Later, when the censure resolution involving her was read, she returned and indicated having heard it, but did not comment. Farmington Public Schools will continue to serve the students and families well in our community; the district has a strong leadership team that will continue to move the district forward.. Herrera's resignation came after he filed a complaint against board member Angie Smith for harassment after she made posts online claiming he was racist toward students and staff. | He's previously worked for Detroit's public school system and Specs Howard School. We were founded on the Declaration of Independence.. I am happy with our direction, but this is not a time to rest because there is still plenty to do. Under this boards leadership we have completed our audit and are now using it as one of our guides to create a safe and culturally respectful district. Herrera had recently filed a complaint against board secretary Angie Smith for harassment, district officials said in a statement. $(document).ready(function () {
Weems, Smith and Zach Rich, another veteran trustee, have said theyre optimistic about a new board being able to turn things around. What they've done now is they've caused tension between the races. Board of Veterinary Medicine 335 Randolph Avenue, Suite 215, St. Paul, MN 55102 Phone: (651) 201-2844 Fax: (651) 201-2842 Hearing/Speech Relay: 1-800-627-3529 Due to retirements and other issues, we have lost quality staff members. } Details: Farmington Election Results Farmington Public School District Board Candidate Votes % Angie Smith 15,555 20% Terri Ann Weems 15,330 20% Donald Walker farmington mn school board candidates Another area of attention that must be addressed is the recruitment and retention of qualified teachers and support staff that serve the district. Fixing the boards culture is important to its effectiveness moving forward. } Applicants can submit their resume, letter of intent, and three letters of reference here. He's held a variety of elected and volunteer positions in the past, including mayor, when he lived in Missouri. The board called Smiths claims unfounded, but accepted Herreras resignation to avoid being sued by him. . Ballotpedia features 395,577 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers, and researchers. Walker: The best action begins with an equity audit to determine how your district is addressing these issues. var encodedEmail = swrot13('greev.jrrzf@scfx12.arg');
Copyright © 2002 - var currentTime = new Date();var year = currentTime.getFullYear();document.write(year); Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. What is happening now is that it is showing and they need a scapegoat," she said. Smith: RETAINING OUR EXCELLENT STAFF. $(document).ready(function () {
That was obvious.. Our curriculum is deeply using critical race theory especially in social studies, but youll find it in English language arts and the other disciplines. If you look at our board meetings, all they say is Ms. Smith, you are out of line, and I am not out of line. SuperintendentBob Herrerafiled a harassment complaint against a school board member shortly before his resignation, which came just 18 months after the school board hired him. Davis County uses many social media channels to share information and interact with residents and non-residents. Together they raised 4 daughters who attended Farmington Public Schools from preschool through high school graduation. Weems: There are researched backed reasons to support diversity and, practicing equity in education is a requirement. Its not currently being taught in K-12 schools anywhere in Michigan or the country.. padding-left: 10px; Katie Macfarland, a mother of children in the Detroit Public Schools system, said she showed up to protest because she found the 21-day challenge and CRT offensive and divisive. . All rights reserved. We have great programming, sustainability projects, state and national honors, and boast the largest CTE department in Oakland County. ROBERT DEAN Former MI State Representative, District 75 DORIS BURKS TAYLOR Board meetings are cablecast LIVE on TV-10 and live . Dr. Blau currently holds Bachelors, Masters, and Doctoral degrees in Education as well as a second Masters degree in psychology. Problems get created when members see their role differently than what MASB or their board sees as the appropriate role of a board member versus a superintendent, Wotruba said. Give Light and the People Will Find Their Own Way. At the board meeting, Terri Weems, the Farmington Public Schools (FPS) Board of Education president, said she was proud and had no plans to stop the DEI program. We need to give racism the death it truly deserves and stop CRT and teach our kids the right values and the right history and that we do live in the greatest country in the world, Macfarland told The Center Square in an interview. At a glance, things appeared fine in public meetings, but board members say personal attacks amongst themselves plagued their lives outside the board room. , Weems: Originally, I joined the board because I was interested in helping the district become financially stable. When we understand that each student brings unique experiences, strengths, and ideas into the classroom, students become more confident academically and improve critical thinking. I chair the Communications/Community Engagement committee and work on the Legislation committee for our board. They need to have a conversation about who they want to be as a board, who they want to be to the public, how they want to be toward each other and how they are going to conduct themselves, Wotruba said. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Board president Pamela Green resigned following the meeting, as well as vice president Terry Johnson., citing frustrations with specifically two unnamed board members. Social issues, and not a Board Commitment to Academic Excellence & Improvement make up the stated goals of the current Board (Read Board Goals 2021-2022). $('span#sw-emailmask-4632').replaceWith('');
Though different factions present different reasons for Heitschs retirement, all say he left the district sooner than he wanted to because of board dysfunction. Those struggles, they said, happen because elected school boards aren't in agreement on all issues. We need to start getting rid of stuff we don't need.". Farmington Hills resident Angie Smith has been a resident for almost 14 years, and daughters Nanesha, 23, Jasmine, 19, and Asha, 13, have all attended Farmington schools. She is a certified public accountant and is a member of the American Institute and Michigan Association of CPAs, as well as the National Association of Black Accountants (NABA). I felt like I was back in high school," former trustee Richard Mukamal said of the school board. Inquiries regarding nondiscrimination policies should be directed to: Director of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion, 32500 Shiawassee, Farmington, MI 48336. Smith said she has talked to teachers at the high school level who want to move. Copyright 2023 is managed by Graham Digital and published by Graham Media Group, a division of Graham Holdings. This is a community with over 87 nationalities.. }); Angie Smith was elected in 2016. The six-member Board is also responsible for hiring a superintendent to administer the District's educational program and carryout Board policies, and for setting an annual budget that ensures proper and effective use of public funds. Pam Green, a former board president who resigned last November, said she never knew the board without problems amongst itself. Copyright 2020 by WDIV ClickOnDetroit - All rights reserved. Public policy. Angie Smith (Farmington Public School District, Michigan) This disambiguation page lists articles with similar titles. Both current and former board members expressed frustration over squabbles standing in the way of work that would benefit students in a district with continued declining enrollment. Notice Of Electronic Brownfield Redevelopment Authority Meeting - November 13, 2020, Notice Of Electronic Planning Meeting - May 10, 2021, Results Of The 2017 Water Quality Changes In The Rouge River Survey, Farmington Governor Warner Mansion Receives $85,000 State Grant. var encodedEmail = swrot13('znoyr.sbk@scfx12.arg');
Dr. Herrera was appointed as superintendent in 2019. My children went to Farmington Public Schools. The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for the terms Angie SmithFarmington Public School District. During a special meeting held with the school board Monday evening and streamed on YouTube, a motion was made to amend the agenda to include consideration of entering into a resignation agreement with the superintendent. He'll stay on as the superintendentthrough the end of the first semester of the2020-21 school year. FEBRUARY 25, 2019, REGULAR MTG. Follow her on Twitter@shelby_tankk. Afterwards, Herrera will act in a consulting role until June 30, 2021, when his employment with the district will end. On November 8, Farmington and Farmington Hills voters will help elect new leaders at the federal, state, county, and local level. Smith is unapologetic for her approach. Evidence seems to indicate that parents seek schools of choice or charter schools or home schooling when a district ceases to provide an excellent education to all students. But there is more work to do. Northville Public School Board Vice President ANDREW MUTCH Novi Councilmember ANGIE SMITH Farmington Public Schools Board Member JOHN MAGEE President Wolverine Lake Township Council LAURA MIKULSKI Ferndale City Councilmember REV. She is the proud mother of two Farmington High graduates. FARMINGTON HILLS, Michigan - Dozens of concerned parents protested their school system's adoption of the "21-Day Equity Challenge," a Critical Race Theory curriculum, at Tuesday's school board meeting, joined by members of the Oakland County Republican Party and Moms for America. background-color: grey; Censure rescinded for Farmington school board member Angie Smith Over the past few months, the board has been garnering a lot of negative attention with the resignation of several. "It's really unfortunate that we've actually gotten to a position where we can't even disagree without being disagreeable We need some real change in this district and we need to hold people accountable," he said. Olson: Some of the attributes that make me qualified to be a school board member include being a parent of 4 kids in the district, a taxpayer in the district, and my strong business acumen.
The district declined to elaborate on Herrera's claim. A statement read by board president Pam Green at Monday'smeeting, at which she,Trustee Terry Johnson and Superintendent Robert Herreraannounced their departures, cited Smith'spublic statements and social media posts that allegedHerrrera was against African American students and staff in submitting his resignation. We need some real change in this district and we need to hold people accountable.". You have permission to edit this article. These seats included three seats with six-year terms and two seats with two-year terms. word-wrap: break-word; Angie Smith, the Farmington Public Schools board secretary, wascensured for "conduct unbecoming a board member" after the panel said she made public comments and social media posts that caused disruptions to meetings and made it difficult for the superintendent "to perform his duties and provide leadership ,"a board resolution saidMonday night. Pastor Doug Jones, Welcome Missionary Baptist Church Pastor and Chair of the Oakland County Ministerial Alliance. Smith had dialed into the virtual meeting minutes after Green spoke about Herrerabut said she couldn'tparticipate due to a family emergency. Teachers and administrators, should place an emphasis on each student in the pursuit of excellence. The reasoning was cited as "conduct unbecoming of a board member," and was based on Smith's social media posts, which members agreed interfered with the superintendent's ability to perform his duties, among other things, a release states. Board members told Local 4 the issue is ugly.
Angie Smith - Farmington Public Schools Michael Swiecki - Wyandotte Public . background-color: green; I can speak," she said. Smith also questioned if Herrera, who is Latino, was the diverse person she feels is needed to lead the district and felt he did nothing to sooth racial tensions in the district. Also, we should focus on ways to encourage individuals to apply for open positions within our district (substitutes, bus drivers, and para pros for example).