West Antarctica's Weak Underbelly Giving Way. Answer (1 of 3): Just a look at the dates will show you that this hypothesis is unfounded. The continent of Antarctica was seperated from South America around 23 million years ago. In their impending announcement about the Antarctica excavations, emphasis will be on the terrestrial elements of the flash frozen civilization in order not to shock the general population too much. MTk5NzM5YjY4ZTk0NGNkN2Y4M2FkNjNkY2M2OGM5Y2E1ZmVmZGU1ZjNjNjJh Your tax-deductible contribution plays a critical role in sustaining this effort. It was originally serialized in the February, March, and April 1936 issues of Astounding Stories.It has been reproduced in numerous collections. Maps of the ancient world that showed Antarctica as free of ice and populated. Once the video is returned to its rightful owner, Atlantis TV have stated they will have no second thoughts on airing it and will let the public know of this new discovery. Required fields are marked *. An ancient underground complex discovered in Southern California that included star charts on aluminum sheets. This service is provided on News Group Newspapers' Limited's Standard Terms and Conditions in accordance with our Privacy & Cookie Policy. Karen Espley is an author, speaker, and businesswoman. It has been published in Archaeology News Flash. The coordinates given to JP (723112S 33626W) appear to show a large building complex located about 150 miles (240 km) from the Antarctic coastline inQueen Maud Land. As per the researchers, the mysterious structure covers 151 Miles across and could be buried 848 meters underneath the land. Five sites have been removed from the list for various reasons. 2K. MDQxMGQyYWJlM2Q4NjRmZTQ4YWVlOGY4YzI3NzA1YjA3MzkxZDc2N2FlZmYx We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you. But it has only been since 2002 that excavations by archaeologists and other scientists have been allowed on the site. ZDVlYzRlNjIxOTU1N2NiOWVlMGExZTFjYzhiNjExZjYyZGZmMDhkOGRiMmQw "No, Professor, I didn't." He took his hat off to wipe his brow, then stared at me. You can unsubscribe at any time. Archeologist, Ashoka Tripathi, of the Department of Archaeology at the University of Calcutta believes the images are evidence of an ancient human settlement. Savor wonderfully diverse cuisine from tender Argentine asado to the acclaimed Chilean wines. "We survived on show tunes and s'mores," Amundsen says. 2021 - 05:05. Ancient ruins of Antarctica hidden city discovered by Atlantis TV production crew, who went missing since november 2002. Goode, a secret space program whistleblower, says that in early January 2017 he was taken to Antarctica by the U.S. Air Force to witness a secret excavation work that is under way there on the ruins of a 55,000-year-old alien civilisation. Based on this connection, researchers were able to identify the niches as all that remained of cupboards built to house an ancient library's roughly 20,000 scrolls. Navy Engineer: I Saw UFOs, Aliens, And Top-Secret Bases In Antarctica! After being satisfied about the accuracy of Goodes information and sources, Sigmund unexpectedly shared some of his knowledge about the Antarctica excavations. . However, not everyone who saw the Ancient Aliens episode was convinced by the wild theories presented. OThlZGMxZDI2NjE5ZGIxZDI3NDRjMGQ0YTUwODUyZWM2ZTQ5ZTcyMzUyYzE4 One of the theories is that pyramids are power generators andso if you have these pyramids strategically placed around the world generating a charge, its possible to create a general standing wave around the world that isa wirelesstransmission of energy.. Ancient Ruins In Antarctica | Unariun Wisdom Jan 19th Ancient Ruins In Antarctica by Michael Salla On December 26, 2021, my US Army source, JP, was given a set of geographical coordinates from an unnamed Lt Colonel (USAF) who simply told him to publicly release them. Its important to point out that the ruins are many miles away from the two nearby Norwegian basesTroll(720042S 23206E) andTor(715322S 50934E). An artist's impression of how a city in Antarctica could look. A close examination of the image in comparison to other nearby areas suggests that the object is not due to image pixelation. It has been suggested by certain conspiracy theorists that Antarctica is home to the ancient lost city of Atlantis. A city-sized base was built there, called "Base 22 or New Berlin", and supposedly was home to not only Nazis but also the Illuminati. This information is from Jonathan Gray, an adventurer and archeologist from World Education Research Ltd. The discovery of the ruins dates back to the first Nazi German expedition in 1939. That separation created the Antarctic circumpolar current that effectively isolated the continent from the others. ZDJmNjcxZWU2NDUyZmQzOWI0MzJhZmY4ZWY4NGU2OWUxMWJiN2FkYTM3MDk2 NTU2ZjU5NDczYTAxMDgwNTQxZmNjZmJjNzBiZjRiZWRkZWU3YWQyNGFkYTYx eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiNDk2ZjYyMTRhZGMzMzQ2ZjAyNmYwOTVjNTcwMmZlZmYw A Warmer Continent YjIwYjRlMjc1MWE5NDdlNmM3MzhjOWUyOGEzN2Y4MDBmMDg1MDkyZWY5NTA1 According to satellite images on Google Earth, there is a strange area in Antarctica which supposedly reveals a structure that, according to some theorists, could belong to lost ancient civilization, and not just any lost civilization, but Plato's Atlantis. OGJjOTk3NDUzMTYwNzFkNGQyMzY0MzMyYjliYTYxYWUzNTUyODY4YjU5MWZi The Strange Mystery Of The Pauli Effect: What Happened To The Austrian Scientist? The discovery of the Dome structure that is approximately 400 feet across and man made added to the mounting list of evidence that claims that this discovery could allegedly be a hidden city frozen underneath the surface. The Kumano Kodo is a network of ancient pilgrimage routes that crisscross Japan's largest peninsula, the Kii Hanto. NzQ4NzgxMWFkYWMwNDhkYjUzYzY2ZDQ5M2U2MjA0ZmRjODljNWNmNDE4NmU0 Dr Mitch Darcy, a geologist at the German Research Centre for Geosciences in Potsdam, argued mountains like this are known as nunataks. In previous articles I have examined claims that theGerman Dark Fleet recently had to evacuate Antarcticadue to intervention by an Earth Alliance working with friendly extraterrestrial organizations: The Dark Fleet facilities were reportedly handed over to China, which quickly handed them over to USSpace Commandwith the provision that joint scientific research would be conducted at these, as stipulated inagreements reached in July above Jupiter. If you have faced any supernatural or unexplainable event then you can submit your own story to reach out to more people using our website as a medium. The amber adds to fossil evidence that many dinosaurs. By subscribing you agree to our Terms of Use. According to JP, the US military is working inside several buildings at the ruins, one of which contains a stargate or a portal that enables instantaneous travel in our solar system. Today, it is home to a colony of feral cats. In Washington State Bitcoin & Marijuana Dont Mix, California To Withhold Federal Tax From Trump Until Impeachment Happens, by Sean Adl-Tabatabai in Sponsored Admiral Byrd, a 33 degree Freemason led the expedition of 30 ships and 4700 militarized soldiers. Help News from Science publish trustworthy, high-impact stories about research and the people who shape it. The egg case belongs to the class Clitellata worm, species of which are long extinct which makes it quite an extraordinary finding. This ancient square consists of the ruins of four Roman Republic temples, including Pompey's Theater, the Roman Senate. And Mohammad Ziaul Mushtafa Khan said: No evidence, only a bunch of authors referred them as extraterrestrial theorists claimed everything on Earth is conspired by some aliens, now latest victim is Antarctica. NjMzOGYzNzUxODRhN2VlZWE2YzM4ZmFjYzZiYTJiNWRiNjgyMGNhNzA4Mzkz Fausto Ferraccioli, Director of Geophysics at the National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics in Italy, and also affiliated with the British Antarctic Survey, said, We have been trying to piece together the connections between Antarctica and other continents for decades. YWZjM2M3YjYxZWM3OTE3MzZiYzY4ZGMxNDg2YjVkZGI3ZmUwYTVjNGY1YTJh An Antarctic mountain with a unique, pyramid-like shape is suddenly internet-famous, with countless theorists contemplating its origin. A popular pyramid conspiracy claims the triangular structures act as power generators of sorts, built for the purpose of transiting vast amounts of energy wirelessly. Only when we put them together with satellite magnetic data, can we see the full picture.. However wacky, Mallery's speculations were all it took for Italian engineer Flavio Barbiero to run with the theory that Reis must have had access. Other experts laud the discovery. To keep this resource 100% free, we receive compensation for many of the products and services listed on the site. It appeared to show extensive ancient ruins hidden in the ice, and was a video supposedly . is it a natural formation or something more complicated? Editorial opinions expressed on the site are strictly our own, and are not provided, endorsed, or approved by advertisers. UFO sighting: Conspiracist claims alien structures on the Moon Can you see them? Perhaps the most significant item on the map is the depiction of Antarctica despite Antarctica not officially being discovered until until 1773 by Captain James Cook. At that time, the spokesperson of the company Atlantis TV has said that the US government will find ways to stop the airing of the video found by the Navy rescuers. In this episode, Karen Espley talks about how a trip to Antarctica helped her change direction. Yzk4NGNlM2RhYjhkOTZjYzM5ZWFjNzJkZWRmYTFkN2ExNzY2OGRmMGU5MDcz This is an area that was claimed by Hitler's Third Reich and where an Antarctic Colony, Base 211, was secretly established during World War 2. As the ice sheets of Antarctica continue to melt, experts believe that the lessening snow is revealing a mysterious truth about the South Pole. We clearly have here evidence of human engineering. And this could have been Atlantis, a mythical cityfounded by people who were half god and half human which wasfirst mentioned by Greek philosopher Plato in 360BC. While observing the image, it is easy to notice how the rings of the structure resemble a structure in ruins as if we were looking at walls that have been destroyed, collapsed ruins that have been covered by snow and ice. ZDQ4OWYwYmU0ZjdmNjY1NTIyZGQwZWE0OTI3NWQ2MmRmZjFhYTc0M2YzMGIy In October, explorers discovered the remnants of a secret Nazi base hidden deep in the Arctic, just 600 miles from the North Pole. If we've learned anything from the COVID-19 pandemic, it's that we cannot wait for a crisis to respond. We have only just now been cleared to release this critical, time-sensitive data to the public. 2021 - 22:00 ashley cowie . The unfavorable living conditions of Antarctica makes it a difficult place to inhabit. It involved a civilization led by 10-12 foot tall Pre-Adamites with elongated skulls. "The Sun", "Sun", "Sun Online" are registered trademarks or trade names of News Group Newspapers Limited. Doubleday has been receding at an estimated 3 meters per year for the last century, and the last geologic expeditions visited the site in the 1920s. Came up to me and said to share the information. Embark on this state of the art, all inclusive expedition cruise into a journey to discover the crown jewels of the Norwegian Fjords on a 10-day tour through the most magnificent scenery. ZGM2NmI1NDBmNzZhNmIyZjI2MDcyZTY0MGVlZDQ4NzUwN2JiOGM0MjFjYjEx Science and AAAS are working tirelessly to provide credible, evidence-based information on the latest scientific research and policy, with extensive free coverage of the pandemic. Photo's released by NASA appear to vindicate the conspiracy theory that an ancient civilization exists beneath the Antarctica ice sheets. This connects with the Hole at the Other Pole and to the Hollow Earth and those who live there. In the below interview, JP discusses his background, why he decided to join the US Army, secret missions to EarthsMoonand Jupiters moon,Ganymede, where he met with different extraterrestrial entities. This raises the question, "how old are the ruins being currently discovered in Antarctica?" Some are wondering whether an . Saturday, 4th March 2023See today's front and back pages, download the newspaper, order back issues and use the historic Daily Express newspaper archive. February 16, 2021 11:29 am. It is believed by the researchers that the ancient Anunnaki city was built between 160,000 and 200,000 BC as a part of an even larger community of approximately 10,000 Square kilometers. Another conspiracy theorist agreed, saying: "All the way around the world we find evidence of pyramid structures. This map was drawn to such accuracy that it depicted the coastlines of South America and Antarctica within half a degree of longitude. One of the most amazing sites in the area is the prehistoric chalk horse, one of England's many gigantic chalk outlines, but the oldest of the lot. Headteacher sacked 'after sending parents a list of striking teachers' as school launches probe. In a December 11, 2016 update, Goode describes how he had been earlier made aware of the Antarctica excavations from multiple sources, and then had the excavations also revealed to him by a senior officer within a USAF led secret space program he dubbed Sigmund, Sigmund led a covert mission involving multiple abductions and debriefings of Goode who was being tested for the fidelity of his information. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. For the first time, an international team of scientists has used magnetic data from ESAs Swarm satellite mission together with aeromagnetic data to help reveal the mysteries of the geology hidden beneath Antarcticas kilometres-thick ice sheets, and link Antarctica better to its former neighbours. The images seem to show strange markings in the snow which look manufactured, and as though structures used to stand there. JPhas served for almost two years in the US Army and has come forward to give his first interview discussing secret military missions by an international space coalition to the Moon, Ganymede and other locations in the solar system. MjNhOGUzNjhmZmU4OGM3NGQ2ZDRiODdmNGRjMTMxZmI4OGQ1MzI5ODMwMWM1 To this day, the Atlantis TV crew who filmed the archaeological dig remains missing. YTBmZWNhOWFhNzYzMWNlNWE4NGRjNDg4MjlmNDU2YzQxYmY4NGMwOTYxYzQw What is most fascinating about this map is that it shows the coastline of Antarctica without any ice. The routes have been used for more than a thousand years by the worshippers of the indigenous Shinto religion, as well as Buddhists. There has been a missing TV crew from California since November 2002. The mysterious discovery has also been linked to the ancient ruins found in South Africa because of the uncanny resemblance in shape and appearance. A team of researchers are claiming that they have discovered three ancient pyramids on the ice covered continent of Antarctica. Just last week scientists discovered a massive object lurking beneath frozen wasteland in Antarctica. Satellite images from NASA show a possible human. On 23 July 2021 In Other Though the mainstream media is covering it up, it is a fact that ruins have been melting out of the ice in Antarctica as global warming heats up. But how is this possible? He says that a group of recently arrived highly evolved extraterrestrials are having life changing effects with soldiers and others with whom they come into contact. Or rather, the remains of one that had been damaged by a glacier. For history and literary buffs, that's the site of the infamous stabbing of Julius Caesar. This abstract outline of a horse, 360 feet long and 130 feet wide, was carved out of the hillside, the trenches filled with white chalk rocks, contrasting nicely with the green . . In addition, select ancient artifacts from other locations will be brought in from vast warehouses and seeded into the archeological site for public release. Gondwana was an amalgam of continents that incorporated South America, Africa, Arabia, Madagascar, India, Australia, New Zealand and Antarctica. Antarctica 1964 Satellite Photos Show Ancient Ruins Sunday, April 18, 2021 11:30 Antarctica Mysteries NEW 2021 - Recently declassified U.S. satellite photographs taken above most areas of the world have been causing a stir amongst archaeologists. Do you have a story for The Sun Online news team? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Atlantis TV is still fighting for their right to the video, because it is their property as their crew were the ones who filmed it. NASA monitors ELECTRIC BLUE clouds circling over Antarctica, UFO crashes into Antarctica leaving trail of destruction, The melting snow allegedly revealed these structures, Shock as scientists discover 91 volcanoes beneath Antarctica, Scientists forced to FLEE Antarctic research base as huge crack opens, Volcano 'as powerful as Yellowstone' MELTS ice beneath Antarctica. YmQzNDg5MjQ5NzJlMTMzMWE2ODJjMzlmZThlZGE2NDRkMWMzMzkyOWE4YzRj A slight pole shift or displacement of the axis of rotation of the Earth in historical times is possibly the only rational explanation that comes to mind but we definitely need more research done before we jump to any conclusion.. ZjMwNThiNzE3ZDU5M2EwZDliZTdiNDIxNDQ4MjVhZTQwYzdhOWNjYmRkMzBi JP created the below video that shows the structure on Google Earth for the coordinates he was given and compares its size toMachu Picchu(JPs video starts at 3:08 in below video): This would have been especially the case if it housed a portal enabling instantaneous travel in our solar system and beyond. A conspiracy theory alleges that Antarctica was ice-free ages ago and it was not hostile to humans back then. The GREAT GUN GRAB of 2021 Begins! For further details of our complaints policy and to make a complaint please click this link: thesun.co.uk/editorial-complaints/, The mysterious oval-shaped building can be seen from satellite images, The claims come just months after an image appeared to show apyramid onAntartica, Sastrugi is a natural phenomenon which occurs when high winds blow across the snow, creating sharp, stiff peaks, Antartica is largely uninhabited except for penguins, Antarctica is huge and mostly uninhabited, with its few residents being scientific researchers, New satellite images reveal mysterious dome structure hidden in Antarctica fuelling shock claims an ancient civilisation once lived there, Inside sinister rise of pink cocaine sweeping UK nightclubs as warring cartels battle to control 'Coca Cola of drugs', Inside sick Honeytrap plot that left man dead after women seduced and drugged him to steal his Rolex watches, 'Bubbly' nightclub worker, 31, killed after her Audi crashed into a bridge on her way home from work. From January 1 to 31, 2023, the company also experienced 18 of its all-time top 20 booking days, including the strongest single day . Uffington, England. Dont yet have access? Conspiracy theorists went wild earlier this year when a video claiming to be from the lost city emerged. A Historic Site or Monument (HSM) is a protected location of historic interest on the continent of Antarctica, or on its adjacent islands.The list of historic sites was first drawn up in 1972, and has since expanded to cover 95 sites, with the most recent listed in 2021. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); According to the science of anthropology, the age of the most ancient remains of representatives of the genus, The atomic age officially began in August 1945, when the worlds first atomic bomb (Trinity Test) was detonated, There are numerous ancient structures around the world such as the Great Pyramid of Giza and interestingly, the. NzZmOTAxYjA3ODcxODg5YzM4NTQxNDgwMWRlNWE4ZDEzODYzYmQ3ZDk5YWYw He is one of the officers. Despite the allegations, the lawyers of the company emphasize that the primary concern of the company is the TV crews safety, not the said video. M2Y1OWQ1MTgxODU2MDhlZGRkNzRiODliOWZhNjM3NTBhZDA3NWZhMTE3M2U1 Whistleblower Corey Goode says there is an ancient alien civilization that is flash frozen and buried under two miles of ice in Antarctica. ZTMwOTkyZmU3NjVlMzI3MmNkOTNjNDdiZjhmZmMwMzI3MzI2ZTA2ZDdjMDBk Up until recently, everything Goode knew about the Antarctica excavations had been shared to him by insider sources or Sigmund. It has been recovered by an ice cap for about 15 million years. OWRjNmM5ZjhjMzhhODg1YjQwODRjMTBjNzVmM2MzZGMwMjUzNjgwYjY3ODcx OWY2NGFlNGZiZjNhOWMzZmExMjYyY2VlNTM0Njg1NjY5YjljN2ZiOTI5MWM4 Satellite images from NASA show a possible human settlement some 2.3 kilometres beneath the icy surface. Antarctica ancient ruins, pyramid and a giant megalithic structure in the shape of a swastika visible from Space, on Antarctica ancient ruins, pyramid and a giant megalithic structure in the shape of a swastika visible from Space, Historical mysteries and rumors of a Nazi secret base in Antarctica, the 1947 flying saucer attack on Admiral Byrds ill-fated , Testimony of Admiral Byrd that flying saucers attacked the Operation Highjump fleet is of historical record as is his testimony to Congress of enemies that have the ability to fly. The theory goes thatthe Nazis claimed an area of Antarctica as German territory and sent an expedition there. Does melting snow reveal ancient human settlement in Antarctica? Some theorists link this strange structure of Antarctica to some incredible ancient ruins discovered in Southern Africa because of their uncanny resemblance in shape and appearance. The Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty (1991); the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings operate by consensus (not by vote) of all consultative parties at annual Treaty meetings; by January 2022, there were 54 treaty member nations: 29 consultative and 25 non-consultative; consultative (decision-making) members include OTAxZDhhYTBmNzc4ODBkOWM0NmJhYTZjZTI3YTg1NWY3MzVlMzQxZWUwYzdj View our online Press Pack. These were being investigated in joint missions with various Earth nations, including China. Conspiracy theory author David Childress told Ancient Aliens there is a distinct possibility the Shackleton pyramid is the oldest of its kind on Earth. And according to geologists, there is nothing unusual about the angular shape of the mountain. Three oval shaped motherships about 30 miles in diameter were discovered nearby revealing that the Pre-Adamites were extraterrestrial in origin, and had arrived on Earth about 55,000 years ago. "What, even Antarctica?" "Yes, even Antarctica." I smiled at the look of confusion on his face. To inquire about a licence to reproduce material, visit our Syndication site. Required fields are marked *. Along with key review factors, this compensation may impact how and where products appear across the site (including, for example, the order in which they appear). If you reserve your departure after 3/17/23, you must pay in full by 3/31/23 to receive the 10% savings. DURAK, ARGENTINA--Scientists have uncovered the remains of a massive stone structure and other artifacts, estimated to be 4000 years old, in a remote corner of Antarctica. Teams of archeologists have been working with what is left, and told to keep secret what else they had seen. One of the most controversial maps was without a doubt composed in 1513, by Turkish Admiral Piri Reis who drew a map that would create a global debate over 500 years after him. According to Goode, the announcement is likely to be timed as a distraction from upcoming war crimes trails against global elites as leaks emerge about international pedophile rings and child trafficking. "One of my students tripped over a squat pentagonal block while we were hiking up near Doubleday Glacier," Amundsen says. Further stating thatAntarctica is not under the US jurisdiction. East Antarctica's crust is thicker than West Antarctica's: It's between 25 miles and 37 miles (40 and 60 kilometers) thick, compared with the West's 12 miles and 22 miles (20 and 35 km) thick. 4 - The Ancient Egyptian Pyramids. ZGM2NDIyMWEyNDBiZjFjOGZkZDFkN2QxODgwODZhY2UwOTJjZjBjZDIwNzJk Corey Goode was made aware of the discovery of epic new Antarctic ruins approximately three months ago, and wasn't even authorized to tell David what was going on. pyramid and a giant megalithic structure in the shape of a swastika visible from Space, Over 30,000 of Government UFO Reports Now Available at Canadian University, Giant Alien Head Found On Mars And Labeled By NASA As Chryse Alien!, White Spiral Cigar Shaped UFO Filmed Over Florida | Im Out My Comfort Zone, Physicist Claims Aliens Can Communicate Using Starlight. The continent of Antarctica was seperated from South America around 23 million years ago. For the first time, an international team of scientists has used magnetic data from ESA's Swarm satellite mission together with aeromagnetic data to help reveal the mysteries of the geology hidden beneath Antarctica's kilometres-thick ice sheets, and link Antarctica better to its former neighbours. Backpackerverse.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. It has been estimated that the continent adopted its climate 6,000 years ago and it has been ever since. The Mystery Of The 100 Million Years Old Fossilized Human Finger, The Trinity Bomb: Nuclear Test, Roswell UFO With Three Occupants, And Two Witnesses. Ruins Of Ancient City Found In Antarctica, ancient ruin found below the Antarctic ice. YTNiYTM4N2IxMTAxZDY1NWQ5YTE0ZGE0Yjk5MmZlZDc4YjQ5NTRiZDE3MDYy Goode, a secret space program whistleblower, says that in early January 2017 he was taken to Antarctica by the U.S. Air Force to witness a secret excavation work that is under way there on the ruins of a . Unveiling The Strange Link Between Men In Black And The HOLLOW EARTH, USS Stein Was Attacked By A Strage 46 Meter Huge Sea Creature In 1978, Scientists Say They Can Go Back In Time In A Quantum System: We Have Made Science Fiction Real!, Tulli Papyrus: An Ancient Document That Reveals Flying Fiery Disks Described By A Pharaoh. Ancient Roman walls that were recently excavated during the construction of a cable car are seen in the city of Antakya, southern Turkey on Sunday, Feb. 12, 2023. By definition, it is a nunatak, which is simply a peak of rock sticking out above a glacier or an ice sheet. Fortunately, satellites orbiting above can see where humans cannot. The huge icy continent is thought to have once been home to the Lost City of Atlantis over 12,000 years ago, when large parts of Antartica were ice-free. This is JPsskype messageto me about the ruins: These are the ruins where everybody meets up. OGNhMDQ5YWMzYjYzMTU2NGY2YzBjMTZmMjczMGE4NjRkNGE3NjU1NjViNjBj USAF Colonel leaks coordinates of ancient Antarctic Ruins Dr Michael Salla / January 1, 2022 On December 26, 2021, my US Army source, JP, was given a set of geographical coordinates from an unnamed Lt Colonel (USAF) who simply told him to publicly release them. The Great Wall of China is one of the world's most ancient and impressive wonders. Could it be ancient astronauts? The map depictsAntarctica which was discovered between 1818-1820. Get notified of the latest publication on our WordPress themes. MzMwMTQ4OWZlY2ZkOWUxZWI5ODVkOTQxN2FjNjFiNjZkYTE1ZmI3NTE5MDg4 Allegedly, a society could have existed before coming to an end with the last Ice Age which froze over the continent. But now we can do much better. MzdlODE5ZWFjOTBiMGU5MTIwYzhiNDk1Mzg2NjA1YzQ1ZjdhM2Q0MmQ1YjQx The tail of a 99-million-year-old dinosaur was found entombed in amber in 2016, an unprecedented discovery that has blown away scientists. At the end of our interview below is included a 3.5 minute video created by JPwhere he personally discusses the emotional impact of the Ganymede missions on him and other soldiers. That is clearly the puzzling part, we do not have any explanation for this at the moment. MjRmZTc0NTViODQ4YWZjNWFlYmM3Mzc2MDI1ZjQ4ZmFlYjZhMGM5MDU1NjFl At the Mountains of Madness is a science fiction-horror novella by American author H. P. Lovecraft, written in February/March 1931 and rejected that year by Weird Tales editor Farnsworth Wright on the grounds of its length. Ive marked the approximate location of the structure in relation toAntarctic Research Stationsin the following graphic. Long-lost ice core provides direct evidence that giant ice sheet melted off within the last million years and is highly vulnerable to a warming climate Date: March 15, 2021 Source: University of. In 2016 the World Wide Web was all abuzz with Google Earth images of Antarctica that appear to show pyramids in the icy landscape. One scientific theory claims that once upon a time Antarctica was ice-free and home to an ancient civilisation. Exact date yellow weather warning for snow and ice forecast to hit UK - will you be affected? We knew that magnetic data play a pivotal role because one can peer beneath the thick Antarctic ice sheet to help extrapolate the geology exposed along the coast into the continent interior. Hundreds of ruined buildings are spread over 6 sq miles (15 sq km), but only a fairly compact central area has been excavated. The theory, called crustal displacement, alleges that movements in the Earth's crust meant that large parts of Antarctica were ice-free 12,000 years ago and people could have lived there. Please make a tax-deductible gift today. Using the new magnetic data, our animation illustrates how the tectonic plates have moved over millions of years after the breakup of Gondwana, explains Peter Haas, PhD student at Kiel University.