine (Google Reviews), April 2020: (SURVIVOR) I find it fitting that all the 5 star ratings are from parents. it was my first treatment center and gave me a horrific view on the treatment world. It was supposed to be my golden year, I had missed junior prom to go to wildy, I was about to have my 18th birthday, finally go to prom that I had somehow missed every year, and soak up all the final moments with my best friends before heading off to college.HAAHA what a fucking joke. In this industry, the people, they're wolves in sheep's clothing., Rayburn also describes experiencing similar food-related issues at Eva Carlston Academy. This so called treatment center was a controlled environment that demoralized, demeaned, intimidated and caused emotional harm to me. Eva Carlston Academy in Salt Lake City Eva Carlston admits adolescent girls between the ages of 12-18 who have suffered from emotional or behavioral difficulties including autism spectrum disorder, bipolar disorder, trauma, low self-esteem, adoption and attachment issues, emotional, physical, and sexual abuse as well as depression and anxiety . They are punished regularly. This program left our child with deep scars, and she is currently undergoing specialized trauma-focused therapy to process and heal from her experience. The only part of this program that was helpful was the individual therapy. I felt so much love for you all and I really hope your life improved after that horrible experience. I got in severe trouble for going against the rules and acting out. They are sometimes prohibited from speaking to anyone or from using the bathroom at times. It is not treatment to be penalized for having chipped nail polish. programs. I wanted to keel over and die. Some staff would threaten us with the causes of getting in trouble if we didnt do something they wanted us too. That information should be easy to get. There's nothing more that we're afraid of than not being believed after everything we've went through, Rayburn says. Admission into Eva Carlston Academy: The age for application into the academy is 12-18, with a maximum enrollment of about 44 girls. i was so brainwashed by the end that i would habitually thank the staff for punishing me because crying is apparently manipulation that had to be beaten out of me. They are given a very short amount of time to eat the food given, which often times causes them to vomit due to this added stress; again this results in another negative consequence. okay sorry I got off track, this place is just so f-ed up I just keep on thinking of more things I want to mention. so when you get there, youre on the daily level, its the first level of four. The school Rae attended is called Spring Ridge Academy and was founded by a woman named Jeannie Courtney, who had reportedly previously worked in some capacity with Cross Creek Manor, a since-shuttered behavior modification program in St. George, UT that has faced a number of lawsuits (some of which are still ongoing) over its alleged mistreatment of students. then I told my therapist I was experiencing these things and she gave me the same look everyone else was giving me. The above description is completely accurate. what a joke. Not one more child needs to die of preventable causes in these centers, Hilton says. , promiscuity, or substance abuse. With regards to the schooling, there were more negative points given for bad grades than positive points when good grades were achieved. Eva is in Salt Lake City, Utah and my brother lives in Perry, Utah which is just minutes away. Says Eva Carlston's therapist, Ashlee Jacobs. It broke my heart to see what you all went through. The staff comes across as uncaring and inhumane given the fact that these girls are intimidated and punished for showing any sign of emotion. The consequences of opening your mouth at these places are dire. Dec 23. . I was forced to stay silent about being bisexual because coming out to my peers who would talk about their boyfriends was "inappropriate". You got 500 points for every good thing you did like going to workout in the morning, raising your hand in school, introducing yourself to someone new, doing your room chore in the morning(holy shit I need to come back to that part later wowwwza). I do know Eva Carlston was deeply harmful to our depressed, anxious child. To avoid punishment, our child gave us inaccurate descriptions of how she was feeling. Basically they said we only had to eat 3 meals but then made us eat 6. At times, it is important for other students to have a voice in expressing concerns and feedback about how another group member's actions have affected the community. Eva Carlston Academy. Parents, do not let Eva Carlston Academy manipulate you into sending (or keeping) your daughter there if its not a good fit. Anonymous (Google Reviews), April 2020: (SURVIVOR) Interesting that my review was removed. they were ridiculous with their cleaning standards white glove test, cleaning the whole house with bleach every day, even multiple times a day, plus a deep clean once a week. These traditional approaches fail to account for the fact that females who engage in addictive behaviors are far more likely than boys to have struggled with victimization and/or self-esteem issues first. i am also queer and anyone who was LGBTQ+ there was not allowed to talk about their orientations because it wasnt appropriate to discuss it outside of individual therapy, apparently. According to one survivor, if you didnt make enough points in one day (generally either 10,000 or 5,000 depending on level in the program), you had to sit in a silent room working on essays such as the importance of managing anxiety and the importance of accepting no or making what were essential pro and cons lists on dealing with inane situations. Except Eva Carlston Academy punishes the gardener for months and brainwashes them into thinking the dandelion is a flower instead of a weed. for all chores we had every single room white glove tested and if it wasnt clean goes what!!! My best friend and this girl they were roommates and my best friend walked in and the girl was hanging herself by the chandelier, she says. Legal Circle; Research Library; Facility Report Database . A consequence was -2000 points on the daily level and those consequences were given for things like forgetting your water bottle for morning workout, not opening your blinds in your room in the morning, not making your bed neat enough, having holes in your socks, the list of minute stupid tiny little baby fucking joke bad things you could get a consequence for goes on and on. Eva Carlston abides by HIPAA. 338. She began her career in the TTI working as a Family First Specialist at Utah Youth Village. The description of the petition reads, Girls under 18 and younger are signed away to Eva Carlston Academy, a residential treatment center that supposedly helps girls with addiction, eating disorders, depression, mood disorders and other mental health or behavioral issues. In the following, Eva Carlston Academy reviews many of the behaviors and signals that are indicators of a child going through a difficult time. everyone was punished for crying, especially if you cried when punished. okay lets talk about the food situation here. It was founded by Charles Dederich who claimed to be inspired by Alcoholics Anonymous and wanted to treat addicts. We were told to change the topic if it sounded like we were complaining or being negative. L.M. Because it is unbelievable it's unbelievable that this is going on in this day and age., Hopefully, it wont be going on for much longer. so first, -2000 points, then an additional -5000, then -10000, then -50000. it was horrible. I am 25 now and this place still causes me extreme emotional distress. Girls develop their own relapse prevention plan at the completion of the group. At both facilities, she claims she took part in what was called a hot seat.. Find your place. I found it very strange that we were not allowed to wear slippers in the house unless you had a medical problem, even in the winter. For example you receive negative points for sharing negative opinions, being upset about a previous consequence, and showing emotion after therapy. Often you would then be late to wherever you were going, which resulted in you receiving a minimum negative consequence of -5000. Points are deducted for the smallest, most minor transgressions like leaving a pair of shoes out or having a corner of your bed spread poking out. They suffer from severe PTSD, drug use, depression and eating disorders from the abuse at the hands of Eva Carlston. And so were the nightmares.
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