I have found your article online about using prong collars.. well, i am at my wits end with my darling Border Collie. Dr. Jean Dodds says choke or prong collars are not recommended as they can easily injure the delicate butterfly-shaped thyroid gland that sits just below the larynx and in front of the trachea. You may have pure positive trainers tell you there are more humane ways to control your dog. I somewhat reluctantly use the prong collar because I know I have control regardless of situation & can keep him safe. Prong Collars, Choke Chains, Flat Collars, Harness, etc, are all part of your training tools and should therefore be used for that purpose only (they are not ornamental, although many believe that they are). What the dogs were bred for has absolutely no relationship to their bad manners (which you have inadvertently taught them). The prong collar (similar to a choke chain or slip lead) works on constriction. Any advice would be appreciated. I think most people are afraid to publicly admit the prong collar is a great training tool. . The reason why I am so weary of collars is that when dogs pull they can cause a lot of damage. There is no need to be heavy handed using a prong collar. This is a really simple. Im not sure you have the experience to recommend this nor have the dogs best interest in mind. What have you got to lose? A video of the electrifying Im a dog walker and deal with a lot of dogs of varying size, strength, and leash training. Please see our, how to train your dog to walk loose leash, How Much are Teacup Puppies? Anna, if used and fitted properly, the prong collar is going to be a life changer and youll wander why you waited so long to try it! In other words, the use of violence in dog training is not correlated with particular dogs or with particular behavior problems. (See "Choose a Dog Trainer as Carefully as You Would a Surgeon" and "Dog Training's Dirty Little Secret: Anyone Can Legally Do It."). I didnt even know what that really was until the first week of taking her for walks. Thank you for the article it helped ease my mind in using this for our pups. Thats not the case. For instance, our sweet River does so well with other dogs and people at the dog park, but once shes on the leash shes much more reactive. I have a 150lbs St Bernard mix, I cant walk her she is stronger then me. I rescued Shadow, a black Newfoundland, many years ago, that was when I was introduced to the prong collar in an obedience class I took with Shadow. Front-Clip Harness. He is a pretty stubborn dog (my understanding is that the breed tends to be that way). This leash training is extremely important for puppies, but even adult dogs who havent been properly schooled in polite leash walking can learn to accommodate their human. Another story that came our way involved a woman who discovered that a doggy day care center was using a prong collar on her dog without her permission. Most people wont dedicate themselves enough and likely dont have the right dog for this extreme of a transformation, but they can accomplish a lot more if they tried! Required fields are marked. So, I have yet to try a prong collar, but doing all this research on it has really made me consider that I should. But do you suggest a prong collar for my Great Dane? The use of these tools in any body of work (such as on police k9s) is not an excuse for you to use them on a pet dog. We praised and rewarded him and he was getting it so quickly; finally!! If you choose to use a restraining collar, why do you do so? Hopefully that has changed. . I agree 100%, the right collar and training are essential. There are many other options to try before using a prong. Make sure you buy the Herm Sprenger brand I recommend. I'm just afraid I'm going to lose the arm muscle I built up from all that pulling! If you just allow him to pull on the collar and go after the rabbit, it may startle him and if he is sensitive dog, it may correct the behavior. Train with your brain, not with If youre going to miss something, would you rather that your dog misunderstood a reward, or a punishment? When it is pulled tight the prongs create a pinching effect, which causes pain or discomfort for the dog. A good behavior trainer is best in situations like this. I use to think they were cruel but now I believe they are an invaluable training tool especially for adult rescue dogs with no previous leash training. Can a pinch collar be used on short face dogs such as French Bulldogs,Bostons or Pugs? Along these lines, Mary told me that while she was working as a veterinary technician, before she had much knowledge of training or behavior, a dog was rushed into the vet clinic with a prolapsed eye. We are about to re home our two wire haired dachshunds due to out of control pulling. Use of the prong/e collar & it has changed their lives all for the better & made some very happy dogs too. Give it a chance, try it out and see what a difference it can make with your relationship with your dog. I used a pinch collar 3 times and he learned that quickly and never pulled out of the leash again. I used it as you explained back in 1999, maybe for 3 months and periodically as needed over a years time. At the very least, as a thoughtful species, we can most certainly begin to question and ponder the use of clearly aversive equipment such as electric, choke, and prong collars. She also volunteers for a local dog rescue and Humane Society. This post does contains affiliate links for your convenience (which means if you make a purchase after clicking a link I will receive a small commission, but it wont cost you a penny more). A prong would have cleaned him right up. No one ever claimed it so it became our shop dog and because I opened and closed the shop regularly I was the one in charge of walking him. Make sure to check back in, cant wait to hear your success story. Regular collars allow the dogs to hurt themselves if they have no leash manners, and Ive personally seen this many times choking, damage to the neck, etc. Try keeping him on a leash inside the house for a while. Now he is under control and gentle. Just remember, the collar doesnt train the dog, its a tool to train your training will train your dog. Thank you for this resource. It is made up of a metal In addition to pulling, hed often suddenly and without notice, take off after a bird, a blowing leaf or just a mailbox post that looked appealing. I will make a couple of notes: 1, It was a bit of a trick to fit the thing at first, especially since she has long fur. This is the information I'l looking for also. Hes pretty good on walks but pulls to the point of choking himself. personality. I dont think its inhumane to use the collar w/o any jerking or quick pulling motions, but if youre one of those people who yanks, or if you have a dog that will abruptly yank, you need to do more than use a prong collar. Negative experiences that they have learned to problem solve with looking mighty scary, scare the other dog away, and then safety is restored. It means that youre not in control. As we were completing this essay, Mary told me the following story that horrified me. Check Latest Price. Psychology Today, January 29, 2019. So far, only a handful of countries have moved to ban shock collars. Any training resources or advice you can provide would be very helpful! However, some suppliers seem to be able to get them and sell them. She is definitely non reactive to squirrels and birds ( her triggers) now. I admit I was not paying full attention to him was conversing with a neighbor. The bans on them are sad as so many people jump on the band wagon without fully knowing the full story. It is like tapping the dog on the shoulder to get his attention. Collars are known to be associated with whiplash, fainting, spinal cord injuries, paralysis, crushing of the trachea, partial or complete asphyxiation, crushing or fracture of the bones in the larynx, dislocation of the vertebrae in the neck, bruising of the esophagus, damage to the skin and tissue of the neck, prolapsed eyeballs, and brain damage. I want my dog to be off leash if we move there. I dont care what breed you have, how strong they are, or how small you are. Or pulling his owner over, cause owners not to walk their dog? The RSPCA deems them to be cruel. My daughter took him out today on a prong collar and she said he did good. WebDog keeping regulations in Germany 1. I had an English Bulldog and, true to their bullheadedness, when a puppy on our first walks would pull out of his collar and leash and take off. If you have experience and skill in reading a study objectively and without bias, you can see that it actually disproves the point you and the citing website are trying to make. Keep up the good work and dont let the ignorant and uneducated bring you down! I had the stigma that the prong collars were abusive. I used it for training and going for walks. Thanks Karen for sharing your story. I love a system, and the Ray Allen Manufacturing designed Nomad Interchangeable Harness System really does the trick. Have you ever seen a dog love wearing a head halter? I swapped over to a prong collar, and got him to behave, and pull and run after other dogs less, but it doesnt stick when I put him on another collar. Thank you for sharing this information!!! She wore a harness. Because you deserve information that is clear, truthful and backed by science or the information of the manufacturer., Finding the best method for both you and your dog is really important, so I must discuss it., Im going to discuss what they are, how they work, why they work. WebShock collars Carry On Bags: Yes Checked Bags: Yes For more prohibited items, please go to the 'What Can I Bring?' Many civilized countries have outlawed prong collars, recognizing the harm they can do! large dog in a prong collar getting out of a pool on a leash Are Prong Collars Harmful To My Dog Or Puppy? Quebec will institute a ban on choke, prong, and shock collars in 2020. I recently entered the world of dog ownership by adopting a rescue. Most of the citys bylaws carry a $240 fine for infraction. He wouldnt listen to me or the instructor at all. I dont want her to listen to me just because she fears what comes if she doesnt. When my German Shepherd was very young she had a lot of behavior issues and I was worried she would grow up to become an aggressive dog. Ive heard that putting a prong collar on an aggressive dog just makes them more aggressive. ID tags should not be put on a prong collar, and your dog should not be left in one for long periods of time. Putting a prong collar on him that would make him uncomfortable or hurt him would further harm him mentally. There was never so much as an indent in his skin and I was able to easily control him for the first time. Since the incident he has been mouthing our son a lot more. Fine, but I promise you (challenge me if you want! I have a 15 lb, 1 year old shih-poo who, because he is overly excited, attempt to pull and lunge to meet other people and dogs. I have won over a few of my clients here in Monaco & France re. Thanks for sharing this. And dont be a jerk and pull on it. I would not use a prong collar for him. So many people misuse them, but when used correctly theyre very good tools. Animal activists have been attempting to issue a Europe-wide ban on their sale and use, while no movement on a ban has been created in the However when it comes to walking on a lease he is a puller and aggressive. If used correctly prongs are a great tool and can greatly improve your and the dogs quality of life, I have four bouvier dogs whom i love dearly, but using the regular belt type choker, got me dragged under the wheels of truck, which fortunately stopped at the last second, saving my life and the probably the dogs as well, since i walk all four at once, so all i can say, is your information and positive comments on the use of the prong collar seems to be my only and final choice. Our bet recommends it for our lab puppy. WebAustria, Germany, maybe Netherlands and some scandinavian countries. I bought a prong collar for my 12-year-old unfixed rescue dog, pitbull. We were working with a purely positive trainer for a while, who was really great, but when it came to real-world practice out and about it was still nearly impossible for me to get my dogs attention with just treats when they saw something they wanted to go after, usually a squirrel but sometimes a friendly neighbor. She was like a different dog! After using it for a while youll notice taking on and off gets easier. with kid number two on the way in just a few weeks). Yours and the fur baby. Patty, its worth a try. Susan, thank you for sharing your story and I have a feeling this is going to change you and your dogs lives for the better! We're based in South Australia where purchasing a prong collar from outside Australia is illegal, however, it is not banned in some States, one of them being South Australia. In the end, I realize the prong collar is very controversial, but please do not bash it unless youve had experience with a dog that pulls so hard you can not walk him. I whole heartedly believe the prong collar can change peoples and dogs lives. This is an awesome example of how great of a tool the prong collar can be under the right training. He did bite me once but that was clearly situational and hasnt happened again. We look forward to walks now!! Thank you for a very informative article. But in some situations all that goes out the window. If you can figure that out? I have tried regular collars, a harness, e collar now my last resort is a prong collar. Forget a regular collar she did nothing but choke herself out the entire walk. I have not used one so cant recommend anything specific, but you can find them on Amazon: https://amzn.to/32rG40v. Thanks for sharing this article. No trainers want to work with me because I have him on a prong. And it absolutely does!!! Hi Im 19 and have a 4 month old Great Dane and he is almost 70Ib I started him out in obedience puppy classes and the trainer there recommend to get a harness but he grew out of it so quickly that wasnt able to train much with him but even with the harness he was very difficult to walk because he pulls so hard and he chews on his leash like he wants to walk himself. Im still a little nervous about it, which is why Im doing more research on prong collars before I buy one to continue their training for when they come home. Science Shows Positive Reward-Based Dog Training is Best, What and Who Dogs Want and Need: Love, Not Shocks, Living With a Dog Is Good, If It's Good for You and the Dog. I bought a new prong collar suggested by person at HS site. After reading the article on prong collars, went and bought one. Theres a lot of myths and a lack of information because it all comes from a passionate place. Way to go Shadow!! The woman left her choke collar at the vet clinic and took with her a donated harness. | I have a 7-month-old Doberman who has been in training classes since he was 3 months old. The people are told to wait for the dog to offer the behavior. With the prong, he is walking next to me instead of pulling and I can walk him easily with one hand. We rescued a 4 month old 50 lb Anatolian Shepherd/Great Pyrenees mix 5 months ago. It depends on the severity of his fearfulness. What and Who Dogs Want and Need: Love, Not Shocks. No amount of chicken, ham or hotdogs were getting our dogs attention when she reacted. I am worried about how my dog owning friends will react to me getting one of these collars, but having seen how easy and gentle yet effective it can be I have decided that I would be silly not to get one, both for her safety and mine, in certain situations. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Ill let you know if youre right! Choke collars and collars with sharp prongs, which are designed to make pulling painful, can also do serious damage if not used with extreme caution and under carefully controlled conditions. Her classes are pure chaos, as nobody has any control with head halters, harnesses and flat collars. Meaning, they are walking well with no correction needed. Even with a prong? People who have untrained GERMAN SHEPHERDS ALWAYS ask medo you train dogs?how much would you charge i will pay you well ALWAYSwhy you askwell because my gsd is sooo well trained.he is off leash trained 100% I take him into public stores.around other dogs.etc and he heels.directly on my side.no matter what.out of control dogs pulling on therr leash trying to attack him.etc it doeant matter.he wont maKe a move unless approved by me..how did i do this you ask?..well this is the formulaso get your pen and paper ready..first a WHOLE LOTTA LOVEsecond A WHOLE LOTTA TIME.third MORE LOVE..FORTH A SPRENGER CORRECTION COLLARwithout it you will never train a german shepherd manners.bigj reward training.petco trainingetc etc..etc DOES NOT WORK YOU ARE WAISTING YOUR TIME.SPINNING YOUR WHEELSwhen it comes to training your german shepherds.you cant do your own thing.you must follow a tried and true/proven training program.this is how the nazis trained them.this is how the police train them this is how the military trains them..AROUND THE WORLDstop the stupidity.if you dont use it.you will fail in training your dog will become a nuisance and your dog will ultimately pay the sad price.a well trained dog has a great life.sees the world ..a poorly trained dog sees the backyard sees the shelter and sees the euthanasia needle. This must never happen. The prong collar is not punishment or pain. Dont be afraid to use it if your trainer suggests it. I have a question about prong collar fit- do the prongs need to go all the way around the neck circumference? We are taking things really slow, but Im concerned if we take them too slow, we will actually be reinforcing behaviors learned from the abuse, i.e. This essay was written with Boulder (Colorado) force-free certified dog trainer, Mary Angilly, who, in December 2017, started a campaign to ban shock, choke, and prong collars in the city. The kennel I work at is very much 50% training, 50% the tools you use. It can save everyones sanity. He would pull so hard that I wound up on the ground a time or two and injured just by walking him. P.S. I remember over 10 years ago they seemed to have a bad rap. After 3 weeks of work with our 11 month old, highly excitable rescue dog we saw his behavior getting worse and no amount of treats of any kind could get his attention any more. If fitting is not the problem, then next review the way you are correcting his pulling, do not pull or nag on the collar, it should always be a quick tug or snap of the collar. This needs to be done with good training. Prong collars do NOT cause pain. 3, It definitely forces you to pay attention as youre concerned about pulling too hard but that /should/ be the case no matter what you use. This is where a lot of pro-prong people will say But my dog loves their prong which is great, but in the same way youve conditioned them to love that prong? Thanks. I dont have to pull on her constantly to keep her in heel. He pulled so hard to the point of choking himself and pulling me over. Now before you pass judgment, please read on to learn more and then decide for yourself. For this reason, more and more trainers and veterinarians are recommending that a dog be walked or run on a chest harness. Its a large part of what drove me to write this blog post was because people are using these tools and are not actually looking at the whole page, reading all the information and are consequently making poorly informed decisions., Or, theyre making their decision based on the word of a trainer who is practicing with outdated techniques which is a really easy mistake to make.. Many trainers advise against these types of collars altogether, in part because the risk of injury to dogs is significant. Im thinking about buying for my dog a prong collar so your article is very helpful to me. All of the images in this post contain dogs who are wearing prong collars incorrectly. This muddies the water for guardians seeking help with their companion dogs: If a force-free trainer with whom they worked didnt help them, does that push them to work with a trainer who uses force? So a friend recommended a prong collar, I knew that I had nothing to lose by trying it. The one thing I dont do is avoid walking her altogether. I love my dogs prong collar. The collar is designed to create even pressure around the neck and distribute the correction so it can be considered kinder than a choke collar, choke chains, or slip leash alternative. I work with high drive, hard working dogs. It is not OK. But are prong collars cruel? Knowing what you value will help you build the most meaningful life possible. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Herm Sprenger HS Ultra Chrome Metal Prong Dog Training Collar 162.25mm New Nice at the best online prices at eBay! Now what should I do? Funny how that works. I have since gone on to do board and train with dogs on the side, have taken in numerous problematic foster dogs and trained them for easier placement, and intend to continue doing both so that I can help dog owners and their dogs live calmer, happier lives. The dog must learn to pay attention and do exactly what you sayfor your sake and its. Do the ends really justify the means? You still need to train your dog. Thanks for your advice and recommend!! Until Jackson was 10 or so and slowing down did he really walk loose leash style even with a Gentle Leader head collar. I used to be someone who thought the prong collar was evil and harmful.. until I met a former LEO K-9 trainer who taught ME how to use one, properly, on a GSD. This forces the dog into a state of learned helplessness. Marc Bekoff, Ph.D., is professor emeritus of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Colorado, Boulder. For this very reason, many countries with a progressive approach to pet safety and health, such as Austria and Switzerland, have already banned prong collars. WebPinch and prong collars are collars with prongs positioned against the neck, or any other protrusion intended to cause pain or discomfort, especially when tightened. He eventually started showing extreme aggression towards dogs including my other two rescues. Web1.England 1. _____. Ill let you know how our first walk goes! What is Positive Punishment in Dog Training? They started our dog on a martingale collar, then upgraded him to a choke, and finally the prong. More sophisticated behavior modification and management technology that is without any violence has been widely disseminated. WebE-Collars & prong collars are banned in several countries in Europe. However, the first reference to dog collars comes from Ancient Egypt. This gives respect for the tool, and means that youre less likely to misuse it. My dog trainer helped us find the most comfortable prong collar and fit it properly behind Blu's ears. If you are consistently pulling the collar he may become numb to any corrections. I dont see dog trainer in your credentials, but do see a link to a product which suggests you make money off of your recommendation. And although I knew they were just barking and pulling because they wanted to investigate and make friends, staffies barks tend to be quite scary, which Im sure intimidate my neighbors. She introduced me to the idea of using a prong collar as a training tool which I initially had strong concerns about having never seen one in use and having just lost a dog to laryngeal damage issues. Thats awesome Joe! Its better than a choke collar but any pulling gets old on a 2 mile rugged walk. Legislators cited prong collars violated their Animal Welfare standards by using pain as punishment.. I know Id be doing it for everyones safety, including theirs, and not as a way to punish my dog. She brought to class a prong collar and instructed me how to fit it and how to use it. You should be exhausting other means before resorting to a prong collar.And I know that sometimes it can feel like you have done so, but typically? According to a review article published by Gal Ziv, are better for both human and dog is overwhelming. From tracking to bite work (agitation work), and even an every day harness! Punishment often appears to work quickly (who wouldnt want to avoid a painful or uncomfortable correction?) 3. When we first adopted Bear he had no leash manners at all. Can you tell me why theyre being misused? Many years ago, I had our dog and a foster dog go after another dog when it was icy out and I went flying down on my butt. Every time, with only a few sessions, the dogs became calm, happy and responsive. It is very helpful. With his prong collar, I barely even have to hold the leash.
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