shirou summons gilgamesh fanfiction

Rin Tohsaka had decided that Astolfo was definitely a Servant made for Shirou Emiya. He then pointed his lance at the utterly terrified Shinji. He wasn't going to stand by, no matter what. Blade after blade materialized along the ground. His face snapped to an arrogant sneer, looking down on Shirou and Astolfo. Or, A shiny golden man wards off a blue spandex man armed with a glowing red stick by throwing money at the latter with all the flare and force of miniature falling stars, before turning around and introducing himself to Shirou as his personal ghost. ", Astolfo smirked, grabbing the reins of Hippogriff. Shirou's swords shattered with each deflection, only to be replaced just as fast with new copies. Shirou barely managed to block a slash from Kirei's Black Keys, his weapon shattering on impact. Saber explained, keeping her gaze trained on Caster. "Fine." Enkidu: go on . left kudos on this work! This was it. My father, I ask for your forgiveness. "You seem quite powerful. Mongrels!" Karna's speed only rose as his battle with Gilgamesh escalated. Astolfo said. Rin said. This had resulted in Archer and Astolfo finally being in the same room. "Emiya, we need to get out of here. Perhaps his Master wasn't a particularly great Mage, but he was probably the finest chef the world will ever see. Archer seemed amused by the answer, until Karna continued. "You managed to get away." "Your speed is quite impressive, Lancer." ", Shirou nodded in understanding. Wire frame replicas of gears hung in the sky. It would probably be frustrating from the perspective of Shirou though. Gilgamesh left, not wanting to get soot on his clothes and demean himself like a peasant. Saber roared, gold light exploding from her sword. Your father was careless, and I killed him with the very dagger he gifted me. Before anybody could speak, several blades pierced Archer's chest. Archer stood atop the stairs in the wrecked lobby. Mordred has a D rank Luck. Rin picked herself up, having just finished saving Shinji from being the Grail's core. So it still wouldn't do damage. The final battle began later that night. Kirei ordered. "Berserker!". He idly noted that Karna had shed his cape and was wearing a rather nice looking suit and tie (most likely from Kiritsugu's old wardrobe). But the Holy Grail's magic was going to be used for something really bad, so my Master had to make a sacrifice to save the world." Karna blocked the first two strikes, attempting to counter with a swing of his weapon. "Thank you, Shirou. But she's more focused on the girl he's trying . "I have no clue either." "Ah, you're the Rider-class Servant of this war." "What are you doing here?". It is a shame your Master is not present to witness our battle.". Rin just stared at Karna in utter bafflement. He could end this right now. This place is Type moon! He questioned, throwing out an Enkidu chain in an attempt to drag Shirou down with him. Maybe it's a mistake to be a hero, but it will never be wrong. What if Ritsuka Summons Shirou Emiya in Chaldea | PART 1 | fate stay night | fate Grand orderABOUT THIS STORY:This is the story about what would happen when . Shinji and Rider literally could not perceive what happened, as it all happened far too fast. Summary: Sometimes, Rin gets the Saber she's wanted. "Shirou, could you move your head just an inch to right?" "Not bad." Caster smiled, drawing a strange dagger from her cloak. Karna stated. Archer ended up tuning out everything else Astolfo said. "I ask of you, are you my Master?" When he landed, he would be next to Gilgamesh. "Rider, get out of my way if you don't want to die. "I made far too many mistakes, and left it with a Servant who was only going to destroy herself in a quest that will only end in suffering and a foolish desire to save everyone in the world. Astolfo found himself in a familiar flowery field. "You won a Holy Grail War? Saber managed to land on her feet, landing in a nearby park, only to have to block a diving thrust from Karna. I'll help you on your little quest.". Karna quietly took his first bite, and was quickly struck with the most wondrous taste he had ever experienced. "You told me that an enemy Master killed him" Rin trailed off, realization dawning upon her. Shirou stepped back, bringing up Kanshou and Bakuya to block one of Kirei's strikes. "Well, the Grail sorta spoke to me to give me a wish. Well, just sort of staring at his food, too scared to actually eat it. "So you've arrived." Nothing you'll do would fix that. Gilgamesh got along fairly well with Iskander too. Then a man had found him. Shinji wanted to use me to bear the vessel, but" Rin trailed off. Shinji was on the floor, babbling about how it was "Not his fault" and that "He did it". A set of blades materialized over Rin, stabbing into the ground and trapping her. "This was the sword I gave him back when we first met. Gilgamesh stood at the top of the stairs, the portals of Gate of Babylon closing next to him. ", "For once, your Servant makes a good point." A ring of portals opened up around him, forcing him to jump. Karna turned his attention back to Berserker, who had gotten up and was about to swing his weapon for Karna's neck. Astolfo, to her credit, dodged every strike thrown at her. Gil: reading my Artoria x Gil fanfic . He wore a black bodysuit that exposed his chest and a red cape with golden sun decorations. Gilgamesh remained standing, half-dead but still alive. The image of Justeaze Einzbern said. I am indeed the Heroic Spirit once known as Shirou Emiya." Astolfo took off, speeding into the sky and evading the first assault. Rider falls for him in FHA and has no direct reason to kill him, so I think they could be able to at least collaborate at first before she goes all waifu. Just sit tight while your knight in dingy armor takes care of things!" Rin shot him with a simple Gandr shot, which was blocked by Caster appearing from nowhere. He knew that he was always stubborn, but this was obscene. A set of Command Seals appeared on his hand. ", "Is that how you greet me?" ", "Kill him." Press J to jump to the feed. Karna attempted to give chase, only to realize he plain didn't have enough mana to fight. "Hey guys!" He drew the string back, taking aim. Shirou didn't falter, swinging Bakuya while projecting a replacement for Kanshou. He needed to do something. Epoxy Flooring UAE; Floor Coating UAE; Self Leveling Floor Coating; Wood Finishes and Coating; Functional Coatings. Shirou deflected them with Kanshou and Bakuya, sending them flying into the air and then landing behind him. The next day, Astolfo dragged Shirou to the dojo to train. He ordered, walking past the two. ", "I uh, don't remember? more>> (3.9) #12 The Second Opportunity in Fairy Tail World. He could theoretically kill her with ease right now, but it didn't feel right to do so yet. Karna lied. With Lancer keeping Archer occupied, Rin and Shirou could fight their opponents freely. Or at least, not one the Grail can grant. He rushed for Archer, who shot the blades at him. Karna manifested his lance, sensing danger. ", "Most likely. Rin was safe, sitting against the wall outside the temple gate. Kuzuki moved as well, leaping to Caster's defense and catching the blade between his knee and elbow. The sound of shattering stone. You are Caster's Master." Shirou answered. He met Saber's pursuit with a vertical swing of his lance, sending her flying into the air. He taunted, doing a barrel roll around a particularly large blade. He turned away, preparing to leave. While Karna and Archer were talking, Caster had taken the opportunity to kidnap Shirou in an attempt to get Karna under her control. "You're giving this to me?". "Ah, I see. And even if she was an assassin, murdering a boy for being a witness wouldn't sit right with her. Gilgamesh opened up more portals, attempting to use his chains to trap Karna. It was all a haze to Shirou, but he managed to notice two things. Once they were sure they were safe, the trio had a strategy meeting. Archer answered, staring at his hand. as well as Hundreds of golden portals opened up across his side of the room, all aiming their weapons at Shirou and Astolfo. "I am going to destroy the Holy Grail. ", Karna didn't respond for a moment, thinking his answer over. Gil: so i went up to him . Rin noted. ", "Caused the disaster that ravaged Fuyuki all those years ago. "I thought Rin destroyed the Grail. Caster won't probably have any mana problems since she can go start taking advantage of a Leyline like she did in canon. Shinji ran away, pissing his pants in fear. A couple days passed without anything going on, until Shinji Matou enacted a Bounded Field to start melting the other students at school to fuel his Servant. He came to a stop on the stairs leading into Ryuudou Temple, finding himself staring up at Assassin. "Master!" What would happen if Shirou Emiya summoned the son of the Sun God, or one of the Twelve Heroes of Charlemagne? Archer had willingly given himself up to Caster, choosing to serve her instead. Shirou, Rin, and him were on a 'date', about a day after the battle with Kuzuki. "Rho Aias!" Kirei asked. "He's going to destroy himself. But I had one hope. Rin noted that he was heading in the direction of the church. "I'm staying. ", Astolfo readied his lance. They arrived at Ryuudou Temple, ready to fight. "So this is the mongrel that my lovely Saber was ordered to kill." And Shirou easily accept that role. Gilgamesh lost his grip on the chain, finally being dragged into the Grail hole. Gilgamesh just hates boredom. Astolfo said, waving as the Grail's "terminal" appeared before him. His hair turned red, as he prepared to unleash the true power of his lance. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Archer relented with a shrug, before creating several blades to block off Astolfo's path to him and grabbing Rin. . Shirou severed his arm in one falling slash. Give me a human body so I can be with Shirou, and Well, I was gonna just set you free from the Counter Force, but I couldn't do that, so I just used what was left to give you a human body too so you can at least have a break from it for a while." If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. Alaya's Apocrypha by JV Magecraft. This time, Karna was ready to end this. Karna unleashed an ultimate blast of burning power. Shirou reinforced his arms to block another heavy blow from Kirei. "I thought you were beautiful when I first met you, and I still think that way.". A familiar voice asked. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. He needed a weapon. I will fulfill this wish, to grant you a death without regrets.". Holy Grail, I have but one wish of you!" "I could set up a connection between myself and him to feed him mana but we don't have the time. For everything related to Fate, including Fate/stay night or its spin-offs. This was going to be difficult. Cookie Notice As one of the only different people in a world full of superpowers, the hostility of What if Gilgamesh was reborn as Naruto Uzumaki. Berserker and her Master were slain before they could attempt to make an alliance with them. left kudos on this work. Please consider turning it on! Shirou rushed in, using the increased range to his advantage. "That is the only magic allowed for Shirou Emiya. Rin stated. The blade transformed into Balmung, the sword wielded by the invincible hero of the Netherlands, Siegfried. They were met with exact copies, exploding in a beautiful shower of sparking metal. Shirou and Astolfo sat down outside, looking up at the sky. Karna and Saber only sped up from there, not letting up against their opponent in the slightest. Karna immediately followed this by impaling Gilgamesh on his lance. Gilgamesh regained his senses, and focused all of his efforts on destroying Shirou Emiya first. Archer stated. Lancer was just baffled. Enkidu: ok . Speaking in Astolfo's presence was probably going to give her headache. "I've got my lance, and it's a Noble Phantasm that anyone can use, even without mana." His tone seemed warmer than usual. In Figure 3.2, the top edge of the map is a latitude line. Even with Rin's frankly obscene mana capacity, he still couldn't use his Noble Phantasms recklessly. I think you're in the right. By being both Solomon and Amakusa Shirou, he can use any magecraft, though he will mostly use his projection, reinforcement, alteration, and runic magecraft. Work Search: Archer raised his blade, preparing to strike. Caster stated, about to begin the process. And then a dark hole in space opened up, drawing Gilgamesh in. There was simply too much on his mind. She was a knight, not an assassin. Between Lancer and Rin Tohsaka, the pair had more than enough information to explain the current circumstances. If Shirou is a backstabbing coward. Alternate Title: "Modern Morgan". If his goals are the same as canon (kill the Shirou that will become him to create a paradox), the following would be on the top of EMIYA's to-do list: Kill Kiritsugu (erases any possibility of Shirou inheriting his ideals) Kill Irisviel (self-explanatory; destroy the Lesser Grail and the entire ritual is meaningless for another couple of . Archer chuckled. And the lance clearly had something special about it that made Lancer wary of being struck by it. "Toh- Tohsaka?" So say goodbye A fateful encounter between two heirs of a throne. "You've arrived. Have you figured it out my true identity?" While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. She said, before stepping out of the shed to battle Lancer. So, the coordinates that are changing as you move along the top of the map (in an East-West direction) must be longitude coordinates since the latitude should not change. Howsoever the lancer had managed to survive the onslaught, the spearman was gone and the light was not, and Shirou lifted his gaze up to an armoured figure silhouetted by the rings of light behind him almost as golden as he. "Die.". It wasn't so much that Gilgamesh was the stronger Servant (they were roughly tied), so much as Karna was simply in a disadvantageous situation. Shirou and Tohsaka felt like they had just dodged a massive bullet. Kill them, Berserker.". Later that night, Karna finally met Archer for the first time. ", Astolfo paused. Even still, Astolfo was slowly being dragged down with Gilgamesh. While Karna could probably keep up with Gilgamesh, they still didn't want to start an unnecessary fight that was already disadvantageous. I'd take him to the Ryuudou Temple leyline for the purpose of summoning the Grail. Crimson King said: Assume she can survive past Gae Bolg on the first night. Gilgamesh would never say he wishes. Mercifully, Astolfo held back enough that he would have any injuries that would impede him that night. Kirei mused. "I am an old friend of Kiritsugu Emiya. "I have no regrets, this is the only path. Kama in FSN as Rin's servant. There was no way Shirou Emiya could pull that off. Even more portals opened up behind him when he called the True Name of his Noble Phantasm. (NOTE. "I know you're gonna wanna fight Caster's Master, and I definitely can't stop you, so I'm gonna teach you how to fight!" He supposed there really wasn't any point in making Astolfo change, so he just shook his head. Astolfo said while they were resting. Words would only serve to downplay its excellence. "Your instinct is quite strong, Karna. "Never mind. Shirou was silent. Shirou imagined where he wanted to shoot, and released the string. "Don't worry, Master. There was little point in leaving his Master unprotected when he still had little clue as to what was going on. Shirou was, once again, silent. More portals opened, each firing a weapon. Gilgamesh reached out in an attempt to strangle Karna, only to be incinerated by the Lancer's flames. One of the only people who cared for her was just gone. "This battle is gonna go nowhere at this rate. He asked, stepping out of the shed with a very calm expression. Mostly by the fact that Astolfo somehow had the advantage in this battle. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. "I doubt that your Servant can defeat me.". left kudos on this work! If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). Rin said. We cut it close, but we did save Einzbern. Synopsis: After a incident involving the Kaleidostick 5 years before the start of Fate/Stay Night, Emiya Shirou has become the female Emiya Kirika. While Karna and Gilgamesh were busy battling, Kirei was continuing to relish in Shirou's suffering. Now.". Lancer released a burst of flames, forcing Saber back. This was what it meant to be Emiya Shirou: Ten years ago, a fire had burned away his childhood, his family name, his very self. They began to turn. The battle would be over if he landed that one strike. Both blades shattered. Karna continued to try and close the distance, deflecting any weapon that got too close while dodging the rest. And defend it did, barely managing to hold up against the assault while Shirou summoned a weapon his other hand. He must have made a face while enjoying Shirou's cooking. "The Grail is trying use me as a replacement?!" Karna stood between Berserker and Shirou, clearly exhausted but still going anyway. "You stole my father from me." "To ashes." I'm not going to let Lancer disappear.". Astolfo said with a smile. A dark hole appeared in the sky, pouring down dark mud that burned all it touched like lava. And then she suddenly bolted, ordered by her Master to return to him. Shirou recognized her as that girl he saw a couple days ago. More Community Anime/Manga Fate/stay night Fem shirou. He manifested wings made of sunlight for a moment, reaching the peak of his speed as he dodged and darted around Gilgamesh's assault. Astolfo called out, running over to them while holding Shirou's hand and dragging him along. "Let us end this.". This is what happens when you watch Emiya Gohan while fighting writer's block and crying over how sad the actual canon is. "He truly was a hero, right to the end. Souichirou Kuzuki was most likely Caster's Master based on everything they heard. "So him going all-out will most likely paralyze me. Gilgamesh reached out in an attempt to strangle Karna, only to be incinerated by the Lancer's flames. Kuzuki attempted to kill Archer, only to get cut down. Shirou didn't say a word. While Shirou probably just goes: "Do you want food, a bath, or something?". Fear burned through his nerves like acid. But what about others? Merely the foolish squabble between mongrels who would delude themselves into seeking my Grail without my blessing., Every treasure of this earth is mine, Gilgamesh dismissed. The same swords Archer used. Fate Series credit goes to Type-Moon, and tv Series writers Gen Urobuchi(Zero), Takuya Sat(Stay Night), Kinkko Nasu(Last Encore), Yukihiro Miyamoto(Apocryph You know the drill, a guy name Y/n L/n get killed, he got reincarnated and bla bla bla. The Saga of Shirou's Summons By: Pallan Minerva. "Trace, on." He had taken the attack for Shirou, digging his lance into the ground in an attempt to anchor himself. Archer wants to kill him, so no? Karna recognized it as Excalibur, the Sword of Promised Victory. He is above the petty mongrel feeling of desire. Saber lunged at Karna, clashing weapons with him. Gilgamesh growled in frustration, deciding that he had to bring out his finest treasure. Only the front gate can be entered by a Servant, and I am stationed here to guard it from other Servants." "What is it, Rider? The mention of a contract also implied a bond to an extent, and though cryptid myths of spirits and possession likely had no place in Shirous unusual situation, he predicted a physical range in both his and Gilgameshs freedom. Astolfo smirked. Gilgamesh was so desperate to get his saber that it ended up with him losing like a dummy. The sound of Astolfo's Noble Phantasm, or one of them at least. (NOTE. It pierced through Berserker's chest. The arrow burst into flames the moment it was out of his hands, rocketing at Berserker like a missile. ", "He does pose a problem. The Lancer took off into the sky after her. Entered into the fifth holy grail war, he resolves to save as many as he can. Maybe, now that he knew what would happen to him, he could avert that fate. Needless to say, Karna immediately began pursuit the moment he realized what was happening. Astolfo darted through the hail of weapons aimed at him, occasionally deflecting one that got too close with his lance. Karna didn't like this. A good crossover fic is true hearts of steel, it's a Nier automata crossover and it gets Shirou pretty well. I was simply curious as to who could be such a threat that it needed your intervention." Don't let me down." Karna was sent flying down the street by the blow, digging his heels into the pavement to halt his momentum. Rin was fairly certain that was not an expression, but didn't even bother to say anything. In no world would he ever let that happen. Then again, alternate realities did exist, frustratingly enough. I like . Gil's too confident to take threats to his authority seriously. Obligation had clamped down on young Shirou to find happiness where those he had outlived could not, and, led by his first understanding of the foreign idea, Shirou had sought to accomplish what Kiritsugu had: to save someone. Saber stated, stepping into Karna's path so he couldn't get at Gilgamesh. Astolfo stated. Last Shirou checked, he owned the short-legged table that Gilgamesh had yet to see. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). Archer stood atop a hill roughly thirty meters away from Shirou. Archer's swords, Kanshou and Bakuya, appeared in his hands. "Not happening. Rin also deduced that Gilgamesh would go to Ryudou Temple to open the Holy Grail. ", Rin relented. Let's just see what you can do!" Fast forward 5 years, and the Holy Grail War begins. Inside (or rather in the courtyard of the temple grounds), Caster prepared to begin stripping Shirou of his Command Seals. The chain instead dug into Astolfo's flesh. Except, isn't Avalon nearly useless unless Saber is nearby? What would happen when Ritsuka summons Emiya Shirou in Chaldea? She swung the blade, unleashing a ultimate blast of power upon Karna. I kinda want a human body so I can keep being a hero, but it's not really that big a wish. With his wish granted he is transported to a new land with a far more corrupt capital than the one he fought and failed against in his previous life. In the holy grail war the seven servants were summoned. Gil would be summoned as a female and somehow fall in love with shirou. It was like he wasn't even putting in any effort with that last strike. Rider darted through the hail of magic, keeping his eyes purely focused on his target. I demand three, he scolded. Shirou managed to get up and stagger to the doorway. This meant that Shirou would have to face off against Kirei on his own. ", "Well, not everyone can be from so far back in time." Berserker lunged, aiming to tear Astolfo to pieces with his axe-sword. "Did you seriously just reveal your true name to me?". He created Bakuya in his other hand. He said. She fired another Gandr shot, which was once again stopped by Caster. Work Search: "You're always wound up about something, Emiya. Shirou got into range, wildly swinging his blades at Archer. Be a Hero of Justice. Shirou realized there was no way to survive this on his own, and used a Command Seal to summon Karna to him. Shirou eventually said. Saber was missing most of her right side, burned to ash in the wake of Karna's power. Shining_Nova, Fyrstorm, Smooth_Disaster, rc48177, Galaghiel, Golemox, frostfox, GhostColorMagic, fanheart1296, cheesecake_ate_natalich, Sunken_Grove, CatLadyJr, TanJaded, on_clockwork_wings, Spader37, itsrainingwhales, Kay_Kayla_Kyle, Sunnystar, chopstyx, Aysania, LoresWarden98, RawrMonster, Destoyer78901, novalotypo, Relwitz, DeclanDSI, Gomy_el_camaleon, acardier, LieutenantPaladine, Mr_Unlucky7, Kazuyuki, VittoriMarka, AMurosaki, Omnicron117, nekoshiro, depressed_Roman, SeleneRose, Readerfred, infrezia, Panda_17, ZaydenBlaze47, Councelling_Program, Hypegiaphobia, Ukkicamarud, CasualFateFan, Redskin122004, SerinaPark, SanctimoniousSibilance, CHAOS313, Lionheart5664, and 196 more users I will be executing the Faker first. The assistant guild master of Ainz Ooal Gown, Gilgamesh, finds himself in a not so strange new world. Fine, as reward for summoning me without fainting, I'll tell you my true name.". Sometimes, Shirou summons Gilgamesh. There's another method, but it's" Rin trailed off. Astolfo stated. Archer tersely stated. Karna looked to the Holy Grail, floating in the sky. I hope we will get the chance to continue our fight at a later date." Caster barely managed to get back, taking to the sky. "May we meet each other again in the future. Fate New Rebellion by lioncousin. Unlimited Blade Works crumbled away, its owner too exhausted to maintain it further. Just lots of slice of life in the life of a certain Archer at his time in Chaldea. Karna truly shed his armor and earrings. ", "I don't." No, that's putting it lightly. You shouldn't be surprised. "Like I thought. "You really do have a one track mind, don't you? Shirou asked. ", "You're not even worried about yourself, huh? He was running on fumes by this point and was going to need to conserve what little mana he had just to exist. . THIS IS A COPY AND PASTE FROM THE REAL FANFICTION ON FANFICTION.NET. When the flames cleared, nothing was left of Berserker. "Where am I? Then I will deal with the enemy. He dropped Astolfo's sword. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. Shirou asked. Let's beat Gilgamesh. I'll hold off Gilgamesh.". ", "Relax, Shirou. You can only use them once, but it's crazy strong!" Karna stated, touching down on the grass. They both shared a strong sense of justice and kind hearts. And then she stopped, hearing something. ", Gilgamesh had to stifle the urge to laugh. Einzbern sighed. Shinji had ordered her to attack the team of Shirou and Rin at school, hoping to catch them when their Servants were off-guard.