If the bloggers had been fed a name by Heughans P.R. Not sure what the hierarchy in his team would be, but you would think that she could override a stylist who clearly can't get it right. Become a contributor - post when you want with no ads. Add younger homophobic stans to the list. Whatever next !! Supposedly for the attractive, successful, cool, wealthy, with thousands of IG followers, with a friend or friends already on there to recommend you [Ruby Rose is a member], for the 'cosmopolitan elite'. I'm all for people doing well in their business ventures, good luck to them, but he really does seem to be veering a bit to kitsch. Moving goalposts to suit the narratives: "Its too bad it will never be for the Highlander and the Viking Goddess shes too old for his usual tastes, and given her multiple black belts, would likely kicks his ass. As for a 'screencap', wth is that? Perhaps because she did not invite him to her wedding in the summer of 2019 . r537 I don't drink or buy blends but my mates tell me that yes, it is very expensive for a blend - clearly geared for the moneyed up fangirls. That speed dial to Just Jared must be a bit wearing on Heughan's fingers. Id be bummed to lose the sense of community, and Id be bummed to lose a forum for reading about something I enjoyed. But since he was so relaxed, I wondered if he'd used something, Besides whiskey I mean.he was a completely different person during the Fallon int. It's just strange that it's from Nashville and not from Scotland. He had an empty seat beside him. Dive in! And Purv is at it again - re-posting an anonymous (of course) tip off about pics of SH and Kat McNamara at JFK (while expressing some scepticism, of course), a-n-d Georgia is in NYC for a competition on Feb 8, a-n-d Hannah posted on IG an iconic scene from, you guessed it, NYC. Stalking trainee cheerleaders? Siri, what happened to the Village People? In a new shirtless Instagram photo . But he left it very, very late in the day for objecting, and then he targetted a relatively mild fan poster who just added "Still Hot" to publicly available photographs, and she felt obliged to shut down her twitter account. And why is Purv citing this great source now? No calf muscles either. snippet from tumblr, where SH being gay is discussed on a daily basis now "Anonymous asked: Im surprised how sure you all seem to be thats hes gay. R288 brilliant post R289 and he is still like every single pic of MM too, why oh why. I believe Mm was a beard so the explanation is clear to me. Purv as a beard? I suspect that his perfection is intended to be a one of a kind and that the celestial-powers-that-be threw away the mold after he was created!' I love their love! Thats the objectionable part of the deal, not whether he likes meat or seafood." How is this even credible for any of these two guys. We accept that which we cant have, and we go on with our lives. Always puzzles me why , some of them at least , don't notice. Whatever. Purv and her mate Camuso may just be attention-whores babbling on by themselves in their own little bubble, but if Purv is being orchestrated by JA etc to promote the player image, it's just making SH look ridiculous. Check out Purvs tumbler. Here we go again - anon feed into some blogs saying Heughan was seen out to dinner with an attractive blonde and he was whispering in her ear and she was rubbing his thigh - same old, same old, and just before the Bloodshot premiere.) "She did incredible and we are really happy we've got a new addition to the family". Good that he's laid off the more extreme body building stage: what a hunk - of gristle. One of the people I dont know has snuck in under the guise of someone else, but they are actually Paul Camuso, Purv, or a combination of both. Anybody old enough out here to remember Gabriela Sabbatinis fragrance? Hes got a new beard. Not everyone is worth the engagement. Why do you even know about me? Straight fantasies and money - and the closet. silvercitysands reblogged this from owlnguava. News flash -- alcohol is a risk factor for breast cancer in that demographic. Maybe his fans will buy tickets and maybe he will . You can see this. (Hope he keeps that event planner on speed dial if we trash the idiots who make him look bad, we better praise the ones who make him look good, right?). But wait, there's more! The poster he complained to had been adding still hot to publicly available photos for several years, and now he objects? Sam is good at marketing (apart from the straight Sam image of course, which he just cannot credibly bring off). [R560] Could the mystery woman be his American agent ? OL remains his bread and butter, and the OL fandom is the major market for his business activity, which has been a real success story in 2019. the one pic purv got from an anon says it all right? Wonder what it will take for him to get this? they're so . Many of those women are travelling to Scotland to stalk Sam. While Purv being a 'he' would help a bit to explain the obsession with The Magical Golden Dirk, I guess, it appears that Purv is a middle aged 'she', who is just plain strange, and who thinks she is convincing in her ridiculous determination to insist that Sammy is a straight player, when all she does is bring attention to the gayness. Oh Sa, give it up already. Then why does Purv re-invent, extrapolate, fabricate and pretzel herself so hard into selling the straight narrative? Development and production costs must have been massive. . Neither needs to make much effort.job done.Heughan is straight. Here is one of her posts from her IG account- @sweptawaybybooks. Till such time as he comes out of the closet [ and I do look forward to that day ] option [4] seems the least hard work and the one that keeps his chosen career on track. R110 so he could be single, hope he kept his sexual preferences "straight" ;) I seriously wonder if he would fill out in the app that he's gay. When something ends and we cant be a part of it any longer, we grieve and move on. I was diagonally maybe 4 rows behind his row on the opposite aisle. Purv says so!! @diggsydogsquee Oh she reads Tumblr alright *quietly remembers her snapping about a blogger who references the striped sheets* lol. McTavish would have to get something, preferably financial, out of it - see his latest $$ scheme ($64 per video, with a percentage going to charity but I'll bet he gets most of it). It is just for the money. This has been around for a while but still worth a giggle. wendella said: Sam mentioned when he was in acting school that one of his instructors told him he was not a good enough actor to make it. r530 Maybe he'll do a presentation of a bottle of it to someone on the red carpet like he did to Balfe at the OL premiere - that was a bit awkward. Thoughts on OL s05e01? Or Whole Lotta Love by Led Zeppelin - "I wanna be your backdoor man". I'm sure some, maybe even a lot, are very comfortable with it, but it can be bloody tough. Georsam? Of course fandom will never accept that especially if it means S is with his Godfather on OL. Seriously, your mind is fucked up. Ageing does not make him look more masculine. But he is not looking manly. Please complete the process by verifying your email address. I am new here and probably about to ask for feedback on the dumbest series of questions ever butIf PR wants to put to rest the gay rumors and boost Hetero image, why on earth wouldn't they have an ex or friend confirm through a well-orchestrated leak that S is not gay? Sam Heughan Tumblr Just Make It A Double. All around old, dusty, and hopeless. Heughan looking totally ridiculous in Paris wearing juvenile ripped jeans . That happened before it was publicly announced that his character survived in the OL TV version. He likes the posts of a hell of a lot of people. And that would be very wise. But the cultists will love it all. Hes not the sharpest knife in the drawer when it comes to security. Doubt if dragging out old news about MM will generate much interest though, too many people saw through the sham. Pity it wasn't done long ago and we could have been spared all the squeee!!!! Indicating, one hopes, a genuine, living relationship. Let's hope not. Just like youre stuck on Kim who ignores you, and Contemplating Outlander who for some reason fears you. (video down the bottom - just keep scrolling- he looked a little uncomfortable with anything other than when he was shilling his whisky). Coronavirus could really impact Bloodshot. I mean, just look at him. R357 neither am I, I was surprised that the show was renewed again for another 2 seasons in the first place. His other notable TV and movie credits include A Princess for Christmas (2011), The Spy Who. I can fully understand why ambitious actors feel they have no choice but to play the HW straight game - the closeting, bearding, innuendo, deflecting etc etc, - of course I can understand that, but sadly the longer the 'gay don't pay' game is pursued the longer the struggle to win recognition and respect (and SH is sometimes so clumsy with it all - at least with the latest 'I'm too busy to date' ploy he looks less undignified - now if he would only lay off liking the female thong throng to go for a player image, he'd draw less attention to his personal life rather than to his acting). He needs to get a clue about celebrity stalking, and fast. '..Times are a-changing. I need a holiday. She might make a suitable beard;). They speak for themselves. Why do you even care about me enough to research my archives? Wanting it both ways ' has come to signify Heughans behaviour in the last few years, IMO. Alex has a wife and kids and doesn't strike me as gay tbh. If I try to post something from twitter it brings up the whole damn site with all its postings! Agreed it's not about the nationality (although the weird celebrity obsession seems to be more intense in the land of HW) but about the complete inability of fans such as that group of worshipers, wherever they are based, to see that fictional Jamie and real Sam are not the same. Someone (PR, JA, himself?) - Hunts with aggressive flock members such as Shitner and Camuso. And there are so many more to choose from. I watched a couple OL episode and the guy can act. So hed be happy with the years results. Sorry, make that 'nomination' rather than 'award'. He knows his target fangirl market, particularly in the US. Just a little research should do it, eh? That's enough to keep the hetero image ticking over. Is Sam that desperate or is it maybe for networking. ". Bound to be a sell out success as all the rabid fans would attend. [quote]Heughan no longer looks like that photo shoot. I also wonder when Sam will return from the US, will there be a Bloodshot "promo tour" like for OL? Directed by Grayham Mactavish and staring , a mostly naked, Sam Heughan as Macbeth. Personally, if I enjoyed reading Jess blog every day but was only a lurker, Id be super bummed that she decided to go private. Fleecing them for every $ he can, while he can. But, butthey don't look 'camp' enough and 'fun' enough to fit into 'that world' that he said he 'loves' in that appallingly stereotyping and oh-so-conveniently timed 'denial'. A couple of commenters didn't like it - surprise, surprise. He never never ever stops marketing his whisky .Heughan is fast becoming a bore ! The 42-year-old Outlander star flashed a smirk as he made his way out of the John. Its New Years Day. I didnt know what I wanted to do, so I was working a lot and I traveledI flew to San Francisco R15 R16 R17..you hit the nail on the head. And his handfolding on the "Tonight" couch rang a bell. JA does get her clients high profile interviews and contacts etc (SH is on Fallon Tonight again in the next day or so presumably Bloodshot, Red Notice, Paul Newman (? As for the upcoming third season of "Outlander," showrunner Ronald D. Moore teased to Gold Derby recently: "It's very exciting. The longer he's not shooting for Outlander the bette he starts to look. let's hope he'll find the courage too to open that closet door. Still, he gets paid and that's the priority for him for the moment. He will have to wait until it's done and probably a few years still after that.