The greys are alleged to be extraterrestrials that abduct and experiment on human beings. 33 MEN SACRIFICED ON 33RD PARALLEL NEW MEXICO IN DIRECT ALIGNMENT WITH A MEMPHIS PYRAMID WITH 9/11 SYMBOLOGY. 14. . e) Election in which Clinton won Presidency vs. Dole and Kemp; 1. 4. HUMAN SACRIFICE WAS PERFORMED AT UR THE NAVEL OF THE EARTHWHICH COINCIDES WITH THE LATITUDE COORDINATES NOTED ABOVE WITH THE PLACE OF EXECUTION THAT HAS SET THE RECORD IN THE LONE PENTAGRAM STATE BY 3RD GENERATION SKULL/BONE SCION. The slaying of the bull, 2. associated openly with the freemasonic Order of the Thistle. The Persian Gulf has a few interesting qualities, in ancient . 71 relations. Almost all official Klan organization at present are based in 33rd parallel states. 2. .Some believe they were murdered by the CIA and were in fact a mind control cult sponsored by that agency. Attention of world leaders is focused on what he says. Both men have publicly stated the need for a New World Order. Many odd disasters happen there like the combination of. Around the world Which town is in the Centre of Australia? It should be noted that Atlanta is on the 33rd Parallel as well as Tibet and that being, a warrior is what JWL set out to become. Mr. Munk is noted as having business dealings with the Rothschilds recently in buying, The Trigranit firm in Hungary. Did the 33 rd US President target these two Japanese cities on the basis that they both straddled the 33 rd parallel? See: &, The elite masons worship toward the east (sun rising)strike on north tower was a, strike against God himselfushering in New World Order. Iraq is located on the 33rd parallel. He even has a following that has nearly deified him and his interest in the occult. The cross forms a form, Of the letter T. This correlates to the Bull Worship associated with Persian ruled, . war once the discovery was announced by German archaeologists a few months before the invasion. The Vatican takeover by Left-Hand Path / Black Magick Adepts was anointed by a Human Sacrifice in South Carolina, on the 33rd Parallel. KELLOGG BROWN & ROOT digging at Nebuchadnezzars palace ruins. 2. He was given a cell so he could witness the hangings which sometimes took place SEVEN AT A TIME. 7. The energy of human ritual killing is very powerful and it lingers, like a ghost at a haunted mansion forever unless banished. Since 1981 the CIA has not had to, Inform the Department of Justice of information regarding drugsthe Advent of the. . The other face on the new Iraqi currency, the 10,000 dinar note is Al Hazen, the 10th century muslim scientist considered the father of Optics. * Texas is the only State that flies its flag at equal height to the USA flag First among equals and first in execution. $400 Billion dollar industry. Countries like Iran and Afghanistan are traversed by parallel 33. . . 33rd parallel north It should be noted that most lynching probably did not garner publicity and the number may never be truly known. The city of Phoenix, in Arizona, a land previously occupied by the Pueblo Indians, is situated right on the 33rd Parallel and has direct access to the bloodline. This also allowed for the sacrifice of children since. What US city is the same latitude as London? In researching this theme, the writer came across similarities between the horoscopes, Of Miss India, Saddam Hussein and Adolf Hitler in that all three had a Aries/Taurus, So-called Cusp. Saddam is a Taurus. Be getting orders to commit the savage crime from the beatles White Album. . SEE ALSO-. . Santa Fe , New Mexico site of two-man death row. 6. (obviously support death penalty if clemency denied previously). what us cities are on the 33rd parallel. Most Potent Alignment on Earth the 33rd Parallel - Masonic Line of DeathAn alignment running from the George Washington Masonic Memorial in Alexander Virgini. Was it a Trojan Horse? A Dorothy Rothschilds name is engraved in one of the buildings stones. The roman site lies to the south and thus falls within the 33rd Parallel. The father of Jesus Christ is the Holy ghost , always depicted as a DOVE. IRAN NATION GOT ITS NAME FROM ARYAN WAS STRONGLY PRO-HITLER AND CURRENTLY LED BY SECULAR LEADER THAT BELIEVES HE EMITS A GREEN GLOW AND WANTS TO START A NUCLEAR WAR ON THE 33RD PARALLEL: The symbiotic nature of the relationship between the Ayatollahs and the Bush dynasty: 1. Apparently, it was the 33rdUnited States President, who targeted two Japanese cities (Hiroshima and Nagasaki) with nuclear bombs.Both these cities straddled the parallel 33. There is a Masonic temple in Santa Fe that uses eagle and cross like symbols, 6. Remains or belonging of demon possessed persons. In fact it was the top player along with GE. States and end the threat of the Soviet Union right then and there. . . ; A Divine sacrifice. Brainwashing in the Religions. Many British interests and companies involved. Tran dimensional stargate in Iraq. The Beatles Album cover Sgt. As such, I didn't really grok the debate between. . Hammurabi worshipped Marduk. In fact the, racist murderous Confederacy was NOT influenced by Freemasonry it was a freemasonic. Nixon was not President and COULD NOT have ordered him to Cambodia. c) Santiago , Chile where the stadium is located is at 33.28 S. Latitude. Both Skull and Bones Bush administrations, Skull and Bones Kerry and De Molay and, Rhodes scholar Bill Clinton have had a role in allowing the mullahs in growing into a, cancer that will lead to a nuclear massacre producing massive sacrificial outpouring of the, energy which the Aztec spirits crave. 4. Tear gas could have, Been used. The number 33 is seen in different areas of life: The human foot has 33 muscles. This number equates to an awakening, The Arizona Department of Corrections maximum. Thus he would be a hybrid, or God-Man capable of superhuman feats like healing the sick with a touch , walking on. (see wiki above). . Director of Kissinger McLarty and Associates. The first stop on our tour along the 33rd parallel is the metropolis of Phoenix, Arizona, located at 33 degrees 30 minutes latitude. The 33rd parallel runs directly through Casablanca, Morocco which is, Home to the Mother lodge of Morocco which was recently reconsecrated in 1999 by, French and Turkish Grand Masons. Section and seems to be associated with New Age more than just Buddhist meditation. The location for Waco is N. Latitude 31.335. a) The attempt on Gerald Ford took place in Sacramento, California on September 5, 1975. The 9 and 1. The desecration of his body was said to be imbued with supernatural power. Disgraced, Congressman Gary Condit had friends in the gang and was part of the illuminati network, In Washington, D.C. The leadership of the nation, of Texas was almost entirely comprised of freemasons. . The screaming eagles are the 101st Airborne Division. Although regular Freemasonry does not accept atheists as members, Freemasonry has no creed, no plan for salvation, and no religious teachings. This cites links Masonic/New World Order activity. The exact location is known as Poverty Point, an area of human habitation for thousands of years. He favors EXPANDING, .). b) The A.Q. The first stop on our tour along the 33rd parallel is the metropolis of Phoenix, Arizona, located at 33 degrees 30 minutes latitude. Latitude for Santa Fe, New Mexico is N. Latititude 35.67. THAT WAS STOPPED FROM BUILDING A SUPER PRISON FOR JUVENILES NEAR OAKLAND 33RD PARALLEL CALIFORNIA. 9. Mexico is where the. The only difference is. Prescott Bush and George Herbert Walker in the funding of the Hitler Project. . After many years of observing the various discussions concerning Mage: the Awakening, I finally decided to purchase the game. Further: Father of Jesus could theoretically be a Pleiadean. Gleaming like a steel and glass mirage surrounded by ironwood, palo verde, and saguaro cactus, this modern American city lies in a brown cloud of auto exhaust at the northern end of the Sonoran Desert. . La Vey lived in San Francisco. 3. The pyramid is located in Memphis TN. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un was receptive. Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour (R ) strongly supports the death penalty (and building more casinos in the wake of Katrina). San Juan Capistrano is the location or area made famous for the Return of the swallows. YET ANOTHER COINCIDENCE??? It turned out that the 33rd parallel ran through Arizona, in particular and of note, the Small town of Florence, Arizona. All three numbers have Masonic significance, And 9 1+1 / 1+1 9 being numbers related to the 9/11 attacks which are rife with Masonic, Numerology as well. The Freemason motto is ORDO AB CHAO Order from Chaos. But for the rise of Hitler funded in part by Bush ancestors there would not be a country, Named Iran it would still be named Persia. The city of Phoenix is located on Parallel 33. John Fitzgerald Kennedy, place of Death Masonic Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas. Some say the firm is really a shadow government, an arm of the CIA, 2. the Mahdi a form of end times for Islam / messiah like figure. Senators do not execute people. The Pretoria Central Execution Chamber saw THOUSANDS EXECUTED during its operational time frame. RICHARD M. NIXON & 2. Cape Town, South Africa and Sydney in Australia also correspond to the mysteries. Castle located in what he believed was a zone of spiritual energy or power. With the blood of Jesus who was a human/divine sacrifice. 2. . * Recent News* A Q Khan was IN, CIA PAY SINCE 1975 thus CIA employee is the worlds most dangerous man and, Responsible for terror states and so-called rogue regimes OBTAINING THE. Achmed Chalabis attorney previously represented THE PROCESS CHURCH OF THE FINAL JUDGEMENT A NOTORIOUS SATANIC SECT. His beliefs are totally the, Opposite of the Catholic Church and is on the verge of excommunication. Connecting the Dots Treason Regarding Bill Clinton and his support for 33rd parallel located and largest -by several orders of. Skull and Bones member John F. Kerry attended his funeral as did George McGovern. It is believed that this parallel was specifically chosen for thekillingofKennedy. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". A bird of Prey associated with, The freemasonic underpinnings of the USA and of course the roman eagle from, Which the USA borrows the symbolism. A Prince Hall Freemason. Not too far to the south of that region is where the Mayans did the same. While watching a documentary on ancient history of civilization they began to speak of the 33rd parallel and it turns out there is a lot of shocking facts about the 33rd parallel. 2) Both Jerusalem and El Paso lie at N 31.47 EXACTLY. cooperates with British and US Intelligence agencies much like they cooperated with the Knight Templars in the past. The ring allegedly went to the King of Belgium himself and other high ranking. This is identical to the global belief in human sacrifice. The first cadaver of such a superhuman entity ever found. Since the illuminati are believed to have, Developed from the Knight Templars by many and that Skull/Bones is a descendant. . Directions Advertisement. . For a detailed analysis of this please see: MASONIC ASTROLOGY IN THE CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA, The first Capital for a very brief period likely for purposes of anointing the, Confederacy with supernatural powers was Montgomery, Alabama for barely, . Bill Clinton has been associated with human sacrifice of new born baby to achieve power and avoid being removed from office during Lewinsky-Gate. The eye was admittedly based on a Hex or witchcraft design that has now become, The word Hex comes from Hexagram also known as Sexagram or Sorcerers Star, As noted in the Wiki entry for CBS , Westinghouse is the new owner of CBS and it was. Michael lives on the 33rd parallel. The Queens Bank known as Coutts Bank and now Coutts Bank Von Ernst (after 2003, purchase of Von Ernst bank of Switzerland) all but admits its role in funding its unnamed, clients in opening India and the Far East, The American Revolution and the Napoleonic, Wars. The Salt Pit Torture Center in Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan is in direct alignment. Fallen Angel the untold story of Jimmy. 2. Dan Quayle, VP for Bush. This explains Mengele and the, experiments and atrocities that continue to this day. 12. 13, dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan near the 33rd Parallel. Thus it could be said or suggested that the death penalty and the tortures of Abu Ghraib, And elsewhere along the parallel are a perverted inversion, like the upside down cross, Of the black mass or the inverse swastika of the nazis as form of seeking power and not. . The, Hitler had the lance sent in an armored train to Nuremburg on October 13 the same day. See also: www.webcom/ctka/pr399-fdr.html .FDR was planning treason trials on the Rockefellers, Bush, Harriman and other conspirators that assisted the rise and continuation of the, Third Reich EVEN AFTER HOSITILIES BEGAN WITH THE PEARL HARBOR. He was removed from power. YOU, THE READER STILL HAVE. The United States has as a symbol the eagle , like Rome; a, Senate, like Rome (that is entitled to declare war) and America is named after Amerigo, Vespucci, an Italian even though no Italians are to be found among the founders of the, The Freemason founder of America was born on February 22. . 9. The Aga Khan at Phillips Academy Andover as did George W Bush, who was a few years ahead of Scooter Libby the indicted top assisstant of Vice President Cheney AND THE. . THE DEATH ROWS OF FLORIDA/TEXAS/LOUISIANA ARE ALIGNED -BESIDES EACH OTHER WITH THE GREAT PYRAMID OF GIZA AND NEW ORLEANS-THUS THE LEVEE SABOTAGE AT NEW ORLEANS WAS A MASS, 1. SINCE 1944, ALL SUCCESSFUL ASSASSINATION ATTEMPTS OF PRESIDENTS SUCCEED ON 33RD PARALLEL TOUCHED STATE. How can persons with this background get to the verge of the Presidency? . The primarily French built Osiraq reactor is located at the following coordinates: . Her father was a. . 12. . It is approximate at the midpoint between the equator and the Arctic Circle It crosses North Africa, Asia, the Pacific Ocean, North America and the Atlantic Ocean. Are associated with certain types of energy related phenomenon good or evil. Ulterior motive in the Montgomery capital selection. Had the hostages been released earlier , Jimmy Carter wins and there is no Bush dynasty. The first person to his side was a freemason The Reverend Jesse Jackson. It was ruled by a Grandmaster , had 9 levels of initiation and basically, Was the first known systemic movement to create mind controlled assassins promised a, Heavenly paradise if they managed to murder a given leader or important person. Thus, the 33rd parallel located industry and its, Questionable track record as far a Judaeo-Christian mainstream values is controlled. The United States founded largely by freemasons has been described as a great Masonic. __IN FACT IT WAS A GEORGIA CASE THAT REINSTATED THE DEATH PENALTY TO COMMENCE EXECUTIONS IN THE DEATH ROW MOST ALIGNED WITH ABU GHRAIB AT THE SAME TIME THE BAATH PARTY WAS COMING TO POWER. riches could total 33 BILLION. In fact , Nashville is the possible home of secrets pertaining to the Holy Grail, a vessel filled. * Bagram Air Base is the original black site where CIA torture killings began. 1. The number 33 is seen in different areas of life: The human foot has 33 muscles. The, Romans also had a senate. The Governor is the leader of the State national guard like Pilate was in charge of the local military . They were also SOLAR worshippers. The Arizona Department of Corrections maximum Security prison is located there and contains on its grounds Arizona's death row. The Twin Towers are located at latitude, 40.07 (adds up to 11). In the United States, the 33rd parallel approximately defines the border between Arkansas and Louisiana. 10. . Australia's centre of population in June 2016 was approximately 35 kilometres (22 mi) east of the town of Ivanhoe in western New South Wales. The founding fathers and Napoleon and his brothers were Freemasons. Pls see: and . The CIA had extensive contacts in Tibet and had the Dalai Lama provided, There appears to be more than meets the eye on this matter but the information is, The Death Penalty Human Sacrifice of Stanley Tookie Williams, 1. Pornography Industry (as it is called in these times) located primarily in the San. Heavily involved in the nuclear energy field. WHY? sports arenas generate much crowd/mob energy. The Fascists ritual ended with the human being killed., The Saddam Reactor was named after the Egyptian god Osiris. In the northern hemisphere, the parallel in question makes its way through major US cities such as Los Angeles, Phoenix, Dallas or the town of Roswell, an area known for its history with UFO related subjects. The white eye was the sun. 7. He heals the sick and raises the dead. The signing of the death warrant is reminiscent of the signing of the proverbial pact, With a demon in blood. The legions did this after, Destroying the Temple in Jerusalem and carrying away the huge Golden Menorah of. The Aga Khan has ties to a swiss foundation with Neil Bush and the current Pope Benedict before he became Pope. . This cult. Find more similar flip PDFs like 33rd Parallel Masonic Line of Death. White South Africans are represented at a ratio of 300 times their population when compared to American members. It should be noted that the spouse of Bonesman John Kerry , Teresa Heinz was a, Former UN interpreter that went to diplomat school in Switzerland with Oil-For-Food &, Universal Studios (where the Guvernator made his $) and Chase announce a new Universal Studios King Kong mastercard featuring prominently a poignant. . Westinghouse is since 1999 owned by BNFLs or British Nuclear Fuels. . There was no route of escape. Babylon is very near the 33rd Parallel, as we reveal above; but, the current city of Baghdad is located right on the 33rd Degree Parallel. Geronimo was bulletproof thanks to the spirits. The number of executions in the USA just could not compete and a turnkey death, energy factory primarily Abu Ghraib was needed or the Tran- dimensional entities that, constantly lust for blood according to the Aztecs would direct their favors with. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Did Bin Laden Really Die the Same Day as Hitler? At its maximum, east longitude extends how many degrees? See Answer. . 1756 Charleston, South Carolina, the original site of Scottish Rite Masonry in the United States, is only 15 miles south of the 33rd Parallel He is associated with the. Your email address will not be published. now occupied by China. . He goes on to win the Presidency defeating a. non 33rd parallel sitting President (Ford) that never executed anyone. The Symbol of CBS is the Masonic eye that serves as the capstone of the pyramid. The Hitler Avatar. The 33rd parallel runs through Tibet. Japan, China and India are also at the forefront of the unethical organ transplant list. The execution will take place at one minute after midnight on the 13th of. In direct alignment with the 3. . . A huge factor in ancient religeon of hebrews and christians involve Mt Hermes which is the place that moses was visited by god. The city of Fez lies just north of the 33rd, Parallel at 34.05. 8. . Turkey has been secretly allowed to get back into the heroin trade. President George W. Bush. John Lennon lived and was killed in front of the Dakota Building. Mao was one of his assistants. Warner Bilderberger- Mark Warner only Governor invited to attend. Thus the Klan has as its symbol a cross as well as doe Jesus Christ. The cult was a blend of neo-nazism and knight templar ideology. Ideal Candidate must be a governor of 33rd parallel jurisdiction as was Pontius, modern day Israel has 33rd parallel run through north. The Nazi connection to the JFK. The Libyan soviet- supplied reactor at Tahura is also located along this alignment. The Mare Crisium in latin means Sea of Crisis. Oklahoma Governor Brad Henry (R ) * info not available on deadlinethemovie link. 33 is the most important number of Freemasons. The Queen of England recently knighted Jimmy Page. All perished. 9. Curiously, John F. Kennedy was assassinated on parallel 33, in the city of Dallas. And to the Rockefeller Museum. Animal Flesh Eater Arrested: Felony Charges Serious Injury To 3 Month Old! Rare is the famous, Modern rock/pop etcmusician that has not had contact with a guru or other cult like, Group or figure. Parallel Supreme Mao, made all of these events possible. This strange-deaths connection connects three separate, Generations of the family. 3) The longitude and latitude lines for the center of Jerusalem add up to the biblical. Hells Angels motorcycle gang : Formed in Oakland , California. Ambassador Walker is the Presidents First cousin and a. Cities on the 33rd parallel. of scientist as heretics. 2. The Persian Gulf has a few fascinating distinctive attribute.In ancient Mesopotamia, now modern-day Iraq, where the cradle of the Sumerian civilization was, is the place where the 33rd parallel north acts as a junction of two rivers, the Tigris and Euphrates. See a problem? And see photos in the previous abide miracles link. 10. TOP 3 AND TOP 4 OF 5 LYNCHING STATES ARE LOCATED THERE AND ALL TOP LYNCHING STATES VOTED FOR SKULL & BONES TEXECUTIONER GEORGE W. BUSH IN LAST TWO ELECTIONS. A SEA CHANGE OF MAJOR PROPORTIONS HAS SWEPT THROUGH IRAN.