Many of them do indeed have this going on, yes. We dont speculate. take y words and spiritualize them.. Thanks for your words. Coy shocked his flock and made national headlines by walking away from his ministry, selling his house, and divorcing his wife. my neighbors are heathens and not under the law of Christ.further I will be raising you in prayer because you obviously need it since youre so bitter and are caring so much burden. Not everyone should stay married for their reputation in a church. All Scripture is self-attesting and being Truth, requires our unreserved submission in all areas of life. My goodness brothers & sisters!!! I showed you that nothing in the passage is literal which would include the 1,000 yrs and you defaulted to the chains are real. Lets talk about how 1,000 is used in scriture Jesus owns the cattle on a 1,000 hills literal or figurative (figurative is the answer or, who owns the cattle on hill #1,001?) Now this man was their bishop and without a bishop they were not sure if they would still be a church what to do? This is not good, and this is what can happen. What was the result of your victimization? One of the many reasons I left. Miracles are still happening on earth. He was already richI. Good luck with that bridge. Miami New Times also pointed to a long list of other staff who are part of the global family of Calvary Chapel churches and have been accused of sexual abuse, including a number from earlier this year. Does the Bible mention the term moral failing? Michael, come on now. Let me answer some of your comments posed as questions: I doubt anyone has any idea where the 103 million was used. The consequences suffered by the fallen leader will be very instrumental to how the sheep, who are in this flock, respond when faced with their own similar temptations. That is a myth that needs to be wiped out. The earthly issue? Shortly after resigning, the disgraced pastor moved to Chattanooga, Tennessee, where Calvary Chapel has another affiliate church. MLD Daniel 4: Vs 16 Seven times pass over him A time may logically be thought of as a year considering that a year is a natural time unit, the longest one. LET IT RIP GIRL!! Im not accountable to you for my sin. I pray that he must show true repentance and fruit before he is ever allowed to preach from any pulpit, and I pray that process is not rushed along as we often have seen happen in the past with other fallen pastors. Payne had experience with sensitive cases involving sex crimes; earlier that year, he'd investigated a high-ranking cop for allegedly assaulting a 13-year-old girl. there has been NO confirmation of what the moral failure is. The one thing Id point out is that like so many other CC he was always preaching about behavior as well as keeping our eyes on Jesus. My prayer is that the people of God will intercede for this family and stop throwing rocks into a glass house.. As we look at the fall of David, Moses and others in the word, what makes Bob Coy any different then those mentioned. I will be giving more information as it is vetted. Lets let our new folks visit and vent. Sauder, a married father of three, has been a minister since 2004 and on staff at Calvary for 14 years, according to the churchs website. He confessed. Unless you are being slanderous libel and defamation of character. I dont the adulterer always chooses to dishonor and humiliate his wife. ), and the Christians will take over all the positions of government and usher in the return of Christ, and heres the kicker, all the prophecies have already taken place, 666 on the forehead or right hand is symbolic tooWow so much I missed because according to the preterist the prophecy of the Euphrates river drying up and a 200 million men army and the giants of the east being woken up and islands sinking into the ocean and 70 pound boulders falling from heaven, in a tribulation period never before experienced in the history of man, and all the plagues of revelation, all that has already taken place, yes folks back in 70 AD when Nero, who by the way was the Antichrist, sacked Jerusalem, gee I guess he had all the power of Satan, and the false prophet, well well have to spiritualize that one too. I have consciously stopped being friends with certain guys because there was too much of a bond being created that could have gone on to be something more. David Jeremiah was right. Trust me friends, the moral failure is not so uncommon amongst leaders and parishioners within our churches and something we should all give deep, hard consideration to in our personal lives. (may be a bit more difficult as I am sure his stuff would fill a yacht if it indeed does not already include a yacht.. Evidently the vast reach doesnt include responsibility to inform all those reached.. And what about the women who throw themselves at a man saying suggestive things zany wearing provocative clothing with the intent of tempting them? I am a crazy renewal charismatic and a covenant theologian but NOT a Calvinist. 6 They have power to shut up the heavens so that it will not rain during the time they are prophesying; and they have power to turn the waters into blood and to strike the earth with every kind of plague as often as they want. A few things to keep in mind BC may have said look to Jesus but his actions did not. We need to have discernment these days otherwise many shall be deceived. As an attendee of Calvary FTL I disagree. In 1968, he moved to California building hot rods by day and working as a machinist at Disneyland during the night. Blessings and peace to you as well, Dusters. Silence. What if Sharon doesnt come in the postoperative period? He threw away everything, his family, his vows, his integrity, his reputation is forever damaged..why??? Way to take it out pf context monk. If this is untrue or these are unlawfully exaggerated claims the. Charles Ward SmithJune 25, 1927 Ventura, California, U.S. October 3, 2013 (aged 86) Newport Beach, California, U.S. My heart is with his family and that congregation. I think he (Stanley) was the first to do this. Evidently the vast reach doesnt include responsibility to inform all those reached. "Religious leaders have a tremendous amount of power over their flock," says Scott Thumma, a professor of sociology of religion at Hartford Seminary who has studied the Calvary movement. If it comforts you to think otherwise, thats not my problem. These are well documented facts. So youre saying youve never viewed porn in all the time youve been married? 18 But what does it matter? Our relationships with Jesus need to matter more than getting up in front of a crowd does. I love this while trying to mock me Flynn said I myself am a disciple of Jesus, so read what he said not what Luther said:. Better perforate your Bibles if that is so. or fornication? Deal with it and may your curse not come back on you. Its interesting that it was Jesus who made it personal when in essence he said; you can condemn this woman if youve never sinned, I think specially the men need to search their hearts and ask, have I ever committed adultery, whether the actual act or lusting in my heart, have I ever viewed pornography, the scriptures say to the young man, flee youthful lusts The sexual desire is stronger in our youth, so if youre a man whos 65-70 years old, you probably wont have a problem or temptation in this area, your problem might be with pride, or something else, If youre a woman you probably cant relate to someone who has a problem with pornography, since men are visual creatures and women are feeling oriented, thus a womans problem might be more with gossip or romantic fantasies like they portray in these Harlequin novels, and no wonder these pastors are so idealized especially by women. Looks like Lucifer is starting to write in now. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. so they never addressed the dress of the women. RB, LOL. Yes, all the more evidence that men are still sinners after they are savedthere is no transformationmen still sin in the same or different areas as before they were saved. You may buy the old line well we were just standing there and our clothes fell off I dont. I have been stating 61 million. When he made them laugh he had them. The senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale's resignation comes amid reports of an affair scandal and admitting tocheatingon his wife, Diane Coy. The youth pastor was set up to be the fall guy. I just came across this blog and it appears to be hosted by a CCFL attendee. And yes I have seen it all and have the scoop. The guilty person must be reprimanded publicly to generate remorse that may lead to his repentance. Let the body of Christ refuse to sever a member. Anonymous 542 Proverbs 26:11 As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his foolishness. not Does because and yes a dog does. How is asking for prayer casting a stone about something for which he has admitted? Thats worse than not knowing you are doing wrong. 30 Being therefore a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him that he would set one of his descendants on his throne, 31 he foresaw and spoke about the resurrection of the Christ, that he was not abandoned to Hades, nor did his flesh see corruption. You mean like Jesus was a bull in a china shop and came in and turned over the money changers and made a whip and judged that which did not belong in the house of God, just like these false doctrines that contradict Gods word, do not belong in the church of God, dead doctrines that reveal themselves in the festering fruit, Ive been to these reformed churches Calvanist churches, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Reformed Episcopalian, etc, and for the most part are stiff with doctrinal rigor mortis, so its readily apparent why Satan has injected these doctrines early on into the church, as you see the ineffectual fruit if produces. BD, how can you say youre not a Calvinist and yet stand idly by while they pervert the scriptures and negate the truth and promises of God, sounds like youve been brainwashed by 600 years of lies! Oh did I spoil your little party, are your dirty little garments full of ulterior motives showing as you point your self righteous little finger at others and relish in their fall! Diamond Donny How many people did Coy or Calvary go after that left the church.Coy never did he didn;t care. Im not accusing, Im reporting. "That changes today. We all fall short of the Kingdom and I was just feeling very deeply convicted this morning about how I fail God. In every church there were false teachings, traditions of men, worldly compromise, hypocrisy in the leadership and pastors who justified everything. The sin that I spoke about happened 24 years ago, but the hurt caused is still fresh in my heart. Aka Danny Damond. I already annihilated your baptism is required to receive the Spirit thing yesterday, with the house of Cornelius getting the Spirit before baptism. Some have suggested there are others on CCs staff who are guilty of similar secret sins. Ill go first. Coys church is listed by Outreach magazine as the 14th largest church in the U.S., and one of the fastest growing.