Could it possibly be civilized to love myself above all? What have other recent general authorities suggested about knowing the timing of the Second Coming? It goes like this: When you want a thing bad enough to go out and fight for it, I picked up another interesting quote from a fellow who was also a stutterer. Furthermore, should any such idea have come into my mind, it would not have stood unchallenged with the President of the Church seated immediately behind me. Finally Id walk up to him and hand him this note, and hed read it: Dear Mr. Parsons, We dont have any food in the house. She never moved; she just stared out that window waiting for Dad to come. Charity is the pure love of Christ, when you dont mind being embarrassed, when all you can think about is the good of the people. To add more books, click here . Were here on the earth, and were going to have the benefit of all those great things that President Brownas a prophet, seer, and revelator in the First Presidencycould probably see were ahead for us. Job was a great soul, and he said, Though he [God] slay me, yet will I trust in him (Job 13:15). Then they took this girl, after they had the picture of her before, and obtained the finest clothes that money could buy for her. shelved 790 times Showing 20 distinct works. In fact, these include documents critical of the Church and others that have been repudiated by Church leaders. From finding the right means to fund your innovative business idea to expanding a family-run business, from grabbing the keys to your dream car to securing your property for your life's biggest project yet - you've always wished to live life to the fullest. She asked, Bishop Featherstone, before I leave, would you please give me a blessing? And so I gave her a blessing, and she left. The Lord has said, If ye are prepared ye shall not fear (D&C 38:30). He reached down into the water and pulled a huge stone out. As to how I know, I'll just say I was in a HP calling at the time. I believe, you see, that what King Arthur went through was a terrible thing. Thats a diamond! According to Doctrine and Covenants77:7, the seven seals opened by the Lamb in Revelationchapter5 represent things relative to this earth during the seven thousand years of its continuance, or its temporal existence. If we are to understand these thousand-year periods as exact and literal, and we hold that the Savior was born on 1 CE, then it would reason that the Millennium was scheduled to begin at 2000 CE. We can imagine what General Conference must be like, to have the Savior address the people. A few months after the contest, this girl was married, and a short time later she had five children. When I was eighteen my mother died, and I had four younger brothers and sisters. She stood by us and was our great defender in those bitter years. Timmy was a moronat least thats what his teacher told himso she had him transferred out of her class into a class where they did teach morons. It is totally wrong, and I cant imagine that they couldnt see that themselves. If we have that kind of attitude it doesnt matter what we go through, our reward is certain in the next life. After the marriage, we went out to see my mother. All of a sudden Carol came down the spiral staircase in a beautiful dress and said, Well, Daddy, thats Douglas Snarr. Enslen, To Any Who May Be Interested.. My two sisters got married, and then all the family was raised. Doug described his reaction: Something welled up inside of me that made me so mad I could hardly stand it. The opening paragraph describes what Featherstone believed the experience of these future Latter-day Saints would be like fifty years in the future. I hadnt been baptized, and I was nine years old by this time. So I asked if I could be baptized. You must simply trust in him as Job did. Abstract: In this essay, I examine a letter written by Elder Vaughn J. Featherstone in 1983 and deposited in the cornerstone of the Atlanta Georgia Temple. We need to remember a great phrase by President Hugh B. 20. I didnt mind moving my arm because I was finally communicating. I am satisfied with it. What the artist had just discovered was that, if he was satisfied with the picture, he didnt know how to improve. It has not. It doesnt matter what the problems are; we can overcome any of them if we just understand that we are creations of God, and each of us is somebody. Then he came forward and went right on with the next chapter. To watch the entire presentation entitled, "7 Year Tribulation in the SEVENTH Seal TIMELINE" by Millennial Reign, click vaughn j featherstone excommunicatedshortest water tower in the world. Did they ask for this calamity? During that time I learned a great many tricks to avoid speaking. We will baptize people in the tens of thousands. Blythe, Vaughn J. Featherstone's Atlanta Temple Letter 313 Enslen stated it was used by Church leaders in the South in the years after 1983.15 The language in these two portions of Featherstone's letter are distinct. Ican see in my mind[]s eye great hosts of converts to exceed amillion members in the South. I wouldnt dare tell you, Ill teach you how to live with it, because you would say, as Doug Snarr did, Youre no good! I dont like that answer. The priest said, This is where we got our mountains and hills and our valleys and our deep gorges. We cant add one featherweight of burden to our mothers heart. And so wed go to bed hungry. We appreciated your talkand so forth. S.Umapathi Financial Advisor. If you had a diamond mine, you could place your children on thrones throughout the world., After the Buddhist priest had left, Ali Hafid went to bed. Featherstone spoke on the importance of temple attendance in the last dispensation, when Satan has unleashed every evil. He was also quoted as saying, Ibelieve we may well have living on the earth now, or very soon, the boy or babe who will be the prophet of the Church when the Savior comes. I dont care what the handicaps are that you think are so severe; you can overcome them. I think youd be interested in a quote I oftentimes use to tell how I feel about my wife, but I want to use it to make a different point tonight. After I was married, my husband was called to be a seventy. I had a good job, but I had this serious health problem. I didnt know what to do, so I knelt down. So I expected that his promises would take place. Hes come to take me out tonight. And with those words she took all the pressure off and alleviated the problem., Despite his problem, Douglas decided that he had a great talenta great artistic talent, as some of you here might knowand so he developed a business. You see, the God I worship has a thousand times more compassion than I have. If gladly youll sweat for it, fret for it, plan for it, Were called to the harvest, Its the day of the South! (BrettD.Dowdle, correspondence with the author, April 30, 2020. Vaughn J Featherstonewas born on month day1931, at birth place, Utah, to Stephen Elvin Featherstoneand Emma Marie Featherstone (born Johnson). He was a poor man. But I want to tell you she was there the next time, when the next brother got married. Most experienced readers know this. Isnt there something splendid about light? Also see "Answering Gospel Questions." I had heard about him and admired him for a long time. They talk about hard work and long hours. He also said, Genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration. Michelangelo said, If people knew how hard I work to get my mastery, it wouldnt seem so wonderful at all. And Paderewski said, A genius? Vaughn J Featherstone God Spiritual Religious "It is not difficult to understand why the great God of heaven has reserved these special spirits for the final work of the kingdom prior to his millennial reign.. Each of my shoes felt two feet in diameter. If you only knew some of the great people of the earth and what they have accomplished. He didnt care; hes just prejudiced. No portion of this site may be reproduced without the express written consent of The Foundation for Apologetic Information and Research, Inc. Any opinions expressed, implied, or included in or with the goods and services offered by FAIR are solely those of FAIR and not those of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I turned to the man and said, Youre no good! Then I turned and left. All those years that I took care of and supported my brothers and sisters, I had a health problem. The video presents alast days timeline that places the Second Coming in the very near future. ), 15. I think if youll be a trainer of people, or a teacher, or a philosopher, you need to plant the sweet smell of success in the nostrils of those you would inspire. Have you talked to her?, Yes, weve tried to talk her out of it many times., He said, Well, I hate to tell you this, but we told her that, if she would come to see you and talk to you, and if she still wanted to be excommunicated after she had the interview with you, wed let her be excommunicated., I answered, Thanks. Then I got humble inside and said, Of course Ill see her. We made an appointment, and I want to tell you that I came to that interview with a great deal of prayer and a very humble heart. Youve put a time limit on the Lord. To have the privilege of having lunch with him was something very exciting to me, and we arranged to have dinner a week from this Friday, so my wife and I are going to have the privilege of spending more time with him and finding out more about him. It was too late; church was out; the building was all locked up. Its great! You will always find diamonds.. Finally the professor got up, came over and stood by me, put his arm around me, and said, I will give the prayer. And he gave the prayer. Tomorrow, you pack your things and come and live with us the whole time you are in Chicago., A short time later, this family took me on a trip down to southern Illinois. He said, I just suggest you get married. So I did, and we have this lovely family. Many things cant be changed, and we have to live with them. Then the little fellow said to him, Isnt there some kind of guff youdogive that Icantake?. Could this be interpreted to mean that such aperiod will elapse after the commencement of the seventh thousand-year period and before the outpouring of the woes about to be named?25This is important to the timing suggested by Masayoshi Montemayor as well. Ive tried to compensate for it. He loved the youth and especially loved Scouting; he stayed physically active throughout his life and was even a qualified professional river rafting guide. Id ten times rather be stripped of all of my limbs than have that happen to me. For the first ten days of that course, we could not say one word. I can name every single one, and there are hundreds of them in the woods around our house. Vaughn J. Featherstone - Bibliography - List of Talks Talks by Vaughn J. Featherstone Show Timeline Presiding Bishopric - 2nd Counselor (6 Apr 1972 - 1 Oct 1976) 6 Apr 1972 A Challenge to the Priesthood General Conference 7 Oct 1972 The Sure Word of God General Conference 6 Apr 1973 "Now Abideth Faith, Hope, and Charity" General Conference Jun 1973 Just keep serving, and in due time things will take place. You want to let him know that you just cant take any more, that youve had your limit of pressure.. I wanted to pray, but the words wouldnt come. I am going to tell you something I would rather not tell yousomething Ive told just a few people, a select group. I wanted to tell you that little incident just to give you some background about the kind of man Douglas Snarr is. Many of you are covenant children. Not one of them looked at me. It happens. If in my limited way I could see all that she had gone through and feel all that she had suffered enough, God would know much more than I ever could what suffering she should go through, the depth of it, and then at the right time he would not withhold those blessings from her. When I was invited to accept this assignment, I looked to it as a great honor and one to which hopefully I can contribute something. As it formed, after it had gone through fog bank after fog bank, some of the inner eruption came forth. The Arab concluded his story by saying that Ali Hafids farm was the Golconda mine, the richest diamond mine in all the history of the world. When I was 19 1/2, I went to the bishop and asked, Bishop, can I go on a mission?. This letter serves as Montemayors final piece of evidence for an imminent second coming. He said, This story I save for my particular friends. Then he told me this story: In ancient Persia there was a man by the name of Ali Hafid who owned orchards, gardens, and fields of grain. I remember that on payday my mother would go over and stand against the mantel and look out the window up the street. Nor sickness of pain to body or brain can turn you away from the aim Cant you ask one of the other kids? As far as I know, perhaps the last major public address Elder Featherstone gave was to BYU Idaho in 2013, as found here. Something went wrong. 1. I had a pair of shoes that Id wear to church. When you git watered up, fill the bottle and put it back like you found it for the next feller. There is enough water in it to prime the pump, but not if you drink some first. Find This Book If anyone were to ask me the day and the hour of the Second Coming, Icould only answer that Ido not know. Not too long ago a news item came over from Scotland. Proposition[and I feel this way about my sons]: If I could choose from every man who breathes on this earth a man for my brother and a man for my son, a man for my friend, they would all be Lance. We didnt say anything for ten days. I told some seminary students the other day about an experience I had after getting glasses. Later on my mother and father were divorced. On April 6, 1983, Elder Featherstone drafted aletter addressed to twenty-first century members of the Church. Id see that great high priest and store owner look at the letter, then look down at me, and tears would come to his eyes. He retreated to a lonely room where he did some great mental struggling within himself. Anyway, this little gal came in, looked at me, and said, Is that you? There is no reason we need to fail. It would serve as great "insurance protection" for your marriage. Later on a member of the stake presidency gave me a blessing and promised me that my health would be increased, but my health isnt any better. 27. Has Ali Hafid returned?, No, Ali Hafid has not returned, and thats not a diamond. But I have found the great majority of his addresses and teachings precious and filled with truth. ISBN 9780875790855 (978--87579-085-5) Hardcover, Deseret Book Co, 1987. With a camel train they went down the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Many of you have it much harder and have attended college. We promise to pay back every penny when we get some money. Anyway, the branch president invited me in, we talked for a while, and he said, Go out and send the taxi away. The photocopy digital information was uploaded by Elder JohnE.Enslen from the Church History Department.8This is misleading. I went back home that summer and, although there was a girl I was interested in [apparently the same little gal], I didnt go on one date. Her father came to the door and said, What do you want, young man?, Douglas explained how he felt at the time: I tried to say what I wanted, but I couldnt. But I just sat there. Of course they saw those nurses shoes that I had to wear to church. They really care about me. I remember thinking that through, and I went to a little box of shoes some neighbors had given us. Here are excerpts from an oldies but goodies Conference talk by Vaughn J. Featherstone: "I would like to talk tonight about a need for a self-inflicted purging in every single priesthood holder so that we might be pure in heart. Would you look at this lovely wife of mine and think about two points? To give up your peace and your sleep and your time for it; In his April 1997 Ensign article entitled, Enduring Well Elder Neal A. Maxwell is on record as saying, An angel, whose identity we do not know, came to strengthen Him. So I voluntarily lengthened my skirts. He didnt have enough concept, skill, or ability to increase and improve that painting. Of course Ido not know when the Savior will come. I think sometimes you feel as if God had thrown out the lifebuoy and then pulled it away from you. The man who bought the farm from Ali Hafid went out to water his camel one day in the little stream that ran through the white sands of the farm. They were a pair of womens nurses shoes. We paid our tithing all those years. I put a new sucker washer into it, and it ought to last for five years. The story concerns the fellow who was in a nice big automobile. As he did, he saw something glistening in the sand. No one pointed at my shoes. This is the thing that beautified the earth. If the time here mentioned is the Lords time in which one day is athousand years, the half hour would be some twenty-one of our years. Not really. The Church History Library houses all sorts of documents that could be significant for preserving the Latter-day Saint past, not simply what has received official endorsement. Were proud. My wife is expecting. Ask Mr. Parsons, the neighborhood grocer, if we could charge these groceries, and tell him we dont have any food. In 1993, an institute director contacted Elder Featherstone to confirm that this was agenuine statement. Were going someplace, and we can make real contributions to the kingdom as soon as we start looking outside of ourselves instead of thinking only about ourselves and all the problems we have. [1] His parents divorced when he was growing up. Its just a rock that I found out in my stream here.. His teacher said, Well, my goodness, Timmy, youre a genius!, A genius is someone who knows a great deal about one thing.. He has also been the president of the Logan Utah Temple in Logan, Utah. He decided he would try to find a speech correction school. jaime jaquez injury . I guess the Lord knew that I had had all the pressure I could possibly take, that I couldnt take one particle more of pressure. He just cannot believe that anyone cant succeed if he wants to succeed. Get personalized recommendations, and learn where to watch across hundreds of streaming providers. VAUGHN FEATHERSTONE OBITUARY 1931 ~ 2018 Elder Vaughn J. Featherstone, 87, Emeritus General Authority for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, passed away peacefully in his home. You recall the scene where King Arthur finally, after many months, received reports and innuendos and whatever that Lancelot and King Arthurs wife, Guinevere, had had an affair and were having an affair at that time. But they had the fine instinct not to laugh. Twice I have heard him say that he heard Elder McConkie say that Gabriel, or Noah, was the angel that appeared in the garden of Gethsemane to strengthen the Savior as he underwent the atonement, or suffering for sin, of all mankind. He would continue to do so all through her life. The woman came in, and I asked, You are so-and-so?, She responded, The only reason I am here is that my bishop said if I would come and talk to you I could be excommunicated after the interview. Isnt it satisfactory? We lived off my husbands income, and I managed his affairs for him at home. He is very successful, and hes been a pushera driver. Others can help us be attractive on the surface, and I think its important to look attractive. Would you please do that?, I would look up at her, and Id say, Mother, why do I always have to go? He kept waving, and pretty soon I succumbed to the temptation and looked over at him. I believe my bishop, and hes a great man, and I believe in the stake presidency and the president of the First Council of the Seventy. Enslen had only acquired this letter the week previous.9However, Enslen, who was serving in an Alabama stake presidency in 1983, recalled that he had heard Featherstone read this letter at ameeting in Alabama ashort time after the letters date.10We have no way of knowing whether Featherstone shared his letter with other general authorities, but its inclusion in the Church History Library does not imply it came with any official approval. Eventually, she and his siblings were baptized as well. He was often open about these beliefs in away in which others might have been more cautious. In most cases, refuted documents are not marked in any way. Someone said that when a person is really enthusiastic he gives off measurable wavelengths that leave his body for four or five feet. I havent been through that kind of a test. IMDb is the world's most popular and authoritative source for movie, TV and celebrity content. We now have more than 110,000 members of the Church in this area. If Ali Hafid had stayed home and dug in his own fields, he would have had acres of diamonds. After theyre gone Ill come running home half an hour later or something. That was my plan. After class this kind professor came to me and said, Doug, if you will continue to come to class, Ill make it worth your while. I didnt want tolive withthe problem! And then the old Arab stopped telling the story and went back to straighten the pack on the camels back. VaughnJ.Featherstone, The Incomparable Christ: Our Master and Model (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1995), 45. I didnt have a college education, and I have been embarrassed about it. Iconsider the claims made about this letter from arecent viral video entitled 7 Year Tribulation in the SEVENTH Seal TIMELINE.. 12. The views and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of FAIR, its officers, directors or supporters. Featherstone spoke on the importance of temple attendance in the last dispensation, when "Satan has unleashed every evil." He was also quoted as saying, "I believe we may well have living on the earth now, or very soon, the boy or babe who will be the prophet of the Church when the Savior comes. If youll simply go after the thing that you want with all your capacity, When authors state that items come from the Church or Church Headquarters or Salt Lake one does have to be cautious because that is often a way to sneak something past the unwary or give them an air of authority they do not actually possess. As he read, he felt as though he were present in the ancient Americas for the events taking place. 10. Dont go drinking up the water first. Primero, lo menos importante, pero aun de gran significado, debemos comprender . In our day we have many things that come into our lives that seem to be great obstacles and great handicaps. I love them, and they answer me with pain and torment. On March 12, 2020, the video 7 Year Tribulation in the SEVENTH Seal TIMELINE was released on YouTube.1Six weeks later it had 375,000 views and had made the rounds on various Facebook groups, including one devoted to discussion among seminary teachers. As soon as I did, he started into a story. If you could look back and see the obstacles they had, I want to tell you that you would be so grateful to have all that you have. So I had decided I would pay for the course myself. to me, or to our Table? It really does come forth when you start serving people. Then I said, My-name-is-Doug-Snarr. As he pulled it out, he noticed that it caught all the different hues of the rainbow, so he took it in the house and set it on his mantel. Does it always have to be me? But when I looked into her face and saw the heavy heart she had, Id say, Ill go. So Id take the list, and Id go out and get our old red wagon with the tires worn off and the rims worn flat. Thats a great story relating to what I would like to talk to you about tonight: the acres of diamonds each of you has as an individual. This was incorrect, since it was Michael, or Adam, that Elder McConkie is on record as teaching as the identity of this angel. Elder Vaughn J. Featherstone felt the blessings of the gospel deeply in his own life and dedicated himself to sharing those blessings with everyone around him. I watched, but, do you know, not one of those eight-and nine-year-old children in that class laughed at me. I tried to compensate by buying books, and I have thousandsI dont know how many books. During that time (and this is the part I would rather not tell), my dad was an alcoholic, and my mother wasnt a member of the Church. So I think we ought to stop worrying and being concerned about those things. He wanted that kind of conviction for himself, so he began seriously reading the Book of Mormon. I have picked up several quotes of successful men concerning what they think the secrets of achievement are. These members, traditional Protestant and Catholic Christians are being prepared right now. I know every bird in the forest. Description. Mother would come to me, hand me a list, and say, Vaughn, would you take this up to the store? But I havent, and so I have been embarrassed. Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. (This is the part I am embarrassed even to tell you.) Elder McConkie did not say he knew who it was, he actually said We know that an angel came from the courts of glory to strengthen him in his ordeal, and we suppose it was mighty Michael, who foremost fell that mortal man might be. In other words Elder McConkie doesnt know either, he supposes it was but not 100% certain. The masters only know whose work is good, and they will choose mine. sort by * Note: these are all the books on Goodreads for this author. As his career and Church service became more demanding, Elder Featherstone made sure to make his family a top priority. When any man holds twixt hand and chin a violin of mine, he will be glad that Stradivari lived, made violins, and made them of the best. I had lunch this past Tuesday with a man I admire very much. I told a group of Aaronic Priesthood holders out in the congregation tonight, if they are pure in heart, they may . Doug was in Washington, D.C., not too long ago, riding in a taxicab. I was looking all the time. I knew I couldnt for fear that someone would see my shoes. Pretty soon everyone came in, and then all of a sudden someone announced: We will now be separated for classes. I had forgotten you had to go to class. We are a volunteer organization. There are several copies on the internet. When the taxi tried to pass the bus again, the bus driver swerved right over in front of the taxi. Cobbled together by Dennis B. Horne Note: In his earlier years, in some talks given in the 1970s, as a counselor in the Presiding Bishopric, Elder Vaughn J. Featherstone referenced a marvelous spiritual experience he received.The below contains both published text and newly transcribed wording that was withheld for whatever reason (perhaps felt to be too . These documents are published on the Church History Library website in order to assist historians in their work. Somebody else said, Nighttime demands from the overburdened soul the things that daylight denies.. He himself said:Of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. . So why would Featherstone have believed the Second Coming was scheduled for the early twenty-first century if it had not come to him by an independent revelation? If Im fired from this, I dont know what Ill do., And then big, old, soft-hearted Doug said, If youll go over and apologize to that black driver, it will all be forgotten. So the bus driver went over and apologized to the black driver and got back in his bus, and it was all forgotten. I was saying something, and it was coming out! He was born March 26, 1931, in the small town of Stockton, Utah. In this essay, Iexamine this document to understand its limitations for the argument Montemayor makes. I shant be wounded and not return it in kind. The bus driver looked down, saw this black driver, and started trying to force him off the road. Where should I look for one?, The Buddhist priest, having been awakened early in the morning and not feeling too pleasant, said, You look for a river between high mountains, and the river will flow on white sands, and there you will find diamonds., There is, replied the priest, and there are many of them, and you will find them. I went through that night, and the next morningyou know how your mind worksI knew I had to go! Vaughn J. Featherstone of the Presiding Bishopric February 3, 1974 Audio 0:00/56:10 Speed I am very pleased to be with you tonight. It has been cross-posted with permission. The passengers agreed that the driver had been trying to force the black cabbie off the road.