quotes from the odyssey about odysseus being a leader

Is Odysseus A Hero: Main Character of Homers Epic Poem Essay, Analysis of the Male and Female Relationships in the Odyssey Essay, The Odyssey: Odysseus As The Archetypal Trickster Essay, A Study of the Characters Odysseus and Poseidon as Depicted in Homer's Odyssey Essay, Strengths And Weaknesses Of Odysseus Essay, A study of the friendship between Odysseus and Athena Essay, An Analysis of the Journey of Odysseus Essay, Gilgamesh and Odysseus: the Lessons Learned Essay, Womens Influence on the Warfare in the Illiad Essay. A Homeric simile compares this to a farmer burying an ember in ashes to keep it warm, so that he can kindle a fire later. Up with you, see how the land lies, see for yourself now.". With our Essay Lab, you can create a customized outline within seconds to get started on your essay right away. This foreshadows the exact same tactics being used by Odysseus, with Athenas help, to return unnoticed to Ithaca. His concern for his men is only matched by his own desire to rise above mortal limits. Furthermore, how can we consider Odysseus a hero if his commands are not followed by his men. In the meantime, while . True, but he is the one more blest than all other men alive, that man who sways you with gifts and leads you home, his bride! In a simile it is compared to a shield rising over the waves. "I reassured the ghost, but he broke out, protesting, "No winning words about death to me, shining Odysseus! Just do as I say. He remembers Calypsos prophecy about the painful journey home he would have. They readily address him as their king and leave many responsibilities in his hands. Written in the late 8th or 9th century BC, The Odyssey remains one of the all-time greatest quest stories. The other name of the suitors mentioned by Homer in this epic poem include: commons.wikimedia.org These traits causes his men to die, him suffering, and trouble. His men try and convince him to leave, but to this he ignores their pleas and says Yet I refused. He has decreed that the exiled hero is to return home. ", "No one, no Achaean labored hard as Odysseus labored or achieved so much. She says that he is being held captive on an island by the goddess Calypso, who is trying to wipe out all thoughts of his homeland. By clicking Continue, you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy. In this situation, He was able to use the "magic" inside his head to create this plan that uses his masculinity to escape the cave of Polyphemus. Best Odysseus Leadership Quotes from Odyssey Quotes About Leadership QuotesGram. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. Get your custom essay. Nevertheless, heroes rules and commands are respected by their followers and it shows excellent leadership, yet this does not the speak to Odysseus. The brilliant U.S. Army General Douglas MacArthur once said, A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. This description of a leader can be used when telling of the great adventures of Odysseus on his way home to Ithaca after fighting in the Trojan War. His prayer is answered. Odysseus being a leader makes him a hero because he makes bold decisions and he protects himself and his, Some may diagree with Odysseus style of leadership because it may appear to not be sensible or well thought out. He may of saved his men multiple times, but also got them killed them due to his neglect. After stabbing the cyclopes in the eye and the cyclopes moving the boulder Odysseus had to think of a way to get his men out safely and this quote shows his intelligence and leadership skills "I tied them silently together, twining cords of willow from the cyclops's bed; then slung a man . However, his curiosity got the better of his, which resulted in at least 6 of Odysseus best men dying. The three traits that makes Odysseus a bad leader are being dishonest, prideful, and careless. Strewing your way with such a crop of troubles! She helps him fight his way out of the breakers driving him towards the rocky coast. This was a bad leadership on the part of Odysseus because he was unable to keep track of his men and possibly save and because he did know he needed to give the crewmember a funeral, something he is morally obliged to do. Hospitality. Latest answer posted January 22, 2021 at 1:12:04 PM, Latest answer posted December 06, 2020 at 10:35:48 AM. These quotes prove my claim because Odysseus played a trick on Polyphemus that worked out in his advantage to get out of the cave that he was trapped. "There is a time for many words, and there is also a time for sleep." The Odyssey. Both of these stories show how fame can interact [], Essentially a tale of warfare, Homers Iliad presents the Trojan War as a traditionally male-focused conflict. Book 1 of The Odyssey is titled "Athena inspires the prince" and that is what the goddess is attempting to do. The Odyssey, Book 5, lines 479-482. Scylla was a huge monster that had twelve large legs like tentacles and 6 heads with fangs. Before leading the mission to blind Polyphemus, Odysseus even considered attacking the Cyclops himself. Human feelings are always mixed, and there is no true unconditional love. By continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. Home Essay Samples Literature Odysseus Analysis Of Odysseus As A Good Leader. Odysseus is a prominent figure in the story about his journey home after the Trojan War,The Odyssey; however, he is merely a supporting character in the Iliad by Homer. But what if I climb that slope, go for the dark woods and bed down in the thick brush? While not fully explored in [], We provide you with original essay samples, perfect formatting and styling. This shows how powerful a woman Penelope is. You can also use our tools to come up with interesting topics and points to argue in your Penelope, Odysseus's wife, and their young son, Telemachus, are powerless before her arrogant suitors as they despair of Odysseus's return from the siege of Troy. Odysseus also told them that Zeus would help them survive. Odysseus' could not properly feed his men and he could not control them. Like a fond father welcoming back his son after nine years abroad, his only son, the apple of his eye for whom he has sacrificed much, the admirable swineherd threw his arms round Telemachus'. Gilgamesh and Odysseus are motivated by attaining glory and honor. Sorry, we could not paraphrase this essay. Odysseus Page Number this Quote Three, four times blessed, my friends-in-arms who died on the plains of Troy those years ago, serving the sons of Atreus to the end. Straight forward they sprinted, lifted it and rammed it deep in his eye chater (Hom. Despair to their enemies, a joy to all their friends. for. Odysseus longs to be back home with her in Ithaca, no matter what trials he faces along the way. Od. But listen to me now./ Tiresias and Circe both insisted/ we must avoid the island of the Sun, the joy of mortals. In suffering for that man; for me, in relentless, heartbreaking grief for him, lost and gone so long now dead or alive, who knows? He joins the chosen four in the expedition to the cyclops cave and takes the lead in ensuring that it will be a success by preparing the weapon accordingly. Killing his men was perhaps not the best thing to do, but he still is heroic because his loyalty is what drives him to advance on his long journey home. Announce to the nymph with lovely braids our fixed decree: Odysseus journeys home the exile must return. In the beginning, he is courageous as he leads his people into the Trojan War. Over the course his ten-year journey, Odysseus faces many obstacles including mythical creatures. ", "I saw him once on an island, weeping live warm tears in the nymph Calypsos house she holds him there by force. Odysseus is a Leader The story of The Odyssey with Odysseus being a great leader has been told for many years and will be told many years to come. Menelaus is aggrieved at the loss of his comrade Odysseus and laments his fate. Telemachus, his son, goes on a journey to find his father. While the were on an unknown island inhabited by Cyclops, Odysseus wanted to know if they were friends or foes. Much have I suffered, labored long and hard by now in the waves and wars. Secondly, Odysseus can be deceitful and not fully communicate the facts of each situation. And now, withdrawing into the caverns deep recesses, long in each others arms they lost themselves in love. However, embedded in the story is the inevitably female-centered core of the battle. eNotes.com will help you with any book or any question. Where do you want us to send this sample? Stop wasting your time searching for samples! Odysseus is saying this to himself after being wakened up by a group of young Phaeacian girls playing ball. The epic poem "The Odyssey" is written by Homer and takes place in ancient Greece 700 B.C. Ino, as sea deity Leucothea, makes a dramatic appearance to save Odysseus from drowning in a violent sea whipped up by Poseidon. Then, he was thoughtful in the sense of caring for his men and their wellbeing. A hero's funeral then, my glory spread by comrades - now what a wretched death I'm doomed to die! Zeus also warns that Odysseus journey will not be an easy one, but full of pain. They communicate easily. The article explains, that an optimistic leader is supposed to have a positive energy towards everything and they have to be easy to talk to. But one man alone his heart set on his wife and his return Calypso, the bewitching nymph, the lustrous goddess, held him back, deep in her arching caverns, craving him for a husband. I fear wild beasts will drag me off as quarry.". That was how the war was won, and it was all thanks to Odysseus and his cleverness and ability to lead. Idk what to say for this one, DONT: After Odysseus left Troy, his crew and him went to Ismarus, which was where the Cicones lived. They are killed by the god Helios for their reckless action in consuming his cattle. 16 students ordered this very topic and got original papers. Instead of killing Odysseus and his men, the hilltop made a big wave that brought the ships back to shore. ", "Nine years we wove a web of disaster for those Trojans, pressing them hard with every tactic known to man, and only after we slaved did Zeus award us victory. Odysseus is the only person survive from his expedition why because he did not properly protect his shipmates.Let me read this quote "Driven by hunger they ignore Odysseus' warning and eat Helios' cattle". The father of the gods decides to intervene to allow Odysseus to return home. "Ah great goddess dont be angry with me, please. Generally I think Odysseus is a good leader because he saves his men more times than he lets them get killed, for example on the island with Polythemus. In the Odyssey, what does Teiresias (the prophet in the Land of the Dead) warn Odysseus against in his prophecy? After defeating the Cyclops, Odysseus taunted him, which made him very angry. Homer portrayed Odysseus as a man of outstanding wisdom and shrewdness, eloquence, resourcefulness, courage, and endurance. Was Odysseus the ideal leader or did he portray undesirable leadership tendencies? Cold and exhausted after his harrowing ordeal at sea, he wonders is this the end for him. "Odysseus, master of many exploits, praised the singer: I respect you, Demodocus, more than any man alive surely the Muse has taught you, Zeus's daughter, or god Apollo himself. Early in the poem we are informed that Odysseus had chosen one of his friends to be the overseer of his family and property. After his boat is wrecked and he is adrift on a heavy sea for two nights and days, Odysseus is overjoyed to see the shores of Phaeacia. In The Odyssey, Homer illustrates the journey home to Ithaca taken by Odysseus and his men. Helen is telling the story of how she saw and recognized Odysseus when he came into Troy disguised as a beggar during the war. Odysseus is a Leader In book three of the epic story, Odysseus is being compared to Menelaus, a man who is imposing and impressive physically. Your time is important. Strategy. Odysseus' sharp wit distinguishes him from other heroes of his era, who only use strength to overpower their enemies. If you are such a student, you can use Two character traits define Odysseus and shape his poor leadership style. He also tries to bring home his comrades, but fails. This essay has been submitted by a student. Atlas daughter it is who holds Odysseus captive, luckless man despite his tears, forever trying to spellbind his heart with suave, seductive words and wipe all thought of Ithaca from his mind. First, he discloses the disturbing information to his. By god, I'd rather slave on earth for another man some dirt-poor tenant farmer who scrapes to keep alive The story of The Odyssey with Odysseus being a great leader has been told for many years and will be told many years to come. This essay was donated by a student and is likely to have been used and submitted before, Free samples may contain mistakes and not unique parts. An important figure in Greek mythology is Metis. 1 / 9. Like pebbles stuck in the suckers of some octopus dragged from its lair so strips of skin torn from his clawing hands stuck to the rock face. For instance, Odysseus speaks with Circ and discovers that their journey ahead will not be easy. Over the course of the epic, Oedipus gradually loses his men until he has none when he comes home because of his hubristic leadership. If I beg and pray you to set me free, then bind me more tightly still. In this quote, we see that Odysseus is a cunning planner. While intelligence is highly respected, occasionally there isnt much you can do to avoid situations, and you just have to accept your. ", "Show me the way to town, give me a rag for cover, just some cloth, some wrapper you carried with you here. And if a god will wreck me yet again on the wine-dark sea, I can bear that too, with a spirit tempered to endure. Having floated in heavy seas for two days and nights, battling Poseidons storms, Odysseus makes this plea for divine help. In the Iliad, whois responsible for the death of Achilles and who helps him? Odysseus prepares a bed by covering himself with leaves on Scheria, the island home of the Phaeacians. The Odyssey, Book 4, lines 280-281. Odysseus was a weak leader and his lack of vision in not seeing the strength and possibilities in his men combined with his inability to effectively communicate to those around him ultimately led to his failure of not being able to safely deliver his men back to Ithaca. The major themes in The Odyssey are especially significant because they serve to form the moral and ethical constitution of most of the characters. How can he stand his ground against the will of all the gods at once one god alone? This is an exception to the patriarchal world of the time, with the woman having the power and the man being her captive. Don't use plagiarized sources. What quotes show how Odysseus is a good leader? Odysseus lacked to be a good leader when him and his men were on the way to Ithaca. 450+ experts on 30 subjects ready to help you just now, Odysseus exemplifies adventure, courage, and the values of the Greeks, is Odysseus a hero? He prays to the river god as he swims towards the mouth of a river on the coast of Phaeacia. Retrieved March 4, 2023 , from https://studydriver.com/odysseus-showed-bad-leadership/, Get in touch with our top writers for a non-plagiarized essays written to satisfy your needs. However, it is evident that there are circumstances where his hubris leads him to trust his intellect and wit over more reasonable course of action that not only endanger his life, but the life of his entire, Odysseus demonstrates as an efficient leader when they come across various threatening situations. The Odyssey, Book 5, lines 305-308. 'Running forward to meet his master, he kissed his forehead, his fine eyes, and both his hands, while the tears streamed down his cheeks. ", "You are our messenger, Hermes, sent on all our missions. Odysseus sometimes lacks self-awareness when he would kill his men or people just because it was a faster way to reach his goal. A great leader views the world like he is looking through 3D glasses, always seeing the depth and vibrancy of the possibilities around him. (Page 11). The shipwrecked Odysseus flatters Nausicaa in a bid to gain her assistance, even comparing her to the goddess Artemis. 2023 eNotes.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved. In this story, he solidifies his reputation as a strong leader, which is why we are willing to follow his journey. We can write you a custom essay that will follow your exact instructions and meet the deadlines. What power we had! Then, to demonstrate his own courage and fortitude, he asks them to tie him to a mast so he alone can hear the Sirens's song, while the others stop their ears. Throughout his journey, Odysseus proves himself worthy of this reputation due to how deals with the challenges he faces and carries his men. How often their hearts must warm with joy to see you striding into the dances such a bloom of beauty.