obsidian zettelkasten

Obsidian is not very good at capturing ideas quickly. Again, Im not a fan of overcomplicated templates. So we want to spend as little time as possible in managing the structure. Twelfth edition. Note to Visitors - Sometimes I will integrate other peoples comments/posts into this zettelkasten if they make sense to me, so feel free to either comment on areas of the zettelkasten you find interesting and would like to see fleshed out more or an idea youd like to see integrated. Rules help guide you in achieving an outcome. As part of my Master Databases vault, I have my Zettelkasten. What are your takes on the second brain? And as youve no doubt guessed, I have something (many things) he doesnt, i.e., computer, internet, Obsidian, etc. This is why part of why Evergreen notes should be concept-oriented: so that the structure of our notes pushes us to notice the relationships between the ideas in different textsand in our own work (see Evergreen notes should be densely linked, Notes should surprise you). It can even catalyze new ideas. (You can always download the app later on your phone), The first step to kick things off is to start downloading Obsidian. Thank you for visualizing the idea, it is helpful and easier to conceptualize the structure. I created this note during my introduction to psychology college course. Dont get blinded and bogged down by 1 hour and 46 seconds complicated workflow walkthroughs. I again added a first fleeting note, that should remind me to read a book about the Zettelkasten method by Ahrens (2017). The note title automatically inserts and the date (based on the format in the settings). . 7 - Structuring for Retrieval - An important aspect of the zettelkasten to understand is that Luhmanns method of structure facilitated his end use case (writing). The essence of science is the control and securing of individual knowledge in the context of the whole. Tell me about your own experiences? Remember that our goal of setting up a Zettelkasten in Obsidian is to spark new insights, clarify our thinking and double down on our best ideas. For the purpose of this guide, I am using it to reference both the note taking system of sociologist Niklas Luhmann and my digital interpretation of it. Other than Luhmanns note box, I havent been able to find any of these (Note 1A - Alternative Note Boxes) online to study, so for the purpose of this thread I will be talking about his note box exclusively. What if people after you could benefit from the knowledge youve amassed? But itd be a waste of time to do so before that becomes necessary. Especially when kept simple, it will probably be my go-to solution for the foreseeable future. This would be using your zettelkasten to create an entry in your personal wiki. Currently I'm using cheap index cards I got from Office Depot. Yet, most Zettelkasten apps like Mem, Roam, whatsoever, work online. Instead of just structuring material for future reference (e.g. Take any picture of the famous sociologist at or near his desk, and youll find him comfortably settled into his knowledge management system. Heres where Obsidian shines:Obsidian creates and reads markdown text files. So, lets create your first note together. In short, you can open any note with a simple plain text editor. So I add the most important parts of the elaboration to my original note. I want to see if anyone else who has one might be able to point me to some good quality materials and accessories. One of founders of the London School of Economics, amongst many other things. Here are my top mistakes to avoid when starting your first Zettelkasten: All these mistakes lead to intensive re-work of my notes later on. Youve really simplified the concept for me. I thought it would be nice if there was a common knowledge base on what Luhmann himself wrote on Zettelkasten. Obsidian works on all major platforms. But to start out, make things simple. Shore, Zachary. At the moment I readed your book, and reading external sources with your book. Using Obsidian as your Zettelkasten app is the best way to ensure longevity in your notes. As a visual thinker and sketchnoter my first idea was to use this method to combine visual thinking with networked thinking. And Obsidian allows you to get started for free. Obsidian is a versatile toolbox: with 25 core plugins, 854 community plugins, and 174 themes, plus custom styling, you can tweak Obsidian to work and look exactly how you want it. You can formalize the knowledge into a more useful form that can then be referenced later. and Sozpol. I want to see if anyone else who has one might be able to point me to some good quality materials and accessories. So now that you know why you cant go wrong choosing Obsidian as your Zettelkasten app lets dive deeper into setting everything up. All these services/products vanished in a matter of months. 4 minute read 86ff. Zettelkasten is a note taking system that will supercharge your learning process. Rohde turned to experience design after 10 years as a successful print graphic designer where he first developed his sketchnote approach and technique. I like to summarize the idea the note contains in the title: Now, in the editor, start typing the content of your note. Links - to show connections between ideas Idea from /u/sfast of ZettelkastenDe Blog. In this way, you can tailor your Obsidian Zettelkasten to your needs. But with respect to the Zettelkasten, the only software that I found easy to use is the zkn3. Once Obsidian Publish get… https://www.lrb.co.uk/the-paper/v32/n11/keith-thomas/diary, Evergreen note-writing helps insight accumulate. Used for filtering & searching of ideas But this will rapidly vanish the more additional notes you add to your Zettelkasten. But it is also not deliberately unsystematic like modern existentialism, which is thus trapped in the ambiguity of systematic thinking; see. Tools like Obsidian allow you to take smart notes and replicate his note-taking system in digital format. Like Luhmanns office, I have an inbox, books, magazines, a phone, and a dying plant. 13 - Example of a Note Size - Luhmann Note Sequence - Source for this particular note. Obsidian is a powerful note-taking and knowledge-management app. You can share the knowledge you developed through a research paper, blog post, or book. First edition. After ordering that book, I create a new literature note for it and fill it with some basic metadata: In that literature note, I write down every idea and every thought that comes to my mind while reading the book. The third-party service Mastodon Bookmark RSS allows you to subscribe to your Mastodon bookmarks via RSS, so you dont forget to make use out of them. Obsidians workflow is much looser than logseqs. Migrating my Zettelkasten from Roam to Obsidian was pretty easy: I downloaded a backup of my Roam database as markdown, then used my Macs built-in file system tools to move all my notes into different folders for Literature, Reference, and Permanent notes. An example would be very helpful. But I also learned: Experiments took a lot of my precious time. WebSimilar to Roam, Obsidian is a note-taking software many people use for knowledge management. 12 minute read. Here are the first five steps I took to set up my slip-box (aka Zettelkasten) in Obsidian. Psychology . The fact that Obsidian uses flat files also makes your notes easier to work with. Obsidian is a powerful note-taking and knowledge-management app. So the original version of Luhmanns Zettelkasten was an analog slip box. Zettelkasten is geared towards Knowledge Development, Near-Perfect Score on an Exam, thanks to my Zettelkasten. Alphabetically, youd use an index. What method and software do you use? In this course, the concept of semantic memory gets elaborated on even more in the corresponding textbook. 1) The basic commands you want to know Zettelkasten, also known as the slip-box system is an open-ended process of writing, learning, and thinking invented by Niklas Luhmann. Opening up Obsidian for the first time, you need to make big decisions about organizing your notes in your Obsidina vault. You now have Obsidian set up and ready to use, staring at a blank screen. 8 minute read Im currently porting over, cleaning up, and elaborating on my various notes that are scattered throughout this and other forums to Obsidian Publish. You could even bypass their syncing service by using the cloud storage you already use, like Dropbox, Google Drive, or iCloud. Once Obsidian Publish get… With a Zettelkasten, though, the process becomes more individualized, and a large portion of the work of making a Zettelkasten comes from finding and taking note of the linkages between ideas. Markdown/LaTeX, Update Sep 2021 My Obsidian graph view. Because one of the key ideas behind a zettelkasten is to remix ideas such that a note can contribute to multiple sequences of thought, an ideal note length is between a paragraph and a section. 16 Obsidian Templates For Zettelkasten To Start With Knowledge management zettelkasten, dataview, templates Edmund December 7, 2022, 5:11pm 1 19201919 136 KB More than 9 months of personal learning about how English Translation of All Notes on Zettelkasten by Luhmann. s. Kern, Modern State and Concept of State, p. 9ff. Evergreen notes should be concept-oriented, Evergreen note-writing as fundamental unit of knowledge work, Collecting material feels more useful than it usually is, Evergreen note-writing helps reading efforts accumulate, Paper Machines: About Cards & Catalogs, 1548-1929 (History and Foundations of Information Science)by Markus Krajewski PhD. Can you advise a new(ish) user on work flows? Often times explicitly writing down concepts and their connections forces you to really understand what you are learning, so creating notes can serve as a elaboration tool for learning. 48 Followers Born and raised in Honolulu, Colin has lived in Spokane, Washington, and Portland, Oregon. New York: Grand Central Publishing, 2016. GitHub - groepl/Smart-Sketchnotes: eBook working title: "How to take SMART SKETCHNOTES with Obsidian and Zettelkasten". The fact that Obsidian uses flat files also makes your notes easier to work with. At the top, you can specify the name of your note. The goal is to find related notes that you can link together. How the ideas connect to each other and the wider picture (e.g. In the past few days I played a bit with Obsidian. Fascinating discussion here: https://www.lrb.co.uk/the-paper/v32/n11/keith-thomas/diary. It provides a unique way of organizing information because Obsidian is based on the Zettelkasten concept: a vault of interconnected and dynamic notes. It would still be better then chaos, where your notes are scattered across a city, written in random places and mediums (chalk on ground, spelled out in someones mowed lawn, stored on a bubble gum wrapper in the dump). Using Ev Chapmans sparknote inbox should probably be a tool; however, I consider it a tip, and I hashtag sparknote in front of the quote. While coffee may not be my cup of tea, I do have a passion for beautiful jewelry. Zettelkasten, also known as the slip-box system is an open-ended process of writing, learning, and thinking invented by Niklas Luhmann. This is how you truly replicate Niklas Luhmanns Zettelkasten. Some people use templates in Obsidian to kickstart their notes: may it be for taking booknotes or journaling. Because in the Zettelkasten, you break down the different ideas into their most essential parts. Using the tags is not trivial. More about: How to use Tags. My sketchnote shows the integration in my workflow. WebMchtest du lernen wie du die Zettelkasten Methode in der Obsidian App umsetzen kannst? You are also working with Obsidian and Zettelkasten? Obsidian Zettelkasten - Knowledge management - Obsidian Forum This is a public experimental zettelkasten built using just the links within the forum. Newport, Cal. Phone, inbox, folders, books, and magazines are all present and accounted for. So I would create a link to my notes on long term memory and explicit memory. WebZettelkasten Setup for using the Zettelkasten system in Obsidian. And their website allows you to download the app for Windows, Mac, and Linux. As a beginner, the most helpful parts for me are concrete examples of how you add and edit notes over time, such as how you evolved notes on semantic memory. Congrats, your Obsidian Zettelkasten is now ready to use! Tags is like categories in a blog? 16 Obsidian Templates For Zettelkasten To Start With Knowledge management zettelkasten, dataview, templates Edmund December 7, 2022, 5:11pm 1 19201919 136 KB More than 9 months of personal learning about how Goes back to The Art of Note Taking by Beatrice Webb, and her use of it goes back well before that. Dont miss out on my free email course below. It started innocently with a question I | by Steven Thompson | Jan, 2023 | Medium. A single database holds all of my notes. November 7, 2022 It provides a unique way of organizing information because Obsidian is based on the Zettelkasten concept: a vault of interconnected and dynamic notes. You can further developing your knowledge base in multiple ways. WebObsidian is one of the best and most supported cross-platform Zettelkasten apps out there. Keep in mind, that notes in Obsidian are entirely based on Markdown. This post over on Zettelkasten De forum made me realize I should probably work on creating a very simple zettelkasten guide. It is a system for organizing and storing information. I'm having a really hard time finding good quality supplies for my analog zettlekasten. Thanks to browser fingerprints, the website should detect the operating system youre on. But this is not always necessary, more of a personal preference, usually depending on how well you know the material. If folgezettel containing 20.4c, 20.4c1, 20.4c1a, b, and c, are sufficient to generate a blog, then the blog will carry an LID code of 20.4c1d. Ive read online that the practice of keeping a note box goes back a long way and technically isnt unique to sociologist Niklas Luhmann. You can creates notes out of what you are studying as a way to facilitate understanding. Once a section of your knowledge base (zettelkasten) has been sufficiently developed, you can then use it in a couple of ways. June 26, 2022 This is why the notes are called atomic. Prior to that in 1638 Thomas Harrison explained to Charles I about writing excerpts on small pieces of paper and hanging them on hooks with alphabetized subject headings. Once Obsidian Publish gets released, I plan to continue this zettelkasten there. In my junior year I take a course on memory or cognition. As you see I repeatedly make use of the letter a in this sentence. You want to capture ideas quickly as soon as they arise so that you make sure to not lose them. Another form of structure is the creation of arguments and the corresponding evidence, including counter evidence. What could be more frustrating than losing your data (or not being able to access it)? Obsidian works on- and offline Deep work doesnt happen online. Zettelkasten, in a sense, is just a very particular set layers. Mix and match Some community plugins do a single thing extremely well, like Calendar and Kanban . Update Sep 2021 My Obsidian graph view. New Haven London: Yale University Press, 2010. This curated list contains useful hacks and extensions to improve the overall coding performance with Visual Studio Code (VS Code). More about Obsidian Canvas from Nick Milo at: https://youtu.be/vLBd_ADeKIw, Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, 16 Obsidian Templates For Zettelkasten To Start With, Whats your preferred workflow for using Zettelkasten? But Im still looking for an alternative on iOS. This is a complete guide on how to use Obsidian as a Zettelkasten as a beginner. So instead of leaving my highlights slowly dying on Amazons cloud, I now distill my reads inside Obsidian and turn every idea I take from the book into a stand-alone note (i.e: permanent note), 1- Reading and highlighting (you dont need a tutorial for that). 4 - Zettelkasten & Structure - Note Taking is about storing information for later retrieval because we have a limited memory. 11 - Example of a Note Size - Andys Working Notes - Source for this particular note. WebZettelkasten Obsidian Templates Settings. Do you see any differences between your own and the workflow described by Snke Ahrens? It can be an idea, a thought, or a valuable quote. And you can install for free. I thought it would be nice if there was a common knowledge base on what Luhmann himself wrote on Zettelkasten. For teaching others zettelkasten, I take what I see as the core layers of structure used by Luhmann and either adopt or adapt them for a digital medium. I also added a second source and the according literature note, that deals with the Hypertext theory: Both permanent notes are linked with each other as well as with their sources. Start with a FLAT structure. Slip 8.1c - The performance of the system is that uniqueness of the performance. 294b, 297, Slip 8.1a - system as control and security, For the sociology of the system see Mannheim, The Conservative Thinking, in Archives for Social Sciences. or a flat Zettelkasten slip box? I dont like the fact that I need to be connected to the internet to browse my notes. What are the steps to publish a post, an article or a book? For me it was hard to learn how to use tags efficiently as well as to un-learn my classic use of folders. This method allows you to easily explore and manage your notes. I still comment somewhat frequently on Zettelkasten de and am an avid user of Obsidian. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and insights. Structure can take the form of mapping out the most important components of a idea. Within the folder you can place your templates (notes). However, getting a Zettelkasten to nest inside your knowledge management system is challenging, but the rewards can be tremendous, having everything at your fingertips. or a flat Zettelkasten slip box? At the moment, there are over 600 plugins available written by the Obsidian developer team as well as by a vivid user community. , 2020. When processing a undergraduate textbook, I think of a four tasks. The main folder for your Zettelkasten is called your Obsidian vault. 3 minute read. A good example of a reusable sentence is a quote. This is why, I would encourage you to use a dedicated note-taking capturing tool. Based on: https://theknowledgeworker.substack.com/p/how-to-take-smart-notes-in-obsidian Setup Install the obsidian-citation-plugin, by going to 'Settings' > 'Community plugins' (turn Safe mode OFF) > 'Browse'. my previously posted series about personal knowledge management. However, getting a Zettelkasten to nest inside your knowledge management system is challenging, but the rewards can be tremendous, having everything at your fingertips. Ive never read Ahren Sonkes book on How To Take Smart Notes, and perhaps I should consider myself lucky not to have an additional layer of words to dig through. I hate digital clutter and feature creep. These principles (rules) help push you in the direction of knowledge development instead of just knowledge management. In reality your zettelkasten should be wider ranging and include whatever you find interesting. Otherwise he could have just used a numbered list for notes (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, new note 6) where the newest note is just the highest number. The idea is to get you to practice the process and giving you all the tools necessary to start your own Zettelkasten system. We tend to think only of the slip-box when discussing the Zettelkasten methodology, but that would be a mistake. And you can install for free. And if you follow this simple guide step by step, you could have your own Zettelkasten set up in Obsidian straight after reading it. Obsidian Zettelkasten - Knowledge management - Obsidian Forum This is a public experimental zettelkasten built using just the links within the forum. Ill explain. Opening up Obsidian for the first time, you need to make big decisions about organizing your notes in your Obsidina vault. At the moment, there are over 600 plugins availablewritten by the Obsidiandeveloper team as well as by a vivid user community. How Luhmann Structured his Notes for Increased Development, How you can Digitally Structure your Notes for Reference, How you can Digitally Structure your Notes for Increased Development, Further Develop Existing Lines of Thought, Formalize your Notes and Share with Others, Meta - further developing your understanding of storytelling itself, Create notes for the important concepts themselves (often bolded terms in the book), Link the note (concepts) with other important notes (concepts) in the textbook chapter, Link the note with the immediate context it sits in (e.g. How to get an RSS feed of your Mastodon bookmarks, Track the growth of your Zettelkasten with DEVONthink, Hacks and extensions to improve your coding with Visual Studio Code. where you can also search for specific keywords: Another way to reveal connections is the notes backlinks pane, which shows all other notes, that link to the current one. Bob Doto. I will often embed further research into notes itself (e.g. I currently use the following template for all my notes: Zettelkasten Obsidian Template Example. You dont need to save anything. Especially, given the fact that operating systems and digital environments evolve fast. Instead I might create notes for words I find very important and am actively writing about. Its the major workflow starting with filling the inbox till using the content of the growing slip-box to produce an output of higher value. By choosing to take notes on a topic, you are giving up precious time to the universe and that may not be worth it. In oder to have an effective Zettelkasten workflow you need to connect every note to another one. Over the centuries you see the cycle of information explosion and creation of tools to manage it, such as the index and table of contents. Keep in mind that Obsidian uses the markdown syntax to format your writing faster. Now the Flow of Knowledge is in focus. When reading I would create a note for the concept of semantic memory. And my daily notes typically consist of about 2-5 items only. (Sorry, no big Android/Windows recommendations here except Evernote. As you see, over a long period of time Im elaborating on this concept more and more, further developing it in my notes. Oct 31st, 2022. by Sascha. This is why I love taking literature notes in Obsidian. For sure, using PKM is not only a question of tools and methods. WebSimilar to Roam, Obsidian is a note-taking software many people use for knowledge management. But with respect to the Zettelkasten, the only software that I found easy to use is the zkn3. the textbook chapter), Link the note to the wider context (e.g. Always remember that we want to work in the system, not on the system. Obsidian is expandable by a bunch of free plugins. When it comes to the Zettelkasten folder structure, dont create a new folder. This would be akin to creating a sequence of notes about a cooking recipe that you are experimenting with. @matthew of course! Obsidian Zettelkasten - Knowledge management - Obsidian Forum This is a public experimental zettelkasten built using just the links within the forum. A fleeting note is a note you capture on the fly. Tags: Markdown/LaTeX, Personal Knowledge Management, Scientific Writing Obsidian is free, and this is exactly why you should give it a try to build your Zettelkasten. Think of those notes as permanent residents of your Zettelkasten. Personal Knowledge Management, Bense, contours of a spirit history of mathematics, p.36. But that isnt always easy because Im hyper curious and love jumping around with reading material. Medium. Manually? ), you were wrong. You can create notes out of what you are studying and then use them as a basis for further development, because all knowledge builds off each other. I am just getting started with Zettelkasten and Obsidian and yours was one of the first threads I have come across that has been as descriptive and generous with resources. In this example, I kept it very simple and less detailed. Which might and with all probability is different than the assigned tags. You start by storing the information on paper of various sizes and qualities. At some point I see an component of semantic memory that hasnt been explained or explored, so I make that into my dissertation. Some branches are small, i.e., I go on a hike 25.12, and I write a blog 25.12a. Obsidian is a versatile toolbox: with 25 core plugins, 854 community plugins, and 174 themes, plus custom styling, you can tweak Obsidian to work and look exactly how you want it. First Question to Answer is what areas of information do students develop? English Translation of All Notes on Zettelkasten by Luhmann. Learn how you how to turn your notes into valuable online content with this FREE 7-Day Email Course, Enter Your Email & Start This FREE 7-day Email Course.