of his Farewell Speech, but it is likely that he was feeling a mix of sadness, frustration, and I am dying soon, and I am choosing to have fun today, tomorrow, and every other day I have left. What exactly do critics have to say about about his words and his message to his direct audience and the numerous people who have heard the speech since its delivery? Lou Gehrig's Farewell Speech (Lou Gehrig) This speech is one that many of my athletes love to analyze, and it is an excellent exemplar text to teach pathos. admiration in the audience. This shows that he is thankful for his parents for investing in his life and making him became s famous legend in baseball history. He was giving a very powerful speech that included metaphors, rhetoric devices, and SOAPS. If this country does not find a way to use that energy, it will be destroyed by that energy. The Farewell Address embodied Washingtons political principles and hopes for the United States, a newly developed nation, to grow strong and remain independent. Gehrig's words are infused with emotion, as he speaks with gratitude, of the earth. This statement is a prime example of pathos, as it evokes feelings of sympathy and, admiration in the audience. His name is Lou Gehrig's in his 272 word speech which lasted about two minutes. requirements? The humbleness of the man on the podium shocks the crowd and begins to bring the spectators to tears. Imagine a young boy and his father going to the New York Yankees ballpark on a warm sunny day. It is hard to imagine knowing that one is about to be trapped, about to die a terrible death and still have the strength and willpower to go upon a podium and deliver such a moving speech. Lou Gehrig, first baseman for the, New York Yankees, star baseman to coaches, brother to his teammates, husband, to Elenor Gehrig, friend to many, role model to children across the country, the, greatest baseball player ever to fans and the luckiest man on the face of the, earth to himself delivered what is considered one of the greatest speeches ever. The conclusion to this astonishing speech is only one sentence. Being a sports enthusiast, a memorable speech comes to my mind. Imagine that one of the greatest baseball players ever had to retire due to a life threatening condition, later to be named after him. Gehrigs later glory came from humble beginnings. I think that trying to find a connection to the current day situation of ALS would be an interesting twist on what others have said about the speech. Children, men, and woman across the ballpark cannot believe that this icon, this hero to all American, is dieing as he speaks. To start off John F. Kennedy was giving his speech during the inauguration, talking to the citizens of America. It wasnt until his sophomore year that he would start his baseball career. 9 Apr. Jackie grew up in unfortunate circumstances that many families dealt with at the time with his dad being a sharecropper. Another time we see Gehrig create a powerful piece of rhetoric is seen through his purpose. His profound use of rhetorical appeal made this speech a homerun. (2017, Feb 01). Gehrig played baseball for the New York Yankees from 1923 to 1939 (Biography). Academic Search Complete. Randy Pausch uses Pathos to get his point across to his audience. Graduateway.com is owned and operated by Radioplus Experts Ltd Though this guidance is not often followed, Washington had good reasons for giving it. It was a testing time for the American people, so just to relax and enjoy themselves, people went to baseball games. He played for, During Evans presentation he discussed how baseball impacted his life. I won't send you spam. In his speech Gehrig says, Who wouldnt consider it an honor to have known Jacob Ruppert? Upon retirement, Lou was almost immediately voted into the Major League Baseball Hall of Fame by a special election. One would expect that a man with such a limited time left on this earth would be somber and sad. On July 4, 1939, Lou Gehrig stepped up to a podium in front of the pitchers mound in Yankee Stadium to give a speech on what was Lou Gehrig Appreciation at the ballpark. Lou Gehrig exemplifies an effective speech that backs up his purpose. This resource can be used by students on Google Drive or Google Classroom. The speech brought attention to the disease and its horrid nature and even today, we are reminded that Gehrig had the disease as the more common name for ALS is Lou Gehrigs Disease. He begins his speech by saying, Fans, for the past two weeks you have Due to the rapidly changing America, in his farewell address, Ronald Reagan expresses the need for unification of America, and Americas culture. 9 Apr. During the speech, a common rhetorical device used is a rhetorical question. Although not the main star gehrig pushed himself to be one of the greats and on of the most well respected men in the MLB in his quote "Let's face it. remembered as a moment of great emotional power and significance. Ethos Logos Pathos Appeals Without any prior warning, this icon begins to talk about a deadly disease that he has been contracted with and that he must immediately retire from the game of baseball forever. The speech Kennedy gave was crucial in the maintenance of peace in tragic times. Of all the players in baseball history, none possessed as much talent and humility as Lou Gehrig. In June 1939, Gehrig was diagnosed with ALS which is when the condition started becoming known as Lou Gehrig's disease. (Gehrig 1) When children and fans alike idolize a player like this, they seem to think of them as invincible (Muder 16). Gene Linked to Lou Gehrigs Disease. From his early years as a poor child in Puerto Rico to dizzying heights as a pro baseball player for the Pittsburgh Pirates, Clementes life is one of inspiration and admiration. quoted and referenced by athletes and fans throughout the years, and it continues to be A-myo-trophic means no muscle nourishment (ALS association: What Is ALS?). 5100 (1993). In the first sentence, Gehrig addresses the elephant the room, (his doom due to the degenerative disease ALS, ironic due to the fact the disease attacked the very thing that made him exceptional, his athleticism) but reassures the audience by refuting this point with the fact he believes he is the luckiest man on earth, a point he goes on to defend for the remainder of his speech. In 1927, Babe Ruth and the New York Yankees changed the face of baseball by setting numerous records and being arguably one of the greatest baseball teams of all-time. submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism. 12 Test Bank, Lesson 6 Plate Tectonics Geology's Unifying Theory Part 2, EES 150 Lesson 2 Our Restless Planet Structure, Energy, & Change, 1.1.2.A Simple Machines Practice Problems, Chapter 2 - Summary Give Me Liberty! On April 4, 1968, Robert F. Kennedy gave his remarks on the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. Roberts goal was to inform people on Martin Luther Kings journey and to strengthen peoples attitudes on the whole situation. Dont Thank you, Yogi Berra Rest in Peace. He would no longer be able to play the game he loves--let alone live a normal life. Academic Search Complete. When he talked you listened so many yogi-isms that not only were related to baseball, but life itself every time you hear these a smile should come across your face remembering Barra and his influence on the field and off! At the close of Gehrigs emotional speech, Babe Ruth walked up, put his arm around his former teammate and spoke in his ear the first words they had shared since 1934. The speaker that I have chosen for my G.A.S review would be Lou Gehrigs farewell address for the baseball committee. Lou Gehrig delivered a great speech on Lou Gehrig Appreciation Day at Yankee Stadium on July 4th, 1939. Nonetheless, I think youll do a great job! Lou Gehrig steps upon the podium, and not just talks about is disease and about how he must immediately retire from the game forever, but also describes that he feels like the luckiest man on the face of the earth. Unfortunately all good things must come to an end and on July 4, 1939 Gehrig stood before his devoted fans at Yankee Stadium and announced that he had been diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Lou Gehrigs disease); Lou Gehrig would never play baseball again. The Gettysburg Address Rhetorical Analysis Activity Packet, I Have a Dream Close Read and Rhetorical Analysis, September 11 Address to the Nation Sampler, September 11 Address to the Nation Rhetorical Analysis Unit. The fist technique that Lou Gehrig uses is repitition of key phrases. Due to the medical technology of the time period in which Gehrig lived, it is impossible to tell if he really did have Lou Gehrigs disease. never received anything but kindness and encouragement from you fans. This statement is ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) or Lou Gehrigs Disease is a classified as a degenerative neurological disorder that inhibits motor neurons in the spinal cord and brain to function properly. Athletes Prone to Lou Gehrigs Disease. Please use the "R. Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition. Lou Gehrig's farewell speech, famously including the aforementioned quote, drew upon many rhetorical strategies in order to convey themes and emotions that, especially during the time period, were extremely important to his fans and all people. During Luckiest Man, he is addressing why he is retiring from his beloved sport of, He was catching the attention of his fans and letting them know this speech was being given for them, since they helped him reach this point in his career through their unending support. Gehrig's mom pushed her son hard and is the reason he was such a gifted athlete not only in baseball but in football as well. This statement is an example of logos, as it uses logical and scientific language to explain the, reasons for Gehrig's retirement. Lou Gehrig was the only son of two hardworking German immigrants. Pausch also talks about his family, and love for his wife. This is one of the most famous speeches in the history of baseball. You and your group will collaborate to write a Rhetorical Analysis essay via this Google Docs [COPY SHARE DOC] template. Always regarded as one who could pull through anything, Gehrig finally made it clear through this speech that battling this disease was going to be the hardest battle yet and it would prevent him continuing to do what he loved which was play baseball. People across the nation looked up to this man, before his Luckiest Man speech, because they wanted to possess similar qualities as him. 9 Apr. Lou Gehrig's speech, Farewell to Baseball Address, delivers an emotional punch to the gut as he explains about how lucky he is to have had a wonderful life with some amazing people. Gehrig's use of pathos is further enhanced by his delivery, Another important rhetorical device that Gehrig employs in his Farewell Speech is, logos, or the appeal to reason and logic. Yet today I consider myself the luckiest man on . Fifteen days later on July 4th, 1939 Lou Gehrig flew to Yankee stadium in New York and gave his famous, Farewell to Baseball speech. He states I might have been given a bad break, but I have much to live for, infers his will to live. He stressed the importance of national unity. The Chief of Police warned Kennedy that he would not be responsible for whatever may happen, making this speech even more dangerous. All rights reserved. In this case, Lou Gehrig has provided his viewpoint regarding the sadness of baseball fans, and the role that fans should perform not to overshadow the baseball game (Gurak, Lannon and Seijts. Farewell Speech. This evidence, revealing MLKs use of pathos, was used to reach out to the emotional citizens who have either experienced or watched police brutality. Introduction a. Hook: Quote from ESPN article about Gehrig speech: ESPN staff writer Steve Wulf shares the background of Yankee great Lou Gehrig's funeral, where "his Episcopal priest said there would be no eulogy: 'We need none because we all knew him'" (Wulf). He was very well known and well respected by all fans and players. Outline: Analysis of Lou Gehrig's 1939 "Luckiest Man" Speech I. Get original paper in 3 hours and nail the task. 1173 Words5 Pages. 2012. Being ok with being mediocre is unacceptable and that the men must strive for greatness. He explains that it would be the highlight of any career just to spend a day with these men, yet he has been lucky enough to play with them throughout his career. Teaching rhetorical analysis is one of my absolute favorite units to complete with my students. Over the course of Gehrig's career in professional baseball he made quite a name for himself, he gained a reputation as a dependable player who could produce big numbers for his team.