Not uncommon for an end cap to come out of bat. Dans la mesure o une version traduite de la prsente garantie contredit la version anglaise, la version anglaise prvaudra alors. Washing the bat with a mild soap and water solution will remove any dirt or dust that may be causing the rattling noise. End Cap Re-attach: If your cap has come COMPLETELY off we can re-attach your cap securely so it does not come off again. As many things can make a bat unusable, you should know why that is. And remember: always keep your bats in a safe place when not in use so they dont get damaged during storage or transport. They asked me to send some pictures of the bat. It's out of warranty, so the shop I got it from is out of the equation. We do all types of pest control, but termites are our specialty. First of all, locate the crack and fill it completely with glue, such as wood glue or superglue. Add to Cart. We keep using our bats that rattle. | @BatDigest. Use electrical tape to replace crumbling handle grips. If you purchased an unengraved aluminum bat from, the bat must be returned within 30 days of purchase date in order to be eligible for a refund. We have someone ready to take your call at all times! However, replacing the endcap isnt something we like to do, and it really increases the chances we caused more problems than we solve. Do you need it repaired or replaced? Follow these simple steps to get your bat back in action: Check the screws that attach the handle to the bat. How many hits is a composite bat good for? Denting, on the other hand, happens only on aluminum (alloy) bats. 1 talking about this. Follow these simple tips for fixing your bat and avoiding future repairs- and youll have years of fun playing baseball worry free! What happens when a composite bat cracks? Identify the source of the crack, such as one in the handle, on the end of the bat or in the barrel of the bat. All Rights Reserved by Baseball Almanac, Inc. Privacy Policy. Again, the vast majority of the time, it's nothing to worry about when a bat rattles. Dans la pleine mesure permise par les lois applicables, les frais de dpt pour intenter et poursuivre larbitrage seront partags entre Louisville Slugger et vous, mais vos frais ne dpasseront en aucun cas le montant admissible par lAmerican Arbitration Association et, ce stade, Louisville Slugger couvrira tous les frais administratifs et dpenses supplmentaires. Can you break in a composite bat with a rubber mallet? By practicing in a batting cage, you can work on your timing, accuracy, and power. One question or complaint we hear a lot is about bat rattle. However, there are instances when these cuts do not meet that players exact specifications of length, weight, balance point, handle or knob shape, etc. To learn more about the shipping costs of a bat and different couriers, take a look at my helpful article about it. The wood comes from bats actually used in Major League Baseball games. Asked by: Robert Sutton. EN REMPLACEMENT DE TOUT AUTRE RECOURS POUR TOUTES PERTES ET TOUS DOMMAGES DCOULANT DE QUELQUE CAUSE QUE CE SOIT (Y COMPRIS LA NGLIGENCE, LES DOMMAGES ALLGUS OU LES MARCHANDISES DFECTUEUSES DE LOUISVILLE SLUGGER, QUE CES DFAUTS SOIENT OU NON DCOUVRABLES OU CACHS), LOUISVILLE SLUGGER PEUT, SON ENTIRE DISCRTION, RPARER OU REMPLACER VOTRE PRODUIT, OU REMBOURSER SON PRIX DACHAT. Make sure area is completely dry.Step 3Apply a flexible epoxy to the inside of the barrel where the cap will seat into the barrel. A small piece of glue from the end cap or connection piece has fallen into the barrel and shakes around when you shake the bat. Marucci will issue a refund to your credit card within 10 business days from the date we receive the bat. Your email address will not be published. This almost made me stop reading. Epoxy resin glue. A crack is a deep separation of the outer wall of the bat and in most cases impacts the performance of the bat in a negative way. If it is not, tighten screws or bolts on the bat. 801-419-4939. In general, the rattling noise in a bat isnt bad, and it doesent mean that its broken. A professional will assist you with scope and estimates, but having a clear idea of what you want to accomplish will help communication. Remove any excess glue and allow it to dry for 12 to 24 hours. Free shipping for many products! 2023 Louisville Slugger All rights reserved. 9260 S 300 E. Sandy, UT 84092. Major Appliance Refinishing & Repair. Tips Repair the handle of your bat by carefully separating the crack and applying wood glue, then follow with the clamps. However, the rattle would be substantial if that is the case, and the end cap would likely be loose. Disclaimer: This site uses affiliate links. We hear many questions on the Quatros from Rawlings. Please read the text under the section titled Binding Arbitration Agreement; Class Action Waiver (U.S. It can be pressed on using a large 40 clamp or you can place the cap on the floor and put the barrel over the cap and use your body weight to seat the end cap.Step 5 Clean the excess epoxy of the barrel with a mineral spirit or alcohol. Mar 1, 2016 195 18. Our warranty policy permits a direct replacement bat in the same size and same color. There is the bottom portion that was still glued inside the barrell and top part that separated from the lower half. Super Hot Batsis not responsible in any way if slight alterations have to be made to the bat in order to accomplish the shaving process. An aluminum baseball bat is a great choice for people who are looking to buy an affordable, durable and effective tool. La prsente garantie sapplique dans la mesure maximale non interdite par la loi. First and foremost, protect yourself and make sure the contractor and any sub-contractors are licensed, bonded and insured. Please send an email to to schedule a time to visit and learn more about our facilities. How do I know if my composite bat is broken? The warranty is included with purchase of bats from Shipments valued at CAD$200 and above and/or being imported to Canada for commercial purposes and/or subject to specialized clearance may incur additional fees. However, softball associations state that a rattling bat is illegal, which is bad. EN UTILISANT VOTRE BTON LOUISVILLE SLUGGER NON EN BOIS, VOUS CONVENEZ DTRE LI PAR LENSEMBLE DES MODALITS DE LA PRSENTE GARANTIE. A softball bat rattles because some of the glue from the endcap or a small connecting piece has fallen off to the inside of the bat. Visit and fill out the online bat warranty form to receive a warranty claim number and return address or call the Louisville Slugger Bat Care Center at 1-800-401-7908. Nutilisez AUCUN solvant ou produit base dammoniac. Just looking to get a new cap put on. A rubber mallet can be used for a variety of different jobs. It can be done by the beginner but practice makes perfection. Vous pouvez en apprendre davantage au sujet de lAmerican Arbitration Association et de ses rgles darbitrage en visitant ou en composant le 800-778-7879. Breaking in a baseball bat is one of them. I sent a message to DeMarini and they responded. Louisville Slugger waives its right to recover attorneys fees in connection with any arbitration under this warranty. AVANT DUTILISER VOTRE BTON, VEUILLEZ LIRE ATTENTIVEMENT LA PRSENTE GARANTIE. DO NOT use solvents or any ammonia-based products. The bat works fine and isnt broke. DO NOT RETURN YOUR BAT TO YOUR SPORTING GOODS DEALER. A composite softball bat should last approxitmently 18 months with normal wear and tear. If the problem is with the hinge mechanism, replace the bat entirely. Si Louisville Slugger vient la conclusion que votre bton est couvert par la garantie, Louisville Slugger vous offrira alors son entire discrtion (1) la rparation de votre bton, ou (2) le remplacement de votre bton par le mme modle de bton, ou (3) le remplacement de votre bton par un bton comparable dans lhypothse o votre bton serait retir ou ne serait pas disponible par ailleurs, ou (4) un bon devant tre utilis en vue de lachat dautres produits Louisville Slugger sur ou Todd Grose. Remarque - Louisville Slugger se rserve le droit de refuser le service sous garantie toute personne qui, lentire discrtion de Louisville Slugger, fait un usage abusif de ses produits ou de la politique de garantie. It is a standard measurement for bats in order to keep track of their performance. Services and species Trapping to remove nuisance wildlife including skunks, raccoons, foxes, rats and other non-protected species. Visit, review the Terms and Conditions on the featured page, and complete the Return Authorization Form at the bottom of the screen. BBCOR stands for Bat-Ball Coefficient of Restitution. La prsente garantie vous donne des droits particuliers, et vous pouvez galement avoir dautres droits qui varient dun tat lautre et dune province lautre. If you are experiencing a rattle in your bat, there are several steps that you can take to try and fix the issue. Add to Cart. Information Articles FAQs Bat . Step 5Again, roll the bat slowly added pressure with patience. Customers do not need to register bats purchased from Always 180 degrees not 90 degrees. Most sellers and brands have a warranty that covers a rattling bat. Replacing bats can be done at home using simple tools and instructions. Except as may be required by law, neither you nor Louisville Slugger nor an arbitrator may disclose the existence, content, or results of any arbitration under this warranty without the prior written consent of you and Louisville Slugger. You can also use sand paper or a file.Step 2Clean the area you just sanded to remove excess debris. SOME STATES (INCLUDING NEW JERSEY) AND PROVINCES DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. To give you a great example of service, Big Dawg bats offer a great bat rattle removal service. How Do You Know If Your Softball Bat Is Broken? Related: 11 Best Softball Brands: The Queens Of Softball. Just Bat Reviews, LLC DBA Bat Digest participate in affiliate marketing programs including but not limited to Amazon and eBay. Lets start with a bent bat. If you have the time, money and patience you can learn to effectively remove end caps but there is not going to be an easy instruction manual because there are so many variables and techniques for specific bats.Replacement of an end capReplacement is a little easier. A bat can split on one of the grains of the barrel and as long as that piece is sheared at a thickness of less than an inch, the bat can be repaired to fairly good condition. Most bats companies will honor a warranty if there is a rattle in the bat. If the seller refuses, you can say that you arent allowed to play with the bat as it is illegal to use a rattling bat, even tho most umpires see it as a regular thing in bats which it is. SAME-DAY SHIPPING FOR ELIGIBLE ORDERS PLACED BY 12:00 PM CST, MONDAY - FRIDAY. les btons ayant fait lobjet dune utilisation errone ou abusive ou qui nont pas t entretenus conformment aux instructions (y compris lutilisation dans des cages de frappeurs commerciales); les dommages autres que les trois problmes susmentionns ( savoir, usure normale / dommages cosmtiques); les btons qui ont fait lobjet de modifications ou daltrations non autorises, y compris le roulement, lamincissement ou autre forme de falsification ; les btons achets auprs de revendeurs non agrs.