You have two assistant managers to take care of these tasks in your absence. Developing leadership skills in others. Just makeup anything STEP 1: A: Explain why you need to delegate the scheduling to . Give the managers 2 minutes to come up with their strategy. This worksheet examines leadership role models and the qualities we see in them that we want to develop in ourselves. Make an agreement that youand the student(s) will refrain from talking about yourselves for a whole day. Set a timer for ten minutes. Edsys (2016) provides eight suggested activities for children to learn leadership skills: Provide children with materials such as textas, crayons, poster/construction paper, magazines,and scissors. Thank you for posting this informative blog. Maslows Hierarchy of Needs is a helpful framework when thinking about prioritization because nurses need to think of their plan of action in a similar fashion. Next, the teacher says go. Then, ask them to draw themselves, using things that clearly show that the picture is theirs such as using cut-outs of their most favorite things to do, foods they like, pets, and whatever else makes them unique. Encourage participants to think about themselves in a similar situation and their reaction to the particular leadership style.