You are drawn to inspiring people. WebHow Mercury in Aquarius People Think. Web Humor especially if Mercury is in Air signs i.e. Intuitive communication. At the same time, they are rather fixed in their thinking. By Holiday Mathis. While hes got Mercury conjunct Jupiter, a classic aspect for a comedian, the square to Neptune says something about hisweirder side. They may also project a sense of confidence more so than the rest and if you look at it closely, this is simply due to their belief in their ability to do things right. Because you are so intelligent, you can also come across as a bit condescending as you can get annoyed when people dont understand thoughts and ideas as quickly as you do. Mercury has left Capricorn for Aquarius. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Astrology Readings Alternatively, if youre the one whos struggling, ask for help. It is also interested in technology and innovative ideas. You love helping others, but you do so in a more detached, impersonal way, through your contribution to your community or your professional contribution. What does planet Mercury brings in the life of different signs they retrograde in or are present in a particular sign. The less egotistical you can be around money, the more in flow youre likely to be. The trickiest period is from the 14th to the 17th. If your date of birth falls within any of the year and month parameters listed below, then your Mercury Sign is Aquarius. People with this placement need time to open up to someone. Blog January 11 - Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius. Mercury is an essential planet in astrology. Visible only before sunrise and/or after sunset. But this is more about control than a lack of sentiment. The mind of a Mercury in Aquarius dwells in some indistinct era in the next millennium. The nervous system and hands are linked with this planet. In Aquarius, Mercury has a fixed focus, but For Mercury, this is a favorable placement, as this planet and the Water Bearer have a lot in common (some astrologers consider Mercury to be exalted in Aquarius). and is considered a fixed sign, meaning they are persistent and resistant to change. Saturn is your traditional ruling planet and is leaving Aquarius, your star sign. About, Copyright 2023 Sally Kirkman Astrologer. You really do march to the beat of your own drum! Aquarius is about remaining neutral and not letting our feelings get in the way of the truth. Or, will Saturn bring structure and form to Pisces realm, e.g. And their such connection makes the individual very sharp-minded and they can lead a successful life due to their intelligence. He is usually a good judge of To imagine a better future as they do requires a vast imagination. These are just a few words people might use to describe you! They are even given to forcing their ideas on others. WebMercury in Aquarius Personality The mind of a Mercury in Aquarius dwells in some indistinct era in the next millennium. Mercury in Libra Meaning: Personality Traits & Significance, Mercury in Capricorn Meaning: Personality Traits & Significance. If youre a typical Sun Aquarius, you often want to play your part within society, politics or your community. It also represents ideas coordination & our thoughts. You could become a tech whizkid with Pluto in Aquarius and be at the forefront of AI (Artificial Intelligence) or new future-oriented trends. These people will have conversations about topics that span the universe. Pisces is where the ego dissolves and you encounter the vast universe, the one-ness of life. Their brilliant minds are in constant pursuit of inspiration and originality. The biggest reason why Mercury in Aquarius men succeed as artists, musicians, inventors, writers and more is because they are able to look into the future to see what others cant. She wants a partner that both challenges and supports her, who understands her ideas and passions, but also questions her. Have your say, find your voice and join in with your Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The truth is important. Mercury is tidally locked with the Sun, so one side is perpetually hot and the other half is perpetually cold. Mercury rules two signs: Virgo and Gemini. As Plutos a generational planet, the themes may not resonate with you immediately. In the meantime, Saturn is at the very edge of Aquarius. Mercury in Aquarius children usually like subjects that allow their creativity to roam free. The Full Moon on the 7th cuts across the Virgo/Pisces axis of the zodiac and your finance sectors. Intellectually, they are more driven by the desire to be a catalyst for the type of change they think would benefit society as a whole. Action planet Mars is on the move this month after an unusually long stay in your fellow air sign Gemini. Mercury is just 15 degrees from the Sun in the sky, so it is difficult to see. Learning who you can and cant trust could prove helpful, so keep your wits about you. Where you find Mercury is where you can think the best and where you have a need for connecting with others. Many people with this placement wont do something if it doesnt make sense to them. It is time to speak your mind, Aquarius! They tend to be speak very quickly. WebMercury sextile Venus. Have your say, find your voice and join in with your tribe to make a difference. This, coupled with your intelligence, can make you seem aloof. Aquarius Mercury men and women are often good at multiple things. What Pet You Should Have, Based on Your Zodiac Sign? For them, the motivation may be nothing more than to take down the institution or stick it to the man. This is a practical sector of your horoscope but its not a logical or practical approach that is likely to do well. Sales ability especially a talent for customer relations. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Mon, After all, Aquarius rules electricity, technology, and the Internet. If it is retrograding through Aquarius, you can expect to have some interesting dreams. Yes, the Sun and Mercury will be in this decan at the same time this year. For children with this placement, it is important that someone open-mindedly listens to them and comes up with logical arguments why something should be one in a certain way. Mercury in Aquarius likes to talk about ideals and impersonal subjects, and they enjoy airing their views. What does it mean to have your natal Mercury in Aquarius? Mercury brings open-mindedness, progress and originality in Aquarius life for their better. Of all the airy Mercury placements, Aquarius may be the least other-oriented. Copyright All right reserved, Mercury in Aquarius: Personality Characteristics, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window), The Fixed, Cardinal, and Mutable Modalities in Astrology, Mercury in Pisces: Personality Characteristics, Jeffrey Dahmer Astrology Chart Dark Astrology, The Secret Life of INFJ: 23 Things INFJs Wish People Understood About Them, Buy Your Personalized Numerology Report for $37. You open your mouth and your words are broadcast. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus and relations between Uranus and Mercury is something highly energetic and electrical. > Reasoning and statistical abilities is bestowed by Mercury. Its a funny thing, sometimes Jim Carrey seems perfectly lucid and woke, and other times he comes off as if he is mentally unwell. If youre a typical Sun Aquarius, you often want to play your part within society, politics or your community. This astrological event is bound to In the birth chart, this Mercury sign indicates a potential for developing unique skills and for great intellectual ability. You are also a natural rebel and have an innate idea to challenge all the ideas that you encounter. March 3, 2023 4 min read. You are able to understand others and make a great conversationalist. When they are young, it can be quite entertaining to watch them run around like little children playing with their new discoveries. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the planet of individuality and revolution. This mercury transit is giving support to the natives of married life by getting each others support. Ryan Hart is a relationship science and technology writer. Logic is more reliable, therefore you prefer to listen to your brain rather than to your heart. Its quick movement through the sky makes it a very personal feature of the horoscope. This website doesn't provide any financial, legal, medical, psychological, or any other kind of professional advice. Mercury also governs youth, siblings, the media, the internet, trade, transportation and travel (short trips in particular, the ones you do almost on a daily basis). To avoid making a purchase that leads to regret, hold off on buying any new electronics until after Mercury goes direct. PLANETS Were wrapping up a three-year chapter. It makes all their thoughts clear and and also brings peace in their mind and life. Gold Rates On 3 March 2023: Check Todays Gold Prices In Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai And Other Top Cities. If Mercury is the planet of voice and communication as well as choice, then weve come to a decision point, especially regarding what weve learned since 2020. Aries Zodiac Sign: 25 Things To Know About The Ram, Taurus Compatibility With Each Zodiac Sign, INTJ Relationships (With Each Myers Briggs Type), INFJ Relationships With Each Myers Briggs Type, 12 Shades of INFJ | Zodiac Signs and the MBTI, 12 Variations of INFP: Zodiac and the MBTI, Taurus Gemini Cusp | The Cusp of Energy (May 17 23 Birthdays), 6 Reasons Why Taurus and Capricorn Fall In Love, 56 Funny Quotes From People of Each Zodiac Sign, Are Scorpio and Pisces Soulmates? As the Earths movement makes it appear to us that Mercury is transiting through Aquarius, you will feel more progressive and creative in your ideas. Technological communications flourish during this time but beware that in retrograde, machines tend to go haywire. You prefer to do things your own way. WebPlayful and innovative, Mercury in Aquarius is usually five steps ahead of others in conversationsyou'll never be bored talking to them. Mercury in Aquarius people are friendly individuals, progressive and open-minded. Of all the airy Mercury placements, Aquarius may be the least other-oriented. LEARN ASTROLOGY These individuals want nothing more than to push the limits of acceptability and tradition. If possible, aim to keep money out of a relationship with a child or lover. These natives are true innovators for whom the present is the past and the future their playground. (The Scorpio-Pisces Attraction), 6 Signs An INTP Likes You | How INTPs show love, 6 Reasons Why INFJ and ENTP Belong Together, Pisces Compatibility With Each Zodiac Sign (love and friendship), Here Is Your 2018 Career Outlook Based On Zodiac Sign, The Angel Number 1212 An Angelic Reminder of Divine Support, Jupiter in the 12th House - Turning Suffering Into Success, Saturn in the 7th House - Difficulty Forming Attachments, Saturn in the 10th House - Worthy of Power and Authority, Pluto in the 1st House - Strong First Impressions, Saturn in the 8th House - Transcendance Through Tribulation, Pluto in the 4th House - King and Queen of the Castle, Saturn in the 12th House - Self Isolation, Saturn in the 3rd House - Socially Withdrawn, Pluto in the 7th House - You Belong to Me, Jesus Christ Born: Saturday, February 28, -6 (7 BC) (Julian cal. People with this placement are drawn to probem-solving, real-world problems in particular. These folks like to consider themselves enlightened and above the common masses. The New As he does, communications grow in importance creating a period of cooperation between people, general ideas and wide ranging thoughts. Asking the bigger questions about the meaning of life, everything, and the universe are the things that get your juices pumping. Because of their capacity for recognizing and appreciating differing perspectives and ways of life, they may seek to be neutral and occupy a more middle of the road approach in their views. Mercury and Aquarius are both intellectual, curious, playful, objective. The Six of Swords tarot card, Mercury in Aquarius, has its celestial counterpart enacted starting tonight at 10 p.m. and lasting through February 4 around 2 p.m. The last time Pluto changed star sign was 2008 when it entered Capricorn, the sign of big business, coinciding with a financial crash. People with several planets in their chart are in interested in many topics, they usually like science and have a talent for it, and in some way, they are unusual. While their offbeat nature can be engaging, they have also been known to step on toes and hurt feelings with their devotion to logic. Lucky Jupiter is pulled into the Aries picture as it teams up with the planet of love and money Venus on the 2nd and talk planet Mercury on the 28th. When they meet new people, Mercury in Aquarius people often come across as reserved. In the natal chart, Mercury signs describe what you find funny. You are also naturally creative and thrive when you have outlets to release this power within you. Their ideas and thinking process emphasizes ingenuity and novelty. They genuinely enjoy learning, they might be bookworms from an early age. They are interested in humanitarian pursuits and enjoy sharing their ideas with others. Mercury does very well in Aquarius as in this sign, the intellect is free to invent. Being humanitarians at their core, they are excellent at coordinating large groups of people for joint action. A major new chapter is opening up this month and its wise to pay attention to the basics, the everyday matters that keep you well in mind, body and soul. Mercury in Aquarius is the idealistic philosopher, highly intellectual and visionary. Understand and respect your partner to keep them happy. Whatever they are convinced of, it is not something they can be easily dissuaded from believing. He is also an enthusiast of MBTI theory and loves to research and write about what he learns. When it comes to communication, these individuals may have a propensity for being very unique and even iconic. How the Signs Behave Whenever They Have a *crush* on Someone? WebContact Us About The Company Profile For Mercury Financial Group, Inc. MERCURY FINANCIAL GROUP, INC. UTAH CORPORATION - DOMESTIC - PROFIT: WRITE REVIEW: And because Aquarius is very forward-looking, we may also spend time thinking about how to make our futures bright. Various Types of Astrology Depicted Over-ages, Top Benefits of Getting an Astrology reading, The basic idea of astrology linked with black magic. by Ryan Hart | Updated on July 1, 2021 | Post may contain affiliate links. Imaginative, impressionable, malicious, emotional, sensitive. Positive keywords for Mercury in Aquarius: Negative keywords for Mercury in Aquarius: The mind of a Mercury in Aquarius dwells in some indistinct era in the next millennium. This approach could finally help us see people and situations for what they really are. Aquarius is intellectual, objective, rational (which are typical air traits). This Mercury sign likes unusual perspectives, it has a need for being different, what is reflected in your verbal self-expression too. You arent held back by the limits of what has been thought and said before and take delight in breaking assumptions and preconceptions. Progressive with a desire to make changes, having an Aquarius Mercury is an ideal way to make big moves with your voice. When intimate, their partners may think of them as detached and too cerebral. Like, yikes!!!! She notices details others would miss, which is why shes often the one in the group who can figure out how to get to a place or solve a problem. If you are born under Mercury in Aquarius, beware of becoming too rational at this time. Their personal perspectives however can often be quirky and unusual. Mercury will move through the middle portion of the sign of Aquarius this year starting January 29, around 10 p.m. through February 4 around 2 p.m. Mercury in Aquarius is a scientist. She is very self-sufficient in every part of her life, and isnt the type to be looking for love. These individuals tend to be very delightful, witty & unusual and are very interesting too. They gravitate towards outlandish ideas. Pluto is the planet of power & transformation, loss & endings. A- A+. The idea of doing things the way they've always been done genuinely disturbs them, so they're constantly in search of some new method or routine. For those who are still unemployed, it is seen bringing the good news of the planet Mercury. This is a remarkable transit that happens every year when Mercury transits this sign. People with this placement are inventive and progressive thinkers. Two names with one soul The relationship of Chinese and western zodiac, April Monthly Zodiacs Horoscope for Pisces, Venus in 8th House Impact and Characteristics Vedic Astrology. Technology is extremely attractive to people with this placement. This sign is known for pushing the envelope, so when it pairs up with the planet of mental activity, well want to consider what could be rather than what is. They have a very clever mind and their ability to think abstractly is unparalleled. This is a time when you are enthusiastic about new ideas. Above all, he thinks that the right way is the only way that gives him happiness. They are willing to entertain any ideas, but bottom line, they have an internal set of rules and standards that they always abide by. Their sense of humor and enjoyment of life is contagious to those around them, but there is also the streak of individuality and rebelliousness that makes some find it difficult to get along with these people. Mercury in Aquarius communication aspects Smart and resourceful, people with Mercury in Aquarius will always know what to talk about. It is a curious, practical, opportunistic & inquisitive planet. Delightfully quirky. Disappointment- Heres What Your Sign Does in Case of Disappointment. Compassion and equanimity are factors that weigh heavily in their rationale and thinking process. Independent, intellectual, artistic and open-minded Aquarius is always ready to do something innovative. Let us scroll through the entire article to know how Mercury being combust in Aquarius affects the lives of people who come under its influence. You may feel hopeless about a financial situation or have a sense that you need to surrender to life rather than fight against it. Similarly, Mercury is a planet of dualities, a wildcard, a trickster, sometimes hot, sometimes cold, sometimes good, sometimes bad. If weve had any "out there" thoughts, this is our chance to reassess them before we reveal them to the world. She is a strong believer in herself and confidence exudes her. Mercury has dipped into the ocean spray of a Piscean dream, setting fantasies adrift. They have a disinterested kind of impetuousness that helps them live each day to the fullest. She will speak her mind and she may have a tendency to want to shock others with what she has to say or by how she says it. The New Moon is conjunct Neptune (25 Pisces), conjunct Mercury (5 Aries), sexile Pluto (29 Aquarius) and square Mars (28 Gemini). This is not necessarily to be argumentative, it is just your nature to challenge the status quo. You may have been on something of a roller-coaster ride in one of these key areas since the middle of last year. Aquarius are deep thinkers and think for the betterment of their future, they have that desire and energy which helps in achieving what they want and makes their future better. You are good at separating your emotions from your thoughts and the way you speak, which can make you seem distant. However, some individuals who carry this placement can also be radicalized and promote ideals and ideologies that may not be entirely altruistic. This is an excellent placement. Mercury in Aquarius people often enjoy sarcasm. Well, for the most part. He has a detached attitude towards things and people. Mercury in Aquarius men have very fixed opinions and will be unwilling to compromise their beliefs no matter what. Reasoning and statistical abilities is bestowed by Mercury. We are dedicated to making music fun and providing mu Read Mercury Combust in Aquarius 2023: The planet Mercury occupies a special place among all the planets as its effects are extremely beneficial for the natives.However, the planet of intellect and speech, Mercury will transit in the zodiac sign of Aquarius, on 27th February 2023, and on the next day it will combust. Furthermore, they prefer to march to their own drum and write their own rules rather than conform to conventional expectations. There is a flip side to Saturn, however, as sometimes it can slow you down or indicate a period of hard work or hardship. The New Moon is conjunct Neptune (25 Pisces), conjunct Mercury (5 Aries), sexile Pluto (29 Aquarius) and square Mars (28 Gemini). It can make you appear like you are aloof and lack empathy. They tend to know everything before being told even, they are know it all type of person and thats why their keyword is I know . And the individuals born under mercury in Aquarius, mostly have an intellectual motive in life. The rest of the horoscope can overshadow in a thousand ways your Mercury sign. Intellectually, they embrace freedom of expression and the empowerment of individuals to be different and unique. Please contact me directly to discuss your requirements. index Planets in Astrology Each planet has its domain and symbolism. Having mercury in the sign of Aquarius fosters an intelligence with regards to social interaction and influence. Negative: Revolutionary and arrogant. Positive: Relaxed and imaginative. These ideas can be put into action at a later time and people will be receptive to them. But people just need to get to know you better. Mercury in Aquarius indicates that you are detached from your own emotions too. We shouldnt be surprised if we come up with a few far-fetched and wacky ideas during Mercury in Aquarius. Its about creative writing, your hobbies and leisure activities. Your unique perspective allows you to notice things most people miss. This may involve going back to school, taking a test or exam or passing new qualifications. They are some of the few who will be able to keep up with you as a life partner. Idle chatter doesn't appeal to the Aquarius Mercury mind. During the time of mercury transit in Aquarius foretells that the people connected with business will get success. For them, it is favorable to network and align themselves with a larger collective support group rather than operate by themselves. Filed Under: Aquarius, Monthly Stars Tagged With: aquarius, astrology, Equinox, horoscope, Jupiter conjunctions, March 2023, Pluto Aquarius, Saturn Pisces, Your email address will not be published. For example, a Mercury in twelfth house is way more reserved and self-reflective than an outgoing, life of the party Mercury in first house. You might also feel a bit more emotionally removed at this time, which allows you to think more rationally and clearly. They are enthusiastic and intelligent. By Holiday Mathis. You will be financially strong. Jetta's background in creative writing has helped develop a unique and insightful perspective on the zodiac, which he shares with readers of this blog. They prefer to discuss superficial things. During Mercury retrograde in Aquarius, you will retrace your steps to come to a better understanding of these new insights. Find out with a FREE Essential Birth Report samplepersonalized birth report now. Saturn moves into Pisces and your personal money sector. Aquarius belongs to the group of active or positive signs. Gemini rules children, romance and fun. If you are born under Mercury in Aquarius, prepare to feel like no one understands you right now. He has unique personality traits and inventive mind that makes him fond of change. In astrology, Mercury signs offer insight into how a persons mind operates. Sun Saturn Mercury in Aquarius; Sun Saturn Mercury in Aquarius News. In addition to being a brainy transit, Mercury in Aquarius is also a bit offbeat. This ends up being a good thing since well have the ability to look at life from a different angle and gain fresh perspectives. If you didnt integrate your natal Aquarius Mercury properly, you might end up lost in abstract theories that clash with reality. You enjoy thought-provoking and intellectually stimulating conversations, and get a kick out of mentally sparring with people who challenge you. You are highly intellectual, philosophical, and creative, if a little reserved and aloof. Depending on the rest of the chart, this placement indicates an original personality with a unique sense of humor. They prefer to differentiate themselves rather than fall in line with the conventional and typical cliches typically often adopted by those around them. Mercury in Aquarius people have the ability to understand most situations or complex problems quickly, and take on tasks very willingly. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "ae950dd6b7fd1b2d36da594f52c0d591" );document.getElementById("b4ec994aec").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); My popular horoscopes have appeared in many top publications, including TVTimes, Sunday Express magazine, Daily Star, BBCi website. Some discussions may feel cold or emotionally removed, but consider this a workout for the open-minded, innovative side of your brain. Please leave a comment below and let me know. She needs to be intellectually inspired to feel emotionally connected. Mercury also makes Aquarius to think about how to change the world around them, how to make it better with their kindness, love, warmth, and humanity.