This includes loss of jurisdiction not only to continue with the trial but to convict and also to imprison. I dont understand what is so difficult in making a decision to compensate the Jones for their losses over these false allegations. I had a similar thing happen to me my ex partner tried to kill me repeatedly punching me in the head and then bashing my head repeatedly against a brick wall. Write by: . No one should be allowed to destroy another human being with lies. She is currently living with her suspended NSW police officer husband, Scott John White, in the Wollongong area and has changed her name to Sarah Jane White. It is evident that he was falsely accused and imprisoned. What followed was the unravelling of Sarah Jane Parkinsons cruel fantasy story about her fiance, and exposed her attempt to strip Mr Jones of everything he owned, including the house they had built together. I just cant find the words to fit the evil in this person, And her new love is just as bad, If theres any justice they will be put in a straight line and shot with one bullit, scum like this belongs on a pond, and thats where they should throw the bodys. June 30, 2022 . She would turn up to work with self-inflicted bruises and marks and claimed that Daniel had assaulted her. Revealed: The new '23' number plates the DVLA deems offensive and has banned including EU23 OFF and GO23 HEL, The secret WhatsApp mode that lets you EDIT texts after you've sent them. News; Opinion; Case of Sarah Jane Parkinson and Daniel Jones show dangerous anti-male bias in Canberra. A true victim is not going to plead guilty to writing false statements and allegations, a victim is not going to do the things that Sarah did, and for the justice system to even imply this SHOWS that they are corrupt. June 14th, 2022 . daniel jones sarah jane parkinsoncabo marina slip rates. Parkinson, a former police worker, alleged the rape against her former partner while he was a prison guard at Canberra's jail. I know the experience of waking up to a horrifying reality of who you thought was your best friend, is really an evil monster sent to harm you. I think that she just wanted to play victim because the attention was first rate. Ive just read Michelle Jones (Dans mum) account of the saga: Parkinson has never faced cross-examination, even at her own trial. The police stick together. Unfortunately, the Radical Feminism movement has this so stitched that unless a story is this bad or a man is deliberately killed in a vicious premeditated manner, the story wont even be run in mainstream media let alone restitutions paid. He was served with an AVO (apprehended violence order) after Parkinson told her colleagues at the Queanbeyan Police Station that he had abused her. Having seen Dan Jones in Perth WA in the last year, Im intrigued and interested. Please! This sick lady Parkerson or White will never touch Dutch soil. Parkinson had made false allegations of rape before. He was never charged despite all my obvious injuries. Dective Alexander is a Hero in my book, the type of person we need in Law Enforcment. These sections are so unfair to an accused, and the VIC parliament knows it is unfair. I left school at 16 with six GCSEs - and became a self-made millionaire. But the Australian Government continues to pander to them, the true offenders. I lost my beautiful home and my life spiralled out of control. All the benefits of simply switching from white to brown - AND how purple, Why is Britain experiencing so many earthquakes? They are good people and she destroyed that family. Parkinson got a job as a clerical assistant at a local police station and soon started to feed her colleagues lies about her partner. Detective Sergeant Alexander proved Parkinson to be a compulsive liar, beginning with a timestamped social media photo that showed he wasn't at the scene of what his fiancee claimed was a brutal sexual assault. I dont understand why Dan was sent to prison, wrongfully, for a period of time much longer than Sarah Jones Parkingson who had been confirmed by Leesa Alexander to be a serial liar and obvious abuser of the system ? Magistrate Beth Campbell described her as showing incomprehensible, wicked behaviour.. Unfortunately, this and many sagas like it continue! This is how I met Vic. The last of these 3 letters from the girl was actually delivered in person to Vic (while he was in prison) by a member of the Victoria Police with advice to show it to his lawyers. daniel jones sarah jane parkinsonmeadowglen lane apartments. She wanted it all and would lie and lie until she got it. This family was destroyed by this woman and her lover, which was an investigating officer in this case. On March 21 2014, Mr Jones was arrested for raping Parkinson despite this picture proving he was somewhere else at the time of the alleged assault. @Neil Has Australia achieved equal pay for equal work because most of the western world is still slowly getting there? Parkinson was jailed for three years and one month. The police who allowed this to happen need to be on trailtheyre disgusting. She accused him of urinating on her, locking her out of their home and hitting her in the face with a plank of wood. The ACT police service is not acting in the public interest. The young couple quickly made plans to marry and Daniel even built them a home so they could live together. No wonder we have lost faith in our police and so called legal system. I listened to a short excerpt of a police interview she seems in that to have agreed to the proposition that she drove to her ex-fiancees residence and planted the phone. In 2011, when Daniel Jones first met Sarah Jane Parkinson, he was under the impression that he had finally found the woman he would spend the rest of his life with. Get your need-to-know You should have to pay this family some money for at the very least NOT DOING YOUR JOB. There was no physical evidence, no admissions, no other evidence whatsoever, just the false testimony of this girl. I believe the Jones have sufferedserious injury throughout this debale and should also be rightly compensated. At least that would send a clear message of apology which might repair the publics opinion of them. And the family, while victims of crime, cannot get back the money they spent on lawyers trying to prove Daniels innocence. Daniel Jones, 31, spent four-and-a-half months in Goulburn prison, 195km south-west of Sydney, in 2014 afterhis then fiancee Sarah Jane Parkinson made 32 horrific allegations against him. In a whirlwind romance, the young couple quickly made plans to marry andMr Jones even built a house so they could live together. I hope that ultimately this family receive the justice they deserve and I hope the same for the Whites. Give them back some of their dignity. This followed five years of Parkinson's vicious attempts to destroy Dan, her ex-fianc, and his family, with the help of crooked cops. As a totally independent body, not part of the police or government, they investigate and make decisions on serious and sensitive cases, including where police action may have led to death or serious injury. He wrote to his parents: Im scared I shouldnt be, because Ive done nothing at all but there is a small percentage in me that tells me Im f---ed.. Sarah-Jane Parkinson, 28, was on Thursday sentenced to more than three years in jail in the ACT Magistrates Court for the false claim made in 2014, in which she went as far as to stage a crime scene. I really feel empathy for the victims of this scumbag Parkinson/White and the corrupt cops who aided her in her crimes. As for the two perpetrators, their callous actions are being rewarded by the ineptitude of their sentencing, rubbing salt further into the wounds of the jones family. When police asked me about this I admitted Id bitten his hand in self defence when he was trying to kill me. SJP and her crooked cronies need to be held financially accountable. The latest development is Stop Sarah Jane Parkinson getting early parole Read More Make as many people aware as you can. She does not wanna come to Denmark let me just put it like that. Why .. The AFP and police are incompetent. 'I'd just built a house and she'd moved in with me, everything was going well,' he told 60 Minutes in an upcoming interview. Compulsive liar Sarah Jane Parkinson set up a campaign to destroy her former partner and his family with a string of assault accusations. Compulsive liar Sarah Jane Parkinson set up a campaign to destroy her former partner and his family with a string of assault accusations. by | Jun 9, 2022 | if you unfriend someone on facebook, do their tags disappear | raf wildenrath married quarters | Jun 9, 2022 | if you unfriend someone on facebook, do their tags disappear | raf wildenrath married quarters She WILL strike again! Mr Jones pictured with his parents Michelle and Ian who went to battle for their son amid the false accusations. Honest, Intelligent and Hardworking she saw through Parkinson pretty quickly which begs the question what kind of muppets investigated the case in the first place. The family became increasingly fearful Mr Jones could spend over a decade in prison - until Detective Sergeant Leesa Alexander came to save the day. I have never heard of such an injustice. Ive signed the petition. The police officer added: I thought if shes lied to me, perhaps shes lied to the other investigators. From the VIC Parliament, check out s164 (4) and (5) of the Evidence Act (VIC) amended with these sections by VIC Parliament in 2014. Sex, lies and police tape airs this Sunday at 8.30pm on Channel Nine. I agree, the entire cop-out that prosecuting someone who has intentionally made false allegations WILL NOT harm TRUE victims. (60 Minutes) In 2011, when 25-year-old Jones met 20-year-old Sarah Jane Parkinson, it was love at first sight. I just watched the same 60 Minutes piece and it was more than heartbreaking! ', Mr Jones has now found love again, but his family say his family are still struggling after spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on legal fees. This time Parkinson alleged her former partner had raped her - despite photographic evidence proving otherwise. The couple became engaged after a few short months and Mr Jones even built a house so they could live together. Full compensation should be paid to Jones family for all the pain and suffering they have endured. All this family can receive now is compensationSomeone start a gofundme or whatever you do in Australia. I was horrified that might be the case.. Albeit what happened to Dan Jones was horrible, he was never tried; indeed, his criminal case was dismissed. Daniel Jones, 31, (pictured) spent four and a half months in Goulburn prison, 195km south-west of Sydney, in 2014 when his ex-fiancee accused him of rape, Mr Jones was not the first man Parkinson (pictured) accused of rape. The Courts, Lawyers and Registrars. After two years, AFP Professional Standards in Melbourne still claims to be investigating the behaviour of police in the case with absolutely no results to date. I saw a 60 minutes minutes episode about this on YouTube and Im shocked on how the hell she can get away with not just destroying 1 but 2 innocent families. I happened upon this too..a mother of two boys I constantly warn them that there are some women who are predators and they can change and destroy your life as I have seen on two occasions with a few people I a womanI feel she is disgusting and should do 50 years in prison with little chance of parole! (60 Minutes) When questioned by police, Mr Jones was adamant he had never been violent towards Parkinson - but taking her word against his, police backed Parkinson. Daniel, as a former prison officer, had to be kept in isolation away from other inmates at Australias tough Goulburn jail. The comments below have been moderated in advance. The fact that Parkinson had form for this 10 years previously only makes their ineptitude worse. Loose Women star Jane Moore puts her seven-bed Battersea home on the market for 4.5M three months after Are YOU a romantic comedy buff? Perjury is minor to rape, robbery, or murder. The couple continued to live together, but Mr Jones became increasingly concerned his partner was cheating on him with a policeman. Then the cops from that departmentall scum. Sarah Jane Parkinson must be psychotic! I hope they find peace from this nightmare soon. Sarah Jane White needs to be back in jail. In a police interview that same year, Parkinson told Detective Sergeant Leesa Alexander she was convinced Mr Jones had committed the vile act against her. Jones, a former Australian Federal Police dog handler,. Ian said the family were put into fight mode as they were up against the police and incurring huge legal costs. The real crime here has been committed by the AFP, DPP and the ACT Police, why are they so unaccountable ? Many would deny this but it is a part of policing that very few would admit to. They deserve more. He said she said is not evidence and in no way a proper way to prosecute people. Because theyre just as corrupt if not worse, and get off on victimizing people who have no recourse to hold them accountable? What horrible horrible creatures allowed freedom. I'm a vet, and here are five dog breeds most prone to cancer - including Golden Retrievers and Rottweilers. Inside Prince Harry's finances from when he met Meghan Markle to landing 100M with Netflix and book Spare 'Why the last-minute delay?' Thank you for taking the time to read this; and I apologise for the length of this contribution. Mom who lost both sons to fentanyl blasts laughing Biden, Two Russian tanks annihilated with bombs by Ukrainian armed forces, Isabel Oakeshott receives 'menacing' message from Matt Hancock, Pavement where disabled woman gestured at cyclist before fatal crash, Pro-Ukrainian drone lands on Russian spy planes exposing location, 'Buster is next!' Her crime was also described as a mockery of genuine domestic and sexual violence claims. All the benefits of simply switching from white to brown - AND how purple, Why is Britain experiencing so many earthquakes? They should have overcompensated the family and fired all employees involved. Parkinsons false accusations resulted in police charging Mr Jones with over 32 offences including domestic abuse and violent rape and being incarcerated in Goulburn Corrections Centre, a maximum securityprison in New South Wales, while awaiting his trial. Mr Jones was sent to Goulburn prison while his devastated parents prepared for the battle of their lives. Single mother faces 170 parking fine after overstaying at McDonald's for just 14 minutes while she treated Man had sex with his wife on bollard in protest after it had been erected by neighbour to stop him parking What will the next pandemic be? BETTINA ARNDTs update on the infamous Sarah Jane Parkinson case of false rape accusations, and its ongoing damage. How hard can it be?? Id been swindled, out of a house, money , kids and Possessions. Tonight on 60 Minutes, a broken family speaks exclusively to reporter Liz Hayes, about the woman who tried to bring them down and their unwavering determination to prove their sons innocence. Does that mean she showed remorse for her crime (i.e. Despite the horrific sequence of events, it seems that Mr Jones has found love again. ', 'She's a lying, vindictive, cancerous woman.'. Apart from claims of domestic violence, it is also seen with child support claims and false rape allegations. Then the conflict of interest of failing to declare a relationship with officer White? Id been talking to the Queanbeyan NSW Police SGT Paul Bartiso. Despite the best efforts of the Jones family and many of my followers to lobby the ACT parole board, Parkinson was released after serving the minimum non parole period of just over 2 years. These are 2 devils being allowed to live among the people..Its disgusting. If she did this much damage to him before that, imagine what she would have done, if he had of married her. Even worse is that the States Police Force is reluctant to make any comment. Innocent man sent to jail for rape by his own fianc ,Dan Jones and Sarah Jane ParkinsonThe Sarah-Jane Parkinson case, involving Canberra resident Sarah-Jane. While in prison, Vic showed me 3 letters he had received (at different times) from the girl apologising for lying to the court. The women who have fought, and who have had courage to change their lives and work to help others of REAL domestic violence should be outragedbut when I brought this up to a woman who is a womens adovacate she said that if they did that then other woman would be afraid to come forwardwhich is an ignorant, self-serving commentNO ONE HAS THE RIGHT to destroy, damage or falsely accuse ANYONE..the Austrailian government should do the right thing and take away Whites pension if any and should settle with the Jones family out of court for damagesthe police should be sued for millions for the actual damages done to this a woman I am furious that these types of women are allowed to exist in society basically unchallenged. The authorities should get their fingers out and compensate Dan & his family.Nicky uk. These journalists have spent several full days in Nov/Dec 2022 with Vic preparing for their book (soon to be published) that they are currently writing on the failure of justice for Vic. Please sign it and make your voice a part of the movement against narcissistic abuse: We asked the experts - and their answers will terrify you Public Service Announcement, do NOT watch these ads! June 30, 2022 . It is happening here in Victoria too as I know from first hand personal experience. I then advised the judge I would no longer participate in his trial due to it being so blatantly unfair. I am a former UK Police officer. I totally support it. I was severely harassed and assaulted by police. Parkinson also tried to claim someone had broken into her car while she was at work but CCTV footage showed she was the only one opening and closing her own vehicle. For examples of how rotten the Victorian legal system is (blatant and deliberate judicial misconduct) and the Victorian Parliaments part in the rot. Her investigation into Parkinsons allegations finally exposed the truth and her lies. Cmon people! The Jones family is nervous that White plans to wriggle out of the serious charges he is facing and have expressed concern to the DPP. jones mountain twin vs capita mercury. This case is not even known by most people in the ACT. But, to thoroughly ruin her ex-fiancees family was going beyond the pale. Sarah Jane .. we are as a community coming after you. As a former prison officer, Mr Jones says he feared for his life every day. Their relationship ended in November 2013. The Jones family deserve justice. Required fields are marked *, Please send me an email when you publish new articles. More TV, protests. How can the public have any faith in the DPP, AFP or ACT police. This family needs immediate restitution of all that they lost monetarily. A question for you, or for other readers, Gina: She was granted parole, apparently. Of course he will evade whatever. John Scott Whites police colleagues are not much better. His family was torn to the point his parents divorced. Jones, 31, was arrested at a room in her parents' home and was detained by. Parkinson's lies snowballed and in 2014 she claimed she had been raped. clearly he was wrongfully accused the family should get back everything they spent PLUS the guy should get 5 months worth of work money he missed out on due to being in prison. Interactive map reveals when you may see SNOW, Revealed: The top 10 fastest-growing destinations for UK pensioners retiring overseas. On assualt Charges. Her last picture noted on this slideshow shows the juxtaposition of her innocent face next to the jumbled example of what her mind must be like .duplicity and blur of character is a narcissist's staple.Here is a link to an article about this horrific tale of narcissistic destruction: is a link for a petition to help the family that was brutally changed forever because of this narcissist. I dont usually have a say on Facebook but this really made me fear for our justice system. In Victoria, my mate Vic was imprisoned from 2016 -2022 on the single, false testimony of one person, a teenage girl who claimed he had sex with her under age. The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline. Attacked, Swindled, arrested, charged, told to Play the Game. The unfair trial forced upon me resulted in false imprisonment of myself by a judge who clearly not only had the appearance of bias but made so many errors, always giving the prosecution an unfair advantage, that there are scores of examples to establish actual biased against me. Picture: Supplied In January, the former ACT Policing clerk was sentenced to three years jail for making false rape accusations and faking a crime scene, behaviour Magistrate Beth Campbell described as "wicked" and "incomprehensible". In other words if they see an opportunity to sleep with a woman, they will believe anything she says and move heaven and earth to prove her claims via confirmation bias. Despite the evidence, Mr Jones was sent to Goulburn prison while his devastated parents prepared for the battle of their lives. The whole world should come after this monster of a lady called sarah jane and the systems that allowed such wickedness to transpire in the first place. Daniel Jones was charged with 32 domestic violence charges including the violent rape of his partner Sarah Jane Parkinson. Where is the justice? Last week the perpetrator of this crime, Sarah Jane Parkinson, was sent to prison for three years for false rape accusations and faking a crime scene. It was the discovery of their affair that led Jones to break off his engagement with Parkinson, and White and his other crooked cop mates were right in there, helping Parkinson try to destroy Jones and his family. Mr Jones has now found love again, but his family they are still struggling after spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on legal fees. It also seems that he was a part of her lies. This woman AND the local PD are pure evil! She hurt a lot of people, for the simplest reason that she was bored with Dan. Usually, the crooked police are the ones holding high rank, thats how it is in Tasmania. Daniel Jones, 31, spent four-and-a-half months in Goulburn prison, 195km south-west of Sydney, in 2014 after his then fiancee Sarah Jane Parkinson made 32 horrific allegations against. On one occasion, she alleged she had been driven off the road by a man wielding a steak knife but police were able to prove the weapon belonged to a set she owned. Then follow up and do the right thing: compensate the Jones family. Jessica is of course guilty, but quite honestly shes more deranged than anything else. Dan Jones compensation, and the need to further enforce penalty for serial false accusers. Learn how your comment data is processed. The idea of an innocent person being in jail is horrific, not just to a police officer, but everybody, Detective Alexander says. Welcome to the Coronation! Surely investigations are completed first and a view formed based on evidence, not the other way around! He stated that he had not assisted Parkinson to write her statements but there is undeniable evidence that he did coach her. 5 This picture of Dan. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Daniels parents Ian and Michelle separated after over 30 years of marriage because of the stress of the situation. []. Your email address will not be published. It seems to me that this is a no brainers. Detective Sergeant Alexander said she saw photos of Parkinson on her phone looking 'very happy' while Mr Jones was in prison. 'You've come from meeting this innocent, sweet girl to this premeditated monster who is capable of making all these allegations against you without a care in the world,' Mr Jones said. Daniel Jones, an Australian prison guard, had dated Sarah-Jane Parkinson, an airline worker, since 2011. 'I was crushed I'd just built a house. Sounds like the Sarah Parkinson/Sarah White situation all over again! From 2007 to 2021. I hope they all get the full force of the law yea, what law. Daniel Jones has survived a living nightmare. Ive since seen the houses, they are all using to ABUSE MY RIGHTS. The Government are there to protect and serve good law abiding citizens , not break them , if the systems failures break people ,then these people must be compensated for the failure to protect and serve. I think we can agree that 60 minutes Australie is part of the mainstream media and did cover the story, it s what lead me to this web page. Astonishingly, Daniel Jones and his family have. Test yourself with this Cockney Rhyming Slang quiz. Nor could he have attacked his former partner with a kitchen knife while GPS showed his family was not responsible for a burglary at Parkinsons home. I feel so, so badly for everything they suffered for years. She alleged a Canberra man, the father of her best friend at the time, also sexually assaulted her, 'I think it was just sheer desperation, like it's been a rough few years with Daniel.'. God bless you young lady, if there were more women like you in the world there would be much less unwarranted hatred towards men. You and I can not understand that logic, but it is a real motive for these lies. The saga continues. Mr Jones met Sarah Jane Parkinson in 2011 when they both worked at Canberra airport, and he thought she was the love of his life. I cant imagine what they have gone through or still going through. The whole world should be afraid of her I hope anyone coming in contact with her, or living anywhere near her, avoid her at all costs. I think thats his name. Canberra manKeith Lewis was wrongly accused of sexually assaulting Parkinson a decade ago.