The disparity in working conditions is becoming evident in the yield of work based on individual work-from-home circumstances. Please purchase a SHRM membership before saving bookmarks. According to global staffing firm Robert Half, 28 percent of U.S. office workers anticipated taking fewer days off in the summer months compared to last year because of concerns about COVID-19. Establish firm availability boundaries for yourself and share what you did during your time off. 2. They can use that time as a mini-weekend getaway with their friends or family. Creating a COVID-19 vaccination policy is just the first stepnext you need to communicate the details to your employees. part-a (to be filled up by. If you havent taken a vacation yet this year, I hope youll consider taking some time off soon. Taking time off is important and we want you to be able to use your holiday. [Give a reason for sending the incorrect mail according to you in your own words, this is just an example given]. But do your employees? By giving your team the tools they need to see how much leave they have left to use, and book new requests, youre giving them what they need to take their holiday leave throughout the year. Please log in as a SHRM member before saving bookmarks. Encourage your staff to take the full amount of time allotted to enjoy themselves and come back refreshed for work. Tip#4: Ease any concerns about finishing your projects on time. This power move does two things: One, it communicates that taking a vacation is okay and two, it reinforces that your company prioritizes employee wellness. You may be doing a great job as a manager, but are you showing your employees how to be good managers? Please note that all such forms and policies should be reviewed by your legal counsel for compliance with applicable law, and should be modified to suit your organizations culture, industry, and practices. Some organizations, such as the Assure Women's Center in Omaha, Neb., opted to let employees carry over more vacation time. If it has been awhile since you took a vacation, start planning your time off. A smaller share (16 percent) are requiring employees to take vacation time, and another 22 percent are planning to take or considering that approach. } We asked nine thought leaders to share their best advice on how to encourage employees to take some well-deserved time off. That's why it is so important to lead by example. If anyone has any questions or concerns about this email, please feel free to reach out. What you say is less important than what you do. If you have any questions about your leave balance, or how to book leave, please reach out to your manager. How Will the Anti-Work Movement Impact Businesses? Members can get help with HR questions via phone, chat or email. Perhaps a team competition with a free lunch to the winning team . Sample Welcome Back Letter From Sick Leave. Consider the following scenarios HR may face during the holiday season: PTO tools with at-a-glance calendars allow for easier staffing decisions, but other employers still may want to audit and update their time off policy to save resources in the long run. How can you encourage employees to take vacation days? Find the latest news and members-only resources that can help employers navigate in an uncertain economy. 11+ Vacation Policy Examples - PDF, Word. 4.2.2 Earning Vacation. For more info on handling staff leave, check out our articles on: Our customers tell us what makes them tick. Ensure there is appropriate cover. But how can they do that if they dont know how to disconnect from work? Here are 12 ways you can proactively encourage employees to take time off work: Encourage employees to take a digital detox. Working from home doesnt mean working all the time. Harvards Leslie Perlow showed how consultants at Boston Consulting Group made significant progress in job satisfaction, work-life balance, and collaboration and effectiveness by taking predictable time off from their cell phones while ensuring that their work is covered by a fellow team member during that time. Thats why its a good idea to keep your team updated on how much leave they have and the last time they took a break. Ask employees to create a vacation plan and mark the due date for filing leaves on their calendars. 10 Types of Leaves to Include in Your Leave Policy, How to Manage Remote Employees over Microsoft Teams. They dont solve the root of your problem, which is finding out who on your team hasnt taken leave and giving your team a really easy way to book their holiday. "It ended up that a lot of people were not able to use their vacation," said Barb Malek, the center's operations director. Companies need to ensure that they consider the rights and benefits of the employees whenever certain policies are planned, created and developed. Encouraging to take time off is one of the most important things that you can do for your employees. Finally, employers can simply remind employees to take their time off before the end of the year. Youll feel so much better when you get back than if you hadnt taken any time at all, and your coworkers will appreciate having someone healthy around them again! There are many good reasons to choose to get a vaccine , but the most important one is that . Members can get help with HR questions via phone, chat or email. HR and managers may find that employees have questions about their time-off benefits throughout the year, including if they can use PTO during their two weeks notice and if employers have the right to turn down time-off requests. Employees who take time off come to work with a positive mindset and charged to take on challenges. Virtual & Washington, DC | February 26-28, 2023. We are keen to hear your thoughts on the best way to motivate everyone in the workplace to get involved with our drive to be more energy efficient. "When managers are intentional about making time for themselves during the dayblocking time to eat lunch, regularly scheduled personal development, being strict with their work and nonwork hourstheir teams have followed suit," Winn said. You have been a hard-working and sincere employee to our team; you have worked for so long without taking any half-day or leave. Even though staff taking holiday can be disruptive in the short term, encouraging staff to book annual leave actually holds many benefits to employers in the long run: Cut stress & burnout, and improve productivity. A policy that is clear and available to all shows that you, as the employer, value the importance of vacation time for employees. HR circular format for employees are very helpful in this situation. The first step to dismissing any negative perceptions about taking time off is to reassure your employees that their jobs are safe. But a template doesnt do anything to solve the root of your annual leave problem. Some employees have taken limited or even no time off this year because they feel as though they are restricted with travel options," said Tracy Winn, SHRM-SCP, a senior HR advisor at G&A Partners, a payroll and HR firm in Houston. "Make it mandatory," says Profico. Now that there is a boundary, people want to take time off, she explained. More employees began requesting vacations in June, but they pulled back again in mid-July July as virus cases roared back, according to Zenefits, a San Francisco-based benefits provider. Everybody needs refreshment in their life from their work, so by looking into your hard work and sincerity towards your work, the company has decided to give you a leave for someday, and we will appreciate if you take it. When the economy is unstable, employers are faced with difficult decisions around staffing, pay and benefits. It outlines the employee's intended days off and their plan for coverage at work. Managers are also encouraged to be vocal about taking shorter amounts of time off. What Is a Dependent Care FSA and How Does It Work? 'We understand you can't travel. But do your employees? Review this collection of common PTO questions and answers or watch the embedded HR Party of One video below to prepare accordingly. For example, women academics are publishing fewer papers, presumably because of their disproportionate responsibility at home. It's hard to strike the right balance between informing staff of the facts and sharing the protective measures your business is taking without sowing fear or anxiety . Sales teams are notorious for not taking PTO; this is in part because of the ongoing nature of the work and in part because taking time off can be expensive if you miss on commission. Thank you for going the extra mile. Please log in as a SHRM member. Employees who are able to relax and spend time with their families often report higher job satisfaction than those who dont have this opportunity (and may even want more). Through a combination of this survey data and individual coaching conversations, here are six strategies for managers on how to approach vacations when so much of the workforce is working from home. However, when a manager (i.e. Managers need to rise to the occasion by encouraging time off from their employees. When I take time off, I make sure I don't send emails or attempt advance work forward. Here are five ways to encourage your employees to take a holiday leave: 1. Studies show that almost 75% of employees do not take all of their allotted paid time off (PTO.) John Linden, an interior designer at MirrorCoop, a custom-mirror company in Los Angeles, was so desperate for employees to take time off that he began buying them tickets to local museums so they might consider fun and socially distanced activities for their days off. This is just a friendly reminder that, as of [DD/MM/YY], you have a remaining leave balance of [X DAYS / X HOURS]. Employees need to feel that their organization understands work-life balance and that they are encouraged to take. One way to encourage employees to take some time off is to have one-on-one meetings with them and discuss the importance of taking a break and enjoying some time off. In these difficult times, weve made a number of our coronavirus articles free for all readers. You have always been a diligent, hard-working, and loyal team employee (mention the details). That said, human resources personnel should also communicate regular reminders to employees about making the most of their PTO throughout the year. Please reach out to your direct manager to see about booking time off ASAP to take a well-deserved holiday. Others may channel their anxiety about the world into their work so they are reluctant to take time off. As of [DD/MM/YY], you have an annual leave balance of [X DAYS/ X HOURS]. Hi everyone. I will be traveling to visit my parents/taking family vacation time. Our unlimited vacation company policy allows employees to take as much leave as they need. Remind employees to schedule annual leave in advance Have an open talk with your employees about their unused annual leave. If you're in HR, use this email template to communicate to your staff regarding coronavirus and flu prevention. But companies should encourage their employees to take and enjoy time off in order to promote employee wellness, happiness, and productivity in the workplace. Encourage Employees to Take a Digital Detox, Remind Employees about the Benefits of Taking Time Off, Make it a Habit to Unplug from Work Often, Show Employees that Work-life Balance is Important, Send Monthly Vacation Balance Reminders to Employees, Have One-on-One Meetings With Employees to Encourage Them to Take Some Time Off, Provide Employees with Tools to Help them Unplug From Work, Set Up an Out-of-office Reply that Promotes Relaxation, Encourage them to Do Something Unproductive, Sample Email to Encourage Employees to Take Annual Leave, Incentives for doing so; i.e., discounts on gift cards, An official no phone zone at work that includes no cell phones or laptops allowed during certain hours of the day, A designated area in the office where people can go when they need some space away from their devices, When you work for a company, you probably know that taking time off is good for your health and well-being. There's more to PTO than making adjustments at the end of the year. Make sure your message is clear. By taking time off regularly, you can show everyone else in the company how important it is to take time off so they dont feel guilty about doing so themselves. $("span.current-site").html("SHRM MENA "); Many HR professionals across the country are struggling with how to convince employees to take vacation. "This helps reassure the employee that they can truly take time off to relax with family without feeling guilty or stressing out about checking e-mail and phone messages.". Leaders can show employees they value this by taking time off themselves. Because paid time off is offered optionally and at employers discretion, employers have the ability to block off periods of time when requests wont be approved (or will be approved in limited quantities or under special circumstances). temp_style.textContent = '.ms-rtestate-field >, .ms-rtestate-field > .fltter .is-empty.d-none, {display:block !important;}'; Take a stand against this trend of all work and little play. Dear [Name of Manager], I would like to request for one week of leave from [DATE] to [DATE]. "In the middle of a global pandemic? Frequent breaks are more helpful because amped up levels of stress mean we cant always wait for the long-anticipated, lengthy vacations of the past. You want your employees to take a break from their work and enjoy the world outside. You truly deserve this vacation; we hope you will consider our letter and will take this opportunity. We were worried about you during your absence, and I speak for everyone here when I say that we are all thankful for your quick recovery. Given below is a leave memo sample. Next year, youll have [CARRY OVER AMOUNT + NEW YEAR AMOUNT] in holiday leave. Moreover, vacations can also help employees stay healthy by encouraging them to exercise and eat better habits. Back in early May, executives at The Insurance Market were worried that numerous employees were canceling their summer vacations. And finally, activate your team by creating a plan where work is still accomplished, even as people are offline. Please log in as a SHRM member before saving bookmarks. 0-5 years of service - [days] PTO days each year for exempt employees; [days] PTO days each year for nonexempt employees. Learn how SHRM Certification can accelerate your career growth by earning a SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP. This sample leave restriction letter clearly states the company rules and actions against the failures. Instead, you can rely on Timetastic a staff leave software that keeps you updated on who needs time off and gives your team an easy way to book their holidays. Neither members nor non-members may reproduce such samples in any other way (e.g., to republish in a book or use for a commercial purpose) without SHRMs permission. At this time I am proudly able to announce the reopening of Our Business on June 05, 2020. Vacation Request Email to Boss Sample: 4 Examples Holiday Request Letter to Manager: 4 Templates Annual Leave Letter: 4 Templates Leave Extension Letter Example: 4 Templates Holiday Request Letter example: 4 Templates Engineer Farewell Letter: 28 templates Leave of Absence Letter Template: 4 Emails Leave Application Confirmation Letter: 4 Templates Demonstrate care of your employees by offering flexibility, and model behaviors yourself by taking advantage of your own time off. Please enable scripts and reload this page. This letter is to inform you on behalf of the company [mention the name of the company or the organization for which the letter is being written] that I, the [mention designation of the sender] of [mention name of the department], would like to encourage you, as our employee, to take a small leave for some days from your work. Need help with a specific HR issue like coronavirus or FLSA? var currentLocation = getCookie("SHRM_Core_CurrentUser_LocationID"); Energise your workforce. (See the bottom section for more information about this process.). Each and every employee of an organization work hard day and night every single day to produce the exact results that the corporation wants and make sure that the reputation of the organization always remains clean and only achievements are what that the organization gets. Consider providing informal time off, increasing caps on maximum vacation accrual, and encouraging people to take breaks. var currentLocation = getCookie("SHRM_Core_CurrentUser_LocationID"); For additional queries, you can reach our department of [Mention the details] at [mention phone number] or directly through an email at [mention the email address]. This combination pushed the company to send an e-mail to its 600 employees last month asking each of them to take five days of vacation before the end of August, said Steve Pemberton, chief human . Itll be a great way to recharge their batteries without sacrificing any work hours. I am reaching out because the recruitment department needs your help! If this is the case, HR should consider the following questions when auditing their time-off policy: To learn more about communicating these updates, use the template inthis BerniePortal resource. We think that you truly deserve this paid vacation, and we hope you will consider our effort to appreciate your loyalty to the company and will accept this vacation. We know it can be difficult to remember, especially when youre in the middle of a busy day, but taking small breaks throughout the day will actually help keep you and your employees feeling energized, happy and inspired. You may want your employees to feel like theyre getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercisingand also having fun! As a leader or HR professional, navigating how to go about asking employees to use their paid-time-off during these times can be a challenging task. The reply should explain when the employee will be away and for how long, but also include some language that indicates that the employee is taking a break from work and is not available during this time. This includes ensuring everyone takes their allotted time off and fostering a culture that doesn't make people feel hesitant to take their vacation days. Your Burnout Board highlights who on your team is overdue for a break: Your Burnout Board tells you how much time off someone has left to use, when the last time they took a day off was, and if they have any bookings coming up. It gives both the employee and employer time for review. Estimated Read Time: 4 minutes. By starting from a place of care and concern for your workforce you reinforce the maxim that people are your strongest asset and that youre there for them in good times and bad, regardless of their individual circumstances. When working from home, encourage your employees to consider vacations as tools for focused family time, caregiving, and self-care. As a human being, you need rest in your life from these long days of work, so by looking into your hard work and integrity towards your job, the company has decided to offer you a special leave for (mention the time) days, and we will be very happy if you accept it. Sterling R. Morris, Intermountain Healthcare. Encourage holiday talk in your company. Virtual & Washington, DC | February 26-28, 2023. Using this circular for declaring holiday format, you can write leave circular for your own company. By having these conversations, you can better understand why your employees arent taking time off, and what factors are preventing them from doing so. Download Template : (pdf, docs, ODT, RTF, txt, HTML, Epub, Etc), Subject: Letter to Encourage Employees to Take Vacations. Summary. To give the company time to finalize schedules, team members are expected to submit requests by [date] through [communication method]. Thank you for a great year. These Three Words Describe Me in The Best Way. For some companies, this situation might not prove difficult whatsoeverit's entirely possible that November and December are slow periods for plenty of employers. Review. 2. Address and ease their fears of taking time off. All PTO requests and approvals will be tracked using [system]. But these templates really just help you organise your thoughts. You will need to demonstrate through your own actions that youre serious about time off. Its also important to provide employees with references to any government or health official guidance, so they can also take that into account. You don't need us to tell you that taking time off should reduce stress. Knowing who on your team is at risk of burnout or who has a lot of leave left to use is a huge win. Long Vacation Message. So, by looking into your efforts and integrity to accomplish your goal in the company, we have decided to offer you a special leave for (mention the period) days, and we will be very happy if you accept it. **Note to employees who are projected to have annual leave that otherwise would be subject to forfeiture Design/methodology/approach - - The first step of the analysis identifies the wage policy . When was the last time you used your PTO to take a vacation? "They were very relieved [by the change in policy], and we are trying to reward them as much as possible for their work.". To recap, here's how to ask for time off: Tip#1: Send a vacation request email weeks in advance. For instance, you can give your employees the tools to help them unplug from work. Tip#3: Be sure to use the word "because" when explaining your reasons. Taking time off is something many people will avoid when job security is at the forefront of someones mind.