apostle joshua selman contact details

My life has been massively blessed by apostle ,I really dont know where and how my life would have been without his messages. please can i email him or contact him. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This site uses cookies. I live here in the United States. After that, you are to head to the main venue of the ministry, which is Chida Event Center, Plot 224 Solomon Lar Way, Utoko District Abuja. Whatever be the reason behind your desire to meet with this man of God, we . I therefore want to come and see the apostle for my freedom. Let Them Have Dominion Part 3 (The Ordinances of Heaven) With Apostle Joshua Selman. They continued in that trend and preached at every program that they were permitted to. This can only reveal Gods mighty power in his life. Along with his friends, Apostle Joshua Selman maximized the privilege they got to share with their fellow students the love of Jesus Christ. More grace. Its well and goods since you are doing good job for Jesus may God bless you and expand your territory and give a good health to minister and carry his name to all national.Amen , I really want encounter with My father for a rededication of my Life to Christ I have listened to his message and learn yet I backslided almost Everytime I need his presence in my life, KOINONIA ENIPR: 08147214444, 09077777853,Protocol: 07087777765Media: 08100289892, I cant call but help reply from my email, about my prayer requests,am badly of live amad woman please help. my contact: [emailprotected], Daddy may God Almighty bless you Sir This is the full biography of Apostle Joshua Selman. Many people seek to meet him for different reasons. Click Here to Download The Above Sermon with AJS Download Exceeding-Great-and-Precious-Promises.-Koinonia-Abuja-with-Apostle-Joshua-Selman-2023 IMPORTANT NOTICE If you are using an Android Device you can Download Our Mobile App Glory Cloud to Download Phone Size Koinonia Messages Directly into your. The moment a friend of my shared with me the message of Apostle Joshua Selman i listen to it and i ask myself am i really serving God because his voice is like God speaking inform of a man the massage really transformed my inner man,now i know that God is raising end time generals that will bring christianity back to her normal position.finally i am really,really bless through your message sir, may God keep you going in delivery His through word in Jesus name amen.From Lagos state Nigeria, My life has been massively blessed by apostle ,I really dont know where and how my life would have been without his messages. Have You Ever Been Blessed by His Teachings? +2348111428074 Pls I need deliverance put me in prayers am by name ijabarda James Peter if you want encourage me through SMS here is my phone number 07033969106, Good morning brother,first it is well with you,alot of people are unfortunately under this bondage,2things Ill suggest to you that i believe can help,first engage the mystery of the blood of jesus i always like to pray it this waysince jesus has died he has paid the full price for deliverance hence freedom should not be denied me so please pleas the power of the blood to deliver you 2 is discipline pls even after God delivers you you need to be discipline avoid those things that tempt you limit beint alone as much as possible if you watch pornogaraphy put your phone on safe search,when you feel tempted to do it begin to declare instead how much God loves you how much he wants ou to be free how much he wanna use you pray in tomgues also and with time youll be free Ill encourage you to read book of Romans chapter 6 and 8 and colosians 2: 14 you are nolonger a prey to the tyrant or captive of the mighty again ijn YOU ARE A CHILD OF GOD.God bless you check out apostles message on mystery of deliverance also part1-4 especially 3and 4 bless you. Apostle Selman was once a music director and coupled with his dexterity at vocal control launched him into the music scene and made him lead worship songs in church before he started his sermon. ins.style.display='block';ins.style.minWidth=container.attributes.ezaw.value+'px';ins.style.width='100%';ins.style.height=container.attributes.ezah.value+'px';container.appendChild(ins);(adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({});window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'stat_source_id',44);window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'adsensetype',1);var lo=new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent);lo.observe(document.getElementById(slotId+'-asloaded'),{attributes:true}); Please note that Apostle Himself is NOT on any ANY Social Media platform & He does NOT have any ORPHANAGE or INVESTMENT SCHEME Hes running. Nigeria is blessed with ministers of God. Finance Department: call 08147214444 and ask to be . APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN MENTOR/ SPIRITUAL FATHER Who Mentored Apostle Joshua Selman? The term Koinonia is a Greek word which literally translates to a Christian fellowship or communion, with God or, more commonly with fellow Christians.And truly it has been a source of miracle and blessings among Christians as indicated by the testimonies of people who have attended the program. Download Apostle Joshua Selman/Koinonia Christian Books, Sermons, Christian Songs and Prophetic Chants. Get to know everything about Apostle Joshua Selman Biography, Apostle Joshua Selman Wife, and Apostle Joshua Selman Children. @ Mr. Kingsley and other people requesting for where to download Joshua selman messages, you may get it from this website (www.naijasermons.com.ng) they often upload selman latest messages. May the grace of God be upon joshua selman forever ???? I was wondering how I would go about having Apostle Joshua Selman to be my covering. The supernatural manifestations of Gods power in his life can only lead us to classing him among those who were born with a divine or Godly calling. We must acknowledge that God has greatly blessed him on the financial plan. The ministry organized a program named KOINONIA in the same year of 2011 and the same venue. Thank you daddy more grace to you. As of the time of writing this biography Apostle Joshua Selman is not yet married. 08147214444. The love i have for this apostle can nt be measured, i saw him twice and wish to be seeing him like always, he re-filled me. Apostle Joshua Selmans ministry started when he was on campus Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. Single, 29yrs, and I didnt go far with my studies I stopped in senior 4(four)am from Uganda(Kampala) I got born again in 2014 July from a Synagogue church of all nation led by prophet Samuel Kakande. Hence, we can say that before the boy entered the university, he knew what was waiting for him there. And because God was with him, his dream came to pass. And he is ready to let everything go, everything like women, marriage, money etc. Its the type of house that youll enjoy living in. And we bless God because your sacrifice and support is evident in his life and ministry today!. Love you sir. We have detected that you are using extensions to block ads. Max Daily. Download Mp3 August 2022 Koinonia [Abuja] Miracle Service With Apostle Joshua Selman. APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN CONTACT DETAILS: There is no direct phone number to Apostle Joshua Selman anywhere but you can contact the Koinonia Public Relations Team via the following numbers: 1) +2348147214444 2) +2347087777765 Just want to appreciate u sir for the wonderful work u are doing in God's kingdom. I love you sir you are too impactful. Am only seeing him in my dreams l want this dreams become a reality. Your email address will not be published. I love Apostle Selma . During his university days, the love of God in him quadrupled and the desire to consecrate his life for Gods service became more intense. He is a blessing to my life and to the entire body God bless you sir, a blessing indeed to our generation, more grace sir, Comment:if you help me to draw closer to God I will me glad. Not much has been documented about his primary and secondary schools respectively but he had his tertiary education at the Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria where he studied chemical engineering and also had the opportunity to begin his work as a minister of God as an undergraduate preaching and sharing the gospel to fellow students in school with the help of his friends. He then began to cry profusely as he rededicated himself for the Masters use. Please sir, we need you in benin city!!!!!!! Some of his books include: A call to deeper realms Altars and Foundations A discussion on Kingdom truths A night of prevailing prayers The book of remembrance Activating breakthrough (the ministry of destiny helpers). Above the storms Accessing the deep things of God Activating breakthroughs Admonitions, Some of the quotes by Apostles joshua selman which also can be used as life points include:1) The price for all of God is all of you.2) The birth of anything valuable is painful, that includes your destiny.3) No matter the level of your anointing, respect age.4) A spiritual man is one who places utmost value on Gods word5) Your pain is a track record6) It is risky to not know how to respond to life-threatening challenges.7) If trees can hear, your unborn child can hear you.8) Dominion is a joke to anyone who trivializes prayer.9) God will always look like He will not show up until He shows up.10) A track record is what validates you for qualification11) Bible study without the Holy Spirit will turn you into a religious person. However you can download via We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. You can contact the ministry via any of the lines: +2349150227448+2349077777853+2348147214444+2349077777853+2347087777765+2348100289892. It is without doubt that his sermons are highly solicited in many countries. I only pray that one day God will grant me a grace to sit in KOINONIA and pray with a Servant of God or God will make him to come in Uganda. Pls someone should linked me how to get his messages, My name is Becky. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. He isthefounder ofEternity Network International (ENI), a ministry he started March 2011. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Thank you Jesus for Him. Your email address will not be published. I cant sleep, All l want is to meet with him. Take a look at apostle joshua selman wife picture: The true net worth of this man of God can be quite hard to calculate, this is because asides assets and ministration earnings, there may be other hidden people that may feel blessed with the Sermons of the man of God and end up gifting his fortunes. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Through prosperity shall Gods agenda be spread abroad. Hes just too loaded with anointing! Grace to you. Ive really gained from him he is a mentor to me.I love you so much Apostle. This is the ministrys only official e-mail address: The website still remainswww.koinoniaglobal.org. Reply. This question of who Apostle Selman is married to have been a major question among many Nigerians, especially, fans of the man of God, and one of the top searches about him on the internet. I relocated back to my home city and state, which is Wilson, NC. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. He has an established ministry one of the influential and wealthy pastors in Nigeria. He has endeared himself to the hearts of many, old and young alike.