However, the Government would expect councils to take into account wider public sector pay awards and overall affordability when negotiating the pay settlement. Councils benefit from Holyrood windfall. Our members in schools are perhaps the best example: while it was often said that schools were closed during the lockdowns it was school support staff who went into schools to provide education for vulnerable children and the children of key workers, while infection rates were extremely high and before there was any protection from a vaccine. There is strength in numbers, employers can ignore one voice but when we all speak together they have to take notice. We are asking councillors to debate and sign this model motion for councils. In the last GMB update we advised you that we have approached Local Government employers across England, Wales and Northern Ireland setting out our disappointment on the pay offer and asked it to be improved. Further details of pay scales will be issued shortly. If you would like GMB to visit your workplace to update you on the pay offer and ballot, please contact your Regional GMB office and we will arrange a date to come to your workplace. Unisons ballot result for Northern Ireland is not due until Thursday 10th February. An. Work will now start on consulting for next years pay claim. In GMB only members have their say on pay and we now need you to take part in this important ballot and let us know if you are prepared to accept or reject the pay offer. "Local Government Employers refused to jointly make representation with the unions to the Chancellor on pay, which is frankly disgraceful. The more people who join GMB, the stronger we can make your work better. The pay claim for 2021/22 from UNISON, GMB and Unite calls for a 'substantial' pay rise to tackle ten years of pay restraint and recognise the key role played by staff during the pandemic. I would like to offer my apologies for the delayed response. The supplemental appropriations measure, known as House Bill 14, included an 8.7% pay increase on top of the 7.5% that was approved last year. In 2021, federal employees received a 1.0% across-the-board increase and no adjustment to locality pay. Date: 15/07/2021 Council employees have been offered a pay increase of 1.50% from 1 April 2021. Although the sums involved in this are largely negligible (for example an employee on 20k per year would lose only 4.38 of the back pay), we strongly believe that you have waited long enough and should get every penny owed. We put all Local Government, Councils, Schools and Academies Pay updates covered by the NJC on the GMB website, so please visit to find out the latest. National Secretary Wed 21 Jul 2021 04.00 EDT Last modified on Fri 23 Jul 2021 06.45 EDT GMB will urge Local Government employers to get back round the table and improve the pay offer or GMB members will have no alternative but to begin preparing for an Industrial Action Campaign for Pay Justice. A member consultation will be issued in the coming weeks for you to complete to ensure you have your say on your pay. FAO: England, Wales, & Northern Ireland. Please ensure your details are up to date as only GMB members will get a vote in our ballot. Message a friend on Facebook, Twitter or WhatsApp, 2. PRESS RELEASE: 14 MAY 2021 Secretary of State Department for Levelling Up, The National Employers wish to make the following one-year offer: The employers also reject the element of your claim that seeks, a joint review of job descriptions, routes for career developments and pay banding for school support staff as these are matters entirely for local determination rather than by the NJC. GMB have written to the NJC national employers across local government, councils and schools asking them to join with the trade unions and make a joint approach to the Westminster Government, for more funding for local government pay. FAO: Council, Local Authority and Local Government workers acrossEngland, Wales, & Northern Ireland. We communicated the clear strength of feeling among local government, council and school workers about how disappointed and angry people are and why members have rejected the plans for pay cuts. We are grateful for all of their important work and focus over a difficult year. A 1.75% pay rise for local government employees, backdated from 1 April 2021, was agreed at the end of last month, and at the time the Local Government Association encouraged employers to implement it as swiftly as possible. GMB Union is calling on you to urgently address this pressing matter and offer financial support to protect jobs and services. GMBwill meet with the other recognised unions (Unison & Unite) on Tuesday 1st November 2022 and notify them and the employers of our result. The delay in getting the pay rise out to employees is being blamed on union procedures. Rehana Azam For every four GMB members who voted, three rejected the employers 1.75% pay offer for 2021/22. This includes: The latest NJC circular focuses on the Governments announcement on working from home across England only. Terms and conditions I welcome the recommendations relating to teachers' terms and conditions. Become a workplace organiser - step up to be your work colleagues voice in your workplace! The pay negotiations will also be influenced by shifting government policy. Following a review of our capital budgets, general capital funding for local government for 2022-23 will be set at 150m. Visit our, Council employees set to lose part of pay rise. The results are in. A copy of the letter sent to the NJC trade unions, along with a copy of the employers media statement, are set out below. Policy paper. IN GMB ALL MEMBERS HAVE A SAY ON THEIR PAY SO MAKE SURE DETAILS ARE UP TO DATE, GMB 2020, all rights reserved Public service pensions increase . GMB Mary Turner House At a time of economic crisis for millions of people, with the cost of living spiralling out of control there should be clarity and leadership from Government, and it is disappointing that your department has chosen to ignore such an important issue. This circular sets out pay restoration due on 1 July 2021 as provided for in the Public Service Pay and Pensions Act 2017 ('the Act') 2 Marsham Street However, in a letter recently received on 18th May, 2020 the LGA Board made up of councillors have informed us they will not be approaching the government for any more resources to award to employees in recognition of their response to the COVID-19 emergency. For workers aged under 23, Commissioners recommended. Unions previously said the negotiations had reached a deadlock after the government initially offered no increase.. All results are being analysed by regional teams toidentifypotential local campaigning targets outside of this national pay claim. Recruit a member - Strength in numbers! A School? The Government has urged everyone in England, from next Monday 13 December, to work at home where possible. GMBs priority isto make sure your workplace is safe so please do get in touch if you are worried about lack of safety measures at work. 12 January 2021. Make sure you get your ballot paper and vote if you have not received your ballot paper, please contact your local GMB Region or Branch Office, Tuesday 10th August 2021 Backpay for Thank you to all GMB members who responded to recent surveys regarding your aspirations for pay this year. A debt limit increase under unified Democratic government in 2010 even included the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010, a fiscally responsible piece of legislation serving as a backstop to deficit increases caused by Congress that, unfortunately, has never been allowed to go into effect. To promote our Local Government Survey, we've produced these posters for your local workplacenoticeboards: This has been a difficult year for workers across local government. Perhaps you deliver a service across Local Government? The 2023-24 rate peg also includes an adjustment for the change in the superannuation guarantee in 2021-22. . Public sector workers and the people of our country deserve better. Follow the link below to do this. Given the experience of the past twenty-one months, all councils should already have flexible working policies that set out protocols for employees whose roles readily lend themselves to working at home and we expect those arrangements to now be kicking in again. The employers rejected the following elements of the pay claim: Our demand in the pay claim was fair: we wanted a pay award that keeps pace with inflation; a Covid recognition payment, a review of term time only contracts and consideration of retainers; a reduction in the working week (without loss of pay) to 35 hours (34 hours in London); a review of mileage rates. At a time of rising inflation, high energy costs and increased mortgage and rent payments our members deserve a fully funded, inflation linked pay rise. This equates to 10.50% for SCP1 and no less than 4.04% for SCP43. Sign in or Register a new account to join the discussion. . A 250 consolidated pay increase on pay points 7 to 18 (inclusive) on the PSC pay spine with effect from 1 September 2021 (to be backdated) A 2.1 per cent consolidated increase on pay. 5. Unions representing 750,000 council and school support staff across England, Wales and Northern Ireland today (Friday) criticised the 1.5% pay offer made by the Local Government Association GMB, Unite and Unison submitted a joint pay claim to the local government employers in February for a 10% pay rise. STATE OF ALASKA: STATE OF HAWAII: U.S. Office of Personnel . You are true Covid heroes, keeping the nations essential public services going during the toughest of times, often putting your own health and safety at risk. Now that many protections will be removed on Monday 19th July, whilst infection rates are rising, we know that our members once again will be on the frontline, providing vital services to the public whilst putting themselves at risk. A commitment to ensure adult social care workers receive at least the Real Living Wage of 9.50 an hour has been agreed with COSLA. FAO: Members in England, Wales, & Northern Ireland. The employers also propose that the NJC begins immediate exploratory discussions on three other elements of your claim, as follows: There was no support from councils for the offer to include three other elements of your claim, therefore the employers reject the following. "For the lowest paid (currently earning 20,441 per annum), the offer equates to an increase of 9.42. GMB pay ballot covering all workers across local government, school & academies that follow National Joint Council (NJC Green Book) pay, terms and conditions across England, Wales and Northern Ireland is now open. Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Now that the current pay round has been concluded,GMB will be consulting withmembers on your pay aspirations for 2022. GMB alongside sister unions have written to the employers setting out our disappointment and seeking reasons of this U-turn. And as the unions begin consulting their members this week on the 2022 pay, there are also concerns negotiations will be particularly difficult this year. Are you the sort of person who cant sit and do nothing when you can see injustice or something wrong? The three trade unions in their response rejecting the pay offer of 1.75% from 1 April 2021, asked the National Employers to consider re-opening the negotiations to seek an improvement. I am writing to update you on the work we have been doing on your behalf on the local government national pay negotiations for 2021. Local councils play an essential role in the fabric of our country - providing services which we all rely on and supporting some of the most vulnerable people in our communities. Naomi Cooke, Employers Secretary, wrote to council chief executives last month warning of the unhelpful delay in finalising the 2021 pay round due to the unions protracted timetables for consultations and ballots. Its important to stress the LGA Executive Advisory Board - which is made up of elected councillors have decided to override the view of the National Employers hence why it will be really helpful if you could write to your councillor asking why this is the case. The success of busting the pay freeze was down to members coming together to take an active role in campaigning for pay justice and we need your help again in achieving this. 2. 22 Stephenson Way London We believe local government employees should be paid fairly, which is why we work together to negotiate better pay with employers. So what's next? National Employers for local government services, To: Chief Executives in England, Wales and N Ireland Local Government Chronicle (LGC) News, comment and analysis on local government, plus jobs in the sector. Published 28 February 2022. This contrasts with the minimum 10% rise which the unions submitted in a joint pay claim for last year. We expect a formal response is coming soon so we are gearing up to ensure that all GMB members have a say on their pay. London As a result of this position, we have held a meeting of the GMB NJC committee with a view of getting a way forward. Wilko bosses should hang their heads in shame. A joint review of the provisions in the Green Book for maternity / paternity / shared parental / adoption leave. London A reduction of hours to a 35-hour working week (on the same pay); 25 days annual leave plus Bank Holidays; better maternity/paternity/ adoption leave; new working from home policies and new measures to tackle workplace stress and support mental health. If the majority of GMB members vote YES, a formal ballot for industrial action will take place. 27 Jul 2021 Council employees have been offered an improved pay increase. Whilst voting in this ballot was set against an unprecedented time with members fighting Covid-19 and keeping communities' safe turnout was the best it could be under these circumstances. Full details of the offer can be found here. Not a GMB member? It was barely above inflation a year ago. Find out more about the unions' 130 year history, GMB membership offers plenty of extrabenefits, GMB's structures, rules and all things Congress. Local Government employers have only tabled a 1.75% pay offer. By comparison, most council social workers in England are expected to get a 1.75% pay increase for 2021-22, though unions are still in dispute with the National Employers for local government services over their pay offer. Story updated 27 May 2021. GMB senior reps will assess their response to the offer and agree the ballot timeline to ensure all our members have a say on their pay. GMBs National Committees agreed that our claim should include: an increase of no lessthanRPI; a Covid recognition payment, review of term time only contracts and consideration of retainers; a reduction in the working week (without loss of pay) to 35 hours (34 hours in London); a review of mileage rates. It will affect around 1.5 million employees. (This is the agreed minimum hourly rate that will apply to any employee of a Scottish Council.) Feedback from those events was relayed to the National Employers, who met on 31 March and have spent the intervening weeks having the necessary discussions with their colleagues, and elsewhere, before meeting again today. The employers are assessing their position on this, and we are expecting a response on this shortly. Local Government workers know they need a proper pay rise and this isnt it. The Low Pay Commission's recommendations set. Otherwise, local government and education employees will quit for sectors paying better rates.". Ms Cooke explained that current government pay policy has less clarity than previously, with remits for pay review bodies making reference to affordability and consistency with private sector pay increases'. The measure will hit lower paid workers hard and should be scrapped. Help build the union in your workplace: You can find resources to help you at the. GMB urges Local Government employers to get back round the table and improve the pay offer NOW. for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities . Employers are encouraged to implement this pay award as swiftly as possible. The letter sent to you in July set out the crisis within Local Government and School funding and this needs to be properly addressed, not further exacerbated by cuts. VIDEO: Latest information on the pay offer and GMB campaign. We will start our consultative ballot in November. The government has offered civil servants a 1.5% salary increase plus a cash payment in wage negotiations with trade unions, Public Service and Administration Minister Senzo Mchunu said on Monday.. The National Employers have today made the following one-year offer to the unions representing the main local government NJC workforce: With effect from 1 April 2021, an increase of 1.50. The headline results are as follows: 45% of respondents would be willing to accept a 10% pay increase to at least maintain standard of living, with the mean settlement across all responses being 7.4% Public service pensions increase: 2022. Taxes for the NHS and social care should be raised from other sources better able to pay. The total increase to the national paybill resulting from this offer is 279m (covering the period to 31 March 2022). School staff, refuse collectors and council workers have kept our country moving through the coronavirus crisis, often putting themselves in harm's way. This would be payable from 1 April 2021. Please stand with our members. Under the claim, the pay of the lowest paid workers would go above 10 per hour - lifting them above the real living wage of 9.50 per hour (outside London). LOCAL GOVERNMENT CRAFT WORKERS SURVEY HEADLINE RESULTS. Each council takes into account a number of factors such as job size and local labour market conditions when deciding an employees salary. Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic our Local Government, School and Council workers have continued to work tirelessly to keep the country going, working above and beyond the call of duty, putting themselves and their families at risk to support the effort against Covid-19. The government's '3% pay rise' is a cut in real terms for nurses. You are true Covid heroes, keeping the nations essential public services going during the toughest of times, often putting your own health and safety at risk. GMB continues to press the Local Government employers to get back round the table and improve the pay offer. 130 Euston Road Its time to make work better. Now that many protections have been removed, we know that our members once again will be on the frontline, providing vital services to the public whilst putting themselves at risk. Regional Directors14. GMB members throughout councils and schools want to deliver for the public they serve, but just dont have the resources or numbers of staff to do it. A Council? This represents an increase of 59 pence or 6.6 per cent. Please see latest agreed Local Government NJC Circulars | GMB. As unions we have also been campaigning for this, as we have seen the impact Covid has had on local authority budgets, and consequently on services and our members jobs and pay. Please also ensure your membership details are correct and you can update any changes here. The three main trade unions - Unison, Unite and GMB . The rate peg is the maximum percentage amount by which a council may increase its general income for the year. Email your local councillors asking them to lobby Government for proper funding for Local Government, Councils and Schools. From school support staff to refuse workers, from town hall workers to social workers. SW1P 4DF, Sent by email: The policy delivers an above-inflation headline pay increase of one per cent to all those earning between 25,000 and 80,000 and, to reduce the overall income gap, a capped increase of 800 for those earning above 80,000. Payments will be slightly affected by the national insurance rise. They are the people collecting our bins and sweeping our streets in all weathers, educating and looking after our children, taking care of our elderly, sick, and most vulnerable, and doing all the other countless, crucial jobs for the public. Payments will be slightly affected by the national insurance rise. By Jim Dunton. GMB union met with the Local Government employers on Wednesday 13th October 2021. "That's why the chancellor must free up the funds in the spring statement for an above-inflation rise for all staff. Local government pay scale for support staff Special educational needs Outer London Pay Spines From 1 April 2021 an increase of 2.75% on point 1 and 1.75% on all other points rounded up to the multiple of 3. Vote and vote YES for Strike Action/Action Short of a Strike. Therefore, to meet the pay element of the claim in full (12.7 per cent) would increase local government's national paybill by more than 2.1bn. About 5.7 million people are employed in the public sector in the UK. The final pay claim, as agreed by all three unions, and which has now been submitted is: A headlineclaimof an increase of 2,000 on each pay point, or of the current RPI rate, whichever is the greater, Review of term time only contracts and consideration of retainers, Reduction in the working week (without loss of pay) to 35 hours (34 in London), One additional day of annual leave across the board, Introduction of a home working allowance for all staff who are working from home, A national minimum agreement on homeworking policies for all councils, A separate urgent review of all mileage rates currently applying. UNISON is calling on its members to vote for strike action, arguing the 1.75% offer by local government employers is below-inflation.. UNISON, GMB and Unite have called for a 10% pay rise for council staff to ensure the lowest paid employees earned just above the new real . Join, Want information about being a GMB Rep in your workplace? It is not yet known whether the trade unions will accept this latest proposal, which the National Joint Council that . The detail in the unions' claim cites an RPI figure of 10.7 per cent, which is the current annual forecast for RPI in 2023, published in November 2022 by the Office for Budget Responsibility. If you require more information about this, please contact your local rep of GMB branch.