He bends down and kisses you long and hard. Your eyes grow wide, and you turn to face your best friend. He lied on his stomach, other hand under the pillow, other over your bare stomach. You had been sick lately, feeling awful and disguised, but Louis still thought it would be a good idea to put you in a small tour bus. Ill be back soon love, you whispered, giving him a light kiss to his pouted lips, just sleep until I get home, and we can pretend I never left., Harry:Coldness next to you woke you up to the early morning. The way it makes your whole body tingle. "Zayn seriously, you can't just leave your dishes to the counter!" You yelled at frustration, trying to fight back tears what were forming in your eyes. Like weve always wanted!, Louis:I cant believe you! With baby you would have twice as much work as you did now, and you just wouldnt have time and strength to fix your boyfriends messes. new layer sonnencreme mineralisch; wann kommen stare zurck 2021; fingerspiel eisbr kindergarten You got there early so you decided to make yourself look more presentable. "Breakfast Club" is always a classic. Well find a way to take you with us or Im not going. You know, like, that it got all the way" your train of thought ended. Y/N, he whispered, looking at you confused and worried, Its not three days, whats wrong? You tried to smile, but it failed, leaving you look heartbroken. He was home and finally next to you snoring lightly. You wanted to be in control this time. You pull away and look into his blue eyes, hoping he had felt the same thing you had. You had agreed to take three days break, even when it broke both of your hearts. Nialls voice had woke you up, making you keep your eyes closed in the sunny morning. Harry: He snuggles into your shoulder, kissing your neck lightly as he turns to face you in bed. After placing their orders, Louis and Harry are quick to snag a couple tables for everyone to sit at. grundstck kaufen niedersachsen; gyros schwangerschaft; resident evil 7 end of zoe extrem herausforderung; weisheiten steve jobs; dispersionsfarbe oder silikatfarbe; schneeball gebck aus biskuit; 79th infantry division after action reports; if blank has a million . ShesShes kicking? We need to talk, you choked out, making him nod, looking at you with his green eyes. Harry noticed you first, smiling sleepily before nudging Niall who turned his head to see you, huge smile spreading to his face. Your crush on Liam had just completely vanished. His skin was full of surprises, small dimples, scars and wrinkles you loved. You blushed in the middle of the stage. His eyes were fully closed, long eyelashes tangled to each other when they lied on his pale cheeks. Both your parents had gone out for a romantic dinner and left you and Harry alone. You started to give him sweet love bites all along his neck, but you lost control. You kissed his chest, lips barely touching his skin. You take this as a signal. You, Louis, and all the boys are hanging out in the back of the bus. Ye ready? He took a deep breath, kissing your belly before starting to sing with his soft voice Come all ye maidens young and fair, and you that are blooming in your prime, always beware and keep your garden fair,let no man steal away your thyme, for thyme it is a precious thing. But for you, it was pure perfection. Preference #2: You two are out and about, paparazzi swarms you two and one accidentally hits/bumps into you, and he gets mad. Deeply inhaling you let your eyes travel in the room around you. Is he still kicking? He yelled when he burst out the door, kneeling next to you, hands on your belly, eyes widen and excited. "Hiiiiiiiiii babeeeee" you said happily, skipping over to him and sitting down. Theres a baby in you Y/N, he beamed, grin on his face when he let his hands admire the bump. Liam's eyes grow wide and he nods quickly, because he knows what is about to happen. You turn on the PlayStation, he starts looking around your room, and then he finds your guitar.-Hey, babe You play guitar? Shit, you whispered to yourself, knowing that you crossed the line when you snapped to him. You could hear his teary chuckle when he thought the good news you had gave him just before he left. HI there well I made yall some one direction imagines hope you enjoy. . Zayn didnt say anything when he pressed another kiss to your hair before stroking his cheek against your forehead, sniffing your hair with a sleepy smile. It had been only few weeks, but he was calling you every chance he got, making sure hed hear your voice every time it was possible. You had been at some music award, and after a long ride home, you were finally on your very own bed. I think she doesnt like me, Liam whispered, looking down to your belly, where his hands rested, trying once again steal a glimpse of the baby kick. "I . Liam lightly bit your bottom lip, and in return you dragged your nails on his shoulders. I already know it." You said as you backed away from Liam so he could see your bump. Get your lazy ass in your room and let me and Liam play some video games!" When did ya became so borin? he asked, accent thick and eyes cold, before he left the room, leaving you stare the wall. Boys had a small tour in Europe, just few weeks, but you didnt want to be left alone. This type of kiss would usually lead to a lot more, even if the initial stage is sweet and innocent. I miss you too kitten, he sighed lowly, making your heart break slowly. Niall was on the couch, doing something on his IPhone. :) Rated: R. He was fuming. You're sitting in your bed and watching his interview. 18. His warm breath hit the back of your head, making few hairs swing because of it. tattoo ludwigsburg preise; marteria claudia schiffer; acute respiratory clinic grafenwoehr You stroked his scalp, smiling to the perfect sight. Hi! You and the One Direction are in the same Hotel, but in separated rooms. Daddy loves ye, ye know. The pillow didnt fill the empty spot where your warm, sleepy boyfriend should lay, curly hair messily pointing to every direction, light snores letting you know it was safe to sleep. He puts his hand on top of yours letting you know that he did feel the same. After about five minutes of fun, you swing back into your chair to face the boys. He was your best friend after all. It's an African American tale about a guy named Wiley who wants to go to this river to cut bamboo for a hen house His mother told him that this river has a Hairy Man who lives there and took Wiley's father and she advises him to take his hounds with him when he goes since the Hairy Man is afraid of dogs. You could feel his hands on your belly while he sat next to it, kissing it once in a while, Yeh? "I'm good, and if you dont want me here I can leave." he says with a smirk on his face motioning towards the door. Yere goin to be the coolest and most loved kid in the whole planet. Me too, he said with husky morning voice, stretching himself, so you could lay curl against his torso. Quilt filled you when you walked next to him, crawling next to him. Your arms were wrapped around the pillow, trying to get comfort form it, but it wasnt him. Few minutes later the front door opened with a loud bang, and Louis ran in, almost knocking few things over. You smiled, feeling how the little one had a hiccup on your belly. See, she loves you, you smiled, biting your lip, seeing how excited his smile grew. I just dont want to flight to another country and spend days in a small tour bus with four other guys! you screamed, tears in your eyes. His hair was a mess from last night and sleeping, brown roots showing already. We missed you too, daddy, you answered, making hi blue eyes glister with tears. Harry: He claps his hand over your mouth, frowning. Hi honey, you greeted, trying to hug him, but he just stormed off, leaving you stare at his muscly back when he hit the bedroom door close after him. You flip the boys off over you shoulder, and reach up to peck Harry on the lips. He ran his hands through his black hair, when you stood in front of him frozen. He nodded, biting his lip before reaching down to kiss you few times before letting you sit up, so you both could start a new day together. You loved it. Note: [request] Niall: You glance down at your phone on the side when it lets out a message tone, smiling when you see Niall's name come up on the screen. Were having a baby! "Wow..". Did ye like that, huh? "I don't really care, love.". Loosen up a bit." He makes you apologize every time you curse, and if you don't, he refuses to kiss or hug you until you do. I love you. No Niall, I told you already, you groaned, rolling your eyes to his whines, Go with lads or Sean or Darragh, theyll want to go. He groaned, running his hands through his dirty blond hair. iphone mail sortieren nach absender. The boy who laid under you, breathing steadily, eyes closed and brown hair mess, had slept in the bed earlier, only dreaming about what was about to come. babe, love, baby. As you snooze peacefully, he plants a gentle kiss on your exposed shoulder before settling back down into his indented spot on the bed and reaching a hand around your waist. You part your lips and feel his tongue slide over yours, and you like this feeling, the feeling of Louis heavy on top of you, the right weight to be comforting yet almost too much, and you smile into the kiss as it deepens. His brown eyes locked on yours when he reached one last kiss on your waiting lips. #One Direction Imagines #One Direction Imagine #1D Imagines . - He asks.-No But I wish I could - You said while he picks your guitar.-I can teach you babe. ! "Zayn, this is the opportunity of a lifetime. Now, everything had changed. I cant wait til I can see ye, lil one., #15 One Direction He finds out you are a Victoria's Secret Model, #16 One Direction (your child has a bad dream), #17 One Direction (how you fall asleep together), #19 He goes out with you for a bet and you find out (harry), #20 What he's like as a boyfriend (harry), #21 The victoria Secret angel rebound (Harry Imagine), #23 One of the boys sees you on your underwear, #24 One Direction ( best song ever fantasies), #25 One Direction (He has an argument with your kid), #30 One Direction ( your kid has a disability ), #32 One Direction ( He sees your baby bump after a long time), #34 One Direction ( your name your kid after something), One Direction ( one of the lad caught you having Sex ), One Direction ( you quote a book and he doesn't get it ), One Direction ( He's Having a dirty dream and you tease him ), One Direction ( he talks to the baby belly ), One Direction ( Someone's kid has a crush on you ), One Direction ( He feels the baby kick for the first time ), One Direction ( He's insecure about his size ), One Direction ( He's confused by your lady products ), One Direction ( He doesn't know you're pregnant and you fight ), One Direction ( you kid has a crush on someone older ), One Direction ( your kid uses a curse word ), One Direction ( your kid gets lost while grocery shopping with him ), One Direction ( Name for a "little him" * hint hint * ), One Direction ( you're pregnant and someone hurts you ( physically )), One Direction ( you see him naked for the first time ), One Direction ( his thoughts during sex ), One Direction ( everytime we touch i get this feeling), One Direction ( You'll never love yourself half as much as i love you ..), One direction ( Managment makes you choose between him and your baby ), One Direction ( How does he give a damn about me? Unfamiliar, sharp kick cut your laugh, making you sit up. You sighed, rubbing your puffed cheeks, where last nights tears had fell, leaving beads to the soft skin. It was who he was, no anyone around but you, pale, naked and in his eyes imperfect. Requests are always open! Liam was kissing you, and the fossil meant nothing now. He pulls back to respond. I miss you so much, and I cant wait to see you again. Our 5 favourite boys on how they love you and how much they love their children. You don't want to confess anything with Liam in the room, so you choose, "Dare." Im sorry, you whispered, only few inches away from his face, seeing every dimple in his eyes. Upon feeling the buldge of your nearly five-month pregnant belly against his own stomach, he shouts, "Oh awesome! zayn, liam, one. It has been fun, but extremely exhausting, so you are happy for the travel day. Yeah, here, you sniffled happily, guiding his hands to the spot where he could feel them. Are you crazy? Is he still kicking? "Y/N! Youre her daddy, you looked at Liam concerned. Niall had felt it too, his lips were on the spot, pressing gentle kisses to your skin. You wanted to save the news for a happy moment, but lately all you had done was argue about his tour. Niall:You woke up from your slumber, finding the morning sun up and shining from the bedroom window. He knew, I knew it. Oh, you breathed in the middle of the kiss, feeling how a small movement made you jump. He gives you a slow, sweet kiss, and you melt into his arms. Liam said as he planted kisses all over you. He looked at you, clearly hurt. Niall: You had just arrived home from work. In the background you hear a chanting begin. He lifted his head, small smile on his face when he pulled himself up, facing you. Last time you laughed, the baby kicked, you said, pressing the play, letting the funny videos continue. You smiled to your pillow, letting him know that you were awake, when he kissed your thighs, nuzzling his nose to your skin in each kiss. plays with your fingers while he kisses you. Whats wrong boo? Zayns worried voice asked, making you jump in the darkness. The minute you heard his angelic laugh, a kick shoot through your body, making Harrys eyes grow wide. One Direction: Preferences, Imagines, Etc. A small smile crept on your face when you leaned to kiss his sweet spot. Liam looked down at your belly, where his hand searched the spot you were rubbing. In fact, your doctor had told that flying wasnt good for the baby and you didnt want take any risks. TV was on, some cartoons coming at the early hours of evening. Browse Browse Paid Stories Editor's Picks The Wattys Adventure Contemporary Lit Diverse Lit Fanfiction However, the boys keep annoying you about it. 1D Imagines. Just as he says that, the sky starts to pour with rain. your mom scolded, "And get your lazy ass in the kitchen and help me peel the potatoes!". This company will never again asks someone as young as me to fill this position." Do you have a hiccups, baby Payne? Liam cooed, stroking the soft skin with his warm hand, making sure to stop in the spots where he knew the babys head or feet were. one direction imagines he kisses your belly, write five things you do with your grandparents, how to set up bounce back email in outlook, knowledge management system for marketing, latest earthquake near rome, metropolitan city of rome. BTW if you don't like swearing i would skip this one. Yeah, you got me pregnant Tomlinson,and Im not allowed to fly and I get sick all the time what is not working in a small bus with one toilet, you yelled, now bit softly, but tears still on your cheeks. All with that one man you met years ago. I miss our baby too, he smiled, clearing his throat before talking again with his deep, meaningful voice, Can I talk to the baby? You smiled to yourself, thinking how his eyes lighted up every time he said baby. one direction imagines he kisses your bellyc++ pass char array to function. What? he asked, eyes widened when you repeated yourself. Few seconds later he was beaming amazed. I love you too, he smiled, voice still hoarse about the night before, when he had filled you with his love, making you turn to one. When he pulls away you see all of the boys staring at you, and you immediately feel awkward, but you know they understand. Zayn seriously, you cant just leave your dishes to the counter! You yelled at frustration, trying to fight back tears what were forming in your eyes. Whatever, He groaned, clearly annoyed, getting out of the bed and storming to the door. You said chucking at Liam who was starring at your belly. Your tears stained his neck, leaving sobs to his soft skin when he rocked you back and forth. Hi lil one! You didnt want to wake him up, knowing that he had a day off and time to get some needed sleep. Louis stopped, turning around to look at your angry figure. "The boys." Not the Liam from One Direction, whose mark sometimes photoshopped off. You tangled your hands to his dirty blond hair when he pressed kisses to your belly, grin on his face. I love you too my girl, he cooed, drawing a heart to your bare skin, kissing the middle of it, making the baby kick again. He sealed a kiss over your parted lips, pulling your body on top of his. Liam:A small kiss awake you, making you stir to the dark room. A small smile appeared to your face when you looked the room around you, finding your clothes in piles where you had threw them last night, Nialls still unpacked suitcases on the floor, passport on the table. 2: You get into an argument and try to leave but he wont let you. II just want to come home, he said slowly, voice thick. One direction baby and love imagines - He kisses you infront of the boys - Wattpad Read He kisses you infront of the boys from the story One direction baby and love imagines by SarahPhillips0 (Sarah Phillips) with 967 reads. Come to bed with me, you whispered, tracing your hand on the waist band of his jeans, wanting to take them off and feel his skin against yours like every other day. He gently pushed your shirt up and laid the towel on your stomach. Hey, hey, Cmere. Your lips now found his neck and started kissing it aggressively. 5: He asks you to marry him <3 awwh. You kept your eyes close, feeling how he sat up, stretching his tattooed arms and rubbing the sleep away his blue, beautiful eyes. What is the matter with you? Hes coming home, you whispered to your baby, hand brushing your, only a bit longer, flat belly. Enjoy this cringe worthy read through of some of the most ridiculous one direction imagines I could find! He kisses your forehead lightly before letting go of your hands and taking his seat once more. The scene of him loving on the both of you in such a quite, soft way was totally and completely worth the warmth of his hands on your stomach. That was naughty. Hi, Liams voice echoed through the house, making you jump on your feet, smile on your face. One Direction Preferences/Imagines. His guitar playing harden fingertips were lying on your skin, making you feel safe and loved. Harrys face fell, making your heart ache. Your feet hit the cold floor when you ran to the living room where he was sitting on a couch, watching TV, hands crossed on his chest. TV was on, some cartoons coming at the early hours of evening. Why are you sorry, this is fuckin amazing! This is fuckin incredible! I cant wait to see ye and teach ye to play guitar and sing. You can be as moody as you ever want babe. Daniel groaned and threw his head back, shaking it. I felt your kick! No matter how much Niall wanted it. I love you, I love you, I love you.., he lifted you to his arms, giggling through his tears, kissing you happily, Oh my god kitten! The tv was on pause, both of your hands frozen to your belly, waiting. He crashed you to a tight hug, sniffling to your neck, kissing your skin with wet kisses. You don't know where are boys, so you decided to go to the pool You are walking out to the pool then Zayn get out the pool with water dripping from their hair and down their glowing body. You say yes and you two hug forever, but then Niall kisses you on the lips. beauty and the beast live action. You were watching a new interview of your favorite band one direction with your other band members . Hi babe, Im almost home, whats up? he answered happily with the second ring. Im sorry I cant get drunk tonight, you smiled, kissing his jaw, making him laugh. "We shouldn't be doing this, Harry.". I love you so damn much Y/N Horan, oh my god, #15 One Direction He finds out you are a Victoria's Secret Model, #16 One Direction (your child has a bad dream), #17 One Direction (how you fall asleep together), #19 He goes out with you for a bet and you find out (harry), #20 What he's like as a boyfriend (harry), #21 The victoria Secret angel rebound (Harry Imagine), #23 One of the boys sees you on your underwear, #24 One Direction ( best song ever fantasies), #25 One Direction (He has an argument with your kid), #30 One Direction ( your kid has a disability ), #32 One Direction ( He sees your baby bump after a long time), #34 One Direction ( your name your kid after something), One Direction ( one of the lad caught you having Sex ), One Direction ( you quote a book and he doesn't get it ), One Direction ( He's Having a dirty dream and you tease him ), One Direction ( he talks to the baby belly ), One Direction ( Someone's kid has a crush on you ), One Direction ( He feels the baby kick for the first time ), One Direction ( He's insecure about his size ), One Direction ( He's confused by your lady products ), One Direction ( He doesn't know you're pregnant and you fight ), One Direction ( you kid has a crush on someone older ), One Direction ( your kid uses a curse word ), One Direction ( your kid gets lost while grocery shopping with him ), One Direction ( Name for a "little him" * hint hint * ), One Direction ( you're pregnant and someone hurts you ( physically )), One Direction ( you see him naked for the first time ), One Direction ( his thoughts during sex ), One Direction ( everytime we touch i get this feeling), One Direction ( You'll never love yourself half as much as i love you ..), One direction ( Managment makes you choose between him and your baby ), One Direction ( How does he give a damn about me? The door was open, revealing your still sleeping boyfriend. The covers around you didnt warm you enough, letting the cold winter air make your skin go goose bumps. 3: He hurts you in front of your child. Every morning when you woke up before him, you stayed up, staring at the miracle you called your boyfriend. You have hiccup, little boy, dont you? you cooed, stroking your belly with your hand, jumping when fluttering feeling ran across your clothed stomach.